Methylprednisolone for Inflammatory Conditions User Reviews
Brand names: Medrol, Medrol Dosepak, Solu-Medrol, Depo-Medrol, MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack
Methylprednisolone has an average rating of 6.9 out of 10 from a total of 239 reviews for the treatment of Inflammatory Conditions. 62% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Methylprednisolone
- Man...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 2, 2020
MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack (methylprednisolone) "If I could give this drug negative stars, I would. I had the worst insomnia and loss of appetite for 2 weeks. I slept maybe 1-3 hours a night. I could not eat, I had to force myself. The heart palpitations and racing heart rate lasted MONTHS and were unbearable. I had burning sensations in my head, chest, and other parts of my body for months. I was red for months. I became paranoid. I had never felt this way before in my life. This is truly a terrible drug for me. Doctors dismissed it as being due to the pandemic we are currently going through, but I knew that wasn't it. I diagnosed myself through research and found many others who have gone through the same thing as I did. I feel doctors need to be more educated about the terrible side effects of this drug, and they need to make patients aware. This drug ruined my life for a long time."
- Pug...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 1, 2020
"Was given a 6-day pack of methylprednisolone for costochondritis. I was in so much pain, I could barely move without screaming. This medication worked great, and I am now on day 5 with almost zero pain. It has also helped my joints and energy level as I also have lupus and RA. Haven't felt this good in such a long time."
Frequently asked questions
- Methylprednisolone vs Prednisone - How do they compare?
- Does methylprednisolone help with COVID?
- What are steroid injections (cortisone shots)?
- Why is Yonsa taken with methylprednisolone?
- Les...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 12, 2019
"This was prescribed to me due to a pinched nerve in my neck as well as lower back pain. I love it! I feel so much better. I'm going to see if there is a prescription that can be taken on a regular daily basis. It helped me to get back to my normal personality as well as zero pain. I feel great. No side effects, energy, and I sleep like a baby. I was prescribed the 4 mg, 6-day pack. Highly recommend."
- Mik...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 27, 2020
"I have been suffering and in agonizing pain day and night for the past 15 days. I went to my orthopedic surgeon that I've had for more than 10 years who treats a knee problem. I told him about my hip and leg pain (that was totally unbearable anymore). He took an x-ray, found mild DJD, and did a range of motion test, found everything intact. He suggested this drug, methylprednisolone. I filled the prescription that day. After one day, I was out of pain. I was able to SLEEP the very FIRST NIGHT. So thankful for my doctor. Thank you so much!"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 21, 2012
MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack (methylprednisolone) "I have three herniated discs in the lower back and a pinched nerve which left me unable to do things for myself. Even standing and walking was impossible. Within hours, it helped with the pain, and in a couple of days, I can walk again."
- PPh...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 2, 2016
"After reading the reviews on this site, I was reluctant to follow through with my doctor's orders and take this medicine. I was very concerned about the side effects people were having because I don't like taking medications to begin with. The first day, I paid very close attention to any side effects and didn't have any. I'm on my third day, and I feel much better. My appetite hasn't increased, I haven't gained any weight, as a matter of fact, I've lost two pounds. It hasn't affected my sleep, no headaches or anything I can report. I'm feeling better, my allergies have cleared up, which I have been struggling with for years, so for me, this has been a positive experience so far."
More FAQ
- How long does methylprednisolone tablets stay in your system?
- Methylprednisolone Tablets - How long does a Medrol pack tablet stay in your system?
- Nic...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 24, 2019
"My experience with this drug methylprednisolone was much better than other commenters. I suffer from inflammation-related vertigo. The doctor initially prescribed meclizine, which became less effective and has its own side effects. When I took Cadista/Methylprednisolone for the first time as the directions suggested, the results were very subtle. However, months later the inflammation got so bad that I decided to refill the Cadista. This time around, I decided to take all six tablets at the same time, which via the directions is an option. I felt an immediate difference within the first 30 to 45 minutes of taking. The pain, pressure began to subside. Less than 12 hours later, I felt 80% better. Apparently, I just needed to take a higher dosage all at once. I did experience insomnia and slight stomach discomfort, but I was okay with that because I could now function. Cadista worked for me when other meds didn’t. Hopefully, my shared experience helps someone else."
- Anonymous
- October 9, 2011
Depo-Medrol (methylprednisolone) "I have rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Everything builds to climax with extensive swelling and pain that goes from skull to toe. Nothing brings relief even though I am on a constant dosage of Prednisone. Only relief is from an injection of Depo-Medrol from my Rheumatologist. Relief occurs in 1/2 a day. At that time life is worth living again and lasts for about 3 weeks. I hate it all but this bit of relief is 'a temporary heaven on earth.' Pray for me and people like me!"
- Mel...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 12, 2016
Medrol (methylprednisolone) "This medication is very, very dangerous. I took it for only three days before I became depressed, raging, and suicidal. It is two months later and I have been in the psych ER three times, and I am still struggling and now on mood stabilizers. Before I took this medication, I was fine. Please Google 'prednisone psychiatric side-effects' before you take this medication. This should have a black box warning on it, but for reasons I don't understand, the FDA doesn't make them put one on there. It is known to cause extreme psych side-effects in up to 5% of the people who take it. Please avoid what happened to me and read before you start taking it. There are plenty of peer-reviewed clinical articles about it."
- The...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 22, 2020
MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack (methylprednisolone) "I was prescribed this medication for a suspected pinched nerve(s) in my back. I was suffering enough symptoms to send me to the ER. I am only on day 2 of 6, and although I feel a bit amped up, my symptoms have already gotten better. I will cross my fingers that this does the trick. I'm thankful it's only a 6-day course."
- Jul...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 4, 2014
"I got prescribed a Medrol pack after my orthopedic dr confirmed my severe leg and left buttock pain was due to a L4 L5 large herniation (10mm to be exact). At first I was very hesitant to start up on these based off of all the bad scary reviews but one night I had enough of the pain and decided to start up the next morning. My only regret is that I didn't start this medication sooner! By the end of the 1st night, my pain went from an agonizing 9 down to a manageable 3-4. By the time I had finished, my pain is down to a 1-2 and my toes are getting the feeling back in them. The only side effects I did get was upset stomach, painful bloating and gas, and insomnia for a couple nights. I've only been off the medication for 3 days and feel great!"
- Ell...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 18, 2019
"I have a degenerative disc in my lower back and struggled for 3 years with acute pain initially, then chronic pain that was sometimes intolerable. I tried everything - physical therapies, NSAIDs, even opioids, however, everything only provided temporary relief until I was advised to try this 6-day pack. I can't believe it's been 9 months of a pain-free life, and I went back to the gym feeling great. I really hope that the pain will never come back!"
- San...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 13, 2020
"I am on day 2, the only side effect so far is a slight increased heart rate/hard time falling asleep. I have cervical disk degeneration and 2 bulging discs in my lower back, which flare up once a month. Recently, I tripped on a curb, woke up the next day, and could barely walk, I was in so much pain. Once I could walk a few days later, I went to my back doctor, and he prescribed the 6-day pack. I have some other inflammatory issues that cause me pain in my body (acute pain), and after 1 dose, my body feels amazing, I would say 90%. I can't wait to see how my body feels a few weeks afterwards, hoping it will keep all the pains away!"
- Sci...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 24, 2013
"After two months of physical therapy and chiro visits, I couldn't take the sciatic pain any longer. An urgent weekend visit resulted in a steroid injection and a pack of these pills. I started taking them along with 800mg ibuprofen, using ice packs, and continuing my PT stretches. It took a couple of days, but I'm starting to feel better and I hope it continues! I do feel more thirsty, have a lot of energy, and need to pee more often (probably from drinking much more water). But so far those are the only side effects I notice. And honestly, the energy boost is appreciated after the exhausting, extremely painful last couple of months."
- pai...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 14, 2013
Medrol Dosepak (methylprednisolone) "I had extreme fatigue with back pain, headache, and nausea for 3-4 weeks. I couldn't sleep but was tired all the time. After 2-3 days of taking the 6-day Dosepak, I felt 80% better. I was still a little fatigued, and my back still hurt some, but I truly felt 80% better. I am starting day 4 tomorrow and hope to continue on this path as life has been absolutely miserable the last few weeks."
- Dou...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 10, 2019
MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack (methylprednisolone) "After three days on this medication, I literally got my life and sanity back. My pain was not allowing me to stand, sit, lie, sleep... Not sure I can take long term, but great relief until my surgery date."
- cha...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 18, 2013
"After a 2-day spell of not being able to move my head and had numbness in arm and head, and with a push from my wife to go to the ER, they did several tests. The doctor knew I was in a lot of pain when my blood pressure was 214/124 and I was crying. He did an MRI to find out the trapezius muscle was twisted, inflamed, and blocking off 4 nerves. He stated I had two options: surgery or methylprednisolone with diazepam and oxycodone (I hate pills) but given the choice, I elected the pills. After 1 1/2 days, the movement in my neck went from 0 to around 60%, and the pain also decreased about 60%. I hear so many scary things about steroids, but I'm glad I chanced it."
- No...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 20, 2017
"WARNING! I was prescribed a Medrol Dosepak a year ago for sinusitis. Everything was fine until about the 5th day. I slipped into a very deep depression for the first time in my life. I became suicidal and felt like crying 24 hours a day for 2 weeks. I endured the crisis and eventually the depression resolved. Through support and prayer, I overcame, but it was touch and go for a while. I developed an anxiety disorder after that event that still persists. Be very mindful of the psychiatric issues that steroids may cause. From my research, it is very common to become hypomanic and less common to become clinically depressed. It will resolve over time. Just hang in there if it happens to you."
- Chu...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 29, 2019
"I had debilitating pain similar to trigeminal neuralgia. Nothing worked, took methylprednisolone and instantly fixed over the first two days of the dose pack. Not sure about any side effects as I was too busy weeping over my life being given back lol."
- Jan...
- December 7, 2019
"I was 5 days into antibiotics for sinus infections. I had no relief from the headache that was right behind my eyes, temples, and forehead, as well as barely any drainage. I was given a methylprednisolone pack, and on my first dose, my headache and pain were gone, and my sinuses started to drain. Yes, I sweated more, and my heart rate increased, however, I did not take my dose before bed. I spread my doses early enough throughout the day to avoid sleeplessness. Take with food."
- CSA...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 8, 2018
Medrol (methylprednisolone) "DO NOT take this medicine if you are prone to depression and/or anxiety! I was given the six-day 10mg dose pack for costochondritis. Everything was fine while taking it, but a few days after it ended, I began feeling like I had the flu. Then the most awful depression set in with the worst anxiety I've ever had. Insomnia too. Five weeks after finishing, it's still with me. Having to take Xanax and Zoloft now just to survive. I pray that it will go away soon and wish I had never taken this horrible drug. I'm sure it has a place, but not for those with depression or anxiety."
- Mar...
- January 7, 2020
Medrol (methylprednisolone) "I am 58. I have been having a delayed allergy-related swelling on the right side of my face for years (5 times a year or so), I just deal with it. Finally, I decided to tell my doctor, and we are starting testing to find out what my allergy is. He gave me Medrol to reduce the swelling. Wow, swelling down in hours! I have to say I guess I have been used to aches and pains at my age... this eliminated every pain I have had. Minor things like bending to tie shoes and such. I feel like I am literally 20 years old. AMAZING. Probably will not last once I stop the medication, but man, the excellent side effects, besides treating the swelling, was a pure surprise bonus I had no idea would happen."
- Imm...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 19, 2013
"This is a miracle for me. I 'throw my back out' about once a year. When I do it I am out of commission. Only 1 or 2 positions are tolerable and those require laying down. After 2 days of the dose pack, I can walk again. After 3 or 4 days, I am pretty much back to normal. My only issue with this is I have to get a script from the doctor. This usually leaves me at least one day on my couch in immobilizing pain. I wish I could keep a few of these packs on hand for emergency purposes."
- mmm...
- June 27, 2016
"I just took my last pill from a 6-day cycle. I felt relief in pain from the first day. It's strange, I can feel sensation where the pain was, but it doesn't hurt. It's like it's still there but not hurting. No side effects except a little tired. I'm praying this neck and shoulder pain stays away."
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- Drug class: glucocorticoids
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Other brands
Medrol, Medrol Dosepak, Solu-Medrol, Depo-Medrol, ... +3 more
Professional resources
- Methylprednisolone monograph
- Methylprednisolone Injection (FDA)
- Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate Injection (FDA)
- Methylprednisolone Tablets (FDA)
Other brands
Medrol, Solu-Medrol, Depo-Medrol
"About 14 years ago, I herniated a disk in my lower back. For the next 10 years, I had to deal with chronic pain that at times would send me to the hospital as it became so intense. Finally, after dealing with the exercises and pain pills, I was prescribed the 4 mg methylprednisolone 6-day pack. By week's end, I was not only pain-free, but at the age of 65, I felt like I was 25 again. I experienced no side effects throughout the treatment. The effects of being pain-free 24/7 lasted three long years, and then it returned again. Another pack lasted 8 months without any pain. And just now, I finished a third pack, and it seems to be working, but I don't know for how long. Considering the level of pain I used to have, I consider it, for me at least, a 'miracle drug'."