Rexulti User Reviews & Ratings
Rexulti has an average rating of 6.6 out of 10 from a total of 449 reviews on 54% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Major Depressive Disorder | 244 reviews for Major Depressive Disorder | 52 medications | |
Depression | 157 reviews for Depression | 77 medications | |
Schizophrenia | 45 reviews for Schizophrenia | 56 medications | |
Agitation Associated with Dementia Due to Alzheimer’s Disease | 3 reviews for Agitation Associated with Dementia Due to Alzheimer’s Disease | 1 medications |
Reviews for Rexulti
- Cbo...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 25, 2021
For Depression "I have bipolar and have been in a depression for just over a year. I have zero energy and slept most of the day. I wasn't really interested in anything, I had no contact with people and only left the house very minimally, and gained literally 48 pounds. I tried Saphris for a few months and then my doctor switched me to Abilify, and that didn't help either. A month ago my doctor switched me to Rexulti (I was also on Wellbutrin the whole time and still am). So I have been on Rexulti and Wellbutrin for a month now. The 1st week I started having a bit more energy and walked down the street and back every few days. The 2nd week I walked around the block and started eating better and stopped sleeping all day. The 3rd week I started contacting people again and going more places. It is week 4 and today I went for a long walk and then went to the beach for another walk. I sat outside all day for a barbecue, and I finally feel like myself. Everyone around me now notices that this past month I have consistently gotten better. This is the most stability I have had in a really long time."
- Mad...
- February 28, 2020
For Depression "I am a 22-year-old female and have been diagnosed with MDD and anxiety. I was prescribed 0.5 mg Rexulti as an add-on to my 20 mg Prozac to alleviate lingering symptoms of depression, lack of motivation/energy, and anxiety. I felt relief from said symptoms the morning after the 3rd dose! Now, I'm excited to wake up in the morning and just live life. I have the perfect balance of happy energy and calmness that makes going to school, doing daily life things, hygiene and self-care tasks, and social activities enjoyable and fulfilling. My social anxiety is gone, I am bubbly and eager to engage with others, I am excited and motivated to do school work, and I quit having negative/self-betraying thoughts and behaviors. The only side effect experienced was an increased appetite for the first week of the medication, but that symptom subsided within a week. I know there are plenty of negative reviews on here, but I HIGHLY recommend giving it a try. I feel like I have my life/personality back."
Frequently asked questions
- What is Rexulti used for and how well does it work?
- Why does Rexulti cause weight gain?
- How long does it take for Rexulti to work?
- How does Rexulti work?
- Kra...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 22, 2020
For Depression "Rexulti samples were given to me (for depression) by my doctor. It helped to some degree, but in order to continue use, I had to fill my own prescription. The cost after insurance is nearly $500. This is ridiculous. Pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, and all other entities who have their hand in pricing meds do not have patients' best interests in mind. Their only concern is money. How disheartening that our country allows this. It's no wonder mental health in this country is where it is."
- Pax...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 19, 2019
For Major Depressive Disorder "Been a week today, with 40mg of Paxil and 0.5 Rexulti. Best I have felt in 3 months. Don't give up! Took me 3 months of misery to feel close to myself again. Paxil quit its effectiveness after 19 years. Needed this boost, to claim my life back. Never stop fighting for mental health. Bless all that know the nightmare of anxiety and depression."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Gen...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 17, 2019
For Depression "I was prescribed Rexulti as an add-on medication to several other antidepressants that I had been taking for several years. The other medications worked wonderfully for about 4 years, but then I began to experience some relapse of depression and anxiety symptoms, and that is when my doctor recommended I start on Rexulti. She started me on a low dose of 0.25mg/day and slowly worked up to the target dose of 2mg/day. It worked quickly (within 7 days), and I started to feel much better. It wiped out the depression and anxiety, and I felt so normal and able to handle life. No side effects for me. I can still experience a normal range of emotions too."
- Vol...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 25, 2020
For Major Depressive Disorder "I’ve never written a review of a drug before, but Rexulti has changed my life. I have tried just about every medication on the market for my MDD and nothing seemed to make much of a difference until Rexulti. Since the beginning I’ve seen a huge difference in my ability to control my urges, which has helped tremendously with my eating disorder! My sadness and motivation have improved so much, and I just find getting out of bed in the morning so much easier! I never thought I could feel like this!"
- sbo...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 3, 2020
For Depression "I have been taking 2 mg Rexulti for 3 weeks now. My major depression has improved greatly. I now clean house, tend to my hygiene more, put on makeup, etc. I am interested in things again. Gained 4 lbs. but not sure it is because of the drug. My weight fluctuates anyway. I will give this a 10. It worked within 2 days."
- Mel...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 16, 2020
For Depression "I suffered from severe postpartum anxiety, and a year after I had my baby, I was still having severe bouts of anxiety even with being on an SSRI. My NP added Rexulti to my SSRI, and I’ve never looked back. It completely evened me out. No more dips with crying or being anxious out of my mind. It has been a lifesaver, and I finally feel like me again. If you are reading this and you’re like I was and terrified to try it, all I can say is, I’m so glad I did. It may change your life."
- Mur...
- January 20, 2021
For Depression "Hey Team, wish I could write a long post, but I'm limited here so I'll get to the point. I suffer from DP/DP/anxiety, depression. No SSRIs worked for me except for giving me side effects. I lost all hope last year. I took a gene test and I had MTFHR. I was suggested to take 15mg Deplin, 0.5mg Rexulti, and 5mg of Lexapro. It changed my life for the better. This drug kicked in very subtly and allowed me to grip my anxiety and get back to living."
- Gig...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 13, 2019
For Major Depressive Disorder "I have been on Rexulti for more than 3 months now. I take Wellbutrin XL (300mg), Adderall (60mg), and Rexulti (4mg). This drug has helped clear my depression and motivated me. This drug has given my life back. I can think clearly, want to be around people, and am very motivated. I am pretty happy on this med. Yes, I have always struggled with my weight on meds. This is the first drug that I can take that I can lose weight on. I started Weight Watchers and lost 5 lbs already."
- Tan...
- March 15, 2019
For Depression "I’ve been on every depression medication imaginable, none that worked totally. I was in a deep, dark hole, fatigue, depression, paranoid. With being prescribed Rexulti, in just a few days, I have my life back. I have all my energy back, depression is now hardly zero, and my paranoia has diminished! No side effects for me! I recommend trying this to anyone suffering like I was!"
- Mat...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 25, 2019
For Depression "I was on Lexapro for many years, 20 mg/day. It helped with anxiety but not really for my depression. Began Rexulti and it started working within 2 days. I started at 0.5 mg and worked myself up to 2 mg/day. I have significantly increased energy and went from sleeping 8 hours to 6 hours a night. Mood has been better and activities seem doable and world is bright again. I seem to have less 'dread' about life activities and feel happier, more energetic, and ready to tackle the world. No spasms or other strange side effects."
- anx...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 16, 2019
For Major Depressive Disorder "I’ve been on Rexulti (had Anxiety and Depression) for about two years now and it has been an absolute miracle for me. I had been on Zoloft for 5 years prior and had been on Abilify before switching to Rexulti. They both seem to be equally as effective in treating my anxiety and depression. However, instead of gaining weight (50 pounds on Abilify), I have lost 80 pounds and have almost no appetite. Maybe not a good thing for all, but it was for me!"
- Lil...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 9, 2020
For Depression "I struggled with anxiety and depression for 17 years since age 6. I tried every other medicine without success. Finally, with the help of the almighty, I have greatly improved on Rexulti. A real miracle!!"
- Bel...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- March 1, 2021
For Major Depressive Disorder "I just want to say how amazing this drug is. I’ve been on antidepressants for most of my life. They stopped working at one point. My doctor added Rexulti, and I finally know what life is like without depression. This drug has honestly changed my life. I no longer deal with depression. I haven’t had any side effects from this medication whatsoever. I never usually write reviews, but I think it’s important people know how powerful this drug can be."
- Mar...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 20, 2019
For Depression "I was diagnosed with panic disorder about 5 years ago. Under that umbrella includes agoraphobia, anxiety, and depression, GAD, and PTSD. I am a forensic pathologist and realize these come with the job. I started out on Zoloft and the absolutely awful Xanax (2.0 mg qd). After 3.5 yrs of self-prescribing with my family doctor, I began seeing a psychiatrist. Over a year later, I have been on Pristiq (100 mg) and Xanax (0.5 mg). I wasn’t feeling any better during this time and was given Buspar, Wellbutrin, and Seroquel, none of which I took for more than a couple of days. I was zonked out from this mix. I began Rexulti one week ago and have seen incredible improvement in mood and energy. I’m only on the first baby step and am hoping this will help me wean off Xanax. I have not had any bad side effects so far and have actually lost weight. I’m already on a low sugar diet and gym at least three days a week. Keeping fingers crossed."
- kri...
- May 17, 2019
For Depression "I am an 18-year-old girl and I have a hell of a story. I was put on Zoloft for a long time - maybe 3 years, so I started when I was 15 years old, which was when I was diagnosed with depression. Three years went by and I started getting worse and worse. They misdiagnosed me - I really had bipolar disorder so they then took me off the Zoloft cold turkey. Then they put me on Latuda and Lamictal. Latuda made me throw up 30 minutes after taking it, plus it didn't work. The Lamictal did help my mood though, so they took me off Latuda. I felt so hopeless. That was until about a month and a half ago when I was put on Rexulti and within a day of taking it, I felt so much better. No joke, this Rexulti is a miracle drug, everything has been so much better. It helps me feel balanced and I don't have severe episodes. It really calmed me down and made me happier. My only complaint is that I had a big appetite within the first two days of taking it. To those searching for a prescription that works - PLEASE at least TRY Rexulti."
- Kna...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 9, 2019
For Depression "I never write reviews, but I feel this is totally necessary to tell how amazingly well this drug worked for me. I have had a horrible year. I’ve been on Prozac for 15 years, and all of a sudden it stopped working. I switched to Zoloft and had relief for 5 months, and that stopped working. My doctor prescribed Rexulti, and I’ve been on it for a month. I feel like I have my life back. I feel better than I have felt before, even on Prozac. I started feeling better after 2 days and felt like myself again at 4 days. Zero side effects on this medication for me. It’s beyond worth a try."
- Anonymous
- May 16, 2019
For Major Depressive Disorder "Rexulti was very effective in helping pull me out of the dark hole that I was in. However, the weight gain has been detrimental to my self-esteem and caused me extreme frustration. For that reason, and because I feel like this medication has made me very fatigued, I’m coming off it. I have a huge, fat, bloated, flabby stomach now, and no matter how strictly I diet, I cannot budge any of the weight. I have never experienced weight gain from a medication like this. To be clear, I’m being completely honest about my diet. I’m not overeating, I maintain a low-carb, high-protein diet around 1500 calories a day, and I weigh 200 lbs! I was in extremely good shape before, and now I’m just a fat, swollen blob. I get puffiness in my face, and I feel unrecognizable. There is definitely some kind of fat storing and retention of water caused by this drug. I think this is a horrible medication because of this awful side effect. Anyone going through depression certainly doesn’t need to be excessively fat."
- Baz...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- January 29, 2025
For Major Depressive Disorder "This drug is good for me. I usually have a bad mood and lack of motivation. But I finally got the right dosage for my MDD. My psychiatrist adjunct brexpiprazole (Rexulti) 2 mg and escitalopram 20 mg, adding methylphenidate 5 mg for motivation in the morning. In the night, I take 50 mg quetiapine to have better sleep. It works well to give me a good stable mood, enough for me to do daily routine activities. But the side effect is my weight is increased. I have been in this condition for 15 years. My first psychiatrist diagnosed me with schizoaffective because of my mood disorder. The second psychiatrist diagnosed me with bipolar. And the latest psychiatrist diagnosed me with MDD."
- Jus...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 12, 2016
For Depression "I am on my 3rd week of Rexulti. My doctor gave it to me for major anxiety and depression. My depression is gone, and my anxiety is 80% better. My PMDD is even better, I no longer walk around under this dark cloud not wanting to live. I can't take SSRIs. Every med I have been given didn't work or made me suicidal or gave me every side effect in the book. I was scared at first trying this because of my usual reactions to medicines, and the fact that it is an antipsychotic freaked me out. The only side effects are jaw pain and hungry all the time, but I haven't gained weight yet. I feel so much better. This medicine saved me! (Knock on wood). Give it a try. By the way, I take it alone."
- Byr...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 12, 2024
For Major Depressive Disorder "I have been on almost every antidepressant over thirty years. I decided they never worked for me and went drug-free for a few months. I relapsed and was admitted into the hospital for major depression. The doctor put me on Rexulti 0.5, and I take 50 mg of Seroquel for sleep. Within weeks, I felt 75 percent better. I now am starting 1 mg of Rexulti and hope to feel even better. I am sleeping well and have had no weight gain."
- Nob...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 19, 2020
For Depression "I'm taking Rexulti for maybe half a year now. Really helps me being less anxious, paranoid, depressed, and my psychotic symptoms are gone! And I don't have any side effects! No weight gain or restless legs like I used to have on other medications. For me, it really does help a lot."
- San...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 26, 2018
For Depression "Diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression in the early 90s. Nothing would get me out of bed. It was so bad that I self-medicated with meth for 23 years just so I could function. I quit meth in 2014, which put me back in bed despite Zoloft & Wellbutrin, which were chosen because most everything else I had tried had failed. About 4 weeks ago, I started Rexulti 1mg as an adjunct. This past week, there is no denying I have more energy. I've gone so long with none, yet this week I am tending to things & have a great outlook. I'm amazed to be feeling this well. I have trouble falling asleep & have a slight uneasy/restless feeling, but after so many years feeling like the living dead, I actually welcome a bit of restlessness. MHMR public health service applied to the manufacturer for me, and they approved it for free. Rexulti is truly a miracle from God. I wish every person out there the strength, blessings, and power of God to fight and win your battle."
More about Rexulti (brexpiprazole)
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- Drug class: atypical antipsychotics
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For Major Depressive Disorder "I used to endlessly read medication reviews for hours, just praying for a glimmer of hope in my future. It took me almost 2 years & many drugs until I was put on Rexulti, & it has honestly changed my life. I am happy, can take care of my children, and most importantly, I am not wanting to end my life anymore. I didn’t think a medication could help me. Depression is a very serious disease but there CAN be relief. It may not be Rexulti for you, your body chemistry may react better to something else, but please don’t give up hope and please take your meds as prescribed. For me, I was mentally better in less than 1 week, but it can take up to 5. DON’T give up hope! A lot of people who get better don’t bother to go back & write reviews, therefore you see for tons of different meds tons of different bad reviews. I am a 33-year-old woman diagnosed with severe severe depression and anxiety. Nothing else on the planet worked for me. Blessings and good luck."