Aleve User Reviews & Ratings
Aleve has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 149 reviews on 62% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 25% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Back Pain | 35 reviews for Back Pain | 188 medications | |
Pain | 26 reviews for Pain | 1150 medications | |
Period Pain | 19 reviews for Period Pain | 85 medications | |
Gout, Acute | 13 reviews for Gout, Acute | 87 medications | |
Sciatica | 13 reviews for Sciatica | 282 medications | |
Headache | 11 reviews for Headache | 224 medications | |
Osteoarthritis | 8 reviews for Osteoarthritis | 368 medications | |
Rheumatoid Arthritis | 8 reviews for Rheumatoid Arthritis | 375 medications | |
Tendonitis | 5 reviews for Tendonitis | 35 medications | |
Ankylosing Spondylitis | 4 reviews for Ankylosing Spondylitis | 153 medications | |
Costochondritis | 3 reviews for Costochondritis | 41 medications | |
Frozen Shoulder | 2 reviews for Frozen Shoulder | 57 medications | |
Muscle Pain | 2 reviews for Muscle Pain | 390 medications |
Reviews for Aleve
- Mai...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 30, 2014
For Sciatica "Unbelievable! After suffering every day with sciatic nerve pain, losing sleep, falling into depression, I tried one pill, Aleve. Nothing else I tried worked. Aleve did exactly what my body needed to get relief from pain and inflammation. I didn't want a narcotic, no. I will continue to take Aleve for a week to be sure that all traces of sciatica and inflammation are completely gone."
- Dai...
- October 7, 2013
For Sciatica "Unbelievable searing pain down the right side of my right leg always first thing in the morning after getting out of bed. I quickly take two Aleve with a glass of milk and wait for the pain to subside, which usually takes about forty five minutes. I am then fine for the rest of the day. I also do yoga exercises later in the day, which helps."
Frequently asked questions
- Aleve vs Ibuprofen: What's the difference?
- Can I take Meloxicam and Aleve or Tylenol together?
- Aleve vs Advil: What's the difference?
- What is Apronax called in the USA?
- im ...
- May 23, 2013
For Gout, Acute "I suffer from gout in my feet periodically because I do not take preventative medicines. My last bout, I tried Tylenol extra strength first and got no relief. I switched to Aleve gel caps and immediately felt the pain decrease. I am a believer and also an Aleve user, thanks a lot."
- Anonymous
- June 12, 2010
For Osteoarthritis "My hip and shoulder have hurt for years and I have always taken Bayer aspirin, and I tried Aleve arthritis gelcap. To my surprise, the pain in my hip and shoulder went away for 8 hours. The only thing I don't know is how long I could take the stuff, the bottle said do not take for longer than 10 days. The warning label about it could cause a stroke or heart attack did raise questions."
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- September 26, 2016
For Back Pain "Two days ago, I was getting out of my car. I slipped on the gravel, twisting and slipping the lower discs in my back. For two days, I haven't been able to move without excruciating pain. I have been crying for two days. I've taken Advil, Tylenol, Motrin, and muscle relaxers. Just a few hours ago, my friend comes over, hands me two Aleve and some warm water. Within 30 minutes, I'm not lying, the pain is gone. Thank you, Aleve, I promise to pass the word of your greatness."
- Dra...
- May 20, 2014
For Gout, Acute "I don't even go to the foot doctor to refill my gout medicine anymore. Those little green pills are effective but make me feel terrible. Aleve is a tremendously effective medicine for my big toe gout, and I DON'T have any side effects from it."
More FAQ
- Over the Counter Medication for Pets
- How do I treat a mild case of COVID-19 at home?
- Can you use Topical Medications to Treat Arthritis Pain?
- Can you Double up on Pain Killers?
- jad...
- August 29, 2009
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been using Aleve for about 6 months. This medicine helps relieve all my aches and pains. I'm 68 and working in the food industry. Although I experience severe body and joint pains on a daily basis, I take one Aleve on the days I work and can put in 4 to 6 hours pain-free. I have not suffered any side effects so far. So far, none of the other medicines I have tried have been as effective as Aleve."
- Nic...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 2, 2015
For Back Pain "Male - 33 years old. Excruciating pain in lower SI region of my back following an aggressive 30-mile bike ride and a few days of surfing. Woke up the next morning with shooting pain in low back, which progressed to shooting pains running down my glutes and referred pain to the hip flexor region. For two weeks, this was extremely painful and did not subside even with ice applications and finally chiropractic visits - 5 total and lots of Advil. Per the suggestion of my wife, I tried Aleve (2 pills for the first dose and 1 pill each dose after that). After 2 pills, I noticed a HUGE difference and significantly reduced pain as well as better range of motion as inflammation had gone down. I highly recommend it for anyone with back pain as it really helped me!"
- Yog...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 19, 2016
For Sciatica "I took 2 pills (220mg each) in the morning and it may take 1-2 hours before the pain is completely gone. I have sciatica on my right leg from the lower back down to the bottom of my feet. I experience tickling, numbness, and pain each morning. First thing I do is taking 2 pills immediately. I also practice yoga regularly... I'm so grateful to discover Aleve for sciatica! I will take it as long as my sciatica is here."
- Anonymous
- February 24, 2010
For Gout, Acute "Really worked for me. I had significant pain and inflammation of my big toe. Symptoms were getting worse until I took Aleve. Almost immediate (1/2 hr) relief from pain and within one day of use, the pain was gone, and by the 2nd day, the swelling was reduced."
- Lan...
- November 18, 2009
For Sciatica "A surgeon recommended that I have a procedure to deal with the effects of several ruptured discs in my lower back. I prefer to put off the surgery for as long as I can, and use Aleve on an almost daily basis. It works just fine for me, and I only have an incident about every 1.5 years, and usually because I overdo the yard work. When it gets very bad, I supplement with an antispasmodic drug for a few days."
- Smw...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 16, 2018
For Sciatica "I have been taking ibuprofen for years but only helped a little. I saw a commercial for Aleve and thought I would try. What a difference in my back pain and sciatica. It even took down the inflammation in my hands."
- Aga...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 11, 2012
For Back Pain "I bent over and suddenly experienced severe pain. With either a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle, I could barely make it to a nearby chair. I took 2 Aleve and applied an ice pack for the entire afternoon. Within 45 minutes, I could slowly walk, and I continued to take Aleve as recommended on the bottle. The next day I resumed my life as usual, and in 3 or 4 days, I no longer needed Aleve. Wow, better than a chiropractor."
- sis...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 9, 2018
For Sciatica "For several years, I took Bayer Back & Body for my chronic back/sciatica pain (2 tabs, 2x a day). I found very little relief. I recently started taking Aleve Back & Muscle Pain. This is my third day using Aleve Back & Muscle Pain. What a difference in just 3 days! I take 1 tab in the morning, and it lasts all day! The pain/burning sensation in my back/leg has reduced sufficiently. Thank you, Aleve!"
- Hon...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- May 8, 2021
For Period Pain "I've always had horrible period pain, which would ruin my day, and sometimes I couldn't eat because the pain was too much. Aleve has always been my go-to drug ever since I started my period at age 14. Once I pop 2 pills, within minutes, the pain is gone, and I feel so much better! Would recommend it to anyone!"
- Kri...
- November 27, 2015
For Back Pain "Female, 20 years old - I recently started a new job as a cashier. I started to experience pain after having to pick up heavy packs of water bottles and other heavy items. The pain was all in my lower back. I went to visit my chiropractor, and that would alleviate the pain until I went back to work. I would rate my pain on a scale from 1 to 10; a 7. It was a sharp, stabbing, pulling pain in my lower back, and it even hurt to take a deep breath. Today was the first day I took Aleve when I went to work, and my back pain was almost completely gone. I was able to move around without being uncomfortable. I am extremely satisfied with the results."
- Anonymous
- November 22, 2011
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I started taking Aleve for my arthritis in my hand, and the pain was gone. But after taking it for about 8 days, I noticed swelling in my feet, which was abnormal for me. I am 34 and in good health and have never had swollen feet. I then noticed the next day my feet and hands were swollen. I finally put 2 and 2 together and realized I was allergic to the Aleve. I stopped taking it and haven't had swelling since."
- Mik...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- May 6, 2013
For Back Pain "Ibuprofen bothers my stomach, so I tried Aleve/naproxen some years back, and as of this day, it works better than anything else, over the counter, that I have taken. It may not take away all the pain, but it takes that evil edge off so the pain becomes less likely to make me vomit. I take Aleve in the morning to prevent the pains and again when I do get the pains."
- Lee...
- October 8, 2018
For Osteoarthritis "2013/14 took 2 Aleve every a.m. for knees. I found myself feeling weak - like going to pass out. Went to primary next day. Checked blood count and did the rectal blood. Told my SO to get me to emergency now. Blood count 7 and needed transfusion. Had endoscopy. Released after 3 days - blood normal. Told to see gastro upon my release. Over the next week had colonoscopy, intestinal exam, and lastly capsule endoscopy - swallow a small capsule camera to film 8 hours going through my body. Dr. and I reviewed the results. Three places in intestines indicated bleeding - I could see them. He asked me food or meds I was taking - Aleve had caused the bleeding as it is an NSAID. I can't take any NSAID and nothing with aspirin in it or I may bleed. So now I basically live w/o taking anything for pain. ALEVE - Read the package - very small print - may cause BLEEDING."
- CLe...
- August 29, 2015
For Headache "Wow, has this changed my life. I was a longtime sufferer of migraines and headaches. Advil and Tylenol are like candy to me now and don't do a thing to relieve pain. Even heavy prescribed migraine drugs by my doctor did not work as much as Aleve does! It is simply, for my part, miraculous! It works 99.9% of the time. It works to prevent a headache when I feel it coming. It also works to break the headache or migraine when it is already ongoing and painful. And most of the time, a single pill works. I have to say I really hope my body doesn't become used to Aleve and therefore make it less effective. So far, after a little more than a year taking Aleve, it still is perfectly effective in my case. Don't hesitate to try!"
- Kga...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 4, 2019
For Pain "I have taken Aleve for several different pain conditions: knee pain, back pain, joint pain, headaches, and it does absolutely nothing. I get more pain relief from taking nothing! Sad! This medication is a waste of money."
- ken...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 23, 2019
For Back Pain "I have been taking Norco 5 mg a day for bad lower back pain, and of course, this really did remove all pain. But many countries don't have this drug, so my pharmacy said to try Aleve. I was so surprised that I still can't believe that it took 95% of my pain away. I travel with Aleve and won't have problems in bringing drugs into other countries."
- bet...
- August 12, 2011
For Period Pain "This medicine saved me. Starting about the age of 15, I began to experience menstrual cramps for the first time. It was the very worst pain I had ever felt at that time. Not content to only hurt in my lower abdomen, the pain radiated all the way down the front of my legs to my ankles. I couldn't sit still. All I could do was pace back and forth, crying. I couldn't find a single pain reliever that worked; we had the usual in the house: aspirin, ibuprofen, even Midol. Finally, my mother became so worried she took me to the doctor. I thought I was going to have to be on some kind of strong prescription medication. What does he do? He returns to the room with about 50 samples of Aleve, and it has been my miracle drug ever since."
- Run...
- October 30, 2011
For Back Pain "Two Aleve a day helped my back pain, but over time it affected my stomach. My gastroenterologist knew immediately what my problem was, and I've stopped Aleve entirely. I had almost a year of constant nausea and pain until I quit taking Aleve."
More about Aleve (naproxen)
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- Latest FDA alerts (8)
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- Dosage information
- During pregnancy
- Support group
- Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Breastfeeding
Patient resources
- Aleve drug information
- Aleve Easy Open Arthritis
- Aleve Liquid Gels
- Aleve Arthritis (Advanced Reading)
Other brands
Naprosyn, Anaprox, Anaprox-DS, Aleve Back and Muscle Pain, ... +5 more
Professional resources
Other brands
Naprosyn, Naprelan, All Day Pain Relief, All Day Relief
For Sciatica "When I have sciatica pain in my hip, I quickly eat something (protein bar often works), take two Aleve, then lay down on the floor and put my legs up on a chair. Sometimes I put an ice pack on the area as well, and I lay there for 10-20 minutes, and the pain almost always subsides. Then I make sure to stretch a bit so the pain doesn't return when the Aleve wears off. Aleve works GREAT when I'm in pain, but don't forget how vital it is to stretch and exercise also."