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Xtampza ER User Reviews & Ratings

Xtampza ER has an average rating of 3.7 out of 10 from a total of 166 reviews on 24% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 63% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Xtampza ER

  • Speed...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 2, 2020

For Chronic Pain "After many years of being on OxyContin, I was suddenly unable to receive it any longer because my insurance company would no longer cover it. I was on 180 mg to nothing overnight. It took 10 days for my insurance company and my doctors to come up with Xtampza. This medicine does not work. I have H-EDS, a rare and debilitating illness. I rate my daily pain as 7 out of 10 on the pain scale. Now with this Xtampza, the pain has even increased more. Chronic pain patients and opiate patients get treated totally differently. Chronic pain patients constantly fight with doctors and insurance companies, while opiate addicts get free needles, free Narcan, and a chance to get on Methadone. What is our recourse? It's time for us to start screaming. Contact your senators, your House of Representatives, local mayors, news shows, and anyone who will listen to us!"

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858 Report
  • 1001
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 31, 2020

For Chronic Pain "My father is a 58-year-old Parkinson's disease sufferer with severe back and neck pain. He is 6'5" with a heavy/bulky build (not fat) and his weight was always around 250 lbs, now 300 since going on Xtampza. He had back and neck surgery (bone fusion) that only worsened his pain. He took OxyContin 60mg 3X per day for years until 2018 when insurance forced his intake from 3X per day to 2X per day, later switched to Xtampza 27mg 4X per day (120 per month), which is the equivalent. He says Xtampza does NOT offer the same level of pain relief as his former medication (OxyContin). Just because some people experience good results from it does not mean YOU will. Some people rated Xtampza highly and implied those who aren't getting good relief are just using it to get high or aren't using it as prescribed. This is insulting for anyone to even imply this, and doing so only further minimizes the pain and suffering people experience because of the industry's mishandling of their medication(s)."

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414 Report
  • PainP...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 21, 2020

For Chronic Pain "Like many others, I was forced off my 20 mg OxyContin ER twice a day by my insurance company that I was on for 10 years with no issues except constipation. My doctor switched me to Xtampza ER, and this medicine sucks! It doesn't control my pain, makes me feel generally unwell, woozy, and nauseous. I even took it with a high-fat, high-calorie 'meal' of peanut butter and crackers, as I heard that helps absorption. I'm sick to death of us pain patients fighting for our rights to medication that works for us! This new abuse-deterrent Xtampza is useless for addicts and useless for chronic pain patients! They design these meds with addicts in mind, not caring if they even do their intended job. I've had chronic pain since I was in my mid-20s due to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, and I'm 39 years old now, and I just cannot believe I am forced to live the rest of my life this way. What a waste."

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406 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Buddy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 3, 2020

For Chronic Pain "I was on OxyContin for 15 plus years, and I went to fill my prescription, but the insurance company cut me off. After a week of awfulness, I got my new medication Xtampza. I've only been on it for 4 days, and it's been the worst. I was fine on OxyContin except for constipation, and I had that figured out. I take my Xtampza and about 30 minutes later, I feel like I am at the end of my life. I'm so depressed and crying. Then, about 1 to 2 hours later, the depression is gone. I hope this is not going to continue, or else I need something else for pain. I feel like I have the flu and other issues. I'm not sure if it's the Xtampza or results from stopping the OxyContin. I don't understand why the honest, sick old people get screwed because these drug addicts are abusing drugs. This opioid war is hurting good people that need pain relief. The addicts will just find another way to abuse the system."

5 / 10
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386 Report
  • Mamie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 23, 2021

For Chronic Pain "I have been on Percocet 10mg. Five times a day. Then they put me on OxyContin 20 mg twice a day, with Five Percocet three times a day. Now they put me on Xtampza 18 mg twice a day with three 5 mg Percocet for breakthrough. THIS DRUG is WORTHLESS. I have never been so miserable in my life. This is a useless medicine, yes I take it with a teaspoon of peanut butter."

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222 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Jacks...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2019

For Chronic Pain "Have severe shoulder pain along with other bone problems and was taking OxyContin 20mg twice a day and seemed to get a lot of relief and able to sleep at night and get through most days without too much suffering. Living in Ohio has forced my doctor to take me off the OxyContin and prescribe the Xtampza 18mg twice daily. What a terrible medicine this turned out to be, constant diarrhea with nausea and almost zero pain relief! I had taken the OxyContin for 19 years and it worked great for my chronic pain. Ohio should be ashamed for this action, some of us take our meds as prescribed and are responsible law-abiding citizens!"

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288 Report
  • Frust...
  • May 13, 2021

For Chronic Pain "I've been a severely compromised patient for well over 4 years with chronic low back pain. I was put on an Xtampza regimen with breakthrough rescue of oxycodone. I reviewed their application to the FDA but it has a fatal flaw. It must be taken with a HCHF (High Calorie High Fat) diet/food. If you compare the blood levels with LCLF or MCMF (low calorie low fat, medium calorie medium fat) or a fasting state, it won't get the job done. Also, if you sprinkle it on food with a HCHF diet, you will find the onset about 1-2 hours faster, but the peak effect is lower, while it still lasts about 8-10 hours. If you ingest it as a whole capsule, it will take 2-3 hours to start to work. The company has done A POOR job of communicating how to take it. My guess is you probably need about 30 grams of fat to guarantee you get absorption and efficacy. That's about 270 calories. Unfortunately, no one has told us this."

8 / 10
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205 Report

More FAQ

  • Feenie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 23, 2020

For Chronic Pain "After taking MS Contin for 5 years, I thought it was losing effectiveness and made the mistake of telling my doctor this. He switched me to this Xtampza ER. Horrible drug. It made me sick to my stomach, headachy, general malaise physically, anxious, and somewhat depressed. It wasn't any more effective than the MS Contin, and the pain relief it gave me wore off in 4 hours. Due to the side effects, I had no life. I didn't feel well enough to do simple things like go to the grocery store, do dishes, etc., which the MS Contin allowed me to do. I was taking it for 2 weeks, and the symptoms were getting worse, not better. I just wanted my old medicine back, and it was a big struggle to get it back. I got the sense from my doctor that this Xtampza ER was the king of pain medication. For me, it was far from that."

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210 Report
  • Hopel...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 1, 2021

For Chronic Pain "Due to a forehead injury, I have chronic nerve pain. But my excruciating pain was well-controlled when I was taking OxyContin 20 mg AM & PM, with 4 Tramadol and 4 Percocet 10 mg a day as needed for breakthrough. But that all changed when insurance would no longer cover OxyContin and the pandemic hit, and there is a shortage of generic OxyContin 20 mg. Now I take Xtampza ER 18 mg. I take it with a high-fat food as suggested, and this medication is useless. I'm so depressed and not sure how much longer I can go on. My doctor mentioned putting me on Dilaudid ER and Dilaudid 10 mg 4 times daily, but Dilaudid is stronger and I would rather not have to take something stronger when the alternative lesser medication used to work fine! But I can't go on like this much longer! For those that Xtampza is effective for, I'm very happy for you, but for those of us that it is no help, or in my case, I think it makes the pain worse, it's devastating! God bless you all!"

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155 Report
  • RMD
  • July 26, 2020

For Chronic Pain "Have been in pain management for 45 years. Have been on morphine twice daily and oxycodone three times a day for years. It needs to be increased. But like everyone else, I am at the mercy of the dictatorship. Maximum dosage is achieved and, according to the government, my pain is under control and NO INCREASE IS ALLOWED. Doctor suggested Xtampa because OxyContin was denied. I started going through withdrawal within two days. Pain increased severely and side effects were horrid! My doctor put me back on the morphine, and I am back to my normal. Although the doctor swears it's a good drug. Look up how much kickback doctors make on prescriptions, sure they want you to try it, whether it works or not! Best of luck to all members of Club Pain!! In ratings, I can't do -10 so here it is!"

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168 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 7, 2020

For Chronic Pain "I wish they would consider making a type of Xtampza where you do not have to eat a high-fat meal with it. It just does not always work the same as other times. Sometimes you do not want to eat when you are in pain. I feel we are disrespected by making the pill where it is assumed we will not take it responsibly. Its pain relief is inconsistent. Sometimes it works well for me and sometimes it does not. Please make this medication to where you can take with water and not have to get up at 4 am and figure out the correct thing to eat so it will work. This is ridiculous. Shame on treating people in pain like we are drug addicts. It is unfortunate."

6 / 10
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179 Report
  • Bella
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 6, 2020

For Chronic Pain "I found this information about this pain control medication not working to be accurate. I've been on Oxycodone for over 8 years, and my pain has increased with time. I started this with the idea that I would finally get some pain relief, but it's nothing like what the PA told me it was. It does not offer me extended pain relief, but it does cause me not to sleep, or if I do fall asleep, I have terrible nightmares. It's terrible on my stomach, and I've tried taking it with many different foods, and now I have this static-sounding noise that is terrible. I was only given enough for a few weeks to see if it helps, but it doesn't. Because I don't want to start on Fentanyl, I'm going back to what I was taking because this is so much worse and still no pain relief. Why is this even an option for chronic pain relief."

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143 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 18, 2020

For Pain "I am another patient to say Xtampza ER just sucks. It doesn't work. To get it to maybe work, I gotta be as fat with fatty, high-calorie foods? 7 spinal surgeries and 16 years on OxyContin, and I was all good. It controlled the tingling, nasty damaged nerve at the top of my butt crack that, when it is firing, is unbearable. I'm a 64-year-old pain patient suffering unbearably when the pain used to be under control."

4 / 10
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126 Report
  • Rambo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 29, 2020

For Chronic Pain "This Xtampza is totally useless for pain management as it does not work. Rather, I feel this drug was created to be big pharma's version of Kratom. In other words, it was designed to dock in opioid receptors and stop withdrawal symptoms, but ineffective at removing pain. My personal experience was a pharmacist putting a bug into my doctor's ear and recommending this instead of the oxycodone I am used to taking without any negative side effects. Sadly, after taking Xtampza, it interacted with some food and it gave me burning diarrhea for 2 days! Not to mention the high frequency hiss in my head that felt like my brain was in the frying pan! I had to call the doctor and explain the reaction, and he put me back on my usual drug. Afterwards, I went back to my normal self. Now, a month later, I understand why the recommendation as it costs $800 a bottle, and it's no wonder I was put through this nightmare for no good reason."

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129 Report
  • Kimmery
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 12, 2018

For Chronic Pain "Dose: 27 mg, 2X per day, Hit-or-miss, minimal pain control, Side effects include IBS issues, dizziness, nausea, irritability, crying, elevated heart rate, hot flashes & insomnia. For the first time in 10 years, my pain is NOT managed. Government & big business insurance companies are forcing patients to use an ineffective medication. The definition of 'prejudice' & 'discrimination.' All CHRONIC pain patients complain to the US government, insurance companies & any legislators playing the role of 'doctor.' Statements such as 'all opioid patients/pain patients are abusing medication & one step away from heroin addiction,' is SLANDEROUS & DISCRIMINATORY! Chronic pain patients aren't 'addicted,' they're 'dependent' on the medicine for ADL. Contact your state chronic pain advocacy group and let's start taking back control of our lives!"

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163 Report
  • Chiar...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 9, 2020

For Chronic Pain "Stay away from this drug! I was prescribed 18 mg of Xtampza ER twice a day by my pain management doctor in hopes of it replacing a drug that my prescription insurance would no longer cover. The company that developed this drug did so during the opioid crisis to deter addicts from getting high. You can ingest this drug. It says so right on the instructions! Xtampza ER is hydrocodone/Percocet based and only lasts 3 to 4 hours at the most. It also destroys the stomach, causing severe nausea and vomiting. Plus, it is super expensive! Save your money! Trust me! One of the worst opioids out there for chronic pain patients!"

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115 Report
  • Evilm...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 16, 2020

For Chronic Pain "I was put on Xtampza about a year ago due to current pain meds not working as well and amount of acetaminophen I was taking. This was the 7th medication the doctor wanted, the other 6 were denied by insurance, unfortunately. I cannot cook when I first get up and am nauseous for several hours but have to force fatty food down and force it to stay down, sometimes gagging, just to take this medication that barely works. My Vicodin works better but the PA won't up the amount of those and cancel the Xtampza, she swears by it. I wish she was forced to try it for 1-2 days, see how worthless it is. That's the only way it won't be prescribed by that person again. It just doesn't work."

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102 Report
  • Robbie
  • November 21, 2019

For Chronic Pain "I'm a long-time sufferer of chronic pain, with degenerative arthritis in my back, herniated disc, and bursitis, and arthritis in my hips. I was on morphine ER, and it wasn't working as well. I've been on the same dose for 5 years. The doctor suggested I try Xtampza, comparing it to OxyContin, which I had been on many years ago until my insurance would not cover it anymore. Well, she could not have been more wrong. I have been on Xtampza for 10 long-suffering days and have made an appointment to be put back on my morphine ER. Even though it did not take care of the pain thoroughly, it is still better than the suffering I have had to endure taking Xtampza. They need to throw this in the trash, do not waste your money! It did not work even as well as my morphine did, and on top of it, I have had constant diarrhea since taking it, and my stomach has been chewing at itself, or at least that's what it feels like."

2 / 10
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110 Report
  • Kingb...
  • June 8, 2019

For Chronic Pain "There is a really good document all about Xtampza and how it works etc. and it is well worth the read. If you google 'FDA ADVISORY COMMITTEE BRIEFING DOCUMENT Xtampza™ ER (EXTENDED-RELEASE OXYCODONE)' you should find it. I read ALL of the reviews and this relates to many. This does have a different bioavailability than Oxycontin and it is important to have a high-fat, high-calorie (HFHC) diet to get the best result, not just food when taking. There is a lot of information, but if you did not like the med, it would possibly allow you to show your doctor why. I am just on my first day and had strange dreams and a lot of restlessness. Still, it takes 2-3 days to reach steady state, so I am not giving up. My last med, levorphanol, pushed me into serotonin syndrome and I NEED something to work. Quitting it cold turkey was very unpleasant. I am printing the whole document to read and take notes on. I hope it works, and if you try it, I hope it works for you. My pain got so bad at the doctor yesterday, my BP shot up to 196/136 with a pulse of 131."

5 / 10
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110 Report
  • Mrs...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 10, 2019

For Chronic Pain "I changed pain docs & he immediately changed me from 15mg MS ER to Xtampza 27mg every 12 hours. I also take Percocet 10/325 tid. The MS wasn't working and neither is the Xtampza. I have severe chronic pain due to a near-fatal wreck 3.5 years ago; degloving of my leg, had to have arterial/muscle/skin transplants, back broken at 5 levels, all told I had 35 broken bones and internal injuries, I hurt... bad. IF the Xtampza works at all, it takes 3-4 hours to kick in & only lasts about 2-3 hours if that. I've also gained weight, have mood swings which I've never had before & horrific vivid dreams. Not impressed at all!"

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107 Report
  • Sue
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 8, 2020

For Chronic Pain "I beg the makers Xtampza ER to consider reconstructing this drug so that it can be taken normally (with or without food). It is difficult to eat a high-fat meal when one is in pain. Because of Xtampza dependence on high-fat food, it is quite inconsistent in the pain relief it delivers. I have done the same foods, in the same amount, at the same times and have experienced quite different results. Many of us are putting on excessive weight and also many are experiencing HBP issues while only getting pain relief about half of the time! I do like Xtampza when it works. It is fantastic when it delivers but a good 50% of the time, it does not deliver. I wish I could say I have found a foolproof way to manage this med and ensure its consistency in relieving my pain. I have not. Please listen to your customers. I feel, as many do, extremely disappointed. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope somebody at Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc will listen."

5 / 10
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95 Report
  • In pain
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 16, 2020

For Chronic Pain "This has to be taken with a fatty, high-calorie meal for it to work correctly, and anyone in pain knows that eating is the last thing you want to do. I’m force-feeding myself, gained 13 pounds in two weeks. Xtampza is making me have uncontrollable diarrhea and gas that I haven’t left home since I started it for fear I would poop myself in public. I get no warning, it just comes out as if I’ve lost control of my bowels. I’ve noticed a few undigested pill capsule shells as well. The nightmares! Last night I was being chased by my mother's ex-husband with a shotgun. I don’t know what happened, but I do know that’s not normal. Overall, this is a horrible medication! It doesn’t work, makes you rapidly gain weight, hurts your tummy, makes you poop your pants, can’t digest the shells, and gives you nightmares... yeah, I’m good... just give me back the meds that work already!"

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93 Report
  • Jilly
  • June 2, 2019

For Pain "I trialed Xtampza ER for 5 days due to a forced step therapy trial. I went into the trial with a positive attitude because I wanted it to work and I can tolerate Oxycodone. (If it worked, my insurance company would stop hassling me because this med is cheaper than my current med.) However, by day two I could not walk or move because I experienced a rare side effect which I think was due to a filler. My muscle groups locked up consecutively one by one starting with my lower back and spreading across my body. My pain was also completely uncontrolled, so the dosage was not comparable to my previous morphine milligram equivalency. (My trusted pharmacist researched Xtampza and thought it would be equivalent, so I share this as a possible criticism of the drug itself and not a commentary on my tolerance.) I have complex regional pain syndrome, meaning I am an intractable pain patient, and have been prescribed pain medication for about eight years to manage my pain."

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102 Report
  • Heave...
  • July 25, 2020

For Chronic Pain "I had failed back syndrome and then surgery to fuse my spine from neck to tailbone. Huge surgery that was supposed to help my quality of life. I have more pain after surgery and my mobility is severely limited for life. Before surgery I was on OxyContin & oxycodone & I could at least have a life. Then I was switched to Xtampza - this is not working. Politics see me as a drug seeker so I must take the most tamper-proof drug out there whether it relieves pain or not. Xtampza does not. I have gained 15 pounds since starting this med and my quality of life is pitiful. Prescribers are most concerned about MMEs (morphine mg equivalents) and not at all about our ADLs (activities of daily living). It looks like I am taking a huge amount of opioids while I can only absorb a fraction of the med because I cannot force myself to eat enough to get any relief. The last thing that back pain sufferers need is obesity."

2 / 10
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80 Report
  • Evilm...
  • December 20, 2020

For Chronic Pain "I was born with curvature of the spine, then my job as a nurse's aide for about 20 years kind of finished my back off. I've been using pain meds, with varying degrees of success, for about 40 years. About a year ago, the pain clinic decided to put me on Xtampza ER. They know I cannot sleep after taking pain meds as they give me energy so I take both in the morning. I get no pain relief, but what surprised me was also no energy. I can sleep even after taking 2 Xtampza ER, but cannot sleep after 1/2 hydrocodone 5/325. I can take 3 days off of Xtampza ER and feel no difference. 1/2 of a hydrocodone 5/325 gives me better pain relief. Something is not right here. Please, please fix this."

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68 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.