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Synthroid User Reviews & Ratings

Synthroid has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 189 reviews on 51% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 35% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Synthroid

  • Wontt...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 16, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "I was on Synthroid for 10 years. I was in so much pain in my joints, I couldn't function. This is a known side effect of this medicine. My numbers were where they were supposed to be per the doctors, but I still felt tired and my hair was still falling out. After my husband and I did research, we worked with my doctor and switched to Armour Thyroid. Within 6 weeks my pain was gone, I felt better. I wasn't tired and my hair was falling out. No matter what medicine you use - you know how you should feel. Do the research and work with your doctor. Only you know how you should feel. Don't depend on the doctor to tell you."

1 / 10
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256 Report
  • Robert
  • March 11, 2013

For Underactive Thyroid "Synthroid saved my life... been taking it for almost four years now. I had all of the worst symptoms in the worst way of a basically dead thyroid. I was feeling better within a week of taking it and continued to feel better and better every day for about the next six months. That's when it leveled off and I've been happy (and grateful) ever since. It took about a year or so to lose all of the weight I gained as a result of crummy thyroid. The weight just came right off after taking Synthroid. I'm on 225mcg per day with very minimal side effects... so minimal that I can't recall what they are at the moment."

10 / 10
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362 Report
  • sharonc
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 19, 2014

For Underactive Thyroid "Reading all the posts/comments on here - PEOPLE - if you are still feeling bad and not noticing relief from symptoms of an underactive thyroid, PLEASE TELL YOUR doctor. If your doctor disagrees with you, then find an ENDOCRINOLOGIST to get a second opinion. They specialize in endocrine issues, which the thyroid falls under. You know your own body better than your doctor - research the symptoms of an underactive thyroid and if you are still feeling them, then get a second opinion. Never stop taking this medication on your own, it takes 4 to 6 weeks to notice a difference in your body. Also, ask your doctor to write DISPENSE AS WRITTEN on your prescription to avoid the pharmacy giving generic."

10 / 10
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328 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • RDano
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 10, 2019

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I'm so sorry to read all of the terrible experiences some people have had. I can only speak to my situation. I had my thyroid ablated about 5 years ago. It was absolutely the right & necessary thing for me. I am currently taking 88mcg Synthroid, daily. It works great for me. I'm extremely sensitive to meds, so my dr opted to start me on a low dose & check my levels every month until I got a 'normal' result. It took a few months. I now am tested every year, but also go by how I'm feeling. My dr is very understanding. FIND A GOOD DR. This med has worked great for me. I'm able to maintain a healthy weight, my hair stopped coming out, my nails are stronger, I have plenty of energy. My other lab numbers are great. I hope this helps someone."

9 / 10
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178 Report
  • lost
  • November 20, 2013

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "My thyroid disease was caught by my determination to find the real cause of my sudden physical & mental change. Long story short, I had thyroid cancer twice (2010 & 2012). April 2013 saw a thyroidectomy, followed by radiation 3 months later. It has taken all my strength not to give up. I am finally on 175mcg & my endocrinologist is brushing off my complaints of being depressed over nothing, tired, weak, cold, forgetful, waking up with aching feet. She said 2.1 is in range & Synthroid is the solution. It isn't enough! Either it or my dose isn't agreeing with my body. I'm so tired of being tired. Some days it feels like I have cinder blocks tied to my feet."

3 / 10
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294 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Doesnt...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 3, 2020

For Hashimoto's disease "This stuff is just awful! I’ve had my TSH go as high as 52.0 (wasn’t aware it was that out of control) and felt better than I do now on years of treatment on brand name Synthroid! Endocrinologist just doesn’t seem to agree? And now I have a whole new set of symptoms such as itchiness all over, horrible anxiety, headaches, weight gain, the list goes on and on, and nothing new has been added to my daily routine, I know it’s this medication, I hate it. Just throwing this out there for anyone else so that you know you're not crazy! Good luck!"

1 / 10
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151 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 17, 2013

For Underactive Thyroid "Only been on this medicine for 4 days and it has already made a huge difference in how I feel. The depression was awful and the intolerance to the cold was bone chilling. I hope things continue to look up. So far so good!"

10 / 10
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286 Report

More FAQ

  • ccgv
  • October 23, 2016

For Underactive Thyroid "I was falling asleep every time I sat down - even at the computer, rocking a baby, in a car ride. I was trying to lose weight, but gaining instead. Someone would touch me and I would start sweating. I am 58. I have been on Synthroid (not generic) for 6 days now. I too am feeling a whole lot better. I was at 202 lbs 10 days ago. Today I am at 187.6 lbs. I did fall asleep at the computer again last night, but my energy level is coming back."

8 / 10
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204 Report
  • Jaybee
  • May 24, 2017

For Underactive Thyroid "I have been on Synthroid for approximately 10 years. Here are several points that I have learned: 1. You may initially start feeling better in a couple of weeks, but it takes months to see the full effects. 2. Depending on your TSH levels, your doctor should start you at a low dosage and gradually increase as needed. Starting with too high of a dosage is a shock to your body and will even make you feel more tired as your body is working overtime. 3. See a physician who is very familiar with thyroid issues. If you are not seeing positive results with your family doctor, see an endocrinologist! Many of the negative comments I have read may be a result of your doctor not understanding this disorder. 4. There are alternatives if this medicine is not working."

6 / 10
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174 Report
  • Retaz...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 21, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "To be honest, I'm not a person who has ever taken medications. So when my physician told me I had an underactive thyroid, I didn't really know what to think because I didn't feel as though I had any of the common symptoms. I just thought the symptoms the doctor mentioned were just normal aging since I am 55 years old. I have been taking this medication now for a little over 4 months and have started to see some noticeable changes. 1) My hair stopped falling out. 2) Nails started growing faster and stronger. 3) All around much more energy. 4) Able to focus better. So far, I have been very happy with the results. I cannot give this a total 10 because everything has room for improvement."

9 / 10
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138 Report
  • John...
  • July 9, 2016

For Underactive Thyroid "I can almost guarantee that most of these negative reviews are due to either 1. Taking the medication incorrectly (generic works for some not all), too close to food or iron, calcium, some antidepressants interfere. 2. Taking the incorrect dose. 3. Not being consistent (must be close to the same time daily). I had gone through many changes before finally getting it right. Seems to be working well after getting on brand name and taking it seriously."

9 / 10
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177 Report
  • Vinay...
  • March 16, 2016

For Underactive Thyroid "I just started this medicine about a month ago. It is making such a big difference in my appetite and my energy. I am a fairly young man at 23 years old. I knew something wasn't right with my body over the last few years, as I had gained about 30 pounds over the course of just a few months and felt so sluggish. It turns out, like many of you reading this, I have an underactive thyroid. I have heard that three drugs help with the thyroid hormones. Synthroid (T4 hormone), Cytomel (T3 hormone), and Armour Thyroid (T4 & T3 Hormones). Synthroid has gotten a bad rap because it's synthetic and it only covers the T4. Well, the T4 is most likely all you need because a T3 deficiency is rare. Synthroid is great. Stomach upset went away in 1-2 weeks."

9 / 10
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172 Report
  • Tramag
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 3, 2013

For Underactive Thyroid "I started taking Synthroid about 6 months ago, and I feel really good. I went from feeling like a zombie to feeling like my normal self again. Before starting on Synthroid, I had most of the typical hypothyroid symptoms: tiredness, dry skin, cold intolerance, puffy face, etc. Now the only symptom that still bothers me is water retention. My doctor just increased my dose, so hopefully, that goes away soon."

10 / 10
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200 Report
  • laura
  • April 24, 2021

For Underactive Thyroid "Amazing!! I started on 25 mcg of brand Synthroid, then 50 mcg, and now I'm on 75 mcg. I almost feel like the old me. My TSH went from 11 to 1.7. I wake up at 4 am, take my medicine, and go back to sleep till my 6 am alarm. I have a cup of coffee when I get up to start my day."

10 / 10
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81 Report
  • Paw
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 18, 2018

For Hashimoto's disease "Had my thyroid removed 2 years ago. Was put on Synthroid and have felt terrible ever since. Weight gain, joint and muscle pain, blurred vision, tremors, hair loss, constipation, irregular heartbeat, stomach problems, and the list goes on. Doctor tells me my numbers are fine, and I should be put on an antidepressant. Really. That's because they don't know enough about thyroid disease and keep pushing the drugs. This drug is next to poison, but no one listens to us. We are held hostage to these doctors that don't care. Where do we turn to because we are suffering. Help!"

1 / 10
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124 Report
  • CB in...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 25, 2012

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I had my thyroid removed in 1990 and have been on Synthroid ever since. The dosage has changed over the years. Right now I'm on a dose that requires two pills each morning - the 200mcg plus the 50 mcg. I have to wonder if a lot of the symptoms many of us experience aren't due to the Synthroid, but rather the lack of a thyroid and having to get the hormone from a pill? Maybe it just doesn't ever feel quite the same no matter what brand it is. I am usually tired. I can't get enough sleep. Often am achy too. I have always been prone to anxiety and depression and have been on Effexor for years. That helps with a lot of symptoms I had (night sweats, mood issues, etc.) but still so tired."

10 / 10
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193 Report
  • Hyper...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • November 23, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "I am a 57-year-old woman who has hypothyroidism. I've been taking 100mcg of Synthroid for 10 years. I dread taking this pill every morning. I feel like I have an out-of-body experience, blood rushes to my brain, causing anxiety, hair loss, muscle and joint pains, itching all over, brain fog, and insomnia. For the past week, I have been cutting it in half. I will be stopping this crazy cycle. I have lost so much weight just from the anxiety and insomnia. I do not want to have to rely on a synthetic pill and Klonopin, and be told I am depressed. I feel better without it."

4 / 10
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93 Report
  • happyJ
  • October 14, 2011

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I've had my thyroid removed 10 months ago, and I started taking the lowest dose of Levothyroxine (generic) six weeks after the surgery. I had my blood work done and dosage adjusted every six weeks until I ended up at 137 mcg daily, 5 months after the surgery. Then I switched to Synthroid brand. All this adjusting was done by an endocrinologist. I feel great, definitely much better than before the surgery when I suffered from severe hyperthyroidism. I did gain some weight right after the surgery, but once the dosage was correct, I was able to lose the pounds easily. All of my other symptoms (hair loss, abnormal sweating, fatigue) were gone once the dosage was correct. The right dosage is extremely important."

10 / 10
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195 Report
  • irene
  • October 27, 2011

For Underactive Thyroid "I have been on Synthroid for about 7 years. I am 43 now, but I still feel very tired and have no energy or motivation. My bones feel weak. I have been telling my doctor that maybe I need a higher dosage, but he said no. I suggested changing the medication, but he insisted I am fine. But I know my body. My hair is falling out, it's thin. Maybe a new doctor can help me."

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189 Report
  • Annette
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 2, 2018

For Underactive Thyroid "I was taking Synthroid for three years. I was extremely ill during that time and it worsened. I could not eat, walk without falling, gained 30 pounds, and my numbers did not go down. Finally, my endocrinologist agreed to put me on Armour Thyroid medication. I lost all the weight I had gained in two weeks, could eat, and walk. My whole life changed dramatically. Doctors are giving Armour a bad name, but I can tell you from my experience, it changed my life."

1 / 10
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110 Report
  • Tia4l...
  • August 22, 2013

For Underactive Thyroid "Although Synthroid keeps my test results 'normal,' I still have all of the hypothyroid symptoms. Severe exhaustion, sensitivity to cold, trouble concentrating, etc... like I haven't experienced since before I found out I had hypothyroidism. I was only put on Synthroid since the medication I am normally prescribed is no longer available."

3 / 10
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159 Report
  • Cookie
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 28, 2019

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I had a total thyroidectomy in 2016 after being on thyroid pills for ten years for hyperthyroidism and graves. I also had huge nodules and tumors. After surgery, I started on a low dose of Levothyroxine and without even reading my blood work after surgery, my Endocrinology doctor changed my meds. I felt fine and wasn’t gaining weight. Then he kept changing it, and I started gaining. I went from 90 lbs to 155 lbs in three years and I barely even eat. My current thyroid doctor won’t do a full thyroid panel nor change my dosage and is ignoring my symptoms. I felt better at 125 mcg of Levothyroxine because I was able to lose, but he put me back on 100. I barely eat and get exercise, yet I still can’t lose and keep gaining, it’s very frustrating."

1 / 10
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81 Report
  • Less...
  • September 11, 2011

For Underactive Thyroid "Been on this medicine for about 9 months after discovering my thyroid was starting to malfunction. I have had no weight gain or mood changes, and not a problem to speak of. My hair stopped falling out so much, it started growing like crazy along with my nails. I know I metabolize food more quickly, I will spare you the details. My skin isn't as dry, and I have been having an easier time with my mood in combination with other medications."

10 / 10
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172 Report
  • gfmis...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 2, 2013

For Underactive Thyroid "I have been taking this medication for almost 22 years. My thyroid is dead, the doctor said due to childbirth. I started out on the lowest dosage. The doctor didn't want to shock my body, so I had to cut them in half for 2 weeks and then slowly go up from there. I am now taking 200 mg, and have been for several years now. The medication works well for me. If I miss a day, I can tell, and I feel really tired."

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156 Report
  • bbyne...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 14, 2016

For Underactive Thyroid "I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism in the last days of October of this year. My doctor prescribed me 50mcg levothyroxine distributed by Mylan. I was only on the medication for 3 days! The medicine made me so fatigued and tired, I could hardly go through my day without wanting to pass out and go to sleep. And not only that, but my chest was feeling really uncomfortable. It felt like someone had put 20 pounds on my chest and overall having difficulty taking a deep breath. My doctor then prescribed me the brand name Synthroid with only 25mcg. I had energy like I haven't had in a year, but on the third day, I was having shortness of breath, my heart was beating so hard and fast, and I felt so lightheaded. Seriously, scariest experience I have had."

3 / 10
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108 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.