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Mucinex User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Mucinex has an average rating of 5.5 out of 10 from a total of 109 reviews on 55% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 34% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mucinex

  • Fibro...
  • March 20, 2014

For Fibromyalgia "I had a terrible experience with Mucinex. I followed the protocol for just over 1 month, hoping to feel some relief, but I felt really heavy, like I had a bad flu, and had worse pain. I think most people are experiencing relief, so give it a shot; it just didn't help me."

1 / 10
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48 Report
  • Hard2...
  • November 29, 2010

For Fibromyalgia "Wow! I am shocked to find out that Mucinex is giving people relief from fibromyalgia. How wonderful is that! I think the drug manufacturers should let this information be spread more than it is. I see this as a wonderful bit of information."

5 / 10
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59 Report
  • kamcam
  • May 31, 2011

For Fibromyalgia "I found tremendous relief during the past six months with Mucinex for fibromyalgia, however, I was wondering if any other person thought that the Mucinex also caused sensitivity to sugar. I also noticed that when I took the 1200 mg of 12-hour timed release Mucinex, I felt energetic, however, my joints were extremely painful. My shoulders and left knee were on fire, and my left leg was swollen. I reduced the dosage to 600 mg timed release. Now I feel okay, able to function without the extreme pain and swelling, the sensitivity to sugar is still there though. Also, I am premenopausal and was wondering if anyone thought that taking Mucinex made the symptoms worse. Overall, Mucinex works for me."

8 / 10
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57 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • November 7, 2011

For Cough "About an hour and a half after taking one Mucinex DM, I developed severe dizziness, drowsiness, bad intestinal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea that recurred over a period of 2 hours. It was the only medication in my system."

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54 Report
  • sutra...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 3, 2013

For Cough "Actually, I was using Mucinex to control a nagging nighttime cough. Although I had extreme pain in my ankles and legs EVERY SINGLE DAY, I never dreamed that Mucinex would have any effect in helping that. I took a dose of the Mucinex FastMax just before I went to bed, and WOW, no cough AND no leg pain at all that night, at last, I was pain-free! I know it had to be the Mucinex because absolutely nothing else had made a difference! I will keep some on hand to use from now on. I hope this helps someone else also. Thank you."

10 / 10
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44 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • HaleyR
  • October 28, 2015

For Cough "I swear by this stuff. (I'm talking about Mucinex's version of Theraflu, it's fairly new-maybe last year it was put on the shelves.) I have tried nearly every cold remedy in the history of the world, from teas to drugs to more wholesome remedies, but nothing has actually ever worked. This stuff actually reduces the duration of my colds and the severity of colds within the first day. Drink it in the morning and once before bed, and you should be golden in 2 days. I'm more of that summertime cold-getter, and it works like magic every time."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Mel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 20, 2020

For Bronchitis "I began a cough 4 weeks ago. Then the mucus started. Couldn't get it up. Pharmacy suggested Robitussin which worked ok, but still needed stronger meds. Dr. Put me on steriods and antibiotics. Still mucus choking me. Tried Musinex 600. Nothing. Made me worse. The coughing started and was horrible for about an hour. I stopped using Mucinex went back to Robitussin. This drug is not for everyone. Would not recommend."

1 / 10
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20 Report

More FAQ

  • Matteo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 13, 2017

For Cough "I had a cough, runny nose, allergies. Then lungs got congested and major wheezing. Normally, I will just take cetirizine when it's allergy season, but this time my chest was in play. I looked all over the house for my bottle of Mucinex. Couldn't find it. I suffered for a couple of days with a nasty cough and gook in my lungs, trying to sleep and make it through the day. After realizing I left it at our second home, I headed for the store. Bought the 1200 mg time release (1st time), usually, I would get the 600 mg. Within an hour, the wheezing stopped. I am writing this comment because it works fabulously for me. I have told many of my friends, and it has worked for them. Not one complaint. When I have chest congestion, I will always take Mucinex. It truly works. For those that say it doesn't work, I find that hard to believe."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 4, 2020

For Bronchiectasis "Mucinex is great. I was taking all kinds of medications for a pulmonary problem. Went to Mayo Clinic for the problem. I have bronchiectasis and was told never take an antihistamine but use mucinex a decongestant. I never looked back. When a doc tells me to take an antihistamine I say no. One time I took an antihistamine and had a problems for 3 months. Never again"

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19 Report
  • Sherr...
  • February 17, 2018

For Bronchitis "In our home, Mucinex is the go-to when we start getting sinus-y, mucousy, and sickly. It helps fast, glad these products are available! We use the liquid for our 9-year-old, and it usually always works! Thank you, Mrs. Perez."

8 / 10
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27 Report
  • Renos...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 23, 2020

For Bronchitis "Although Mucinex contains the exact same drugs as Robitussin D it doesn't work nearly as well for me as Robitussin D. Maybe because the Robitussin is a liquid? Mucinex has spent a lot more money on advertising but I would choose Robitussin D every time!"

3 / 10
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18 Report
  • Kimbe...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 19, 2023

"Absolutely terrible medication. Took it one time, only one pill, for a cold and had a severe reaction that has put me in the hospital multiple times. Had severe panic attacks, tremors, the feeling of doom, severe burning throughout my entire body, high blood pressure, and heart palpitations, and felt like I was going to die. I was afraid to sleep. It's been almost 3 months since I last took this medication, and I haven't been right since. It messed with my neurological system and my nervous system. I've been constantly worried about my health ever since. I've seen so many other reviews of people having the same experience. My doctors had no idea what was going on with me, but I knew instantly right after taking this medication that something wasn't right. I can't believe this stuff is legal. Please beware of this medication, especially if you're sensitive to it, and really do your research before trying it. I would rather deal with the cold symptoms than be put through hell like I have been on this stuff."

1 / 10
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8 Report
  • jayce...
  • November 2, 2017

For Bronchitis "Jayce Wyatt My chronic bronchitis started out with post-nasal drip and a cough and I felt tired and turned in early. The next day the cough got worse and I felt lousy, so I called in sick. I felt steadily worse for another day, then on day three the fever started, and I couldn't sleep for more than an hour or so at a time for a whole week. When I went to the doctor I was given a Z-Pak, albuterol inhaler (the only thing that did me any good), oral steroids, cough pearls which didn't do any good, and was told to take Mucinex. In all, the fever lasted six days. I coughed so much I hurt my back and ended up in the emergency room because my back went into such spasms I couldn't move without extreme pain. They shot me full of morphine."

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25 Report
  • sy91
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 2, 2016

For Cough "I would give this a zero out of ten if it was possible. I rarely get sick but I have been having a lot of trouble with a runny nose and coughing up mucus. This "medicine" doesn't do anything. Not only does it taste terrible but it's useless. Followed instructions and I'm on day 7 with the same problems. Avoid this stuff"

1 / 10
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29 Report
  • Mattie
  • March 24, 2015

For Cough "I have been taking Mucinex for about 5 months.... one in a.m. and another at 8pm. I took it because I could not swallow any phlegm and it was difficult coughing it up. My esophagus muscles are very weak and the phlegm would block my air waves. Recently I have developed severe dry mouth as a side affect. I stopped the p.m. pill, and use biotene gel, toothpaste and mouth rinse.... still no relief. If anyone has had this problem, please let me know."

8 / 10
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30 Report
  • Yooni...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 10, 2018

For Bronchitis "I'm reading a lot of reports of Mucinex making people feel worse, as is the case with me. The main ingredient apparently thins down your mucus so basically, while already sick, this medicine gives you a runny nose. I've taken Mucinez twice and both same results."

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22 Report
  • rudy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 2, 2024

For Bronchitis "After struggling for 3 nights with excessive phlegm and trying literally everything (Expectorants etc...) to loosen up mucus, nothing made me have the real improvement that I needed, until I took the first Mucinex tablet and in the hour improvement did occur to my total surprise how effective it was... I am an anti-medicine guy but the situation was suffocating... I just feel sorry for all people who don't know this medicine that is why I write, so that someone will improve as I did... I rate it at 9 because no medicine can be 10 due to possible side effects, BUT NO SIDE EFFECTS FELT FOR ME AFTER 48 HOURS OF USE."

9 / 10
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4 Report
  • CJano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 15, 2018

For Cough "I have had a chronic cough for about 20 yrs. After many tests for asthma, GERD, other lung problems was diagnoised with Neurogenic cough. In other words, they don't know what's causing it. I've tried Amitryptiline and a couple other scripts didn't do much and had horrible side effects. I started using the Mucinex12 hr time release. They calm my cough pretty good. I've been taking them this time about a month and had my bp checked yesterday by a nurse and it was 181/98. We checked it twice with her machine and checked it twice with mine. All four readings were in the 180's/90-100+. Now just a couple months ago my reading was 122/78. That is more normal for me. The Mucinex is one of two changes I have made in my life within the last two months. The other was starting the Keto Diet Sept 24th... Has anyone else experienced problems with their bp after taking Mucinex DX? Maybe I'm not drinking enough water. I don't know, but I'm definitely concerned..."

8 / 10
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17 Report
  • Conge...
  • December 23, 2016

For Cough "The doctor gave me a sample of this when I complained of congestion. I took two tablets, which may have been too much since I developed the runs. I'll try it again, but only one tablet. Or, I may just get Robitussin since the doctor said that Mucinex is a magnified version of Robitussin."

5 / 10
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21 Report
  • medit...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 25, 2023

For Fibromyalgia "I was desperate with severe, throbbing pain, especially at night. I was actually envisioning suicide. In suggesting Mucinex to a friend, I happened to discover that guaifenesin has a moderate muscle-relaxing effect, and then I read some of these reviews. I also read a report of a clinical study that found no effect. Long story short, the women in the clinical study took only 600 mg twice daily, whereas most of the reviewers here seemed to have taken twice that amount. I started doing that too, only yesterday, and today my spasms are largely gone. My conclusion, therefore, is that the clinical study didn't use a large enough dosage."

10 / 10
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6 Report
  • Stars...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 30, 2020

For Bronchiectasis "I have tried all the versions and dosages of this product. They describe it as loosening mucus. It does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I have now read the tests and found out it doesn't even work better than a placebo. Just wasted a couple hundred dollars. Such is life."

1 / 10
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13 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 10, 2009

For Cough "This helped with a nasty cold when other OTC mixtures (with less guaifenesin) did not work. The 600 mg tab has almost no side effects, though once in a while it can make me feel woozy. Made a huge difference in loosening phlegm, helping me sleep, reduced coughing so my vocal cords are not as irritated. Also, my nasal passages cleared up significantly the first day I took it. It's important NOT to split the tab, it is hard to swallow, but it's formulated as sustained-release. It can't do its job over 12 hours unless it is taken whole. Also, drinking lots of fluids (not coffee, tea) does help. Miracle drug (Mucinex)!"

8 / 10
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29 Report
  • Hano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 12, 2020

For Cough "This has to be the worse cough medicine ever it actually made my cough worse. Switch to Robitussin and IMMEDIATELY noticed the difference in relief. I'm not one to review but this one needed to go down in the books.... Don't take Mucinex..."

1 / 10
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12 Report
  • Grate...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 3, 2021

For Bronchitis "I’ve been using Mucinex to thin and loosen mucus for YEARS now. The one that’s pseudoephedrine and guaifenesin is for sinus congestion, and the other one is for chest congestion. Pseudoephedrine WILL keep you awake and that’s the one people use that drug to make illegal substances; primarily why you have to go to the pharmacy counter to get it. Guaifenesin is highly effective for loosening mucus and excreting it through nose blowing or coughing. I’ve never had issues with either version or Mucinex when taking them during a sinus infection or bronchitis infection. For a bacterial infection you’re going to need antibiotics as well, or the bacterial infection will just fester. Like Shrek says “Better out than in, I always say”. A person’s reaction to meds always differs from another’s experience, but I’ve never had a bad one."

10 / 10
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9 Report
  • Earth...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 4, 2018

For Cough "Worked well after I started guzzling water. It did nothing before that. Thing is, nowhere on the liquid Musinex DM packaging does it say to ensure to drink lots of water. If water is essential to its effectiveness, I’d think the company would want folks to get plenty hydrated. This method combined with an inhaler to calm coughing spasms and I feel progress in kicking my flu remnants. Good luck."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.