Metaxalone User Reviews & Ratings
Brand names: Skelaxin, Metaxall, Metaxal
Metaxalone has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 121 reviews on 61% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Muscle Spasm | 95 reviews for Muscle Spasm | 60 medications | |
Fibromyalgia Off-label | 26 reviews for Fibromyalgia | 14 medications |
Reviews for Metaxalone
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 25, 2014
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "This medicine is expensive but amazing. I was taking 70mg or more of Norco a day! I have not had a Norco for 3 months thanks to this medication! I was always in pain, even with the large doses of pain medicines. Skelaxin has actually stopped my pain, severe swelling in muscles, and the numbness in my hands and feet is almost gone. I was prescribed 3, 800 mg a day but only take 400 in the morning and 400 in the evening, and some days I take none at all. I am very pleased with it, other than the very high cost."
- Chr...
- October 5, 2015
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "12 years ago I suffered from lower back pain for spurs, and severe pain between my shoulders. The pain was absolutely unbearable. The muscle spasms were so bad that I had a hard time breathing. My doctor prescribed me Skelaxin for the spasms and pain killers for the pain. Once I started taking the Skelaxin, I had no use for the pain medicine. This is a wonder drug because I can function 100%, and all it does is its job. I have recently started suffering from spasms again that are very intense. I went to the doctor today and she prescribed Skelaxin again. I know it is pricey, but nothing works like it does. I am on my third dose and seeing dramatic improvement already."
- GLA...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 21, 2016
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "This drug is the most effective medication I have ever used for my chronic neck pain. After a period of time, I no longer need to use this drug since my neck pain is greatly diminished. Other aches and pains have been reduced as well. I have not experienced any side effects. The only pain that has not been reduced are my migraines."
- Mel...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 8, 2015
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "I have had 5 surgeries on my left shoulder. An unknown bacterial infection was introduced during the 2nd surgery after the 1st surgery failed. I ended up with a reverse delta arthroplasty. Since the last surgery, I have been on high doses of painkillers and have always had Flexeril prescribed for me, though I stopped using it because it never touched the pain from muscle spasms and cramping. Recently, my doctor prescribed Skelaxin. I was astonished at the difference! There was a noticeable difference in 2 days. Taking it 3 times a day, I got a great deal of pain relief and less muscle pain. Unfortunately, I can't use the drug because even the generic is too expensive for my very limited disability income. I hate knowing it's out there but unavailable to me! :("
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Kym...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 10, 2014
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "Highly recommend. I have a C5 pinched nerve which affects my left arm, fingers are numb, and pain in spine. I was taking 700-1050 mg of Soma, 2-3 times daily and Norco 10/325 2-3 times a day. NOT ANYMORE. I take 1 medicine 3 times a day and feel great. Very rarely do I have to add Norco. This medicine has been a Godsend! Cannot live without it, no surgery for me."
- joe...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 15, 2014
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "I take Skelaxin on occasion when my back has been stressed from excessive use, having 2 bulging discs. When stressed, my back tenses and I have severe back pain. One pill for about two days always relieves the pain, and I get back to normal. The only side effect I get is flushing of my face."
- ECa...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 26, 2020
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "I've had low back pain for almost a decade now. I will be turning 32 this year. I've tried Robaxin, Flexeril, Tizanidine, and all the Benzos. Oxy, Hydro, Tramadol, Tylenol with codeine, etc. I was also on Soma for many years, but it became a pain to get at the pharmacy (out of stock) (issues with it being controlled) etc. What works best for me is a routine of Tylenol ER, Gabapentin, Celebrex, Metaxalone, and Lidoderm. Metaxalone is a lot less sedating than Soma/Flexeril and works better than the above mentioned. I would recommend at least trying it! Downside is that it can be expensive for some reason, so try getting it through mail order in a 3-month supply!"
- Jef...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 19, 2014
For Muscle Spasm "An absolutely excruciating sharp pain in my shoulder woke me up... so severe I cried for my wife to take me to the ER at 3 am. Turned out to be a pinched nerve in the neck sending pain to the shoulder. A prescription for Metaxalone was given that I got filled along with Naproxen. The Metaxalone works very well for me. I split the pills into two halves and use them when it feels like the shoulder pain will flare up. No 'loopyness' or drowsiness. I am a 24-year recovering alcoholic, and this medication works well."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 18, 2019
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "I think this med is my savior. I have been a nurse for 13 years and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 4 years ago. This med, Skelaxin, does not make me sleepy like Flexeril does. I can function very well at work on days when I hurt more because I have this medication. Nursing is a lot of wear and tear on the body, and with this, I can work with ibuprofen, this, and my Lyrica. Don’t know how I would get through the bad days without this med."
- Ano...
- November 14, 2013
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "For low back pain since I had 2 protruding discs several years ago, I take tramadol for pain and Skelaxin for muscle relaxing. It must be the name brand Skelaxin which works perfectly as the generic causes me to be foggy, loopy, and tired as the med wears off after 3 and a half hours. I also find I don't trust my driving or decision making on the generic."
- Rac...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- May 3, 2019
For Muscle Spasm "I've been on metaxalone 800 mg three times a day for 10 years, which is used for muscle spasms. It is the best muscle relaxer. It gave me relief from constant spasms caused by an accident. Now I'm on Medicare, and they won't pay for metaxalone even though it's the least sedating muscle relaxer. It's all about $$$. Medicare could not care less about my quality of life."
- ano...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 16, 2013
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "1st time onset of cervical pain with upper extremity radiculopathy. Steroid taper did not help, Norflex did not help, Relafen did not help. Skelaxin, wow, 2 doses in and the pain is virtually gone. I also received a tramadol prescription but will likely not need it."
- Luv...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- July 23, 2017
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "I have been taking Skelaxin ever since 1994. I was suffering from Fibromyalgia. I had a bad car accident and had no clue what Fibromyalgia was. I found out that Fibromyalgia is not pleasant at all. I finally found a doctor that properly diagnosed me, and he prescribed me Skelaxin. I don't know what I would have done without it. I have tried other muscle relaxers, and they did not work or they made me too drowsy to function. I am much better now, and I usually take one Skelaxin at night before I go to bed."
- Not...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 2, 2020
For Muscle Spasm "Metaxalone made me so extremely anxious, and made my blood pressure rise, as well as my pulse. My emotions were uncontrollable, and I would never take it again. Please monitor yourselves with this medication. I haven’t seen this reaction, and it needs to be posted."
- Pat...
- January 4, 2012
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Fibromyalgia "I have fibromyalgia and more recently have been dealing with severe stenosis in my L5 as well as my L2, 3, and 4 that can only be described as crippling. I have been on Skelaxin for two days and I thought my husband and my teen were going to cry because they got their wife and mom, respectively, back, and I can sleep longer than 4 hours at a time. It is nice."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 3, 2013
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "Started Skelaxin for muscle spasms in low back, upper back, and neck. My first try at taking it I took it 3x/day for a couple of days and on my next visit to the Dr., I told her that I could not take it on a routine basis like that due to the sleepiness. She told me to take it on an as-needed basis. I also tried it just at bedtime and thought it was that which was making me so terribly hard to wake up the next morning. So I stopped that. But within the last week, I must have strained the muscles in my lower back, I was having terrible pain and tenseness in my upper back. Also, for the past few nights, I have fallen asleep on the couch sitting up and developed horrible pain in my neck. I decided to try it again while others were around, and it has been working."
- dan...
- September 15, 2011
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Fibromyalgia "I have had fibro and chronic fatigue for years. I used to take Skelaxin occasionally. When I developed degenerative bone disease and increasing arthritis, I decided to take it regularly and see what happened. Over a period of a few months, I have found that my pain has reduced significantly. It is one of those drugs that seems to work better when taken regularly as opposed to for an acute attack. The downside is that it is expensive, even in generic form."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 30, 2012
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Fibromyalgia "Went to the doctor yesterday due to muscle spasms from fibromyalgia. She put me on Skelaxin and it's WONDERFUL. I actually felt halfway decent for the first time in forever, even able to get some much-needed household chores done."
- Com...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 13, 2018
For Muscle Spasm "I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). If anyone knows this awful syndrome, you'll know it's up there on the pain scale. After six years of numerous medications, my doctor decided to give metaxalone a try. (I'm extremely sensitive to medication, so I hate changing them.) The first few days I was a zombie, but that was okay because I never can sleep due to the pain and muscle spasms at night. After about 4-5 days, the medicine tapered off, and I feel like a whole new person! The spasms have decreased and I can sleep a bit more. The only side effect I have is it seems to be an appetite suppressant, but I'm only on week two... that may change and go back to normal. It's not awful. No nausea, etc. I just don't find myself craving snacks/sweets. So far, this has been a winner for me."
- Thi...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 20, 2014
For Muscle Spasm "I never had any back problems until I reached my upper 40s. If I wasn't careful, I would somehow manage to pull my lower back muscle. The pain was relentless, and nothing I took really helped; it only took the edge off. Very fortunately, a doctor recommended I take Skelaxin/Metaxalone, and FINALLY something helped! So now I always keep a bottle in my medicine cabinet, just in case! The only downside is that it causes constipation, but I just make sure I eat extra fiber and drink extra water."
- sus...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 18, 2020
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "I have torn ligaments and shoulder issues, and Skelaxin helps if taken properly. Someone at the top commented that it is no longer made. I don't believe that is the case, as I just filled a prescription within the last 3 weeks, although it did have to be ordered, as the pharmacy was out of stock. I have taken this before, several years back."
- bri...
- March 17, 2008
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Fibromyalgia "I have fibromyalgia, and it helps with my muscle spasms and my back pains and other pains that I have with my fibromyalgia. My doctor only wants me to take it on an as-needed basis for the muscle spasms, but when they get really bad, it helps a lot..."
- Rey...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 20, 2019
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "I tried Skelaxin, but the gastrointestinal side effects of gas, bloating, nausea, increased stomach acid, and stomach pain were bad. Had to discontinue medication because of gastrointestinal side effects. Would not recommend this medication."
- Met...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 27, 2014
For Muscle Spasm "The pain in my lower back due to some extreme exercise moves reacted immediately to this medication. The first sign of improvement was when I lifted myself out of bed the first morning after starting: 800 mg 3x a day. However, I ended up in the hospital a couple of days later due to severe nausea and loss of consciousness. It may be a combination of things that were going on. Still on it after about two weeks, and I am experiencing nausea and loss of appetite, as well as sleepiness. Physical therapy, along with this, is working well. I am about to ask the doctor if I can only take it as needed."
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- Drug class: skeletal muscle relaxants
- En español
Skelaxin (metaxalone) for Muscle Spasm "Wow, I was prescribed this for back issues that were apparently muscular in nature, but I was convinced it was an actual spinal issue. The pain in my back was so bad. At the same time, my docs were trying in vain to find out what was causing chronic diarrhea for the past 1-2 years, with no luck. Once I started on Skelaxin, not only has my back improved incredibly, all of a sudden, for the first time in a very long time, the diarrhea is gone as well! Love this medicine. Take it before bed, sleep great and wake up very clear-headed, and not in pain!"