Prednisone User Reviews & Ratings
Brand names: Rayos
Prednisone has an average rating of 7.6 out of 10 from a total of 820 reviews on 70% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 17% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Prednisone
- Tez...
- March 11, 2020
For Skin Rash "I've done the Prednisone treatment for severe poison ivy twice in my life, around 30 years ago and right now. In both instances, the rashes and blistering were severe, and my skin was screaming for relief from the itching. Both times, the Prednisone effect took up to 6 hours to become noticeable, but once that started, the relief became incremental, albeit slowly. The rashes and blisters started to slowly dry after 12 hours or so, with the redness and swelling becoming noticeably less after 18 hours. Any sort of warmth on my arms (where the contact occurred) for another couple of days seemed to bring back the redness and worsen the itching, but holding them under cold tap water for a while would stop that. After the 3rd dose (72 hours), I didn't even think about the rashes and blisters nor the itching, and the tough part was reminding myself to finish out the dosage. The dosage per day (mg) was: 40-40-40, 30-30-30, 20-20-20, 10-10-10 (12 days)"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 3, 2012
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in January of 2012. I tried several medications prescribed by my doctor, but nothing helped. I got to where I couldn't even get out of bed, couldn't even turn a doorknob, so I was a prisoner in my own house. I started taking Prednisone three weeks ago and feel like a new person, no pain at all anywhere. I don't care about any side effects, just being able to live normally again is worth it to me. For now, it has changed my life for the better."
Frequently asked questions
- What is considered a high dose of prednisone?
- Is it OK to drink alcohol with Prednisone?
- What's a good prednisone taper schedule?
- How long can you take prednisone safely?
- Ms ...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 11, 2017
For Inflammatory Conditions "I suffered with sciatic nerve pain for two weeks. It hurt to sit or lay down. The doctor ordered muscle relaxers, which made me very drowsy and I slept 14 hours at a time. I was starting to consider surgery when my primary doctor became unavailable, his replacement immediately ordered Prednisone. By the end of the first day, the pain started to subside. By the end of the third day, it was completely gone. I continued to take the meds as prescribed until finished. I would recommend this product to anyone. My blood pressure was elevated, due to the pain, and I believe Prednisone saved my life."
- Dai...
- January 24, 2020
For Fibromyalgia "I have been on prednisone for many years. I was bedridden, and friends had to do everything for me. After trying a low dose, the improvement was very quick. However, over the years, I have gradually had to increase the dose to be able to function after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Hashimoto's. I am presently on 10 mg per day, and sometimes when I've got a virus or have overdone things, I increase to 12 or 15, but try and return to 10 mg ASAP. My rheumatologist has said to try and reduce to 7 and a half mg. I am not overweight. And as far as I can tell, I have not 'suffered' from taking prednisone. I do have osteoporosis, but I've had that for many years and I believe that started because I had undiagnosed Coeliac disease and thyroid issues which can cause that. I eat a very healthy low sugar/carb diet. I still struggle with energy and pain but try to pace myself to cope with life. I hope this helps someone."
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- July 30, 2016
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been on low dose prednisone for 32 years. My RA started 2 years before Methotrexate, and I was totally disabled for 2 years until I got in on clinical trials of MTX. The prednisone helped me get through flare-ups and bad times. I would increase the dosage for a couple of days to ease the pain. Now I take 5mg a day every day to maintain myself. Now I am on disability due to my hands, which are severely deformed. When you have experienced the effects of severe crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis, the pain of not being able to function at any level, you will do anything to relieve that pain."
- 39w...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 24, 2019
For Inflammatory Conditions "For the last 6 years, I have had issues with my back going out to the point I could not walk. Protocol was to get a prescription of Flexeril and sleep for three days, still hunched over in pain. This time at the local orthopedic urgent care, the doctor asked if I had ever had a steroid in conjunction with Flexeril. I said no. Took it immediately, and the next morning I was 80% better. I did some stretches, and the following day, no pain. I could walk straight, and I am now on day 3 pain-free. This NEVER happens when my back goes out. It is usually a week-long struggle. Miracle drug."
More FAQ
- Prednisone: What are 12 Things You Should Know?
- How long does it take for prednisone to work?
- Do I take all 6 prednisone pills at once on the first day?
- How long does prednisone stay in your system?
- It...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 26, 2014
For Inflammatory Conditions "I'd heard terrible things about prednisone and elected to not take it when it was prescribed last year for a running injury. I injured my back last week and could not move without shooting pain. I was prescribed 60mg of prednisone for 5 days as well as a muscle relaxer and hydrocodone. I was very apprehensive because I'm prone to anxiety attacks and had heard that prednisone can make you anxious. I was in enough pain I was willing to try anything and in the five days I took the prednisone I had zero side effects. None. I wasn't hungry all of the time, or emotional, or anxious. And, I felt great after two days and stopped taking the muscle relaxers and pain medication."
- Vag...
- December 22, 2019
For Skin Rash "I was prescribed 50mg Prednisone once a day very early in the morning for 5 days. My rash was severe. After day 2, I noticed a difference, and the rash... after day 5... is just visible under my skin. I had no side effects. Slept fine. Ate fine. Was not super thirsty. No stomach problems. I feel like I have been saved!"
- KTa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 6, 2020
For Sinusitis "I've had chronic sinus infections for years. I've been on hundreds of antibiotics, been to multiple ENTs, and done allergy testing. When my sinuses get really bad, I get an antibiotic and prednisone. Though the side effects can be tough, it makes my nose feel 100 times better 100 times quicker. On prednisone, I get heart palpitations and bursts of energy. Some nights I wake up sweaty with bad dreams, others to stuff my face with food. I usually only take it for 3-7 days, and then I'm good, but boy is it worth it. It kicks the sinus infection out so much faster and stronger than just an antibiotic."
- Tri...
- November 23, 2019
For Fibromyalgia "I've had fibromyalgia for 26 years. It started when a chiropractor damaged my spine and perhaps an important nerve. I got laughed at, dismissed, and ridiculed by doctors, which worsened the problem so it has been a living hell. I begged my doctor to let me try steroids, she said no. Then a year later, she said she would give me a trial. She offered me 10 mg per day. I said no, 5 mg of prednisolone will do! I now have 9 pain-free hours per day, a lot less pain in the rest of the hours, it's miraculous. I'm relaxed, less bothered about stuff. I take it early in the morning, no problem sleeping. I have got my life back. No misery, just pain-free ability. I'm upset I wasn't offered this before, as fibromyalgia has robbed me of half my life. I was living in absolute agony all over my body. So far, so good. Even if my doctor won't let me continue on the trial, I will find them somewhere else. Take care."
- tez...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 2, 2019
For Eczema "I am 55 and have used prednisone 4 times now, some of the doses were for approx 3 weeks and weaning off on a low amount taking every other day towards the end. Each time it has worked wonders and my skin managed to stay clear for some time. I had no side effects. This week my skin was so bad, itchy puffy eyes, arms so uncomfortable I could hardly type at work, and severely affecting my sleeping. I have been prescribed with 3 days of 30mg as a short, sharp dose. Within hours I felt better and my skin is clearing up, feeling and looking better. This is a shorter dose than my previous times and no weaning off time but maybe that's because it's only 3 days. I think it's marvelous and such a revelation to feel 'normal'. No one can understand how eczema feels unless they have it."
- Sli...
- February 22, 2019
For Inflammatory Conditions "Have a herniated disc. Took me over 30 minutes to get out of bed two days in a row. Was in a tremendous amount of pain. Within 12 hours of taking Prednisone, I noticed a huge difference in my pain threshold. It went from 9 (scale 1 to 10) to 4 the first day. Now on day 4, I’m at a 1."
- FjC...
- January 15, 2017
For COPD "Have been given Prednisone for severe back pain but was recently given 20mg dose for my COPD. I'm like a new man since taking it. The Dr. wanted me to stop taking it after a few months but there were side effects. I'm 68 years old and except for the COPD not in bad shape. I really don't understand why people my age who can have a much higher quality of life with a fairly mild medication as this are constantly being asked to stop taking it. I thought physicians took an oath to do no harm. This medication helps me breathe and I've grown very fond of it... Breathing, that is..."
- bek...
- January 6, 2017
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I am in my 60s, and the pain in shoulders, hips, hands, and knees was so invasive, I had problems sleeping and getting out of bed in the morning. After some research (I was originally diagnosed with arthritis), I found my symptoms matched the condition of Polymyalgia Rheumatica exactly. My physician accommodated me with a 20 mg prescription for prednisone. After two doses, my months-long battle with pain was completely over. I literally felt as if I'd been born again in the physical sense. For me, this medication was miraculous. Fortunately, I have not suffered any of the side effects such as swelling, etc. Tapering off the medication, I've found that 5 mg is my threshold dose. Under that, the symptoms come back."
- Wor...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 3, 2014
For Inflammatory Conditions "Prednisone really surprised me as a miracle for severe pain. Previously I only knew about opiate painkillers. Reason: I suddenly couldn't walk or stand on one foot - severe throbbing pain. Hastily diagnosed as plantar fasciitis, but I didn't respond to the NSAID prescribed. Went to get a second opinion, as I'm convinced I've got a fracture. Anyhow, after *stressing* how severe my pain was, the second doctor gave me prednisone, oral tablets. My god, it's a miracle. I can walk again. And I feel like a million bucks to boot (euphoric side effect?). I can still feel the pain slightly, but somehow the prednisone has got me to where I don't mind walking on it. I never knew that prednisone was a miracle severe pain-killer, but I know it now."
- Kim...
- March 19, 2019
For Asthma "I am shocked at all of these negative reviews. I’ve taken prednisone on and off for several years (short durations) when my asthma flares up. I have allergy-induced asthma, so it’s every spring and recently I’ve acquired fall allergies within the last two years. IT WORKS WONDERS. It cures my tight chest, wheezing, and cough like no other. I’ve never had any side effects from Prednisone, and it doesn’t make me jittery or anything. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Love the stuff, just got some today and excited to finally be able to breathe and sleep!"
- sti...
- June 9, 2011
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I am 77 and have taken prednisone since I was 28. When first diagnosed, I was told to take 10 aspirin in the morning and 10 in the evening. It was really tough going with many serious side effects. Later, I was prescribed prednisone, and I knew it was a miracle medicine for me. I could hold an egg without dropping it and walk without extreme pain. Now, I am on 5mg prednisone with Methotrexate and Remicade. I am so happy to have quality of life with quantity due to the wisdom of the rheumatologist!"
- Bel...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 12, 2019
For Allergic Reactions "Had an allergic reaction to a hair conditioner; redness, itchy rashes, and swelling started on my ears, then neck, and face. I tried 3 types of antihistamines for about 4 days and it was only getting worse. Then my doctor prescribed prednisone 50 mg once a day for 5 days. I was so concerned about the side effects that I read in the reviews, but I was desperate and decided to start the treatment. Within 20 minutes after taking the first pill, my skin wasn't as itchy, and it stopped spreading on my arms. On the 2nd day, my face improved a lot, and by the 3rd day, the rashes were gone! I am very thankful for this medication and happy to report there were no side effects for me whatsoever! Hope that helps!"
- Kan...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- May 12, 2016
For Inflammatory Conditions "I have terrible leg pain/neuropathy as I am pre-diabetic. I discovered accidentally that a low dose of prednisone erased the pain completely and gave my ability to walk back. My doctor was concerned about the long-term side effects - 5 mg a day - so wanted me to try Celebrex instead. What a disaster. Terrible stomach and back pain. My inflammation and severe pain came back with a vengeance. Back on prednisone. For all the naysayers - this drug gave me my life back. I am dedicated to losing weight so the pre-diabetes issue goes away - and I can get off of Prednisone. This drug gave me my life back. Sounds like the high dosage given to patients on this site caused major unpleasant side effects - my low dosage did not result in any negative effects."
- Td3...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 8, 2017
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with RA. I was in crippling pain. I started on 20 mg a day until flares got under control. I now take Plaquenil and 5 mg prednisone and feel like a human again, and my rheumy wants me off the prednisone. I don't get it, a patient feels great, why take the relief away... small things in life make me happy... walking, working, and getting out of bed on my own. I think it is a miracle drug."
- Hoc...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 11, 2012
For Fibromyalgia "I suffer from chronic persistent fibromyalgia. My life has been consumed with pain for 3 years. My doctors and I have tried Cymbalta, Lyrica, Savella, many pain medicines at many different dosages, muscle relaxers, Valium. I could go on and on with the list of medicines we've tried just to give me some quality of life. Well, last week my doctor wrote me a prescription for prednisone for an upper respiratory infection I've been battling. I am here to tell you that I am on a treadmill now, I feel pain at maybe a 3, which for me, a normal day was 6-10. I can handle a silly little 3. I'm not saying this may be a permanent answer, I guess when I go back in a month I will discuss it. But even for a respite, I highly recommend it!"
- Anonymous
- September 16, 2012
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "My body was so racked with pain. I could hardly move in the morning. Brushing my teeth and combing my hair were major and painful chores. After 4 days on prednisone, I am almost pain-free. I do experience side effects of insomnia and diarrhea but it is worth it to be mobile again!"
- Cre...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 29, 2021
For Gouty Arthritis "Been having gout for the last 3 weeks in my knee/ankle with colchicine and indo just holding it at bay, finally had enough went to the doctor and got a 3-day regimen of prednisone 50mg the first day and almost all pain gone. I could walk the next morning unaided, nearly forgot what it felt like. Do yourself a favor and give it a try next time you have an acute attack."
- Nit...
- August 30, 2016
For Fibromyalgia "Every time I take it I feel like the me before Fibro. I was diagnosed 3 years ago. I have had prednisone maybe 5 times now but only for a few weeks. My primary doctor won't give it to me long term due to many risks. So in Dec., when I see my RA doctor, I am asking for it long term. The benefits outweigh the risks. I have three kids and a 'possible' early death and bad side effects are minor compared to my kids not having a fully functioning mommy now. They are too little for me to be bedridden or having these horrible flares and missing their T-ball games. I want them to have good memories of me, not memories of me being sick."
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- Drug class: glucocorticoids
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Other brands
Deltasone, Sterapred, Rayos, Sterapred DS, Prednicot
For Inflammatory Conditions "Have been on prednisone for almost 3 years. To me, it is a miracle drug for the many conditions (knee osteoarthritis, allergic bronchitis (COVID) breathing problems), possible adrenal gland insufficiency, prostate enlargement, and intestinal bowel syndrome, I have had. I have had to go to an out-of-country pharmacy as most doctors will not use it in the long term. I have experimented with dosage, frequency, etc. Have tapered off several times just to have my quality of life lessen and pain recurring. Currently on 20 mg a day as this dosage is 'ideal' for my conditions. I am fully aware of the side effects, dangers, weight gain, sleeplessness, reduced bone density, adrenal gland atrophy, etc., but life is a risk, and I would rather have a quality of life better than just surviving."