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Naltrexone for Alcohol Use Disorder User Reviews

Brand names: Vivitrol

Naltrexone has an average rating of 8.6 out of 10 from a total of 316 reviews for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder. 84% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 10% reported a negative experience.

Naltrexone rating summary

8.6 average rating out of 10

316 ratings from 346 user reviews.

Compare all 25 medications used in the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder.


Reviews for Naltrexone

  • Anonymous
  • March 30, 2020

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I'm a 40-year-old who has been a drinker since age 13. I've drunk hard liquor, malted liquor, beer, anything alcoholic. I've used drugs in the past, a lot, however, booze is always my go-to to get the motor going. The only times I did not drink were when either I was in prison, unsuccessfully rehab stays, or detoxes. Other than that, I was drinking. I wanted to try this injection because I had tried naltrexone pill form in the past and I got massive migraines from it. Needless to say, I have been out of prison and off parole for 7 years, got my own apartment but kept drinking and getting into scuffles without the police in the middle. I drank my last drink on Monday, and called to ask for this shot on Tuesday. I got it, and the rest is history. I had no symptoms, no withdrawals, no side effects, no bad dreams, nothing but the good things that came with it. Sobriety, and free of cravings, free of thoughts, free of desires."

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458 Report
  • Cherr...
  • June 16, 2019

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I have struggled with alcohol for 15 years. Major depression & severe anxiety. Nothing took the craving away. I am surrounded by alcoholics & my husband is an alcoholic. I got a promotion at work, and one morning I went to work and thought I was going to die. I couldn't take it anymore & told them I had to go to the hospital. I detoxed at a great facility. They were incredible. They saved my life. I had previously been asked if I wanted the Vivitrol shot & I declined. This time I begged for the shot. Best decision I ever made! I got my 4th shot last week. I have no cravings. I have mental clarity. I'm off antidepressants. I have lost 27 pounds. Side body aches but I'll take it. I have no appetite so when I do eat, I eat healthy. Except for chocolate. I am extremely grateful for Vivitrol. I know it has saved my life. I actually died on my birthday a couple of years ago from severe alcohol withdrawal & critically low potassium. Didn't stop me from drinking again. Vivitrol did."

10 / 10
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326 Report
  • Jarrod
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 8, 2020

"I have been a heavy drinker - carton a day for 10 years, then a little less as I got older. 25 years of solid everyday drinking. Blackouts are normal - I do shots till I am muted. Locked up 4 times drunk and disorderly - AA for 22 weeks - failed. Get the picture! Day 5 of naltrexone- had to cut my 50 mg pill into 1/4. I was whacked as on a full pill for 2 days! Could not function at work on it - Forced to drink last night by my work mates at a party and my beer tasted weird and it made me queasy managed to down 3 and I left the party. Everyone was shocked as I am normally an animal and last one standing - I don’t feel like a drink at the moment! - so far so good - my advice only take a portion of the pill if it whacks you out too much - good luck all my fellow comrades"

9 / 10
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205 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Wren
  • August 4, 2019

"I am 42, struggling with alcoholism for years but the cravings won out every time. I figured I’d eventually get cirrhosis and drink myself to death. I was starting to hate myself. Until naltrexone and the Sinclair Method. One month in and I haven’t passed out from drinking nor gotten wasted. I’m actually making plans and doing things that don’t factor alcohol. It takes 2-3 days to get through a bottle of wine now! I’ll drink 1 beer and feel done with drinking for the day. I went on a camping trip with friends and woke up fresh every day because I stopped drinking when everyone else did for once. My husband feels excited for our future for the first time in years. I can sense the grip of alcohol starting to let go. I feel like this pill is my miracle and I cannot for the life of me understand why the world hasn’t embraced the Sinclair Method. I feel sorry for everyone who thinks a lifetime of AA and rehab and shame and guilt is the only way to go. This naltrexone pill is literally my lifeline."

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229 Report
  • bella
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 30, 2019

"I never in a million years would have imagined my life without a drink in my hand. I have been an alcoholic for about 6 years now. As the years went on, my habit became worse - drinking at any time of day, whether it was 7 am or 7 pm, time didn't matter but my drink sure did. When I talked to my doctor about the situation, he suggested I start taking Naltrexone. I started on a dose of 25mg and now on to 50mg, and wow, it REALLY works. I have been sober for 10 days now. Hey, for me, that's pretty good. I've lost over 6 pounds, and I feel fantastic. I had absolutely no side effects, except NO desire to drink and alcohol tastes like rubbish. If you want a second chance and want to help yourself stop drinking, then Naltrexone is definitely the first step ;) I wish everyone the best of luck. It truly is a miracle pill. ❤️"

10 / 10
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174 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • lolly...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 2, 2021

"I am on day 7 of 50mg Naltrexone for alcohol addiction/binge drinking. Day one - four I had one beer which I actually struggled to drink. I drank them so slowly and with such disgust they actually got warm. Why I continued to drink them? I'm an alcoholic, who knows? Day 5 and 6 I actually did not drink anything and had no desire to drink. I am on day 7 and I really hope this pill continues to work its wonders. I have had mild side effects. Mostly a little nausea and a spaced out in the head type feeling but nothing that isn't manageable. I'm very pleased with this drug and wish that I had started it sooner."

9 / 10
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132 Report
  • sober
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 24, 2020

"I was drinking from morning till night when not working. This had gone on for about 2 years when it started to become unmanageable. I admitted myself to rehab. Went through detox for a week and then rehab for weeks. Went through an intensive outpatient program for 3 weeks. I really tried hard for about 45 days but I felt like I was constantly craving it. I started drinking again and fell right back into the same pattern for 2 months. I began to regret and hate myself again. I decided I couldn't take it anymore and gave Naltrexone a try. 25mg 1x/day. No cravings. Makes me sick thinking about it. Day 3 and still don't want a drink. I am pretty tired though but that's way better than being drunk and hungover. I highly recommend it."

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158 Report

More FAQ

  • Anony...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 6, 2019

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "Imagine your favorite food. Let's say it's pizza. Now you're at your favorite restaurant that serves pizza just the way you like it. But something is different, and you're just not in the mood for pizza, so you order something else. That's exactly what Vivitrol is like. You can think about drinking, but you're just really not in the mood for it. Also, if you're an alcoholic, you've probably been prescribed an SSRI by now, and with those, it takes weeks to start working, but Vivitrol is pretty immediate, it only takes maybe an hour or two to become really effective. If you're reading this, you've probably tried all the unless things out there, and it just can't reach that itch. Vivitrol is about as close to a magic shot as you're going to get for alcohol problems."

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180 Report
  • Hawkeye
  • October 21, 2019

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I have been sober 2 months with my first VIVITROL shot! Alcohol was my poison. Nothing could stop me from going to any convenience store to buy my daily 24 pack. Since the first day, ALL of my cravings have disappeared! I have 'debated' with myself to 'test' this injection, however, I immediately lost all interest. No explanation other than that! Just zero interest. After 30 years of this poison - poof!! Just like that! If you struggle with addictions of all sorts, VIVITROL is your answer!! No joke! It works!!!"

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162 Report
  • GRATE...
  • November 27, 2015

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "After battling the bottle for 30 years, I am so grateful that I found this. I tried everything from AA to SMART Recovery, and to be honest, while each program has its good points, they did not take away that urge to drink. This did. Instantly. Vivitrol has really been a blessing because it not only blocks the urge to use, but it goes the extra step of blocking the high if you do drink. I was just a garden variety alcoholic. I drank around the clock. I would even drink in the shower. The funny thing is I never bought into the disease model even while I was sober for years at a stretch. I would eventually pick up a drink because the urge, that voice, the beast was always there. Not anymore! Vivitrol stopped the brain imbalance that made me drink."

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245 Report
  • Krist...
  • July 10, 2014

"I've been an active alcoholic for 10 years. Started socially. I went through treatment once and relapsed. Alcoholism, for me, has given me depression, anxiety, insomnia, OCD, stress, and the worst of them all, racing thoughts. Classic, right? I'm on day 4, but noticed the difference right away. It made me a bit queasy and in a daze of some sort, but I slept wonderfully and woke up at ease, and I have been every day since I started. I have no cravings whatsoever for alcohol, the thought of it actually repulses me. Anyways, I agree with everyone saying that this medication is Godsent. Remaining steady with my thoughts has helped me already socially, with my kids and my job. I have happy tears to have finally found something that held onto me for years."

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260 Report
  • Holli...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 31, 2015

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "After partying almost 30 years in a successful, trouble-free life, I began taking Antabuse pills a few years ago without a recovery program. I was told about Vivitrol and it interested me in quitting my prescription hydrocodone, benzo, and drinking. My first shot was 10 days ago, and it does make your mind content. I can tell the drug is wrapped around my receptors. If I were to attempt to take a drink, it feels like I already had one. Not taking pills is no big deal either. I still take a sleep aid at night and Aleve or Ibuprofen for anything else. I am now experiencing eating and sleeping like I've seen normal people do all my life. A spiritual feeling should come along with that for those of you who are willing to make a change."

8 / 10
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239 Report
  • Stuman
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 8, 2019

"I was a heavy (beer) alcoholic for 40 years. My new wife told me about Naltrexone, and I opted to give it a try because I don't ever want to lose this amazing woman because of my drunken stupidity. I had gotten my first ever DUI in 2018, and it was most embarrassing both for my wife and myself. I started taking it Nov 2019, and that same morning after I took it, I usually would have about 2 beers when I first get up. I took the pill and, of course, with a beer. I didn't feel like having another beer for several hours. I was so thirsty though and began drinking tons of water that day. My wife then introduced me to the many flavors of Gatorade (to my surprise, I love them all). It's now Dec 12/2019, and I crave maybe 2 or 3 beers a day instead of 10-12. My wife said if I can just be a casual beer drinker, she's okay with that. Me too. I feel so much better already. I had no idea how clear life really is.. when sober. Thanks, Naltrexone. You saved me and my new marriage."

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135 Report
  • MHAP
  • January 27, 2020

"I was prescribed Naltrexone 3 days ago, and I literally cannot believe the difference it has made to my life in such a short time!! I have been drinking 2 bottles of wine every night for over 10 years and close to that for 20 years before that. I had a miserable, lonely life, doing nothing but working and closet drinking. I didn’t see anyone and ignored my kids. I just lived for my next drink, regardless of what it was doing to me. I had resigned to the fact this was how I would die - and the sooner the better. I finally feel free, and it has been no effort at all!! I have zero desire to drink, and even my appetite has been suppressed! (Great side effect!) I am enjoying my kids and can get in my car whenever! I had moderate nausea on the first day, but my Dr. prescribed anti-nausea medicine which quickly fixed that. I have had a little trouble staying asleep but not too bad. I am taking 25mg, and don’t think I will need to go to 50mg, but 25mg works."

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131 Report
  • Trans...
  • March 28, 2013

"I started drinking in high school, alcoholism runs in my family and I started early. I tried AA and 5 rehab facilities but always started drinking again. I never had any willpower or control, but alcoholics rarely do. Over 10 years ago now, a doctor asked me if I wanted to try this medication and it worked from day one. It took away my cravings, changed the way I functioned, my entire life. At 46 years old, I was sober and staying sober for the first time. I now have a little over 10 years of sobriety. Run, don't walk, to your doctor to try this medication. It can give you the life we used to only dream of. Good luck!"

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258 Report
  • Mendee
  • March 24, 2017

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I started going to a clinic to get extra help on top of AA. My alcohol use had gotten to a very, very dangerous level. I would flirt with sobriety through AA, getting almost to 30 days, then a bad craving would hit and I couldn't resist. Then I found out about Vivitrol. After my first shot, it cut my cravings down tenfold. Now, 4 shots in, I rarely have a craving, and when I do, it's manageable. This has allowed me to concentrate on my recovery without also battling cravings. I'm 95 days sober today and so grateful."

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186 Report
  • Stare...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 8, 2019

"3 days on Naltrexone and what a difference! I am (was) a pass out drinker... drink 'til I pass out and then start all over once I wake up. But with Naltrexone, I'm just not interested in drinking. I used to be desperate to get that booze, but now it's like 'Meh', don't really feel like drinking... unbelievable! I was totally addicted to alcohol... a DUI, jail time, job loss, wrecked relationships, and I still couldn't stop... 'til now! Naltrexone is my light at the end of a terribly dark tunnel. Many thanks to my physician who specializes in Addiction for persuading me to at least try it... Naltrexone is saving me from this terrible addiction."

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129 Report
  • Yvette
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 12, 2018

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "It's a blessing and a miracle!! I have been drinking for 35 years, arrested 18 times, homeless, raped, baker acted (involuntary commitment), lost dogs, almost died of alcohol poisoning. None of that stopped me! Vivitrol is the only thing that has taken all cravings away. Good luck to you all."

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141 Report
  • DSC
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 24, 2018

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I'm 39 and been drinking practically daily for 25 years. Mostly just beer but it got to the point where 15 beers a night was the norm. Wife and I decided to quit and she did cold turkey (of course) but I didn't go so easy. My med doctor recommended Vivitrol and I thought 'what the hell'. Took a shot in the butt that day and when I left I decided to test it. Drank as normal but magically the pleasure of drinking just wasn't there. I would physically feel the effects but it was not pleasant and the hangover as if I were in high school. That was the last time I drank...nearly two weeks ago. Cravings are very sparse and I'm seeing the world differently. I feel better, people say I look better, and my social anxiety doesn't seem anywhere near what it used to be. Essentially I just feel more confident. This is a miracle drug at this point as I haven't been sober this long since before I was allowed to drive. Good luck to you all."

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136 Report
  • aspen...
  • May 11, 2021

"Early I know. Took my first pill (50mg) this morning for alcohol dependence. Right away I started noticing an increased energy level. I thought at first my coffee was really good. Once I got in the car to leave for work, I could really notice an energy feeling, almost too much so I knew it was the Naltrexone kicking in. I was also becoming nauseated and a little dizzy. I have a long drive to work, so I was becoming concerned that I was not coherent enough to drive. However, after about 30 more minutes, I started feeling fantastic! The energy feeling leveled out somewhat, nausea went away, and I had a feeling of euphoria. Very happy, calm, and pain-free. Just feeling in a great mood, no bad side effects... yet. So far, it has also suppressed my appetite. If this makes me feel like this every day, I would want to take it forever. We will see how it does with my alcohol desire. As of now, I could care less about alcohol or food. I will update the review if anything changes."

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78 Report
  • Broken
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 25, 2019

"I'm 44 and been drinking heavily since I was 20. I hated the way alcohol made me feel: fat, bloated, pains in my abdomen and unable to exercise. I also have complex PTSD arising from severe childhood abuse. My psychiatrist prescribed naltrexone and you have to take it slowly. Cut the 50mg tablet in half and only take half for the first 7 days. Yes, there are side effects: it takes away your hunger, you also can get very sleepy and sleep excessively at first, but this will fade. Naltrexone can also make you feel anxious. With my illnesses, it's always been hard saying 'no' to alcohol as I am surrounded by alcoholics who bring home alcohol almost every evening. That is, until I found naltrexone and started taking it properly. Now, on naltrexone, I am offered wine and I will refuse or only drink a glass or two. My mind is, for once, telling me this is not the person I want to be. I don't want to be the alcoholic. There is no willpower involved, it just happens, like magic."

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106 Report
  • Tomit...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 17, 2014

"So far it is nothing short of miraculous. I had to beg my psychiatrist to try this. He is a shrink at an addiction clinic and he seemed to know nothing about this. Anyway. I started an IOP a week before but I was still drinking a bottle of vodka a night. I was getting hopeless so I did my research about this medicine and went in to see him. Long story short...He gave me a two-month prescription for 50 mg. I took it before I was out of the pharmacy and about a half an hour later I had no desire to drink AT ALL. That was 5 days ago and I still feel the same. I was a pretty bad drunk and have had really bad withdrawals in the past. This time... I still have some side withdrawals but nothing too bad and no desire to drink."

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179 Report
  • jackr...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 8, 2015

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I took my 1st Vivitrol shot around 9/10/14, 2nd - 3rd - 4th - and the fifth shot 01/04/15. By injection 30 days apart. I can honestly tell you that I have not had any cravings for alcohol since the very 1st day of the shot. I can personally tell you that I have not had any side effects. Some people may have, but I have not. I now speak at my rehab center (Clarity) where I was at. I'm a firm believer in Vivitrol. Saved my life. I will take it for a year."

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170 Report
  • kyle
  • November 9, 2011

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I just received my second Vivitrol shot. I am so glad that I did. It has helped curb my cravings, and I have had no side effects. I've been a heavy drinker for 16 years and have struggled with relapsing for a few years. I know this isn't a cure, and this is a daily disease that should never be put on the back burner, but not having the cravings where the only thing I can think about is that next drink helps a ton. To anyone that is thinking about trying Vivitrol, I would say stop thinking about it and do it."

9 / 10
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209 Report
  • Hanoreo
  • May 29, 2014

"I noticed its effects the same day. At first, I thought it was just a placebo-type of effect. I was told it would work, so I thought it would work. But when I read up on it, I read that the medicine would work that quickly. I no longer think of when and where and how much I can drink. My dreams are no longer haunted with the same thoughts. I feel like a real person again. I don't feel dependent on alcohol. Even if the alcohol is there, I don't feel as if I need to drink it."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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