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West-Ward Pharmaceuticals

West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
401 Industrial Way West
New Jersey 07724-2206
Phone: (732) 542-1191Website:

Drugs Associated with West-Ward Pharmaceuticals

West-Ward Pharmaceuticals manufactures, markets and/or distributes more than 112 drugs in the United States. Medications listed here may also be marketed under different names in different countries. Non-US country and region specific information is not available on this page.

Brand/Generic Name Reviews Rating
abiraterone Generic
Drug class: miscellaneous antineoplastics
38 reviews 8.1 / 10
acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine Generic
Drug class: analgesic combinations
244 reviews 8.8 / 10
acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine/codeine Generic
Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations
26 reviews 9.3 / 10
acetazolamide Generic
Drug class: carbonic anhydrase inhibitor anticonvulsants, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
173 reviews 6.3 / 10
adenosine Generic
Drug class: cardiac stressing agents, group V antiarrhythmics
35 reviews 7.4 / 10
allopurinol Generic
Drug class: antigout agents, antihyperuricemic agents
78 reviews 7.4 / 10
amifostine Generic
Drug class: antineoplastic detoxifying agents
amikacin Generic
Drug class: aminoglycosides
5 reviews 4.2 / 10
amiodarone Generic
Drug class: group III antiarrhythmics
86 reviews 4.7 / 10
amoxicillin Generic
Drug class: aminopenicillins
328 reviews 6.3 / 10
amoxicillin/clavulanate Generic
Drug class: beta-lactamase inhibitors
828 reviews 5.3 / 10
ampicillin/sulbactam Generic
Drug class: beta-lactamase inhibitors
3 reviews 5.7 / 10
argatroban Generic
Drug class: thrombin inhibitors
Generic name: lorazepam
Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, miscellaneous antiemetics
440 reviews 8.1 / 10
atropine Generic
Drug class: anticholinergic chronotropic agents, anticholinergics/antispasmodics, antidotes
1 review 3.0 / 10
azathioprine Generic
Drug class: antirheumatics, other immunosuppressants
120 reviews 6.1 / 10
benztropine Generic
Drug class: anticholinergic antiparkinson agents
34 reviews 6.6 / 10
bosentan Generic
Drug class: agents for pulmonary hypertension
5 reviews 8.6 / 10
bumetanide Generic
Drug class: loop diuretics
16 reviews 7.1 / 10
Generic name: caffeine
Drug class: CNS stimulants
capecitabine Generic
Drug class: antimetabolites
53 reviews 6.5 / 10
captopril Generic
Drug class: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
5 reviews 7.4 / 10
cefaclor Generic
Drug class: second generation cephalosporins
2 reviews 8.0 / 10
cefadroxil Generic
Drug class: first generation cephalosporins
4 reviews 9.8 / 10
cefazolin Generic
Drug class: first generation cephalosporins
5 reviews 5.6 / 10
cefotaxime Generic
Drug class: third generation cephalosporins
1 review 10 / 10
cefoxitin Generic
Drug class: second generation cephalosporins
ceftriaxone Generic
Drug class: third generation cephalosporins
153 reviews 8.6 / 10
cefuroxime Generic
Drug class: second generation cephalosporins
141 reviews 6.5 / 10
cephalexin Generic
Drug class: first generation cephalosporins
463 reviews 6.4 / 10
chloroquine Generic
Drug class: amebicides, antimalarial quinolines
2 reviews 10 / 10
chlorpromazine Generic
Drug class: phenothiazine antiemetics, phenothiazine antipsychotics
65 reviews 7.0 / 10
ciprofloxacin Generic
Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
863 reviews 5.0 / 10
clobazam Generic
Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines
36 reviews 6.1 / 10
clonidine Generic
Drug class: antiadrenergic agents, centrally acting
696 reviews 7.2 / 10
colchicine Generic
Drug class: antigout agents
96 reviews 7.3 / 10
cortisone Generic
Drug class: glucocorticoids
6 reviews 7.3 / 10
cyanocobalamin Generic
Drug class: vitamins
28 reviews 8.6 / 10
dalfampridine Generic
Drug class: miscellaneous central nervous system agents
77 reviews 7.8 / 10
desvenlafaxine Generic
Drug class: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
1267 reviews 6.9 / 10
dexamethasone Generic
Drug class: glucocorticoids
146 reviews 5.9 / 10
digoxin Generic
Drug class: group V antiarrhythmics, inotropic agents
17 reviews 5.8 / 10
diltiazem Generic
Drug class: calcium channel blockers, group IV antiarrhythmics
169 reviews 6.0 / 10
diphenhydramine Generic
Drug class: anticholinergic antiemetics, anticholinergic antiparkinson agents, antihistamines, miscellaneous anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics
489 reviews 5.5 / 10
dipyridamole Generic
Drug class: cardiac stressing agents, platelet aggregation inhibitors
1 review 1.0 / 10
doxapram Generic
Drug class: CNS stimulants
doxycycline Generic
Drug class: miscellaneous antimalarials, tetracyclines
1499 reviews 6.4 / 10
enalaprilat Generic
Drug class: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
ethacrynic acid Generic
Drug class: loop diuretics
1 review 8.0 / 10
etomidate Generic
Drug class: general anesthetics
1 review 10 / 10
everolimus Generic
Drug class: mTOR inhibitors, selective immunosuppressants
26 reviews 5.6 / 10
famotidine Generic
Drug class: H2 antagonists
160 reviews 4.3 / 10
fentanyl Generic
Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
406 reviews 7.9 / 10
fluconazole Generic
Drug class: azole antifungals
487 reviews 6.4 / 10
flucytosine Generic
Drug class: miscellaneous antifungals
flumazenil Generic
Drug class: antidotes
fosphenytoin Generic
Drug class: hydantoin anticonvulsants
gabapentin Generic
Drug class: gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs
2364 reviews 7.1 / 10
glyburide Generic
Drug class: sulfonylureas
9 reviews 7.2 / 10
glycopyrrolate Generic
Drug class: anticholinergic bronchodilators, anticholinergics/antispasmodics
16 reviews 8.8 / 10
granisetron Generic
Drug class: 5HT3 receptor antagonists
19 reviews 6.8 / 10
Heparin Sodium
Generic name: heparin
Drug class: heparins
hydrochlorothiazide/irbesartan Generic
Drug class: angiotensin II inhibitors with thiazides
6 reviews 9.3 / 10
hydrochlorothiazide/lisinopril Generic
Drug class: ACE inhibitors with thiazides
67 reviews 5.4 / 10
hydrochlorothiazide/telmisartan Generic
Drug class: angiotensin II inhibitors with thiazides
16 reviews 7.1 / 10
hydrocortisone Generic
Drug class: glucocorticoids
24 reviews 7.6 / 10
hydromorphone Generic
Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
426 reviews 8.0 / 10
imatinib Generic
Drug class: BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors
42 reviews 8.9 / 10
irinotecan Generic
Drug class: miscellaneous antineoplastics
2 reviews 3.0 / 10
isosorbide dinitrate Generic
Drug class: antianginal agents
7 reviews 4.3 / 10
isosorbide mononitrate Generic
Drug class: antianginal agents
89 reviews 5.3 / 10
labetalol Generic
Drug class: non-cardioselective beta blockers
25 reviews 6.0 / 10
leucovorin Generic
Drug class: antidotes
levetiracetam Generic
Drug class: pyrrolidine anticonvulsants
397 reviews 5.8 / 10
levofloxacin Generic
Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
669 reviews 5.1 / 10
levoleucovorin Generic
Drug class: antidotes
lisinopril Generic
Drug class: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
567 reviews 5.0 / 10
lithium Generic
Drug class: antimanic agents
453 reviews 7.3 / 10
lorazepam Generic
Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, miscellaneous antiemetics
962 reviews 8.0 / 10
meperidine Generic
Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
92 reviews 9.4 / 10
methamphetamine Generic
Drug class: anorexiants, CNS stimulants
68 reviews 9.0 / 10
methocarbamol Generic
Drug class: skeletal muscle relaxants
259 reviews 6.3 / 10
metoprolol Generic
Drug class: cardioselective beta blockers
596 reviews 5.8 / 10
Metoprolol Tartrate
Generic name: metoprolol
Drug class: cardioselective beta blockers
42 reviews 5.0 / 10
midazolam Generic
Drug class: benzodiazepines
136 reviews 4.3 / 10
milrinone Generic
Drug class: inotropic agents
4 reviews 9.8 / 10
montelukast Generic
Drug class: leukotriene modifiers
527 reviews 5.5 / 10
morphine Generic
Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
336 reviews 7.5 / 10
naloxone Generic
Drug class: antidotes
24 reviews 7.9 / 10
naproxen Generic
Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
633 reviews 6.9 / 10
nicardipine Generic
Drug class: calcium channel blockers
ondansetron Generic
Drug class: 5HT3 receptor antagonists
471 reviews 7.8 / 10
paricalcitol Generic
Drug class: vitamins
phenobarbital Generic
Drug class: barbiturate anticonvulsants, barbiturates
34 reviews 9.3 / 10
phentolamine Generic
Drug class: miscellaneous cardiovascular agents
phenylephrine Generic
Drug class: decongestants, vasopressors
19 reviews 6.3 / 10
phenytoin Generic
Drug class: group I antiarrhythmics, hydantoin anticonvulsants
92 reviews 7.5 / 10
piroxicam Generic
Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
22 reviews 7.7 / 10
prednisone Generic
Drug class: glucocorticoids
785 reviews 7.6 / 10
prochlorperazine Generic
Drug class: phenothiazine antiemetics, phenothiazine antipsychotics
417 reviews 3.0 / 10
progesterone Generic
Drug class: progestins
71 reviews 6.5 / 10
promethazine Generic
Drug class: antihistamines, phenothiazine antiemetics
361 reviews 7.3 / 10
propranolol Generic
Drug class: group II antiarrhythmics, non-cardioselective beta blockers
1270 reviews 8.2 / 10
sodium chloride Generic
Drug class: minerals and electrolytes, miscellaneous respiratory agents
3 reviews 7.3 / 10
sodium ferric gluconate complex Generic
Drug class: iron products
2 reviews 3.0 / 10
sufentanil Generic
Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
sumatriptan Generic
Drug class: antimigraine agents
530 reviews 7.7 / 10
terbutaline Generic
Drug class: adrenergic bronchodilators, tocolytic agents
14 reviews 4.3 / 10
testosterone Generic
Drug class: androgens and anabolic steroids
491 reviews 7.2 / 10
thiotepa Generic
Drug class: alkylating agents
topotecan Generic
Drug class: miscellaneous antineoplastics
Valproate Sodium
Generic name: valproic acid
3 reviews 3.7 / 10
For ratings, users were asked how effective they found the medicine while considering positive/adverse effects and ease of use (1 = not effective, 10 = most effective).

Discontinued Drugs

Brand/Generic Name Reviews Rating
Generic name: doxorubicin
Drug class: antibiotics/antineoplastics
4 reviews 5.8 / 10
Generic name: glycopyrrolate
Drug class: anticholinergics/antispasmodics
For ratings, users were asked how effective they found the medicine while considering positive/adverse effects and ease of use (1 = not effective, 10 = most effective).