Tramadol for Restless Legs Syndrome User Reviews
Brand names: Tramadol Hydrochloride ER, ConZip Qdolo
Tramadol has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 124 reviews for the off-label treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome. 86% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Tramadol
- Lil...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 9, 2020
"I have NEVER taken Tramadol and have had RLS for many years. I asked my doctor to prescribe me some (which was tough for some reason, it is the lowest level of narcotic drug but junkies ruin it for people who NEED pain control). After taking 100mg a night 1 hour before bed has SAVED me! I have NO RLS anymore! I love it! I take 2 in the morning for my back pain and 2 at night for back pain and RLS for over a year now and I feel so much better!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- July 31, 2020
"The only thing that has given any relief to my RLS. I just wish it wasn't such a hassle to get it. Whenever I get a new doctor, I have to explain to them that it, in fact, does provide relief for my RLS. I've been on all the other meds. None have worked. Tramadol saved my life."
Frequently asked questions
- Can you take tramadol with acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin?
- How much tramadol should I give my dog?
- How long does tramadol withdrawal last?
- Is tramadol stronger than codeine?
- Anonymous
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 10, 2012
"I have been taking Tramadol for RLS for three years. It worked absolutely wonderfully, and any time I ran out or stopped for some reason, I had no withdrawal symptoms at all. Also, I never felt like I was dependent on it, nor addicted to it. It helps that this is a non-narcotic medication. At the beginning of this year, my doctor added gabapentin 300mg/night. With this combination, I must say, I have never had a more restful night's sleep in my entire life. I wake up refreshed, not groggy at all, and ready to hop right out of bed and take on the day and the world."
- Cec...
- August 16, 2019
"I remember my grandma getting up in the middle of the night and wrapping my legs with warm, damp diapers with alcohol because of my crying, my legs hurt. To this day, at 80 years old, that was the beginning of my RLS. While going to school, my mom gave me aspirin, and that helped. I finished school, college, got married, had 5 children, and continued my journey with RLS. At 65, I had thrombosis in one leg. I had a heart bypass and was finally diagnosed with RLS. I am a certified teacher. I was given a referral to see a neurologist, who diagnosed RLS. He prescribed Tramadol, one a day for sleep, 15 years ago. It was a miracle for me. He said he prescribed Tramadol for his dad when he was 68 years old and had arthritis in his neck, his dad died at 92 years old. I retired at 74 years old. Now this new doctor does not want to prescribe Tramadol. It had saved my life and has given me the pleasure of restful nights. It does not make me high, it makes me feel normal! I have an old dog with arthritis, and the vet says he can have Tramadol but no aspirin."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Jen...
- May 19, 2015
"I've experienced Restless Legs on and off since I was a child. I remember my legs aching very badly and feeling like I constantly had to shake and move them around. This used to only happen when I was extremely tired. But over the years it has gotten worse. My doctor started me off on a low dose of Tramadol (50mg 2x a day). 50mg didn't really help so now I take 100mg anywhere from 2-4 times a day and it completely gets rid of my restless legs. I can sleep for more than 2 hours and I can actually get comfortable, fall asleep and stay asleep. I would rather use this medication the rest of my life (I am 35) than ever have to deal with restless legs again."
- RLS...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- February 9, 2017
"I have had severe RLS for 20+ years and it is absolutely a miserable way to live. Not only is it miserable for the person suffering, it is miserable for any spouse/significant other that you may sleep next to. 11 years ago, I was trying to fall asleep, moving and stretching my legs constantly (to no avail, of course), and my husband threw himself in my face screaming 'STOP MOVING YOUR LEGS!!!' That was when I knew I needed to find something that would help. After trying several different things - all unsuccessful - I tried tramadol. It has saved my marriage, it has saved my sanity, and because of those 2 things, it has most likely saved my life. For me, tramadol WORKS for RLS."
More FAQ
- How long does it take for tramadol to start working?
- How long does tramadol stay in your system?
- Can you take ibuprofen 800 mg with tramadol 50 mg?
- Which drugs cause opioid-induced constipation?
- CAG...
- September 27, 2014
"I've been suffering with restless leg syndrome for years and the older I get, the worse the symptoms are. My doctor prescribed tramadol when I hurt my back and discovered that my legs stopped hurting completely for the first time in years! I have tried endless medications, and the only thing I got were terrible side effects and no leg relief. I have absolutely no side effects with tramadol, and I can sleep pain-free all night!"
- Fis...
- October 11, 2013
"I have been on Tramadol for eight years now and could not function without it. I have uncontrollable movement sometimes all day long if I don't medicate starting when I wake up each day. Presently I have to take the threshold amount of 400mg each day and now I need to take more to control the symptoms but I don't care because it works. I was taking gabapentin as well but it makes me dizzy, gives headaches, and can't stay awake. Prefer tramadol. Worried what I will do when it won't work any longer because of the volume I need to take for effects. My restless legs syndrome is so severe I couldn't live or want to live without a prescription to control it. Such a feeling of nerve pain it is intolerable."
- Ang...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- February 28, 2020
"I had RLS since my 20s, I am 50 now. My legs started hurting and moving, and my doctor didn't understand, so I just suffered and thought I was crazy. Until in my 30s, my dad gave me a tramadol for a bladder infection, and it WORKED ON BOTH!!!! I have taken this medicine for 20 years. It's a pain in the butt, but if it wasn't for this medication, I would not have been a productive person. I have interstitial cystitis of the bladder, and for some reason, tramadol helps with both..... unfortunately, I've had to cut back 'cause of my doctor, now I'm having some pain and twitching at night. But my old doctor gave me amitriptyline at night, and that helped the tramadol last longer. Good luck to anyone with RLS, it had been a pain in my life....."
- Haw...
- July 11, 2016
"I had restless legs for many years and also had sciatica. I was prescribed tramadol and found that it worked wonders for RLS, but my doctor will not prescribe me tramadol anymore as it's become a controlled drug. Now I have to take ropinirole, and the side effects are awful, all they do is make me vomit all night. I am suffering big time because I am not allowed tramadol anymore, which worked perfectly without any side effects. There needs to be a lot of reviewing about RLS because it ruins lives. Tramadol should be prescribed for RLS no matter what."
- Gr8...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- June 19, 2018
"I have suffered from RLS since college. I had a hip replacement when I was 48 and was given Tramadol for pain and realized that it also eliminated the RLS and I could finally sleep through an entire night. I have been on Tramadol for 9 years, but now my doctor will not prescribe it. He has given me other drugs which either upset my esophagus or cause horrible side effects. I had no side effects with the Tramadol. I take one 50 mg pill each night, so I obviously am not abusing the medication. Is there any way to get a waiver or something similar so that I can continue to receive the one medicine that works?"
- Jen...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- March 20, 2016
"I wanted to post a little more information on tramadol for RLS because people here are having a lot of questions/concerns. 50 mg of tramadol once or twice a day is not going to greatly improve your RLS. For restless legs, this medication needs to be taken in doses of at least 100 mg, and for it to completely get rid of the restlessness, it needs to be taken 2-4 times a day. And while other opiates like oxycodone or hydrocodone start working right away, tramadol can take up to 1-2 hours to feel the full effect. So your last dose should be taken an hour or two before bedtime. Tramadol does nothing for pain, but for RLS, it is a godsend. The max dose is 400 mg in 24 hours with no more than 100-150 mg taken at once."
- Nub...
- April 7, 2017
"I too suffer from this horrible condition, and it is extremely frustrating that tramadol has fallen under as a controlled substance. I have been taking it for some years now, and it's what works for me. Now it's gotten more difficult to get the doc to refill without being stereotyped as a junkie. I put in for my refill a day or two before running out, and it's a battle to get it on time. Therefore, I suffer many restless nights with my RLS before it gets refilled. It's frustrating, no doubt!!! And angering for sure!!!!! I too wouldn't trade one dose for all the others in the world!! It truly is Godsent....."
- Har...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- December 3, 2016
"My life changed because of this medication 15 years ago, but after 18 months of use, my doctor at the time wouldn't give it to me anymore because he said it wasn't approved for RLS, and he wasn't gonna take the chance of being sanctioned by the medical board, despite knowing how much I needed it. For the next 15 years, I obtained tramadol by other means, but I now know it's approved for restless legs. The reason I tell this story is because I became a victim of the pain meds stereotype, and I hope that no one ever has to go through what I did for so long. I would not trade one dose of tramadol for all the pain pills in the world. For all who deal with this miserable, miserable condition, just know you're not alone."
- Mac...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 1, 2019
"Tramadol is the only medication that addresses the burning sensation in my knees and calves-whether caused by RLS or fibromyalgia. When I started taking Tramadol, I noticed a subtle but very helpful change in my mood. SSRI and other antidepressants were not effective. After 4 years and the same 50 mg 2/x or 3/x per day prescription, I have not become addicted, but I am dependent because it works really well for me. I feel better psychologically and physically."
- Gat...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- December 26, 2016
"I have been taking Tramadol 50 mg three times daily for well over 5 years now for RLS. I did numerous sleep studies with a neurologist who prescribed the combination of Tramadol and Topamax for RLS with sciatica. It has been an absolute lifesaver. Like so many other sufferers, had he not come up with this, I may have gone crazy, it was that bad. I even suffered during the day while trying to sit at a desk, it was impossible. Recently, since it has become a controlled medication, I get the same reactions from any docs, not my regular ones. They treat you subhuman, like you are a pill junkie, even when you are taking exactly as prescribed. I have tried to stop taking before, but the symptoms of RLS immediately return, and I cannot handle the RLS."
- Lon...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 9, 2013
"I've been on everything to control my restless legs syndrome-most recently switched from 2 mg of ropinirole (Requip) to 50 mg tramadol. So far, so good-the Requip had worked well for the restless legs syndrome, but left me feeling nauseous and just kind of icky all the time, and I never felt clear-headed the next day. So far, I've awakened feeling much more refreshed with the tramadol, but I don't believe the 50 mg dose will be adequate, as I've woken up each night around 3 a.m. with symptoms. For the past few nights, I've dosed at 100 mg and have slept great. Good stuff."
- San...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 28, 2018
"I was diagnosed 5 years ago with RLS but suffered long before diagnosis. I just did not know what RLS was at the time. I had surgery on my wrist and was prescribed Percocet for my pain. I hated feeling out of touch with reality, and it made me nauseous. I went back to the surgeon and asked if he could prescribe me something lighter. He then prescribed me tramadol 50 mg. Not only did it relieve my post-op pain, but it calmed my legs enough to fall asleep quickly. I was amazed at this discovery, but my doctor refuses to prescribe it for RLS. So sad that junkies had to ruin it for the rest of us since now it’s a scheduled drug."
- DRB...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- August 5, 2012
"I have been suffering from restless legs syndrome for over 15 years. I was originally given tramadol for back pain, which didn't help me at all, but in the process, I found I fully relieved my RLS symptoms. I have been taking it for over 10 years. I have stopped during pregnancy and when taking my migraine medicines and substitute a low dose narcotic. In the beginning, I do remember some 'high' like feelings when I started tramadol, but during my breaks from it, I haven't experienced the withdrawals everyone is talking about. My RLS symptoms are quite severe, and if not medicated, they will bring me to tears. The horrible achiness and cramping makes me want to scream! I have tried quinine and Requip in the past with bad side effects."
- Sno...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- November 18, 2020
"Tramadol has helped me 100% with my RLS. I take one 50 mg every night around 5 p.m., and it's like a miracle, my RLS is completely abated. I cannot get any rest without this miracle drug. I thank God for this drug."
- Lex...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- April 23, 2013
"I suffer day, night, evening, whenever it strikes with restless legs syndrome. I can't even sit through a movie at the theater anymore, but with the help of tramadol I can. It has made life so much easier. I don't like the sleepy side effects, but compared with fidgety legs, it's a no-brainer."
- sle...
- May 22, 2009
"I have had restless leg syndrome for years. Unfortunately, it is genetic, and it has been passed on to my daughter. I have tried many things, and nothing works like tramadol. At this point in time, I only need 75 mg each night. I sleep all night. It has literally saved my life in terms of quality. I know the doctors don't always like prescribing it, but if they had RLS, they would know how horrible it is. I would rather take this and feel great than worry about it being habit-forming and feel awful. What if it is habit-forming? I need it every night or I do not sleep. I take high blood pressure medicines daily and for the rest of my life, so why not tramadol? I monitor my use and do all I can to remain healthy. And I have no side effects."
- Vik...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 11, 2015
"I used to suffer from terrible restless legs syndrome, with countless sleepless nights. My doctor and I tried all sorts of medicine, from Sifrol/Parkinson's medication to Valium, but none were very effective and/or had way too many side effects. Then I started taking 100 mg Tramadol, and I haven't looked back since. I sleep well each and every night, wake up refreshed, and my restless legs syndrome is totally eliminated. I'm not having any side effects either. This is a wonder drug for people with RLS. It really gives you your life back!"
- Pal...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 11, 2019
"I have had RLS as long as I can remember. I am 54 years old. Tried all the normal drugs, creams, gels, etc. Recently had knee replacement surgery, got slow-release tramadol, and no RLS. I stopped tramadol for a bit, and RLS came back, so I am now on it, still for pain in my knee, but it's greatly helping with RLS. It doesn't matter if it's addictive, it's better than living with the awful life of severe RLS, in my opinion."
Learn more about Restless Legs Syndrome
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- Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
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Other brands
Ultram, Ultram ER, ConZip, Qdolo, ... +2 more
Professional resources
- Tramadol Hydrochloride monograph
- Tramadol Capsules (FDA)
- Tramadol ER (FDA)
- Tramadol Oral Solution (FDA)
- Tramadol Tablets (FDA)
Other brands
Ultram, Ultram ER, ConZip, Qdolo
"PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE! It's the tramadol and the withdrawal effect that is causing the RLS. I got on this site to find out what I can take for the RLS, as I wean myself off of the tramadol. Number 1 withdrawal effect = RLS! And here everyone is talking about getting on it. Don't do it! It is a severe addictive drug that will lead to many problems when you get off. The anger, depression, lack of sleep, fatigue, achiness, and most of all RLS is enough to drive me crazy."