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Invega User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Invega has an average rating of 4.8 out of 10 from a total of 206 reviews on 35% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 47% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Invega

  • Anonymous
  • July 16, 2010

For Schizoaffective Disorder "I've been hearing voices for 2.5 years. Initially, I had severe emotional swings and delusions created by the voices and my interaction with them. I began taking Invega 18 months ago - this was very successful in moderating the emotions and generally calming my mental state. In terms of side effects: I am really struggling to lose any weight even with a good diet and exercise, I have very high prolactin levels - this contributes to me not getting periods, having occasional breast discharge, and I believe is responsible for 'anorgasmia' - where I have very low sexual desire and arousal, and feelings of orgasm are very subdued. These side effects have become more apparent over time."

7 / 10
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37 Report
  • Horri...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 10, 2023

For Schizophrenia "I got hospitalized and was put on this medication to cure the voices in my head and people in my imagination. I have not minded these symptoms. I liked living inside my head. So I have gotten two shots of Invega. I got little emotions, lack of imagination, bad sex drive, bad memory, bad understanding, lack of motivation. It has made me empty. It has made me feel bad in many ways. I wish to have the life I had before taken this medication. Now I have been waiting to turn back to how I was. Have been waiting for three months after the last injection."

1 / 10
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7 Report
  • Mental
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 11, 2022

For Schizophrenia "Would not recommend this drug it made me feel less like myself and more depressed. I never had things such as voices or hallucinations in my life and all the doctors wanted to tell me was I was a paranoid schizophrenic then the doctor decided to diagnose me bipolar on top of that. Be very careful who you trust and what you put into your body. Some doctors will try to convince you that there is something defective with your brain and that you need drugs. I have been off all psychiatric medications for 16 days now and haven't gotten the invega trinza for over 3 months and I'm starting to recover. I now am going to exercise 30 minutes a day, eat right and get plenty of restful sleep. Also invega could make you gain a lot of weight, as well as make your emotions so dulled down that you'll forget what you were like before. It should be illegal to use this drug on people especially when there's no real evidence that a person needs the drug."

1 / 10
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10 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Smorn
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 25, 2017

For Schizophrenia "I have been on this medication on and off for about 5 months now and it’s been rough I can’t think of anything positive to say about it I can’t sleep I have to take medicine just to sleep I have been feeling depressed and unmotivated and I have gained so much weight I use to weigh 165lb after getting back on this medication I am now 187lb after about a couple of weeks. I'd honestly rather that I have delusions and hear voices than to have life stripped away from me like this. I am not hearing voices but my doctor still wants to keep me on it no emotions or feelings on this med currently on 156mg injection"

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21 Report
  • Three
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 27, 2019

For Schizophrenia "Stuff is great, works very well actually makes you work on problems in a more sober state. Definitely increased my sex drive. Life is getting better and better with time the longer on it the better I get. Works overall for about 98% of the hallucinations the voices are still ongoing butt for they're a lot better now only sometimes bad for the most part not"

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • lipel...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 5, 2020

For Schizoaffective Disorder "I took it often when I was diagnosed with the condition. In the beginning of the treatment I took invega 3mg, and after some time I took 6mg. I felt most of the times sick and dehydratated . It seems to me that the absorbation is hard , and not too much effective. Xeplion is other story, much more effective and without significative collateral effects"

1 / 10
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15 Report
  • Unicorn
  • March 9, 2021

For Schizoaffective Disorder "It started off OK I had feeling the urge to talk all the time but then I started to feel confined and restless that went on for months but went away. It was going well until it raised my prolactin I went on meds for that and after a year I'm back to normal. I have to get off because my glucose test is borderline but I'm having diabetic symptoms. The pros were I get the tense edgyness feeling in my body went away. I slept better. I didn't think everyone was out to get me. Social anxiety went down."

5 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • March 12, 2010

For Schizophrenia "Invega is a great medication. I can speak more clearly and think more thoroughly. I've felt better about myself in almost about 2 years, and I've been on this medication for about 2 weeks! I would recommend it to anyone with this diagnosis!"

9 / 10
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34 Report
  • Synnc...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 14, 2022

For Schizoaffective Disorder "I have major depression with psychotic features. After the first day on Invega, I fell asleep through all my alarms for work. Stopped by a Starbucks to go to the bathroom and I passed out inside Starbucks and again in the bathroom. My husband had to pick me up and drive me home. Strangely I wasn't feeling like this until after I left for work. It literally hurt me out of no where."

2 / 10
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8 Report
  • allig...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 5, 2016

For Schizoaffective Disorder "this medication is weird. you can be doing really well and be normal and then all of a sudden you get a manic episode or psychotic episode out of nowhere when you were normal like 2 days ago. It doesn't help you sleep although it's good because it didn't stop me from waking up in the morning. I was able to go to for my morning class as I was waking up at 5:30am. Although couldn't concentrate in class and I never cooked. from what I remember I was doing better on risperdal although I was more out of it and way more paranoid and it was really scary but I had good friends and never got manic and never had to go to the hospital for almost 10 years and also did well in school. I think invega is too inconsistent and can't take the mood stabilizer I want to"

7 / 10
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21 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 28, 2011

"My son has autism. Like many with autism, he has meltdowns. However, his meltdowns are violent. He had been taking Abilify for 4 years, and it worked GREAT! However, he started having muscle spasms. So the doctor switched him to Invega. He loves it! He does NOT like feeling out of control. It gives him the control over his emotions he likes without the muscle spasms."

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31 Report
  • danger...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 28, 2018

For Schizoaffective Disorder "Hey well as soon as I took this drug I was happy enough. The rushing thoughts began to subdue. I will say one thing - if you going to take this be careful there some sucky side affects like weight gain. I didn't get the weight gain but I did get low libido and it got a little better once I stopped taking it completely and went back on. I still have some high blood pressure, high white blood cell count and high cholesterol so watch that. So that's all my side affects. One more thing don't let these punks mess you around - once you're on it they might try making your life a drug induced nightmare. It's your body, you're choice if it works you will know. If you're really bad stick to a low dose and test if its the right drug for you. Then you're not going to get one: addicted and two: not aware of if its the right drug for you. I'm on 3mg tablet now and I hope to go cold turkey soon after 6 months wish me luck."

5 / 10
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18 Report
  • TinyC...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 20, 2022

For Schizophrenia "First schizophrenia is a hallucination disorder caused by a defective gene responsible for glutathione s transfarase which detoxifies a naturally occurring hallucinogen in the body. I showed my shrink a nutraceutical program that maximum medical cures schizophrenia. He said go to med school. The tranquillizer does not address the hallucinogen but it does plug up all the neurotransmitters that are affected by the hallucinogen. I’ve been taking invega sustenna for 5-7 years and yes; half life is a month, it causes brain damage and nobody has enough money to file a class action, it gives you limp dick or broken menstrual cycles, and relapsing off the medication causes withdrawal syndrome that is more dangerous than crack withdrawals. The alternative to any drug like this is; living on the street and under bridges, living with emotional variety from lunatic to fanatic, losing touch with reality and terrorized by hallucinations."

4 / 10
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7 Report
  • Rambl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 5, 2021

For Schizoaffective Disorder "Our Adopted Son was born with prenatal alcohol exposure and has permanent brain damage. He was diagnosed with FAE and various other Disorders associated with it. He has suffered from sleep issues, explosive rages and psychosis. He has been prescribed over 40 different drugs with some disturbing side effects. He just started Invega Sustenna in March and there was an immediate change in his mood and overall behaviors and is stable. He has now moved up to Trinza and doing very well."

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 27, 2022

For Schizophrenia "Before I took invega injections I was motivated about life in general. Ever since I've experienced erectile dysfunction, emotional numbness, blank mind , memory blankness on 150 dose and 75 dose. I wouldn't recommend this drug maybe only to people who have drug addictions. The side effects outweighs the gains."

1 / 10
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7 Report
  • Manda...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 25, 2017

For Schizophrenia "I had been on Haldol before which I am allergic to and it caused wasting away disease. Invega was my last option and it helped fix what Haldol seemed to have ruined and took away a lot of the scary stuff I was dealing with like seeing people in my room. The only thing is I am still hearing voices but they are mostly nice. I am on 234mg a month."

9 / 10
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17 Report
  • Anon
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 23, 2020

For Schizophrenia "Have taken Invega for about 15 years for schizophrenia, then for depression, have tried others, but always quickly come back to this. Has calming effect, but I still sometime feel angry which I have to use a thought-challenging app for. Unlike with the other antipsychotics I tried, I'm able to watch movies and read with this one. I feel very unmotivated often though, and I've got some bipolar hypomania, maybe I should try Vraylar, but trying to switch has been a terrible experience for me."

7 / 10
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11 Report
  • Mgnm
  • October 13, 2016

For Schizophrenia "Been on invega for two weeks 9mg weigh 130 and 5' 8''. Just started my loading dose of injection 234 mg. Does not help me sleep am on rendering 15 mg for sleep. Had heart palpitations only once and hope not to have it again since starting shot I've been OK. Paranoia is at a minimal and mood is stable. Seems to be going good."

9 / 10
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17 Report
  • dhall
  • March 30, 2012

For Bipolar Disorder "Invega has gotten rid of my mania at 75 mg monthly injection. However, the side effects are much more than lithium or valproic acid and it is much worse on the body. So I think it is really better to just take a mood stabilizer so am thinking of switching to lithium or valproic acid. I will try to reduce to the lowest injection which is 50 mg monthly. I am using it as a monotherapy. It along with Risperdone injection are the only long-lasting injections available. So they force it on me because they don"

3 / 10
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24 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 26, 2020

For Schizophrenia "Feel very demotivated, forgetting words more often. Took most of the voices away for most days but would still have spikes on certain days. Not sure if I would recommend this or not after reading the rest of the reviews. Been on and off it for 2-3 years but took it for a consecutive 8 months"

5 / 10
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10 Report
  • Marika
  • May 13, 2017

For Schizophrenia "Was doing well on 4 mg risperidone but wanted to try an injectable long acting med. Doctor suggested I start with Invega oral to be sure it would work. Tried 6 mg Invega for a month but never felt as good as with risperidone. Made me depressed, tired, insomnia and even had some breakthrough delusions. So glad I didn't go straight to injections. Restarted risperidone and feel good again. It must work for some people but not for me. No data anywhere comparing Invega to risperidone which is odd because the drugs are related. No evidence this is a better drug than risperidone."

1 / 10
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  • Michael...
  • April 20, 2017

For Schizoaffective Disorder "After taking 6 mg Invega for 3 years, I asked my physician what was making me gain so much weight....He told me it was the Invega and suggested I stop taking it...So I stopped taking it the next day! That was horrible advise (to quit cold-turkey) but I lost 40 pounds in 2 months. I kept the weight off until I developed psychosis/delusional thinking...After about 6 months and a suicide attempt I am back on it but shots only. Within 2 months I gained the 40 pounds back and gained an additional 40 lbs, making it a total of 80 lbs gained. Time for something else! I am in pain from bad knees & can hardly walk, now....Great mood helper but terrible on the body!"

4 / 10
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  • ER2016
  • June 4, 2016

For Schizophrenia "I have been using Invega for less than a year. The reason I appealed to this medication was because it was the only extended release medication on the market. What this means is that the medication slowly released into our body within 24 hours. Other medication when you take it, it hits our body straight away to the top and gradually decrease the medication in our body. I find that it is good as it gives less severed side effect as the medication in our body at a constant level. I don't have any major side effects from this medication other than depression and insomnia but that in general related to my unresolved personal life issues. My prolactin level lower compared to when I was on Solian. Less lethargic & sleepy"

8 / 10
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16 Report
  • White...
  • December 13, 2018

For Schizoaffective Disorder "I have struggled with horrible voices and delusions for four years and invega is like a miracle after I attempted suicide. It took away the voices and delusions. The only problem I have with this drug is the weight gain and sensitivity to cold and heat. I gained 60 pounds in 6 months...its really hurt my self esteem and I'm going to stop taking it next month. Another thing after the voices stopped I had visuals and voices late at night and early morning that would wear off 3 months into taking it. My mood also seems a little more irritable but not too bad and I'm think I'm starting to have anhedonia, which at first was a giant relief after being so charged and emotionally torn apart with voices but now I'm starting to feel like it's not the best option. Though I will say if the voices torture me again I'll gladly take it again."

8 / 10
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12 Report
  • DTano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 27, 2019

For Schizophrenia "Invega did work to keep me from relapsing into psychosis. Also the injection makes it ideal for people who might tend to forget or stop taking medication. I have had some minor issues like diminished sex drive (also times whenI couldn't produce any semen), blurry vision and weight gain. However, soon after taking this medication I developed a depression. My depression has varied from severe mental agony for entire days to its current more anhedonic state. It is debilitating to say the least. After holding on for five months I will try to switch back to Seroquel which in the past has left me more stable while also getting rid of any symptoms related to psychosis. I am however not sure how much of the depression was caused by this medication."

4 / 10
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11 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.