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Synvisc-One User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Synvisc-One has an average rating of 6.0 out of 10 from a total of 168 reviews on 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 37% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Synvisc-One

  • Minni...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 25, 2018

For Osteoarthritis "I have had OA for many, many years. Have bone on bone with one clean up 20 years ago. Yes, I need replacements but trying to hold off. I had cortisone and they lasted, maybe a month. Three weeks and one day ago, I had Synvisc1 injections. Yes, they hurt. Yes, the left knee was swelled and painful. But....I woke up this morning, three weeks and one day since my!! The pain has been reduced immensely. I can't say how excited I am! Doctor suggested I have a cortisone booster in January...I can do that!!!! I've read comments that some shots lasted 6-9 months. I'll take that. I am a caregiver for my husband and now I have some relief!!!"

9 / 10
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14 Report
  • Sandy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 11, 2019

For Osteoarthritis "Had one Synvisc-One injection a week ago in a knee that before the injection only hurt when walking up or down stairs. Immediately I had a stuffed nose, swollen tongue, never had headaches but now nausea and headaches. Worst of all my leg and veins hurt so badly all the time that I haven't had a quality day for a week and haven't slept because of the pain because nothing helps. Tried pain rubs creams, natural pain meds and no relief. I avoided stairs for five years and will gladly do it again if I can get this terrible experience out of my body. I give this a one and from the comments given I should have never taken this in the first place. Dishonest doctor !!!"

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  • Bear
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 6, 2019

For Osteoarthritis "I had a synvisc one injection in each knee. My right knee had no problems. My left knee filled with fluid after 24 hours. I had nausea, chills, pain and a grapefruit sized knee. I had it drained and it instantly felt better. I was able to walk again. It has filled up again, not as painful but still can’t sleep due to pain. Waiting for lab results on the fluid."

6 / 10
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  • Minni...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 25, 2017

For Osteoarthritis "The cost was $2000 for a single injection and there was no improvement in my level of pain. I would like to know if this charge is normal for this product. Just because Medicare paid for it doesn't mean there shouldn't be value received."

1 / 10
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  • Amyred
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 1, 2019

For Osteoarthritis "This is a miracle. I want it in my whole body. I had 3 rounds of injections in 2010, to avoid knee replacement. I had orthoscopic in 1997 and wanted to avoid time of work for recovery (I'm a waitress and on my feet constantly) my specialist recommended synvisc. I researched it and asked coworker who had tried it. Since the injections my knee has only ached maybe 10 times."

10 / 10
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  • Veh
  • August 22, 2017

For Osteoarthritis "I just got the injection at 4:30. It is now 6 PM and I can not walk on my leg. My side of my thigh hurts. The nurse took me to my car in a wheelchair because I could not walk. She said she has never seen anyone react that way. People get the injection and walk out. Not me. I will never get that injection again. The pain afterwards was horrible"

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  • Cleo
  • November 10, 2019

For Osteoarthritis "I'm scared now after reading all this comments. I'm actually glad that most of them are positive but I am barely 27 y/o and I had already 2 surgeries in my knees due to meniscus issues and now I'm having loss of cartilage and need to get this shots for my knees. I have always been sick with other stuff but it scares me that it might not work on me since I am already limited to do some physical activities. I hope this actually works for me. Thanks for sharing your experiences and I hope all of you are doing better. God bless. "

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  • Teddy
  • November 10, 2019

For Osteoarthritis "I have my synvisc-One injection Aug 2018, and Oct 2019 got another injection, not by the same doctor, for me this was a big mistake. My 1st injection in 2018, perfect no problems lasted over a year, for reason, I changed doctor. And, it was the most painful shot I have ever had. When I return to his office, he then discussed that over time and injections it can be more symptomatic. I should have been told that BEFORE, the second injection. The doctor told me to check the medical literature. I did and can't find it. The second inject caused pain to radiate from my knee down my leg and from my knee to my hip, it's been three weeks. Going back to my old doctor to see if he can fix it. There are other injection (Monovisc) like Synvisc One, and, rotation between these injection maybe an idea for anyone using Synvisc One"

6 / 10
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  • Sheldon
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 11, 2021

For Osteoarthritis "Most of the reviews I saw were for older people and I figured I would leave a review it for someone who is in the mid 30’s. I had a bad motorcycle accident 4.5 years ago where I broke my femur right at the knee. I have severe OA. My doctor kept recommending Synvisc-1 for years but I kept putting it off. My knee got so bad I was wearing a knee brace to reduce pain. I got my first gel injection 2 days ago. The shot itself was completely painless. They just used a skin numbing spray and I felt nothing and it was over before I realized what was going on. My knee felt like it was floating for the first day. Since the gel injection I have not had to wear the knee brace. I am on day 2 and it still hurts a little but no where near where it was. I know it can take 2 days to a month to work so I am hopeful. I really haven’t had any side effects which is awesome. Overall, I think I will get it again in 6 months to a year."

10 / 10
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7 Report
  • Stick...
  • August 11, 2016

For Osteoarthritis "After years of knee problems and taking cortisone I was recommended by a knee specialist to try Synvisc One injections. After approximately $635 and an extremely painful injection (much more painful than cortisone) I had absolutely no relief whatsoever just a waste of time and money. Now I am back on cortisone injections until they can come up with another alternative :("

1 / 10
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  • Machaon
  • May 28, 2019

For Osteoarthritis "Wife, 74, has Bilateral primary osteoarthritis of knees She has been on Euflexxa, three shots over three weeks, every six months, for the past few years with excellent results. We switched insurance and the new insurance insisted on Synvisc or Synvisc One. She went into the Clinic this morning to get her Synvisc One injection. The Physicians Assistant (PA) had a trainee with her and explained that you have to feel for the soft spot adjacent to the knee cap to determine where to inject. My wife felt more pressure than she had experienced with the Euflexxa, and a little soreness, but almost no pain. She felt better after the injection and was able to walk out of the hospital and return home no more than the normal discomfort. She is currently icing her knees and, so far, is very pleased! I know it is early, but it went really well and gives us hope that the osteoarthritis in her knees won't get progressively worse."

10 / 10
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  • Didnt...
  • September 27, 2017

For Osteoarthritis "Following on from my previous comments, it has been three weeks since I had the injections and the right knee drained (twice). After resting and icing for two weeks, I am now back to normal. No more popping/clicking. Started walking last week and slowly built up the distance. Walked 8km this morning and had no problems. Just needed to stretch before and after, which I should be doing anyway. Hope to get another 9 months out of it. Am willing to put up with 2-3 weeks of pain to get 9 months of relief (and a life)."

7 / 10
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  • Thomas...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 27, 2016

For Osteoarthritis "Finally had my second injection of 2016 Synvisc, why did I waited for so long? Surgeon treated my right knee with Synvisc over 5 years ago during surgery, however un-sucessfully rebuilt my right knee. Was unaware of the relief that Synvisc drug possesses. I was in constant pain with both of my knees right being the worst, sometimes a 10, don't get me wrong Synvisc did not cure pain it still happens from time to time but no spikes and so far no 10's!!!!!!! I had double meninscous tears, ACL tear and osteoarthritis right knee. Left is not too much better but ACL intact, sometimes a 6 but not 10 like right was. Only pain was a normal blood draw my Doctor froze area, I sat up to watch injection. Immediate relief stayed off knee as requested"

10 / 10
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  • Gina
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 23, 2019

For Osteoarthritis "Chrondomalacia in both knees with meniscal tears and loss of cartilage. First two weeks post injection my knees felt great. 3rd week my knees began to hurt again with sharper pain than before. I am currently in the ER because my left leg is so stiff and painful I can't bend or straighten my left leg. Only came to the ER because the right is starting to stiffen up."

1 / 10
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  • Rossco
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 22, 2019

For Osteoarthritis "I had my first injection two weeks ago into my left knee. I started suffering pain immediately after the numbing used during the injection had worn off. The pain I am experiencing is much worse than what I had prior to the treatment. I am having to take anti-inflammatory pain killers just to be able to walk, whereas prior to the treatment I only used them when my knee was sore after being on my feet for a while. I have had ACL reconstructive surgery and my knee has deteriorated over time and this was done in an effort to delay knee replacement surgery. I will not be getting anymore injections."

1 / 10
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  • LDub
  • April 27, 2017

For Osteoarthritis "I need bi-lateral knee replacement but due to being only 50 we are trying to put it off if we can. Had both knees injected April 24/17. No numbing used and the injections were quite unpleasant. I'm on day 4 and feel minimal difference in the right knee and still have dreadful pain in the left. Unless something changes in the next couple of days I most likely will not do this again. Have opted to get the surgery."

2 / 10
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  • Westie
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 20, 2018

For Osteoarthritis "I had Synvisc put into both knees at the same time as I had arthroscopy on left knee. Both knees felt like they had lumps of concrete in them for 6 mths. They were heavy and my movement was restricted and painful. Never ever ever again !!"

1 / 10
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  • Dawn
  • May 29, 2018

For Osteoarthritis "On 3/24/18 I had SynVisc One in both knees at the same time. I got a bit flushed, nauseous, and like I would faint right after. Used a wheelchair to get to the car as my legs were very stiff and heavy feeling afterwards. Had a spray cool numbing agent before shots, neither were very painful. Got shots on the outside of both knees which the dr said was usually less painful. One knee got about 90% relief the first week, the other only about 30%. Then I fell on both knees down a concrete step 14 days after injections which didn't help my situation. I waited for 5 weeks after injections, icing frequently mostly for the fall issues. I now had about 40% and 75% relief so on 5/1/18 went for appointment and they suggested a cortisone shot on top of the SynVisc One injection and I had some more relief after that, even though cortisone shots had never helped me before. I got 1 it in both knees, which hurt way more than the initial injection. But it worked. I am now about 85% & 90% relief!!! On 5/28/18."

9 / 10
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  • Snowy
  • August 2, 2017

For Osteoarthritis "After suffering acute hip pain ,femer odema, shock wave therapy,MRI scans revealed loss of cartilage and some arthritis ,I had a cortizone injection which worked for 2 weeks and back to 10/10 pain .I had the Synvisc-one injection which was very painful and had no effect for 4 weeks after which every day mobility improved and pain free movement ,with regular physiotherapy the mobility continues to improve every day after the treatment 4 months ago and I hope the results continue .100% recommend the product ,thanks so much for my improved quality of life ."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 14, 2017

For Osteoarthritis "I have severe arthritis in my right knee I had arthroscopic surgery 20 years ago and now I am in need of a knee replacement. I have been getting Cortizone injections and thought I might try Synvisc . I Had first injection Monday, September 11 and the next day I had swelling and severe pain . I have been in pain since I can barely walk I didn't know I have this kind of pain before I had this injunction . And due to get another on Monday but I'm not going to do it I'm in too much pain it's not worth it !"

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  • Babyn...
  • March 19, 2018

For Osteoarthritis "After reading the reviews of those who have had the Synvisc shots, I am surprised at the level of pain some are describing. My ortho doc did tell me that some people don’t react well, that their knees “blow up”, esp. after the 4th or 5th time, and if that were to happen, to come right back. Maybe I am just lucky - no bad reaction, just pain free. It takes about 4 wks for the injection to take full effect. My first shot of Synvisc One was May 2016. It was not painful to have the shot, as my rheumatologist also used some local with it. Within a month, I was pain free in my knee. I previously was wearing a brace on my knee. Since then, I have had the shot every 6-8 mths in my left knee (from my ortho doc) I occasionally have a “little” pain if I overdo things, but it goes away once rested for a bit. I’ve had the shot 4 times now; just a couple days ago was the last time. Only tiny bruise at the site, and very slight swelling. That’s it. Worth it not to have pain for 6-8 months."

10 / 10
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  • Luano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 14, 2019

For Osteoarthritis "Bilateral knee "osteoarthritis". Injection every 6 months administered with lidocaine, using ultrasound guidance. Works great, as long as administered correctly. Pain gone, flexibility somewhat restored. Rather this than knee surgery, but my knee xrays show only mild osteo."

9 / 10
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8 Report
  • Seed...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 13, 2021

For Osteoarthritis "I had a Synvisc-one injection in late November due to Osteoarthritis that has made my left knee very swollen at times and even caused it to lock up for weeks. The doctor that administered the injection has a very good reputation and it was only mildly uncomfortable when he was injecting it. However, it has done absolutely nothing for my knee and in fact my left heel has been bothering me ever since the injection in my left knee. It burns and is painful to walk on but I keep pushing through. While I also suffer from extremely over-pronated feet, I have never experienced pain in either of my heels. Could be a coincidence but I am not so sure. I am happy that it does seem to work for some people, though."

1 / 10
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6 Report
  • Didnt...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 10, 2017

For Osteoarthritis "I had my first shot of Synvisc in my right knee in February 2016 as it kept clicking/popping due to OA. Found the first shot to be amazing. Was walking normally the next day. Six weeks later decided to have my left knee done. Again, amazing, I could walk without any problems. 6-7 months later I had both knees done at the same time. Lost some weight, rode exercise bike and walked a lot. This time, I had nine months of relief. Went back for third round. Had Synvisc in right knee and anther product in left. No problems with left knee, but right knee swelled up and had to be drained (twice). I had obviously built up a sensitivity to it. Right knee is back to clicking/popping every couples of steps, which is really annoying."

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  • Gauchi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 27, 2017

For Osteoarthritis "Sept 2017-Looks like I am not alone. It has been 20 days since injection. I have fluid build up and cannot bend my knee. Finding it hard to walk as I cannot bend knee. I wished I read reviews before getting injection."

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10 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.