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Naltrexone for Alcohol Use Disorder User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Vivitrol

Naltrexone has an average rating of 8.6 out of 10 from a total of 316 reviews for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder. 84% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 10% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Naltrexone

  • Jax
  • November 9, 2019

"I have been a severe alcoholic for 10 years and also suffer from bipolar with manic depression. I have come close to death multiple times. I am on multiple medications and will stop my meds to drink because I feel it helps me more than my medication. My family and doctors are very afraid that I will die soon. I was started on naltrexone 2 months ago and have stayed sober and gotten back on track with my medication. I have only had some fleeting thoughts about alcohol but it quickly goes away. I get very drowsy but it’s better than drinking. I would definitely recommend this medication naltrexone for alcohol problems. Sending good vibes to all who suffer ☮️"

9 / 10
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99 Report
  • Court...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 6, 2020

"This drug naltrexone changed my life. First day I started taking it, it started working. One week after I started, I went on an all-inclusive trip. The most alcoholic drinks I had in one day was three, when usually on an all-inclusive vacation I would have had three just for breakfast. This medication is godsent, and I’m forever grateful for this opportunity to no longer be dependent on alcohol. I’ve had zero side effects also."

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93 Report
  • nonce
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 9, 2019

"My problem drinking began in my adolescence. Lately, about 6 or 7 drinks a night, 3 or 4 days a week. The frequency and amount increased steadily over the past 15 years. I sought counseling, and I was told I should go to AA meetings. AA is not for me. None of the people I consulted mentioned naltrexone. I never heard of it until by chance I read an article in The Atlantic titled 'The Irrationality of Alcoholics Anonymous'. I recommend this article. Two weeks ago, I asked my doctor for a prescription. It is for a daily 50mg dose, but I am using the Sinclair method of taking 50mg an hour before drinking. I have only used it twice so far. No side effects. For me, it completely stops the high. Naltrexone is giving me my life back. I have no difficulty stopping after two drinks. I may never drink again without taking it first. I needed this 30 years ago. I cannot say enough how wonderful it is that I have it now. It should be mentioned in the media much more often than it is."

10 / 10
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99 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • August 21, 2013

Revia (naltrexone) "I do not obsess over alcohol like I used to. On occasion when I have wanted a glass of wine, I take it approximately an hour prior and can actually drink like a normal person (1-2 glasses vs. 1-2 bottles). This medication is a godsend."

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175 Report
  • Geran...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 4, 2020

"I just wanted to thank all the people for their comments. Reading these positive (mostly) reviews made me see the doctor and get naltrexone. I have only had 25mg for 4 days now but it is so good! I was drinking way too much about 4 nights per week and once I started, I couldn’t stop. Now I don’t feel like a drink at all. I had a sip of wine on day 1 and it was awful. Fortunately for me, minor side effects - bit tired, bit of diarrhea, night sweats and some very trippy dreams! Good luck to everyone. I highly recommend."

9 / 10
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86 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Rap...
  • August 4, 2019

"I echo the success stories that predominate this board. The one thing I did not see mentioned was the ability to eventually stop taking naltrexone and stay sober. You definitely can. After about 90 days of drink-free life, I was able to stop taking naltrexone daily. The trick is, you must not have any alcohol without taking a dose of naltrexone an hour prior. If you don’t plan to have a drink and are in control of that fact, then no naltrexone is needed. But absolutely no cheating allowed. If you do cheat, you’ll open the Genie bottle again (no pun intended). You must start back on naltrexone immediately if you do to reestablish your control. Otherwise, if you are dry and comfortably in control of all drinking temptations, you can skip the naltrexone. Don’t test this by just having that ‘one’. You’ll be back where you started in a short time. Take my word for it."

9 / 10
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96 Report
  • Freed...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 18, 2015

"I cannot speak highly enough of this medicine. I used to drink a case of beer per week, sometimes more. I've been trying to control my drinking for 3-5 years with no results. After starting on Naltrexone, now I can take it or leave it - I have beer in the house but it doesn't control me in the slightest. To be honest, I lose interest in beer and end up pouring it down the drain because I can't finish the can! I began by taking a half dose for the first 10 days, which was good because it does cause some drowsiness/sluggishness. I'm also losing weight because my appetite is not what it used to be. Hope this is helpful to someone else out there who wants a medical aid to curbing (or eliminating) their excessive drinking."

10 / 10
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151 Report

More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • October 13, 2008

Revia (naltrexone) "I spent nearly a decade of my life in and out of rehabs and programs, losing jobs, ending up in hospitals, basically not being able to take care of myself and taking anyone who cared about me down with me. I was usually sober but when I relapsed, I would do so much damage in such a short amount of time, it really didn't matter. I was recommended Naltrexone. I've been sober for almost 2 years now. Allows your mind to think rationally as far as alcohol and drugs are concerned."

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216 Report
  • Sleann
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 9, 2020

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "Vivitrol has helped me maintain sobriety for the longest time ever since I started drinking about 5 years ago. Not one craving! However... I have developed bad acne on my back and neck areas. But the side effects don't outweigh the benefits, so I choose acne over alcohol. :-)"

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82 Report
  • Akris...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 1, 2013

"Naltrexone is very effective and quick-acting: prior to commencing treatment, I would drink 2 bottles of wine each and every evening without fail. Naltrexone helped me break this habit very quickly - it starts working from the very first tablet you take. After 4 weeks of Naltrexone therapy, I could pass 6-7 days without touching a single drop of alcohol. This medication has helped me rebuild my life. The side effects from Naltrexone are minor: tiredness and anxiety and sometimes heart palpitations. For best results, take the Naltrexone around 4 or 5 pm - this is a few hours before the usual time I would start drinking alcohol."

8 / 10
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153 Report
  • Snags
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 22, 2019

"I have been on this naltrexone medication for approximately six weeks to help with my alcohol issue. I am a 61-year-old female who always enjoyed drinking, but lately I felt that it got out of hand as I was drinking a bottle of wine most nights and binging on the weekends and drinking 1 -2 bottles on most Saturdays. I came across Naltrexone by searching for help for my addiction. I was lucky to find a regular family doctor who prescribed this for me, as not too many doctors prescribe this medication. I feel like my alcohol consumption has drastically decreased. I am now drinking about 3 times per week with no more than 2 drinks per night. I take a 50 mg pill one hour before I drink. The feeling I usually get when I have a drink is 'full' and I can drink no more. This has also decreased my cravings greatly. Naltrexone is truly a miracle drug to help with alcohol problems and I wish more people knew about it."

9 / 10
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85 Report
  • Popsi...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 16, 2019

"As a daily drinker for many years, it had become a problem for the last 5 years or so. Every morning, I would swear I would just make it through that one last day feeling anxious, depressed, exhausted, and ill and would NOT drink that evening. Every morning, I was so sure I would not drink that evening because of how terrible I felt. Then I'd do it all again. My 'life' was one long Groundhog Day. I tried every trick in the book to cut back. Then I took naltrexone. It's been a process, but 6 months in, I have a new life. The naltrexone, using the Sinclair Method of taking a tablet one hour before taking my first drink, has completely changed my relationship with alcohol. I still, on occasion, get the urge to drink, but I simply don't drink very much when I drink after taking a tablet. I often have no urge to drink at all, and those days are becoming more frequent as time goes on. This works for a lot of people, and I am so thankful to be one of them."

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81 Report
  • uncle...
  • November 20, 2011

Revia (naltrexone) "I have never slept so well or had any withdrawal problems on this medication. This medication is a God-send. I wish I would have taken my therapist's advice and taken it sooner. Being from a family of alcoholics and eventually becoming one myself, I was left with no other option but this one. It was my last hope. I can say that this medication works, and works well. You think clearer and your sleep patterns return to normal. Sleeping was a problem for me before. I would recommend anyone with a dependency problem to discuss this medication with their doctor or therapist."

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163 Report
  • Daisy...
  • May 29, 2015

"I have been drinking a half to one full liter of wine 4-7 nights every week for the last year. In the middle, I had a brief 2-month period of sobriety following a reckless decision I made while drunk, which literally scared me sober. One day, I had a dinner to go to and foolishly decided it was okay to drink. I went right back to old habits and 6 months later found myself desperate to quit. My drinking problem is a secret, so I cannot do AA. I'm taking 50 mg as needed, usually at night when I normally start to crave a drink. It has only been a week, but every time I take it I completely forget that I wanted the drink to begin with. I have had no side effects except for a 'pins & needles' feeling occasionally. It's minor. This drug is from GOD."

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128 Report
  • TN Guy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 27, 2015

"I'm only on day 4 but I am in total awe with this medicine. I am in my early 30s and have a 40-beer-a-week habit. Worried for my future health, I talked to my doc who suggested this. I started with a half dose the first two days in the morning. On my way home the first day, I picked up a six-pack as usual. I took my first drink and was almost freaked out! The beer tasted almost foreign to me. I never would have guessed so much of the taste was my brain's instant reaction to the alcohol. My cravings are nearly all gone, and can easily drink one beer and be done. This makes quitting so easy it almost feels like cheating."

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125 Report
  • Twaud
  • August 7, 2011

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I am looking forward to my second injection. The obsession of taking a drink has been diminished significantly. I am motivated and happy. I attend 12-step meetings and do everything suggested from the fellowship, however, this medication has taken me to the next level in my sobriety. It is merely a band-aid to my disease, and support is still extremely important. I recommend this medication to any chronic alcoholic who has a problem staying sober."

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162 Report
  • Nick...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 22, 2017

"I'm in my mid 40s, been drinking daily for at least the last 5 years. Writing that is embarrassing, but each day around 4, my brain would be buzzing and the only relief was drinking. My choice was red wine, usually 1 to 2 bottles a day, more on weekends. When I was honest with my doctor, he had me try to reduce independently for 3 weeks, with no luck. He put me on this medicine. It's a life changer, after 5 days and normally 12 bottles, I've only had 2 bottles. When I drink now, it's out of hand to mouth habit, but it has no effect and really makes me feel sick. Best of all, I feel fantastic in the morning and for once I have hope for a battle I had zero control over. I wrote a letter to my doctor thanking him. So many wasted years, no more."

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104 Report
  • Papad...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 9, 2015

"I have been drinking very heavily for the past seven years and about a liter to a half gallon a day for the past year. I have been to inpatient rehabs that have lasted from 30 to 90 days and always drank the day I got out. I have been in and out of AA, tried the 12 steps, and tried different sponsors. I could never put more than a week sober together. I finally got my doctor to prescribe it to me after asking many times and now I have 5 months sober. For me that is a miracle. I have never in my life felt better. I have no cravings, and the strange thing is I don't remember what it felt like to drink, so I feel pre-alcoholic again. The thought of drinking just does not come across my mind anymore. This is a well-kept secret for a reason."

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121 Report
  • Annng...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 2, 2017

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I have been on Vivitrol since November 2016. I have remained sober for 5 months. The urge to drink went away, and it felt good knowing that even if I drank on the shot, I wouldn't feel the warm fuzzy feeling that I was so addicted to. So recently, I did drink, and I feel so terrible - shakes, sick to my stomach. Alcohol withdrawal is terrible, and it really sucks. Now I know why I love feeling sober. Vivitrol has not only kept me sober, it truly saved my life because I know that I have control of my life. I would recommend this to anyone who has a problem with alcohol. It truly takes the cravings away and helps you find yourself."

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101 Report
  • Pamelas
  • May 10, 2008

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I am a chronic alcohol relapser and found the injection helpful. Not only mentally, is it a deterrent. It definitely curbs the 'feeling' found in a drink because I did test it. The second shot only makes it more potent and you get better with time. Combined with meetings every day, and the shot, I have a better chance at an alcohol-free life."

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179 Report
  • CLano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 28, 2019

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "This Vivitrol shot has literally saved my life. If only it had been available 10 years sooner. I have almost 2 years sober now with no cravings whatsoever. It's like it just shut the alcohol switch off in my brain. The only side effect is that on a couple of occasions, I've noticed some slight dizziness."

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76 Report
  • Roadw...
  • March 27, 2015

"For 8 years I have consumed on average 90-120 drinks per week (i.e. a drink being a beer or glass of wine or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor). Within 6 weeks on Naltrexone, the number dropped to 60. After 3 months, it is at 30 drinks per week. Next target is 15 drinks, the 'safe' normal limit. Then onto nothing. It works. Don't cheat... take it 1 hour before drinking and see a psychologist specialized in addiction too. Naltrexone is not a silver bullet, but is part of the arsenal to combat alcohol dependency."

9 / 10
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118 Report
  • Jamie
  • September 22, 2019

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "Vivitrol injection on 9/19/2019. Can you drink? You can, but it doesn’t feel good. We know alcohol is a depressant. I always enjoyed the euphoria and was too drunk to recall the depression. Drinking now makes me feel heavy, dull, and a bit nauseated. I failed the oral dosage because an hour before drinking, I was salivating for the buzz! Now, I only have to be strong once a month while my resolve is strong. Now I can drink like a normal person if I want. I’ve been sleeping long hours of good sleep. I had been living on vodka, smoothies, vodka smoothies, and whatever junk was deliverable after I was intoxicated. I’m eating better now. I have an 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. Sucks, but I won’t have a towel nearby for 6 a.m. vomiting. I also won’t be up for a morning run, but I will awaken unafraid to check my texts."

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72 Report
  • Freddy
  • February 26, 2020

"As a daily drinker with increasing consumption for many years, I tried to cut back but could never make it past a few days without drinking again. I love to drink, and I knew shame would keep me from 'quitting' drinking, even if I could. I would never go to AA. Naltrexone put an immediate cap on my consumption. Three months in, I still drink most nights, but it just cuts off after two drinks or so. I spent a long time building this habit, and good wine still tastes delicious, so I still enjoy it and the routine is there. But I'm a moderate drinker now, and I think if what I've read is correct, I may be soon reaching a stage where cravings reduce even more, and I will be able to move toward situational versus habitual drinking. At first, the fatigue was extreme, and I contended with something similar to a 'sour' stomach that I'd encounter if I ate really spicy food. That's gone. Try MD Proactiv if you are ready to try but can't muster the courage to ask your doctor."

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67 Report
  • true...
  • November 3, 2015

"I am 24 years old and I became an alcoholic about 4 years ago. I became a bartender at a fancy restaurant, and everything totally went south because of that. The place pays awfully well so I could never leave it at the time. It was so easy to get my hands on any booze I wanted from there. I found myself getting in bar fights, totaling my truck, and a severe weight gain (60 pounds). When I drink, it's usually 7 doubles, 4 beers, and 3 shots of tequila in 2-3 hrs. I started naltrexone a month ago, and I've been sober since. I cannot believe that it lets me handle alcohol all night and not let me get cravings for it. I've been waking up at 7 am vs. 12 pm every morning now. This medicine really works, I feel great and have more $$"

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108 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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