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Paliperidone for Schizoaffective Disorder User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Invega, Invega Sustenna, Invega Trinza, Erzofri, Invega Hafyera

Paliperidone has an average rating of 4.9 out of 10 from a total of 196 reviews for the treatment of Schizoaffective Disorder. 37% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 46% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Paliperidone

  • Poopd...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 30, 2019

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I think this is a terrible drug. DO NOT TAKE. Causes schizophrenia, does not treat it. I repeat, do not take. Will decrease your thinking to almost not there completely. Will remove your emotions almost completely. Side effects on top of side effects. Weight gain, blurry vision, restless leg syndrome, brain pain, and more. Do not take even if the doctor convinces you it is a good idea. It is not a good idea at all."

1 / 10
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41 Report
  • Natron
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 8, 2019

Invega (paliperidone) "I've been on Invega now for 2 months, it has stopped the hallucinations and delusions but has also increased my depression. I feel emotionally numb and am tired all the time. I also can't exercise like I used to, too tired to even walk. I'm still adjusting to this new med, so hopefully things will settle down."

8 / 10
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  • Elano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 19, 2018

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "Well, now I now know why they call psychiatrists 'shrinks.' I have been on this drug for years. I have tried taking vitamins and eating healthy to stay well and still gained 50 pounds. I have far too many headaches and sleep all day. I think they finally did it - they shrunk my brain!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • Dip
  • June 13, 2018

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I was admitted to the hospital for depression. But they gave me the Invega Sustenna 234 injection. My mouth became totally numb for 2 months. I could not swallow any solid food. I could not properly talk for 2 full months. Only lived on liquids. Had no energy in my body at all. Only slept and lied down 24 hours. Had no energy even to open the medication bottle. Really felt horrible inside. Felt muscle locks. Literally lived like a zombie for 2 months. Had extreme anxiety and suicidal thoughts. My teeth have moved permanently. Can’t bite or chew the same way anymore. 4 months later, I still don’t feel normal. I feel this injection has ruined my life permanently. I feel there is something wrong with my body organs. I can’t make anybody understand that I just don’t feel normal anymore. I feel chills in my body. Hard to get up in the morning for work. Feel extremely fatigue and depressed. I actually have more issues than what I just described."

1 / 10
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47 Report
  • Tryso...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • November 20, 2017

Invega (paliperidone) "This medication sucks. I only experienced side effects and no benefit. I would rather spend my time looking for another way to treat my illness than to give any of these antipsychotics another chance. All of them cause weight gain, sexual side effects, tardive dyskinesia, tardive dystonia, among other side effects that could mess you up for life. I admit it's very debilitating at times, but I would rather have my original problems than to be given another set of problems to replace them. If your psychosis is really bad and you can't live a normal life at all, and you're homeless and you scare people or end up in jail because of your illness, then I say take it. But if you can wait till they figure out how to make better meds, then wait."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Toomey
  • March 27, 2020

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I have schizo affective disorder and I have been on the Invega Sustenna drug for a year now and I love it. It is the only drug that has ever worked for me . It took my symptoms alway totally. It has changed my life. The only side effects I have had is it makes my mouth dry. I can definitely live with that. All the other drugs have had horrible side effects. My future is looking great because of this drug. I feel it is the that this is the best drug on the market."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Ichig...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 25, 2020

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I have taken this drug Invega Sustenna for a few years, and while it did help to stabilize my mood, it completely got rid of my sex drive and sperm production. I will no longer be taking this horrible abomination of a drug and will instead rely on people who I am close to for support. P.S. On a side note, now that I have been off this medication for a few months, I have noticed my sex drive is back!"

5 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Morko...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 29, 2020

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "While the Invega Sustenna negated my psychosis, I have experienced anhedonia and lactation due to raised prolactin levels. I can't enjoy music or anything else for that matter. I also now have a tic where I have to move my mouth, I don't know if it's medication-related. I get my period once every three months and have lowered sexual pleasure. I feel like this drug took any enjoyment out of life, and I'd rather be on something else as my symptoms are not severe and Invega is not good."

1 / 10
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35 Report
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 12, 2020

Invega (paliperidone) "Put on Invega for bipolar mood swings. I could not get past the first couple of days trying this medication. My nose stuffed up, and my body felt like dead weight. On day 2, I had a huge panic attack in the evening. I ate from 7 PM to 12 AM. No, no, and no."

2 / 10
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31 Report
  • psalm...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 28, 2018

Invega (paliperidone) "It helped so much right away, but then the honeymoon wore off, and it gave me 20 lbs weight gain and an uncontrollable appetite. That slowly went away a month later, and then I was on injection and started to experience my bladder being constricted, and I'd have to go 10-12 times some days. The med helps me 'stabilize,' but it also now is getting me steadily more depressed, and I am getting such intense anhedonia. I'm going to go back to Haldol, I think. It's like a chemical lobotomy, but most meds are anyways, and no one really cares about those who suffer from mental illness."

4 / 10
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43 Report
  • Shell
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 4, 2019

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "Horrible drug, causes weight gain. I call it the '15 lbs shot', with every shot, I gained another 15 lbs. My hallucinations went into overdrive, I could not sleep, depressed, angry, overweight, psychotic, hated every day. I am now seeing a new psychiatrist, and I am getting my life back without the Invega Sustenna injection."

2 / 10
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35 Report
  • Damien...
  • August 6, 2015

Invega (paliperidone) "When I first started taking Invega, it took away the voices and delusional thoughts better than the other injection I was receiving. Weaning off of it was not hard, but I was also taking large doses of niacin and lithium at the time. I had a manic episode that lasted 3 months after withdrawing. After that, one injection brought me back to reality in less than a day. I have extreme weight gain on Invega, drowsiness (sleep 12 hours a day), and decreased sex drive. Though it is important for me to point out, like I said, no mania or hallucinating. I function well on the injection. It is the side effects that I have trouble dealing with."

7 / 10
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52 Report
  • MDJ
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 25, 2019

Invega (paliperidone) "This is a terrible drug. In four days, I've had heart palpitations, wheezing, shakes, insomnia, aggression, restlessness. Horrible drug for schizophrenics. I interacted more with my voices due to insomnia and headaches. I had to call the suicide crisis line because I had a panic attack so severe on night 4 of taking this poison."

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32 Report
  • Coqon...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 24, 2021

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I took invega sustenna for a year and a half. I was forced on it by my old mental hospital, and the family member I was living with, told me, I had to stay on Invega to live with this person. I got a 234mg shot once a month, for a year and a half. This drug completely ruined my life. It is absolute garbage for anyone's body. I went from 170 pounds to 300 pounds within this time frame (this is literally the most weight I had ever gained in my entire LIFE.) It turned me into a complete couch potato, made me so lazy and tired that I had to drink at least 3 cups of coffee a day to counter this problem, it completely destroyed my motivation for doing ANYTHING throughout my day. I sat around eating junk food, but also healthy food. Regardless of what I ate, I would gain 10 pounds every single month. I am really tired of the USA and it's doctors promoting these awful "medications" to sick people as if they are good options. There was zero benefit to using Invega, do NOT take this drug."

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21 Report
  • day2p...
  • January 30, 2018

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "This is the worst possible nightmare of a drug. I was injected with one 234 mg dose and never took the 2nd shot or 156 mg because I felt so horrible. I was so miserable I wanted to die. I had no emotion, no imagination, no memory, and no initiative. I disappeared into a dark hole for months. It took 6 months before I started to feel any better. It took about 2 1/2 years before I felt like I was anywhere near back to normal. Don't let anyone inject you with this poison. You will regret it."

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40 Report
  • Maddy
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 27, 2022

Invega (paliperidone) "I was diagnosed with schizoaffective order in June of 2020. Since then I have been on numerous antipsychotics and Invega is by far the worst. It caused brain damage, turned me into a vegetable, and I’ve put on 50 pounds. Everything nice in my life is gone. The adhedonia is the worst thing about it."

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17 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 7, 2018

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I feel like this medication has ruined my life completely because I ended up gaining weight, having prediabetes, and not having my period for 2 years. My biggest concern is am I gonna be able to have children when I get older. I decided that I rather stop taking this medication because it can ruin your future."

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38 Report
  • Blue
  • March 12, 2021

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "Since I've been put on this medicine I've had a difficult time socializing. I have trouble with conversations and everyday activities seem very overwhelming and hard. Work has become increasingly difficult to perform. I'm also very easily tired compared to before taking this medication. This drug shouldn't be allowed to be prescribed to people. I now fear having to talk to people. I also have a very difficult time being sexually aroused."

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24 Report
  • Dirty...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 20, 2019

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I was placed on Invega Sustenna after having a violent psychotic episode. I attempted suicide in a very violent manner and went back to the psych ward after surgery. They placed me on a 156 mg injection once a month. Since being on the injection, I’ve experienced slight weight gain, loss of euphoria I used to get from using drugs like alcohol, weed, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, and also the inability to “trip” from using psychedelics. Also, loss of sex drive. Most importantly, though... I no longer have the constant thoughts of wanting to end my life or hurt others. All things said, though, I have decided to remain on Invega injections, sacrificing all the wonderful highs I used to get from dope because I’m afraid that if I stop taking Invega, I might have another psychotic break and that the BEAST inside me could drive me to commit violence on myself or others. If Invega makes me non-violent, non-sexual, docile, and stable, then I say it is a good drug."

8 / 10
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30 Report
  • cjiang
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 26, 2019

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I was misdiagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and received the booster and initial shot of this medication. I had terrible side effects, including 60 lb of weight gain. I also slept a lot and had little energy. After 6 months of discontinuation, I finally started losing weight and returned to my normal weight. I had to take a gap year during this time, and this drug wasted a year of my life."

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32 Report
  • Pixel...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 12, 2014

Invega (paliperidone) "Been on Invega ER for two months; so much better in the head, sorted the acute psychosis out, organized my thoughts in a new and helpful way, slight orthostatic hypotension and drowsiness are easing - overall, this has been a savior re paranoia and hallucinations, etc. AND I am more motivated to do things; continuing with Pristiq at 200 mg and paliperidone 9 mg, good."

9 / 10
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50 Report
  • Kenny
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 29, 2023

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I am Kenny. I have schizoaffective bipolar type, and I am a 26-year-old male. When I first started this drug 4 months ago, I was 360 lbs. Now, I am 300 lbs, so I lost 60 lbs (due to not being depressed and working out). I haven't noticed any bad side effects of this drug. My mood is cheerful, my sex drive is what it should be at my age, and I don't have ED. It's very hard, on this drug, to slip into psychosis for me. It keeps me grounded. I'm absolutely afraid of what my life would be like without it."

10 / 10
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9 Report
  • Ken...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 13, 2023

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "This drug has affected my personality and my ability to sleep restfully, causing me to have constantly bizarre dreams. I find myself speechless and unable to hold a conversation. My legs and entire body feel like they are crawling inside, and I feel the need to pace the room. Since starting this medication 6 months ago, I have had to move back in with my parents at the age of 36. I take the 156mg dose for schizoaffective disorder, but the recommended dose for schizophrenia is 117mg. I believe I am overmedicated, and this has caused me to have no emotions and no life. I don't like how this makes me feel and I wish I could stop taking it."

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12 Report
  • anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 13, 2020

Invega (paliperidone) "Put on Invega and I started hearing voices which is something that's never happened. Panic attacks, something that's never happened. Always felt cold. Would wake up in the middle of the night as though I've been possessed. Invega contains fluoride, highly recommend finding medication fluoride-free. Not to mention it costs $900/month for the pill & $1900/month for the injection! Was on the pill for 2 weeks, went off cold turkey and it was hard, could only describe a really bad physical sensation. I'm trying Lurasidone next, seems to have much better reviews for schizoaffectives. Wish everyone the best."

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22 Report
  • John...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 24, 2022

Invega (paliperidone) "I am currently on Invega Sustenna 78mg, the monthly injection. The main side effect I experienced from Invega was sexual dysfunction. My sex drive dropped a lot, I became unable to get an erection, and when I did manage to masturbate (which was rare) I produced much less semen. Before I started taking this medication, I could sexually recharge in less than an hour if something was turning me on. After starting this medication, my dick became totally nonfunctional for days after ejaculation. I used to be able to get an erection just from looking without genital touching. Now the only way for me to get an erection is with genital touching, and only if it's been a while since I last ejaculated. Before I was on a higher dose and these sexual side effects were worse - at the higher dose I produced almost zero semen and my dick was almost totally nonfunctional. I don't actually know if it helped with my schizoaffective disorder because my symptoms come and go unpredictably. I also gained 30lb"

5 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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