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Thyroid desiccated for Hashimoto's disease User Reviews (Page 4)

Brand names: Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, Nature-Throid, Thyroid Porcine, Westhroid, Niva Thyroid, WP Thyroid, Bio-Throid, APur Thyroid

Thyroid desiccated has an average rating of 5.6 out of 10 from a total of 173 reviews for the treatment of Hashimoto's disease. 45% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 43% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Thyroid desiccated

  • EWano
  • September 4, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I stopped taking NP Thyroid after my symptoms got the best of me. Aches, dry eyes, fatigue. When I called Acella, they said, 'batches can be different, but the standards are the same.' I told them to raise the bar. Their new 'batch' smells horrible, tastes even worse, has a different size and look, and makes me feel worse than ever. How can that be acceptable?"

1 / 10
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36 Report
  • Lars
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 16, 2020

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I am glad I checked this page, as I thought I was going crazy. I noticed that the NP Thyroid pill thickness had changed, as well as the color, and it had a much 'sweeter' taste to the pill, from what I had been taking. I chalked it up to a different batch, but since taking the new pill, I have had muscle aches, rapid heart rate, blurred vision, back aches, and joints that are 'out' or popping, along with a bad 'do not care' attitude. I have made a complaint to the manufacturer in hopes of getting my money refunded, to go back on Armour Thyroid. Awaiting the results of that... The biggest issue I have is now I will need to start another medicine and get blood checks ($$$) to get the dosage dialed in, after taking a year to get it finally right this last time! THANKS NP!!! It's all a money scam..."

1 / 10
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33 Report
  • Jess
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 4, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I too have noticed a different smell from my new prescription from August. They didn't smell pleasant to begin with, but this is downright putrid. I have also been experiencing heart racing and chest pain. I just recently developed rashes that come and go. What happened to NP Thyroid? Where can we get answers?"

5 / 10
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34 Report
  • Mini
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 8, 2021

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "NP Thyroid is horrible. I have been on Nature Thyroid for 6 years. I have taken two days of this NP, and my heart is racing, I can't concentrate, and vision changes. I need my Nature Thyroid. What is wrong with pharmaceutical companies? I can't live without my thyroid pill. The only thing that works is Nature Thyroid. But now it is not available. What??"

1 / 10
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26 Report
  • Tia
  • November 8, 2020

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Armour thyroid 60mg was ok for about 3 months then I got edema in my feet and hands. Parathesis in my leg and face. Horrible nerve problems with trembling shaking hands I was dizzy and very depressed, hair loss, weight gain, tired, sweating, crying, vision problems couldn’t drive, freezing. I couldn’t function. All my hypo systems were worse than ever. Emergency Carpal tunnel surgery. Heart palp, high blood pressure. I reduced and then stopped and symptoms started to go away. Back to Synthroid and am a work in progress again. 5 endo docs and none helped me. They just look at TSH. Good luck everyone. Stay away from Armor and nature thyroid was just as bad. All my scans and blood work normal. Good luck everyone."

1 / 10
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  • Nicole
  • December 8, 2020

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I didn't plan on adding a review, but my heart goes out to some people posting recently and really struggling to find the right meds. *If your doctor doesn't want to switch your meds because your labs look fine but you don't feel right, find a new doctor. The process of finding the right med can be awful but necessary. I take Armour for Hashimoto's and have been for 5+ years. I took levothyroxine for about 1 year but lost my mind - stopped driving after I forgot how traffic signals worked one day. It did help clamminess, constipation, and foot odor (none of which I knew were tied to thyroid), but it wasn't worth the mental cost. My labs looked great so endocrinologists wouldn't change the meds. Found a naturopath who switched to Armour. It lifted the fog and got me back to a functional level, but honestly I've never felt the same as pre-diagnosis. I had such a bad experience on levothyroxine that I'm too afraid to try to change Armour at all, but it's getting the job done."

7 / 10
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25 Report
  • Marie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 10, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I have been on NP Thyroid since January 2019. BEWARE, I have been in the emergency room 4 times since starting this medication. It started with a racing heart for days, and my blood pressure would rise from 135/90 to 220/110 in one hour. I was very, very ill, went into the ER for this 4 different times. I got off this medicine, no more problems. This batch smells horrible too. BEWARE."

1 / 10
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31 Report
  • LVano
  • April 30, 2021

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Was switched to NP thyroid after Naturethroid was recalled. I was doing really well on the Naturethroid, but I tried to stay positive in taking this one. It smells and tastes disgusting. I noticed unexplained pain in my hip, constant indigestion, upset stomach, random diarrhea. 7 months in and my T3 is off the chart, T4 and TSH are super low, basically hyperthyroid. In the past month I developed horrible anxiety, crying randomly and uncontrollably, trouble sleeping, and fatigue. I barely recognize myself. Had a complete breakdown in the middle of an exam. My professors are mad and think I'm somehow incompetent although I kept trying to explain I didn't know what is going on. Finally went to the doctor and found out she had prescribed Armour but my pharmacy was filling NP instead. Am fighting with insurance to get Armour covered, but I can't continue with NP. My temporary dose of Armour already smells better than the NP. I'm praying this works, cause IDK what I'm gonna do if it doesn't."

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23 Report
  • GAT
  • February 24, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Finally, a medication that works wonderfully! I have never felt better. So far, so good! Used to be on Naturethroid. Had heart palpitations, highs and lows. The Stop The Thyroid Madness Support Group I follow has its members highly recommending NP by Acella. However, I do not understand the shortages in these thyroid medications when they are so desperately needed! The AMA has a lot of catching up to do because their protocol is counterintuitive and productive for patients like me who have been un and underdiagnosed for years! Time to wake up!"

8 / 10
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33 Report
  • Shern
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 4, 2020

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I have just changed from desiccated thyroid to the new ones filled at Costco. Now I am having constant GERD. I rarely have had GERD. And this stuff smells and tastes like cat urine! Really strong cat urine. I am sleepy all the time again. Where do we contact someone to look into this? What's going on?"

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29 Report
  • chelbym
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 17, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I've been on NP Thyroid for over 18 months, after having a terrible experience with Synthroid. For this entire time, it's always tasted like peanut butter. Weird, I know. After some adjustments on dosage, my levels improved continuously. Recently, it's begun tasting like ammonia, cat urine. My stomach rebels, and I cannot keep the medication down. I'm concerned about switching brands, but at this point, it's better than nothing. I'll be contacting the company and my pharmacy."

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29 Report
  • katydid
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 4, 2018

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I was unwilling to wait any longer for Nature Thyroid to get their new production facilities up and running, so I switched to NP Thyroid. I've been using it for only a couple of weeks, but the transition was completely seamless. I'm sleeping much better and feel well. The biggest surprise is I no longer have problems moving my bowels. On Nature Thyroid, I would need the aid of stool softeners and other products and would still struggle to produce 3 or 4 bowel motions in a week. Now, on NP Thyroid, I go effortlessly a minimum of twice daily like clockwork. I have never been this regular. Very happy with NP Thyroid!"

10 / 10
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34 Report
  • Wisco...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 23, 2019

WP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "WP Thyroid worked so well for me before the shortage, I was feeling good and losing weight. I was so excited when it started coming back, over a year later! What a disappointment. It has changed, and do not let anyone tell you any different. After a week of taking it, I was so sick I literally could not get out of bed. Test results proved it did not work the same. NO thanks, WP Thyroid, what a disappointment you turned out to be, and it costs more too! Shameful."

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31 Report
  • CBM
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 30, 2018

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Pharmacist substituted Armour RX with NP two months ago. I didn’t notice because I didn’t read the label (12+ years taking the same thing.) Weight gain, headache, equilibrium/balance off, blurry vision, joints ache, picking up a pitcher of water difficult, memory issues. I’ve missed 4 of the last 5 days of work (I rarely take leave) because driving the hour to work is too exhausting. Only realized the switch yesterday when I called the pharmacist to request replacement pills-figured I had a “bad batch” of Armour."

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33 Report
  • GAD
  • December 16, 2016

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I agree a lot with what others have said. I am currently on 15 mg Armour, but my doctor tried to put me on 30 mg, and I didn't realize it right away. I thought I was sick and dehydrated, but it was the Armour! It made me sick, and I lost a lot of weight, and I felt so bad and dizzy, like my heart wasn't beating fast enough. It was terrible. She switched me back to 15 mg, and I feel good again."

9 / 10
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39 Report
  • Heidi
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 18, 2021

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Was put on Armour after NP thyroid recall, they never told anyone they changed their formulation. NP thyroid made me really sick even though I took my meds every morning I ended up with a TSH of 19. I switched to armour and was doing fine till last year in December when I started having racing heart beat, palpitations, insomnia, cortisol spikes, vision changes, diarrhea, chest pain, tightness in my back, neck, shoulders, digestive issues, hot flashes. Irregular periods, really bad anxiety and even a panic attack My TSH has been all over the place like a yoyo. One month it's suppressed , the next it's in the 1's then it jumps to the 3's and then drops back down again. If my TSH is doing all that you know my fee T3 and T4 is all over the place too. One day I'd take my meds and feel fine, two days later anxiety, complete instability. I ended up on blood pressure medications to control the racing heart beat. My endo said a few months back that Armour had stopped working for people."

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19 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 2, 2022

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Was taking Levoxyl for 12 years and felt great. Then went into another Hashi-toxicosis so TSH increased and had severe hyperthyroid symptoms due to this. My thyroid started to normalize again on Levoxyl but my primary dr wanted me to try Armour so I did. HUGE mistake! I took it only for one week and gave me seizures with fear and extreme anxiety, depression, mood changes. TSH rapidly increased, nausea, no appetite, started feeling depressed after the very first day taking it. Even after I stopped taking it I am still dealing with the horrible side effects three months later especially the anxiety! I never had anxiety or depression or seizures prior to taking Armour. Stay away from this drug."

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16 Report
  • xxx
  • January 20, 2016

Nature-Throid (thyroid desiccated) "Took Nature-Throid successfully for 3 years, 32 mcg/day. Developed Hashimoto's with a small thyroid nodule. Increased dosage by 16.25 mg 2x/week. Doctor did not do a follow-up check on serum T3 levels. Toxicity after only 6 months - weak, lung tightness - faint, developed food allergies very quickly. Scary experience which has lingering effects 1 month later. Switched to Tirosint, which has no fillers & T4 only. Working okay so far."

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41 Report
  • DZG
  • July 31, 2015

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "NP is the best NDT on the market today. I have tried EVERYTHING. Was suggested this by Mayo Clinic in MN. I would give it a '10,' but it's very, very hard to get exactly right. You will have ups and downs, which technically isn't the fault of the medication. Don't increase your dosage too quickly, happened to me a few times. BE PATIENT and RESEARCH. It will take time to get back to 'normal.' Good luck and DON'T QUIT!"

9 / 10
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43 Report
  • bjano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 19, 2020

Nature-Throid (thyroid desiccated) "A few weeks after starting Nature throid I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, very suddenly. I am currently researching this to see if there is any connection. I had osteo arthritis all my adult life, but now it's much more serious. If you have had this happen, or know someone who has, I would like to know."

5 / 10
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25 Report
  • Hypo...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 4, 2021

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "My endo told me in June of this year that armour had stopped working for her patients. I continued on it, I trusted armour it has been around forever. Big mistake. I have had inconsistent dosing that made me hypo which showed on labs and labs that showed my hyper. I had inconsistent dosing in bottles where I'd take a pill and feel fine, another hypo, another like I'd taken speed. Symptoms were terrifying, anxiety, anxiety attacks, racing heart beat, palpitations, hot flashes, irregular periods, spotting, hot flashes, migraines, dizziness, high cortisol had to be tested for cushing's negative thank goodness, high blood pressure, panic attacks, insomnia, agitation, inability to handle stress of any kind, hair fall, vision problems, nausea with the migraines, all sorts of digestive issues including food intolerances and diarrhea. I've been in fight or flight for months. I was switched to Levoxyl. My last labs on armour were normal but I had all above symptoms."

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18 Report
  • DTano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 23, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I just started this medication today after being on actual Armour thyroid for almost a year. This medication has given me a horrible headache, calf cramps, and stomach issues and pain. I feel like absolute garbage after finally getting my TSH level at a prime level. This stuff is terrible, and the smell is absolutely horrible. Nobody asked me if I wanted the cheaper brand! Obviously, paying Armour pricing is expensive, but I would absolutely keep paying if it meant I don't feel like I do right now. This is so wrong, and it's all about quantity and NOT quality. It's a money game!"

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26 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 11, 2023

Niva Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Started taking Niva 2 months ago. No comparison to NP Thyroid. My hair is no longer so dry it breaks off. No anxiety or panic attacks. Leg cramps and headaches are gone. I highly recommend NIVA THYROID."

10 / 10
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7 Report
  • Felic...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 10, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I started taking NP Thyroid after Naturethroid and WP went on backorder. Didn't know it until now when I restarted WP that NP has been the cause of my hives, itching, and, of course, weight gain over the last 2 years. Restarted WP, and after 2 days, itching went away."

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28 Report
  • Eliza...
  • July 18, 2017

Nature-Throid (thyroid desiccated) "Synthroid stopped being effective after a number of years on it. T3 was 'normal' but apparently not optimal, as I was starting to have symptoms like I had before starting the drug. Switched to NT in November, now it is mid-July. I feel 15 years younger, and symptoms that I didn't even know were related to the thyroid problem have receded. Have lost weight (yes, I am working at it, but find it easy) and can walk and pedal for hours instead of sitting on a lounger all day."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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