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Tramadol for Depression User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Tramadol Hydrochloride ER, ConZip Qdolo

Tramadol has an average rating of 9.3 out of 10 from a total of 220 reviews for the off-label treatment of Depression. 91% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 3% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Tramadol

  • Shell...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 21, 2020

"I take tramadol for lower pain, however, I use it mainly for depression and anxiety. It works better than any antidepressant I’ve ever taken. I’m on the 50 mg instant release tablets, and I take it up to 4 times a day. I keep my dose between 100 mg and 200 mg a day. I don’t overtake it, as tolerance builds up quickly. In reference to the people who warned that this drug is very addictive and that it shouldn’t be prescribed for depression because of that, I have to say regular antidepressants are just as bad if you quit taking them (major withdrawals, brain zaps, etc.) prescribing tramadol shouldn’t be any different. This drug has done wonders for me, and I’m so happy I was able to find a doctor who would write it for me."

10 / 10
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59 Report
  • Miguel...
  • April 15, 2016

"I was facing several months of on and off depression since being forced to move. I had and have no one to communicate with anymore. The loneliness made me realize how empty my life is and see no purpose in anything. I lost all motivation. The greater issue was that I was starting to feel like this every day and started pondering suicide. I decided to try Tramadol since it was available to me. I took 100 mg to test it and I felt normal again (able to feel pleasure and then some). The experience was amazing and it gave my social confidence I was lacking. As the Tramadol wore off, I was able to speak in a debate group without issue (I usually get nervous and lose track) and it was noticed. I all"

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107 Report
  • soleto
  • July 17, 2015

"Thumbs up! I was prescribed Tramadol for abdominal pain, and in the process of taking once daily, 50mg, I realized that my energy is boosted, my mood is elevated, and I felt 10 to 15 years younger. I also observed more creativity and a heightened sense of well-being. Must be the serotonin higher levels."

9 / 10
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113 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Bobby...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 6, 2015

"I've been diagnosed with depression by every doctor I've been in face-to-face contact with. I always try to hide my depression from everyone, even doctors. I would go to the ER about twice a year for anxiety attacks. The doctors in the ER would identify my depression right away even with me trying to hide it. I've taken a handful of antidepressants: Zoloft, Effexor, Wellbutrin, and Paxil. I took Zoloft for 2 years and gained 115 lbs. I got prescribed tramadol for pain, as I would stand all day. Immediately, I did not have the need for Zoloft. I was able to get a better job (still standing all day). I lost 104 lbs (saggy skin now). I take 50mg twice a day. On an empty stomach is best. Just like everyone else, tramadol has given me my life back!"

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113 Report
  • DanDa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 2, 2019

"I suffer from MDD and have taken about 7 different antidepressants, which have been, for the most part, ineffective. On the 4 or 5 occasions I have taken tramadol, it has had noticeable effects on my mood. Tramadol doesn't make me drowsy and has powerful antidepressant effects. I feel better for days after a single dose of Tramadol, during which I feel I have more energy, less anxiety, and feel oddly clearheaded. I know this drug is not typically indicated for depression or anxiety, but it seems to crush both in one go, at least for me anyways."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • July 13, 2012

"I experienced only adverse reactions to SSRIs and TCAs, thanks in part to being bipolar, but Tramadol has been a godsend for my depression. I was sick and tired, literally, of trying different medicines only to have my mood get thrown around crazily. Tramadol worked when nothing else could touch the depression. I take it twice daily. Could not live without it. I am so thankful that my psychiatrist is open to new ideas and tried this. I only will encourage others to try this also. Because of the Tramadol, I am now recovered from any form of self-injury - I am free for over 3 years. It works. Simple."

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135 Report
  • Depre...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 26, 2019

"I've had depression and anxiety for about 14 years now. I can't even count how many antidepressants and other meds I tried without any results at all. I even spent so much money on ketamine therapy without any benefits. Only tramadol has ever worked for not only my anxiety and depression but to my surprise, it has helped my ADHD. Unfortunately, thanks to the government, the doctors would rather let you die than give you a prescription for tramadol."

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More FAQ

  • Arjay...
  • February 1, 2017

"These postings are amazing for me. I was diagnosed with depression at 17 (59 now) and over the years have taken everything from Prozac to Paxil to Wellbutrin, and many others. Four years ago I was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis, and just a few months ago I was prescribed Tramadol for pain. While it did help somewhat with pain, I suddenly noticed my depression was lifting for the first time in over 30 years. The difference is amazing and life-changing. In addition, I can go several days to a week without it and I feel no withdrawal symptoms. I used to cry all the time, constant thoughts of suicide, and I'd stay in bed for days at a time. Now, I exercise daily, ride my bike frequently (which also helps with the depression)."

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92 Report
  • Summe...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 11, 2015

"I was given Tramadol about 12 years ago for endometriosis and severe menstrual cramping. It has made me feel so much better overall. It works wonders for my mood, anxiety, and depression. I am a better person because of this drug. I am motivated and feel great all the time. This has changed my life for the better."

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100 Report
  • Rezas...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 12, 2024

"I suffered 30 years of painful, debilitating, physically destructive depression. No treatment really helped me. Yes, paroxetine just took away the urge to commit suicide. On the other hand, my doctor prescribed this medication for another ailment, and the miracle worked! No more depression, no more lack of motivation, no more procrastination, no more psychological pain, no more insomnia, no more low self-esteem, no more social anxiety, no more debilitating stress, no more feeling of insecurity. And that's not all: my restless legs are over, my irritable bowel syndrome is over. It's a miracle. You can take it as needed. But on the other hand, if you take it every day, you must not forget a dose, otherwise you will experience withdrawal syndrome. Personally, I will continue until I die if necessary. I have been taking 200mg extended release 24 hours (Monocrixo) for almost 3 years, without changing dose, with no perceptible drop in effectiveness."

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15 Report
  • Rose
  • July 8, 2014

"I have been on Tramadol (50mg 3x per day) for about 6 years now. For the first few years, it was a miracle cure. I have struggled with depression/anxiety/impulse and obsessive disorders my entire life. This made me finally feel free and human for the first time ever. The only downfall was after a few years, the effects wore off, and slowly my depression/anxiety began to creep back in. I took a break from it for a few months (warning: withdrawing from Tramadol is really uncomfortable). I went back on it after my Dr assured me it was a good med (even long term) for fibromyalgia/depression, etc. I'm up to about 4/day now. It still helps, but not nearly as much as in the beginning."

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108 Report
  • Elysium
  • April 28, 2015

"I have been on just about every antidepressant you can name. They started giving me bad side effects like constipation, so I had to stop taking them. For about two years, I could hardly get out of bed in the morning. I was suffering from severe depression and had absolutely no motivation to do anything. I had gotten tennis elbow, and the doc put me on tramadol. Within a couple of days, not only did it help with the pain, but I started feeling my depression lifting as well as my motivation. I told the doctor it was working great for my depression, so he kept me on it. I take 150 mg a day. I no longer sleep all day and have even decided to go back to school. It helps with not only my motivation and depression, it helps me concentrate. I love it!"

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101 Report
  • Oklet...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 9, 2016

"Tramadol for me is a miracle drug. I suffered from depression and anxiety brought on by a catastrophic life event. A year after the event, I was not recovering emotionally. It's like the feelings took on a life of their own, and I wasn't shaking it (PTSD?). I took tramadol one day for a headache and noticed it lifted my mood. I tried it again another day and got the same results. It lifts my mood, shakes off the depression and hopelessness, and gives me a feeling of optimism. This is on 100mg first thing in the morning, that's all I need. Nausea at first if not taken with food, but now I prefer it on an empty stomach. I was on it for 2 solid months. Now, just as needed, not every day. No withdrawals. Not prescribed for depression."

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94 Report
  • Moonf...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 4, 2018

"The last SSRI I tried put me into a manic episode. After 30 years, I discovered Tramadol, the only medication to date that helps with my depression. Then, Tramadol was re-classified, and now my psychiatrist wants me to get off the drug. I tried twice in the past to taper back from the 150 mg that I take in divided doses every day. I used the slowest taper schedule I could find online. The withdrawal is bad, I couldn't take the shaking and suicidal thoughts, so continued to take it. I came to peace with taking tramadol, especially after reading about the difference between addiction and dependence. I am dependent on this medication to keep me alive, literally. I don't crave it, and I have no desire to increase my dose, both of which are signs of addiction. I am so grateful to read about other people's positive experiences with Tramadol in treating depression. There wasn't much info out there when I started to look into it several years ago."

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72 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 15, 2017

"Antidepressants have had no effect on my depression in the past. I was unable to find the motivation to support my family or even go to work, which caused me to lose my job. I started tramadol for a back injury as it is a non-habit forming pain reliever. It changed my life immediately, it wiped out the depression 100% gone. It is not much of a pain reliever, it is not very strong, and I still am in pain. I can deal with it though, and the lack of depression is worth it. The only downside is that when it wears off, the depression comes right back, fast. So I have to take it throughout the day. I am back to work and enjoying life, I just take 3 or 4 pills per day. I don't know why this drug is not marketed as an antidepressant, it should be."

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83 Report
  • Taxim...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 11, 2018

"I've had depression since I was very young. I never accepted SSRI and just carried on regardless. My diabetes eventually gave me peripheral neuropathy and my feet hurt. Tramadol was prescribed for the pain. Since taking the tramadol my depression has been virtually nonexistent. I have not told my GP as he will probably stop the prescription. I do not have euphoria or anything like that, I am though functioning as a real human being with energy and purpose. My life is not perfect but it's much better, it can't just be a coincidence. John Lennon said 'Whatever gets you through the night, It's Alright.' I wish all you fellow sufferers the very best of luck x"

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69 Report
  • Morph...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 25, 2024

"I used to have a wide variety of diagnoses in recent years, but my most recent ones are Borderline Personality Disorder and depressive episodes. I have tried various medications from quetiapine to lamotrigine. SSRIs/SNRIs didn't work for me either. Tramadol is something that I can control and self-regulate. (I had a past opioid addiction, so it is not recommended for anyone with a similar history.)"

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  • anony...
  • July 10, 2013

"I too am very treatment-resistant to all the conventional antidepressants. Before I moved to another state, I had a psych doctor who was a good listener. When I told him that the only time I recall not being depressed was when I had tramadol, he said 'well, let's try that'. For two years I used it, and felt good: motivated, engaged, curious about things. If I did stop it cold turkey, I'd have a few days of lethargy before settling back to my blah baseline. The main side effect is that if I took too much, my short-term memory got really bad, and I'd just get sort of dumb."

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111 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 15, 2012

"Started taking tramadol for chronic pain relief. It worked, but I didn't expect that after trying all for bipolar and depression, it would work. Until now, I'm not feeling the depression so badly. It's great."

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117 Report
  • Diy
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 3, 2017

"Was prescribed for a knee injury. I tried all sorts of SSRIs, SNRIs, tricyclics, etc., for unexplained depression. All of them had side effects so detrimental that it made me more depressed. Of course, the so-called doctors want to give you more drugs to counter the side effects, all the while claiming you're a borderline heroin addict, all the while having no idea what is causing the depression, all the while suggesting it's all just maligned thought processes. Thank goodness I have arthritic knees. After taking tramadol, my depression is gone. Fact. Every patient is different. Don't be pigeonholed. I have been taking one 50mg per day for years. It works somehow. If it is a placebo, then why didn't all the other Meds work the same? For once I'd like to hear a Doctor just say 'I don't know.'"

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80 Report
  • Idalive
  • July 10, 2014

"Tears of joy! OMG! Thank you all! I started Tramadol after my back surgery. I begged my doctor to get me off hydrocodone after 20 years. No more non-narcotics. This was for personal reasons. I enjoy sitting in my chair every day watching TV. I thought I was as good as it gets! I accepted life as that, but... all of a sudden, I found myself off the chair cleaning, doing things, happy, doing wonderful, not enough of pain control. I experimented with doses. After 3 months, I made a mistake and ran out 5 days early. OMG! This is how I realized that the Tramadol is what made me a person again, and your comments made it so! I am a 58-year-old woman, disabled, takes 100 mg Zoloft every day. Now I am alive!"

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103 Report
  • Alexsia
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 3, 2024

"I initially was prescribed Tramadol when I had the shingles. That was 15 years ago. Over time, I noticed that it gave me energy, focus, and well-being. All my blood tests come back with no issues. This, for me, is a miracle medicine. It's 100% effective for my depression. I take 150mg per day. I am in my early 70s and have tried everything else under the sun. It has become so hard to get a prescription. So unfair."

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14 Report
  • Beckums
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 30, 2017

"Tramadol is NOT an opiate. It does act on the same pain receptors as opiates, but it does not have the same addictive quality as opiates and does not have the same risk of abuse as opiates. You can become dependent on Tramadol, just as you can be dependent on SSRIs. You can't cold turkey quit an SSRI without some really gnarly withdrawal symptoms, and the same goes for Tramadol and opiates and tons of other drugs. I've been taking Tramadol for 4 years for general pain in my body due to end-stage renal disease and osteodystrophy. Since I've been taking Tramadol, I have not needed antidepressants, and I find that I function at a higher level with Tramadol than with any SSRI I have ever taken. There are no negative side effects for me."

7 / 10
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76 Report
  • Koooo...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 2, 2016

"I have had major depression my whole life and absolutely none of the antidepressants worked for me. I had intermittent periods in my life where I had suicidal thoughts, but I always managed to tough it out. I maintained decent employment but chronically underachieved because I was always fighting internal demons and social anxiety. Then my children left home, I got a divorce and lost my home. Suicidal thoughts were non-stop, no matter how hard I tried to talk myself into coping and turning my mood around. The suicidal thoughts persisted for 2 years. Then I was prescribed tramadol for Fibro, 50 mg twice a day. I have never felt so normal in my whole life. I took it for 3 years with no dose increase, and have been off it for six months now. It's too hard to get the prescription now, and I feel suicidal 24/7."

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86 Report
  • Was...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 28, 2015

"I have been depressed for over 7 years, but in that short period of time, I was immediately suicidal. By 'fate,' I found my salvation. One day, I was saying my goodbyes to everyone as I could not live any longer with such sadness and complete doom. I was sitting with my mom, and during all the crying, I told her I had a severe headache. She only had tramadol. I took two. It saved my life that day and still does. I had tried before and even after all kinds of other medicines, and none worked."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.