Natural Product Information (Professional)
The Natural Product Information (Professional) database is a comprehensive source of information on traditional and/or conventional uses of natural products. A basic overview of each product is provided (including dosages, possible drug interactions, side effects and contraindications) along with safety and/or efficacy ratings.
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- Acacia Gum
- Acai
- Acerola
- Ackee
- Aconite
- African Basil
- African Mango
- African Mint
- Agrimony
- Aletris
- Alfalfa
- Alkanna Root
- Allspice
- Almond/Almond Oil
- Aloe
- Alpha-Lipoic Acid
- Amazonian Basil
- Ambrette
- Andrachne
- Andrographis
- Angelica
- Anise
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Apples
- Apricot
- Argania
- Arnica
- Artichoke
- Asafetida
- Asafoetida
- Ashwagandha
- Asparagus
- Astragalus
- Autumn Crocus
- Avocado
- Avocado / Soybean Unsaponifiables
- Bacillus Clausii
- Baical Skullcap
- Banaba
- Barberry
- Barley
- Barley Grass
- Bayberry
- Bee Venom
- Beetroot
- Bergamot Juice
- Bergamot Oil
- Beta Glucans
- Beta-Sitosterol
- Betel Nut
- Bethroot
- Betony
- Bilberry
- Biotin
- Bishop's Weed
- Bitter Melon
- Bitter Orange
- Bittersweet Nightshade
- Black Cohosh
- Black Currant
- Black Haw
- Black Walnut
- Bladderwrack
- Blessed Thistle
- Bloodroot
- Blue Cohosh
- Boldo
- Boneset
- Borage
- Boron
- Bovine Colostrum
- Brahmi
- Brewer's Yeast
- Broccoli
- Broom
- Buchu
- Bugleweed
- Bupleurum
- Bur Marigold
- Burdock
- Butcher's Broom
- Butterbur
- Calabar Bean
- Calamus
- Calanolide A
- Calendula
- Cannabidiol
- Capers
- Capsicum Peppers
- Carrot Oil
- Cascara
- Castor
- Cat's Claw
- Catnip
- Caucasian Whortleberry
- Celery
- Centaury
- Chamomile
- Chaparral
- Charcoal
- Chaste Tree
- Chia
- Chicken Soup
- Chickweed
- Chicory
- Chinese Cucumber
- Chinese Foxglove
- Chinese Mugwort
- Chitosan
- Chondroitin
- Chromium
- Ciguatera
- Cinnamon
- Citicoline
- Citronella Oil
- Clematis
- Clove
- Cocoa
- Coconut Oil
- Coffee Senna
- Colloidal Silver
- Coltsfoot
- Comfrey
- Coral
- Cordyceps
- Corkwood Tree
- Corn Cockle
- Corosolic Acid
- Couch Grass
- Cramp Bark
- Cranberry
- Creatine
- Culver's Root
- Cumin
- Cytisine
- Damiana
- Dandelion
- Danshen
- Deer Velvet
- Dehydroepiandrosterone
- Devil's Claw
- Devil's Club
- Diacylglycerol Oil
- Dichroa Root
- Digitalis
- Diosmin
- Dolomite
- Dong Quai
- Dragon's Blood
- Du Zhong
- Echinacea
- Elderberry
- Elecampane
- Eleutherococcus
- Emblica
- Emodin
- Emu Oil
- Ephedra
- Ethyl-EPA
- Eucommia
- Eurycoma Longifolia
- Evening Primrose Oil
- Eyebright
- False Unicorn
- Fennel
- Fenugreek
- Feverfew
- Flax
- Fo-ti
- Forskolin
- Forsythia
- Frankincense, Indian
- Fruit Acids
- Fumitory
- Galangal
- Gamma Oryzanol
- Garcinia
- Garcinol
- Garlic
- Gelsemium
- Gentian
- Ginger
- Ginkgo biloba
- Ginseng
- Glucomannan
- Glucosamine
- Glutathione
- Goat's Rue
- Goji Berry
- Goldenseal
- Goshajinkigan
- Gossypol
- Gotu Kola
- Grape Juice
- Grape Seed
- Grapefruit
- Green Tea
- Guar Gum
- Guarana
- Guava
- Guayule
- Guggul
- Guinea Hen Weed
- Gymnema
- Hawthorn
- Hazel
- Hellebore
- Hibiscus
- Hoary Basil
- Holly
- Holy Basil
- Honey
- Hoodia
- Hops
- Horehound
- Horny Goat Weed
- Horse Chestnut
- Horseradish
- Horsetail
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
- Human Growth Hormone
- Huperzine A
- Hyssop
- L-arginine
- L-carnitine
- L-Theanine
- Labrador Tea
- Lady's Mantle
- Laminaria
- Larch
- Lathyrus
- Lavender
- Lecithin
- Leeches
- Lemon
- Lemon Balm
- Lemon Myrtle
- Lemon Verbena
- Lemongrass
- Lentinan
- Lettuce Opium
- Levant Berry
- Licorice
- Life Root
- Linden
- Lion's Mane Mushroom
- Lithium Orotate
- Lobelia
- Lorenzo's Oil
- Lovage
- Luffa
- Luo Han Guo
- Lutein
- Lycopene
- Lysine
- Maca
- Maggots
- Magnolia Bark Extract
- Maitake
- Male Fern
- Mallow
- Mallows
- Mangosteen
- Manuka
- Manuka Oil
- Maqui Berry
- Marijuana
- Maritime Pine
- Mastic
- Maté
- Mayapple
- Meadowsweet
- Melatonin
- Mesoglycan
- Methylcobalamin
- Methylsulfonylmethane
- Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
- Milk Thistle
- Mimosa
- Mistletoe
- Moringa
- Moroheiya Leaf
- Muira Puama
- Mullein
- Musk
- Musk Okra
- Mustard
- Myrrh
- Pantothenic Acid
- Papaya
- Parsley
- Parwal
- Pasque Flower
- Passion Flower
- Pawpaw
- Pectin
- Pelargonium
- Pennyroyal
- Peperomia pellucida
- Peppermint
- Perilla
- Periwinkle
- Peru Balsam
- Peyote
- Pine Bark Extract
- Pine Needle Oil
- Pineapple
- Pistachio
- Plantain
- Poinsettia
- Pointed Gourd
- Poison Ivy
- Pokeweed
- Policosanol
- Polypodium leucotomos
- Pomegranate
- Poppy
- Poria
- Potato
- Precatory Bean
- Prickly Pear
- Probiotics
- Progesterone
- Propolis
- Pueraria
- Pumpkin
- Purslane
- Pygeum
- Raspberry
- Red Bush Tea
- Red Clover
- Red Yeast Rice
- Reishi Mushroom
- Resveratrol
- Rhodiola Rosea
- Rhubarb
- Rooibos
- Rose Hips
- Rosemary
- Rue
- Sacred Lotus
- Safflower
- Saffron
- Sage
- Salvia divinorum
- SAMe
- Sandalwood Oil
- Sarsaparilla
- Sassafras
- Savory
- Saw Palmetto
- Sceletium Tortuosum
- Schisandra
- Scullcap
- Sea Buckthorn
- Seaweed
- Senega Root
- Senna
- Serrapeptase
- Sha Ren
- Shark Cartilage Extract
- Shark Derivatives
- Shark Liver Oil
- Shellac
- Slippery Elm
- Smokeless Tobacco
- Snakeroot
- Snow Lotus
- Soapwort
- Solomon's Seal
- Sour Cherry
- Soursop
- Soy
- Spinach
- Spirulina
- Squill
- St. John's Wort
- Star Fruit
- Stevia
- Storax
- Strawberry
- Superoxide Dismutase
- Sweet Basil
- Sweet Broomweed
- Sweet Potato
- Sweet Vernal Grass
- Sweet Wormwood
- Syrian Rue
- Taheebo
- Tamanu
- Tamanu Oil
- Tanning Tablets
- Tansy
- Taurine
- Tea Tree Oil
- Terminalia
- Thunder God Vine
- Thyme
- Tinospora
- Tolu Balsam
- Tonka Bean
- Tragacanth
- Trillium
- Turkey Tail
- Turmeric
- Turpentine
- Tyrosine
- White Cohosh
- White Mulberry
- Wild Asparagus
- Wild Yam
- Willard Water
- Willow Bark
- Wine
- Wintergreen
- Witch Hazel
- Woodruff, Sweet
- Wormwood