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Lisinopril for Migraine Prevention User Reviews

Brand names: Zestril, Prinivil, Qbrelis

Lisinopril has an average rating of 9.0 out of 10 from a total of 24 reviews for the off-label treatment of Migraine Prevention. 92% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.

Lisinopril rating summary

9.0 average rating out of 10

24 ratings from 28 user reviews.

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Reviews for Lisinopril

  • Nan...
  • January 27, 2015

"I had high blood pressure that turned out to be related to the job. My doctor put me on a low dose of lisinopril, and the blood pressure came down. And my migraines stopped. I did not make the connection until I left the job and we took me off of the lisinopril. The blood pressure was normal, but the migraines were back. I did a search for migraine medications and found lisinopril on the list. I went right back to the doctor who was going to put me on Topamax and shared my findings. Two months on a low dosage of lisinopril and no migraines. Woo hoo! Fingers are crossed, and so far so good. Best of all, it is a free prescription at my local grocery store pharmacy. What a tremendous relief after years of having migraines run my life."

10 / 10
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75 Report
  • Hap...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 31, 2019

"I have had migraines most of my adult life. Got one almost always before my period and random times during the month. They settled down at 48 when I hit menopause. Then they came back with a vengeance after an endometrial cancer diagnosis, hysterectomy, and hormone treatment. During this trying time, my blood pressure went sky-high. Dr. prescribed Lisinopril/HCTZ 10/12.5 mg, and I haven't had a migraine in the three months I've been on it! Blood pressure is totally under control, and I am just so happy to be rid of the migraines."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • GWa...
  • September 20, 2020

"Hi. Severe cervicogenic migraines caused by a trapped nerve in the neck, accompanied by severe neck pain. 2-3 migraines per week lasting 24 hrs, daily neck pain for 9 months on every med under the sun, 2 MRIs, multiple physios, no relief. Put on lisinopril due to heart condition, and within 24 hrs, all neck pain gone and migraines ceased completely."

10 / 10
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33 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Ade...
  • April 19, 2015

"I've had severe headaches/migraines about twice a month since I was about seven years old. As an adult, my headaches were brutal: 36 hours of feeling like I'd been shot in the left eye, and NOTHING helped. I always had low-to-normal blood pressure until it jumped up post-menopause despite my being thin, active, a non-smoker, etc. The hypertension meds I tried either made my headaches worse or made me so tired I could barely get out of bed. Lisinopril also made me tired, but to a degree that I figured I could live with. A few months later, I realized I hadn't had a headache since I'd started taking it. Fifteen months later, I am still migraine-free. Unbelievable!"

10 / 10
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59 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 29, 2011

"I suffered with weekly migraines for 30 years. I took 10 mg daily for slightly elevated blood pressure with no knowledge of migraine effects. After 3 months without a migraine, I investigated lisinopril's effects on migraines and shared it with my doctor, who did not know of the connection. Now, 3 years later, my migraines are all but gone!"

10 / 10
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  • Its...
  • December 15, 2014

"My doctor prescribed lisinopril for my blood pressure. She is an osteopath and very much into prevention. I'm not even sure my blood pressure is high. I've gone a few weeks without it, and when I do my recheck at the doc, it is 120/70. That happened a few times. But my point is it really helped with my hormonal headaches. Now I'm period-free and totally migraine-free for 5 years. So hopefully, you hormone migraine sufferers will have the same luck. It does give me that little annoying dry cough, but I'd say it's worth it."

9 / 10
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47 Report
  • mik...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 23, 2015

"Headaches that lasted all day nearly every day for 18 months. Started on lisinopril for mildly elevated blood pressure (15 mg). Headaches went down to about one/month, and those were now responsive to Excedrin."

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More FAQ

  • Alw...
  • February 27, 2014

"All I can say is my doctor prescribed it because a few of his patients with high blood pressure reported their migraines had disappeared when they started lisinopril. I only had slightly elevated blood pressure, which is also gone. It has been two years headache free. No side effects. I take 2.5 mg, 1 x day."

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • Nom...
  • February 11, 2017

"Absolutely amazing, I have my life back!! I went to the hospital, got stressed, and almost blacked out. My blood pressure was 189/120 and would not come down. I have been a migraine sufferer for 10+ years. Three to four times a week I have to take Imitrex, which I cannot stand the side effects of. I have been on blood pressure medicine for 6 months now and not one migraine!!!! Mild headaches occasionally managed with Tylenol or Advil. Amazing results!!!"

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • PLP...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 27, 2014

"Lisinopril has been a complete answer to prayer for me. I have had migraine headaches from childhood, which have only increased in frequency and severity with age. (Violently ill and lasting 3 days.) My doctors have tried every type of medication, with very minimal results. In questioning 3 family members who are on blood pressure medicines, (all of whom have ceased having migraines), I found they are all on an ACE inhibitor. I requested a trial of Lisinopril even though my blood pressure is normal. My doctor agreed to a 5 mg/day trial, although she admitted she would have never thought to try this but for my research. Six months later, had no migraines. Only a few 'chinook' (weather-related) mild headaches, easily treated with Tylenol or Advil. So thankful!"

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • sjo...
  • October 6, 2009

Prinivil (lisinopril) "The doctor gave me 10 mg lisinopril for high blood pressure - I never had a headache for over a month. It was great, but I developed a bad cough, so he took me off. I miss not having the headaches. I think I was taking too high a dose. I'd like to try a smaller mg."

8 / 10
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55 Report
  • Sal...
  • October 7, 2019

"I have suffered from migraines for my entire life. I’ve tried several medications. Relpax was my migraine medication that my insurance didn’t want to cover. I had elevated BP due to being overweight and started lisinopril and have since had minimal migraines! I now have lower BP, but have no plans to come off of this medication as I enjoy not having migraines anymore!"

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • Der...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 9, 2016

"I've been taking Imitrex for migraines 8 to 12 times a month for as long as I can remember and taking Excedrin on almost a daily basis for milder headaches. I started Lisinopril 10 mg for mildly elevated blood pressure 2 months ago and haven't taken either Imitrex or Excedrin since. Very happy with the results. I haven't experienced the cough that some have, so for me this has been a great experience."

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • VAX...
  • December 19, 2009

"The doctor put me on 10 MG for high blood pressure, and my horrible nightly migraines that I have had for 20 years stopped immediately! I could not believe it. The doctor didn't mention this possibility, only the cough, which I have a touch of and will put up with. I just googled the drug and found the migraine effect on my own after 2 days of no headache. It has only been 10 days, so I am keeping my fingers crossed, but so far I am stunned! I have Zomig for the migraines, but it was usually an hour or so process in the middle of the night to get it to kick in. I cannot believe how much more rested I feel, not having to be up in pain every night. Sure hope it is effective on my blood pressure too."

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48 Report
  • CLR...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 19, 2016

"I had headaches since around middle school several times a week. Never had a doctor who thought much about them, so I just stayed quiet and lived with them. No over-the-counter medication helped. I woke up with them. I developed high blood pressure, and my doctor prescribed lisinopril 10 mg. Soon I realized I was no longer having any headaches-zero. I'm so happy we stumbled upon this. I have told my doctor how much it has helped my headaches so that she remembers it for the next patient who might have constant headaches with no relief."

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30 Report
  • kat...
  • July 7, 2013

"I have high blood pressure. So, the doctor prescribed me Lisinopril - hydrochlorothiazide. After three months, I suddenly realize that where is my migraine? I am so happy. I check with my doctor, she didn't link the connect either."

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • Nij...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • November 15, 2018

"Since I started having slightly high blood pressure a few years ago, my doctor put me on lisinopril. I was also having severe migraines, and she told me that the tablets would help decrease them. Miraculously, they worked, and apart from the odd headache, I was fine. I stopped taking them when my pressure seemed stable (it's never worryingly very high anyway), and sure enough, my migraines returned. My blood pressure was normal, so I was put on different types of medicines with all the most negative side effects under the sun to try to keep the migraines at bay, but they didn't help other than make me groggy and sick. I asked my doc to put me back on the lisinopril when my pressure went back up (slightly), and the migraines disappeared!!!! I don't know if my migraines are connected to my slightly high blood pressure or if it's the lisinopril that keeps them away, but I will never ever stop taking it again."

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20 Report
  • Hap...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 21, 2020

"I've lived with hormonal migraines for as long as I can remember. Until, that is, I started on lisinopril for high blood pressure. It has completely eradicated my migraines. I no longer live on too much ibuprofen or with the question 'when will my next debilitating migraine stop me in my tracks?'"

10 / 10
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15 Report
  • lee...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 5, 2014

"I'm 35 and never experienced migraines before. I started taking 10 mg of lisinopril and 200 mg of Toprol XL as a result of heart failure. Now, once or twice a month, I get aura migraines. It seems backwards since both can be used to treat migraines. Not sure if it's connected, but I will be asking at my next check-up."

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27 Report
  • Hap...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 14, 2021

"Have been a migraine sufferer for my entire life. I haven't had a week without 3-4 migraines for as far back as I can remember. Since the start of 2021, I have had a migraine every day when I woke up, and sometimes the migraine would wake me up. My quality of life was terrible. When I didn't have a full-blown migraine, where the back of my neck was so bad and my left eye felt like someone was turning a hot poker in it, I was scared to death that I would get one. My go-to medicine was Imitrex, but the side effects were terrible, and I was taking it every day, almost which of course is 3 times the recommended dosage in a month. I felt horrible and always had a migraine, was nauseous, throwing up, or not able to function. My personal and work life suffered. I was about to give up until one day I went to the doctor and got on 10 mg of lisinopril for high blood pressure. I have been taking it for 3 weeks and have not had 1 migraine since. This is the longest I have gone without a migraine in 30 years. I have my life back."

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11 Report
  • mik...
  • July 2, 2016

"Some years back, my doctor started me on Lisinopril, and like a lot of you, my migraines were gone. The problem now is they've returned with a vengeance. What I'm wondering is, since these are generic, was it possible that it came down to the manufacturer of Lisinopril. So too, those of you that are headache-free, make note of the company that is making it, and if you wouldn't mind, share the company name."

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21 Report
  • Pin...
  • August 24, 2014

"After a year of appointments and about 12 medication combinations later at the Cleveland Clinic Headache Clinic, I have been on 20 mg Lisinopril, 120 mg Diltiazem, and 100 mg Doxepin daily for over 15 years. Down to 5 migraines per year. (Used to be 100 per year). With such a wonderful outcome, we have tried to wean me off the meds two times. Bad idea. I'll probably be on these for the next 30 years. But hopefully migraine-free."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • OhD...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 23, 2017

"I am a long-time sufferer of severe migraines, which interfere with my life. I take propranolol as preventative and Relpax for breakthrough 4-6 times a month. My PCP prescribed a small dose of lisinopril in addition to help. No idea if the drug would have helped migraines. First week, I had small outbreaks of hives I did not connect with lisinopril. Then I had an outbreak that within a day covered my entire body (there were plate-sized hives that overlapped, with smaller outbreaks on top). My mouth and throat began swelling, and I got to the ER ASAP. Very close to anaphylaxis. Learned that this is a known side effect of lisinopril. Package warning is not clear enough."

1 / 10
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15 Report
  • Tan...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • December 25, 2018

"My migraines have gone from 6 to 10 a year to 1 to 2 every 5 years since taking lisinopril. I also have noticed that if I start to get the aura before a migraine and take 2 lisinopril during the aura phase, I only get a small headache that is easily controlled with Tylenol."

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13 Report
  • Lad...
  • January 30, 2018

"I have had migraines for 30 years. I usually have 4 to 5 days out of the week that I have a migraine. I have had 6 in 3 months, and they have been controlled by Zomig. For the first time in most of my life, I can actually live normally."

10 / 10
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14 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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