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Estarylla User Reviews & Ratings

Estarylla has an average rating of 3.7 out of 10 from a total of 510 reviews on 22% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 64% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Estarylla

  • Cdano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 21, 2020

For Birth Control "I'm 20 and started early January. I read the reviews on here and became TERRIFIED. But I did it anyway just because I wanted to experience it myself. I love it! This is my first time ever taking birth control and EVERYONE is different. The only side effect I get is diarrhea or gases in my stomach every now and then, and they aren’t really big symptoms. I don't get cramps, and I don't get nauseated, which I was scared of getting. My husband and I have regular sex almost daily. My acne has cleared up, and I don’t really get moody either. The only time I recall is I felt sad one time. I have experienced and went through postpartum depression the first 3 months with my now 6-month-old. So again, TRY IT because you’ll never know. Most people review because they had a bad experience. Never when they have a good."

10 / 10
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246 Report
  • CoolM...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 8, 2021

For Birth Control "Honestly I’ve been on this for about a month and a half now and my skin is super clear, my period is a tad off but I’ve also LOST weight! I was super worried about taking it with all of the reviews, so don’t knock it till you try it!"

10 / 10
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125 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • December 15, 2020

For Birth Control "DO NOT TAKE THIS! I have been trying to figure out what was wrong with me for over a year. Never once did it occur that it was the birth control I am taking, but I finally came to the realization. I never had these issues prior to taking this pill. I have developed anxiety, depression, my joy for life is gone, I have absolutely no sex drive, it's like there is a dark cloud over me, I am unmotivated and tired, the list goes on. I'll take acne and painful periods any day over what I have experienced over these last few years because of this pill. I wish I had known this before I started. I was young and had no clue. Was very uninformed. I hope this helps someone else. Do not do it. It is not worth it at all!"

1 / 10
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112 Report
  • Girl
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 6, 2021

For Birth Control "I was on Sprintec for 9 months before I was randomly switched to Estarylla. I had zero issues with Sprintec. After renewing my prescription, my pharmacist gave me Estarylla instead of Sprintec and assured me that this is the same thing just with a different name. It took me two months of taking Estarylla to realize that my body was not adjusting to these pills. They might be similar to Sprintec, but something is different enough for my body to experience all kinds of side effects I didn’t experience before. My anxiety increased significantly, and I have been experiencing a lot of anger and agitation. My skin and hair are extremely oily each day, I am painfully bloated after eating, my stomach is almost always upset, and I have gained weight despite a loss of appetite. So far, it has done its job in preventing pregnancy, but it has also caused my sex drive to decrease. Estarylla is great for some people, and everyone is different, but it’s definitely not 'the same' as Sprintec."

5 / 10
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79 Report
  • YesYe...
  • November 21, 2020

For Birth Control "I read another review on this specific birth control, and it said that most times people go into extreme reviewing because of a bad experience. I've never taken birth control, and I was terrified to try such a high dosage with more bad reviews than good. I have NOT experienced ANY side effects. I have actually been more energetic, I used to have terrible morning sickness, and it's gone away completely. No more heavy cramps! I have more of a sex drive than I ever have had before. I'm horny so much more. The first time I orgasmed taking this pill, I had the most cosmic orgasm I have ever had. LADIES! Try this, and even though I've been on it only a week, I would have had the worst of it by now because my body has never taken birth control. Much love, girls, and if you want a happy and healthy sex life with zero side effects, CHOOSE ESTARYLLA!"

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Laur
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 6, 2019

For Acne "Hey ladies, from someone who is new to birth control - I tried Yaz and legit almost had a meltdown. I was super depressed and gained weight. Estarylla SAVED me - there is more ethinyl estradiol and a different progestin (norgestimate). I feel like my normal self. My skin is GLOWING. I didn’t gain a pound, I’m actually losing weight. And I don’t have any headaches or nausea. I’m starting my 4th month now! It really is true that different birth controls work for different bodies. My body has always been extra messed up and extremely sensitive and odd. For some reason, this pill, that everyone else hates, has been my savior!!! Anyone with cystic acne, PCOS, and oily skin might wanna give this a shot. Don’t immediately rule it out."

10 / 10
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69 Report
  • Veron...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 9, 2019

For Birth Control "DON'T READ THE REVIEWS!!!!! The pill works so differently for everyone’s body. I was on Loestrin Fe for around 6 months before I started Estarylla. On the Loestrin, I experienced awful depression that I didn’t even know was possible from birth control. In the first week of starting Estarylla, I felt 100 times better and still feel way happier. While on my first pill, I read the reviews on this website and started sobbing my eyes out, freaking out that Estarylla was going to be the death of me. The only bad thing I've experienced on this medication is extremely heavy irregular bleeding, but I realize it’s still the first month, so it should get better. Birth control works WAY differently on everyone’s body, so don’t let these reviews freak you out!!!!"

9 / 10
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62 Report
  • Sam
  • May 25, 2020

For Birth Control "This is the worst birth control of all time. By the 4th pill, I was fatigued, crying all night, and had some very dark thoughts. Threw them away the next morning. I highly recommend never coming near these pills."

1 / 10
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47 Report
  • Elle
  • February 4, 2021

For Birth Control "Reading these other reviews makes me question my experience with this birth control because I have anxiety and depression. However, I have struggled with this all my life, and I can't say for sure that Estarylla has impacted these things for me. I've taken this birth control for over two years, and I have a very high sex drive along with clear skin! My experience has been overwhelmingly positive, but I wish there was more education about the possible physical and mental side effects of these medications."

9 / 10
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40 Report
  • LAbub...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 3, 2019

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I started out with Sprintec, and everything was fine unless I missed a dose. I got switched to Estarylla, and I’ve been bleeding for 4-5 months now. When I first started the Estarylla, I wasn’t bleeding, then after a while, I just started bleeding every day, NONSTOP."

1 / 10
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49 Report
  • banana
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 10, 2020

For Birth Control "I will say, I was very hesitant to try this after reading all of the negative reviews, especially since this was the first time I've ever been on birth control, but keep in mind that not everyone reacts the same to medication and contraceptives. I am currently on my 4th pack, and my period starts at the same time every month and is a lot lighter, and I also don’t cramp as bad as I used to. As far as the birth control aspect of it, it definitely works if used correctly. On my first pack, I did experience a little bit of nausea and mood swings, but now that I’m used to it being in my system, I don’t experience any side effects. I recommend it."

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • CalGirl
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 31, 2020

For Birth Control "I’ve been on this pill, Estarylla, for 3 years. It was the generic form, Ortho Tri-Cyclen. This pill has caused me severe depression, brain fog, a feeling like a heavy darkness over my life with suicidal thoughts, anger and aggression, and migraine headaches. I’ve had severe anxiety, constipation, and stomach pain. When I’m off for the 7-day placebo tablets, I feel the best, but then I start the new pack Sunday, and the cycle starts again until the end of the pack. This product should be discontinued. I did clear up my skin and prevent pregnancy, but it hasn’t been worth it."

1 / 10
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29 Report
  • Megs
  • April 16, 2020

For Acne "I wanted to share my experience with this birth control so others can have some insight. Anyways, my body took a while to get used to the BC because I had never been on any kind before. My first month was constant spotting, and the next few had occasional spotting. My mood was a little more irritable for about 4 months, but not to the point that it was ridiculous. Around month 5, I started a strict diet that caused hormonal imbalance, and I kind of got out of whack again... but in month 6, I’m great. My skin is glowing, more than ever before. My mood is normal again, and my period is regular. On this pill, I gained no weight. I’m very active, and it did not affect my appetite or physical activity. My sex drive is the same as well. During the first 3 months, my boobs were a bit swollen and slightly tender, but I didn’t mind. This medication has saved my face and my confidence for that matter. I just had to get through the first few months of my body adapting."

8 / 10
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32 Report
  • CV ch...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 13, 2021

For Birth Control "Like many of the other ladies I was on Femynor and my pharmacy switched me to this because they were out. I noticed the change almost immediately by day 4 I threw the pack away. My husband noticed that I was easily angered, was crying for everything and seemed depressed. I had tried them about 2 years ago and had the same problem. Every body is different but I'm sharing my experience because the pharmacist made it seem as if I was crazy. You know your body!"

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24 Report
  • eimine
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 2, 2017

For Birth Control "Honestly, I really enjoy this pill. When I first read the reviews, I was terrified, but I still went through with taking this pill for the first few months. In the first month, I found myself getting slightly nauseous every time I took the pill and that I was getting moodier. But after the first few weeks, everything balanced out, and I'm completely fine. I'm sexually active, and my partner and I have unprotected sex regularly. No baby here! I'm currently on my fourth month taking it, and I feel fine. I've had no significant changes in acne (actually, I think it's improved my skin), my weight has stayed the same, my mood is under control, and my libido is the same as it's always been. Just wanted to leave a good review here for Estarylla."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Vivia...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 13, 2021

For Birth Control "I was scared to try this after reading the comments here but this is what my gyno prescribed me and I trusted her recommendation. I took this everyday as prescribed and I didn't have a problem. I haven't gotten pregnant so it works. I do feel like my sex drive is lower but its been on the decline since before I got on the pill so I’m not sure if I can blame it on that. I didn’t experience mood swings like others have shared. One thing to note is that I have gained a significant amount of weight- I tend to go up and down in weight (I've always struggled with this) so again not sure if I can blame that on the pill. Overall I would recommend it because I haven't gotten pregnant and i didn't experience negative side effects."

9 / 10
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23 Report
  • Charl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 13, 2019

For Birth Control "I’ve never left a review for anything before. Not a movie, nor a restaurant, nothing. This birth control is THE WORST. After being on Mononessa for a couple of years and having no issues, Walgreens changed the prescription to Sprintec (also no problems) and then to this Estarylla poison. I’m 18, almost 19, an extremely happy, healthy, active, hardworking person. Estarylla has completely demolished my self-esteem, leaving me in a weird, depressed, anxiety-ridden state for the one and a half months I’ve been taking it. I’ve been feeling like I’m in this weird, dreamlike state for the past few weeks and was so relieved to hear that other people on this medication have felt the same way. I’ve not had the motivation to get work done or socialize due to the extreme mood swings, depression, and fatigue that Estarylla causes. Please, please don’t take Estarylla. For the sake of your mental and physical health."

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32 Report
  • Dixie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 20, 2019

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "When I was reading these other reviews, they made me so scared I almost didn't take this pill. Don't let them scare you. I have had a great experience so far. I was originally on Tri-Lo-Marzia but I started spotting out of nowhere for a few months, so my doctor switched me to a pill with a higher dose (Estarylla). My spotting went away within the first 4 days of the new pill and it hasn't come back. I've had no weight gain, some moodiness when I was adjusting and my skin has majorly cleared up. Also, my other pill made me super anxious around the time I started spotting and Estarylla has really helped me feel calmer. So, just remember that everyone's body is different so if you don't try the medication you won't know how it effects you. Don't be scared of Estarylla!"

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Kkano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 16, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I’ve been on birth control pills for the last 10 years and never once experienced break through bleeding until switching to Estarylla 3 months ago (I had been using Spintec for the majority). I’m now on my 9th week of non-stop bleeding. My mood swings and depression haven’t been this bad in years. I’m going to my doctor next week to talk about getting a different kind of birth control all together (probably an IUD) because this experience has been rather traumatic for both my body and mental health. Please stay away from this brand of birth control pills."

1 / 10
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23 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 16, 2020

For Birth Control "I really didn't like this Estarylla birth control. I was initially on Femynor (LOVE) but one day I picked up my prescription and I was given Estarylla. I called my Gyno and the nurse said it was a generic brand and shouldn’t effect me much, but it was AWFUL. I was on it for two months. I probably didn’t give time for it to settle in, but Femynor never gave me this many issues so early on. I was very depressed, unmotivated, broke out, tired, experienced a lot of anxiety attacks, and super nauseated. I know everyone is different, but for me it was the worst. My period went rather smoothly, I will say, but other than that, AWFUL! I recommend Femynor 10/10"

2 / 10
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22 Report
  • ld87
  • October 15, 2018

For Acne "I broke out pretty bad about two months ago. I had a lot of tiny bumps on my forehead and cheeks, so I got on Estarylla, and the first week it was clearing up my face pretty well, but out of nowhere, it made me break out even worse. I woke up one day and had four huge cystic bumps on my forehead. I never wanted to leave my house, my face just looked so beat up. After that, it just kept getting worse, and it felt like it would never end. But I didn't want to just stop taking the birth control right away, I read online that it could be my body getting used to it. I am now on month two, and my skin has cleared up immensely. I think my body purged all of the things clogging my pores and pushing everything to the surface. I know everybody is different, but if you're only on the first month of taking this, I would stick with it for maybe a couple more months!"

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • BBano
  • November 29, 2019

For Birth Control "This is my first BC experience. I went to the doctor and she prescribed Sprintec but the pharmacy gave me Estarylla. I went along with it. The first month was pretty awful, so I assumed all the bad reviews were true. My period lasted two whole weeks. It wasn't just spotting, it was medium to heavy flow. I was cramping every day as well. I decided to keep trying it because it was my first time ever taking birth control, so I blamed it on my body not being familiar with it. I'm glad I stuck it out because the second and third month have been perfect. Absolutely no spotting, my period was only 4 days and it was lighter as well. Not as bad of cramps like I used to get. No abnormal weight gain. My skin isn't clearer, but it also isn't any worse (this may take a little longer to show results). As for mentally, there were a couple of days I felt a little more angry than normal, but it wasn't anything I couldn't control. Sex drive didn't change. It has also been an effective birth control."

7 / 10
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23 Report
  • Shannyn
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 27, 2019

For Birth Control "I took Mononessa for years and never had a problem. One month my pharmacy gave me Estarylla and I immediately noticed a difference. When I called my doctor to let her know I didn't want the Estarylla and wanted the Mononessa back like I've always had they just acted like I didn't know what I was talking about since it is "basically the same drug". Once Mononessa was taken off the market my doctor started prescribing me Estarylla on the regular. It does what it needs to when it comes to birth control but the side effects are absolutely awful. I have major nausea, headaches, and depression when taking this birth control. I also found it had heavily decreased my sex drive and has given me severe mood swings. I quit taking the drug for a month or two and all symptoms went away. I don't think I'll ever take it again after I finish this month."

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22 Report
  • its...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 3, 2021

For Birth Control "After reading all of these negative reviews I am shocked! I have been on 3 different birth control pills and have stuck with Estarylla. I am on it for acne purposes and it really has cleared up my skin and kept it that way for about a year now. Before taking this pill I was always irritable, moody, and depressed. I have felt very happy ever since taking it and my periods are never irregular and very light! I have gained a bit of anxiety from it though. Overall I think it is great especially for acne."

9 / 10
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17 Report
  • GothG...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 11, 2019

For Endometriosis "So I’ve been reading through this site and I’ve seen A LOT of negative reviews on Estarylla birth control, and I think it’s important to note that everyone responds to medicine differently. However I have been taking Estarylla for about a month now and I have had almost no problems. My gyno recommended I try this BC to relieve my pain from my endometriosis and so far it’s worked great. I don’t really cramp anymore, my cystic acne has cleared up, and it hasn’t affected my moods at all. It doesn’t even affect the meds I take for my PTSD and Severe Panic Disorder. The downsides to this BC are the insomnia and the first period I had was heavier than normal. Anyways I hope someone finds this review helpful in their research, but ALWAYS TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE STARTING ANY NEW MEDICATION OF ANY KIND. Best of luck loves!"

8 / 10
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23 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.