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Hyoscyamine for Irritable Bowel Syndrome User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Levsin, Hyosyne, Anaspaz, Levsin SL, Levbid, Symax SL, Symax Duotab, Oscimin, Symax SR Ed-Spaz NuLev …show all brand names

Hyoscyamine has an average rating of 7.8 out of 10 from a total of 95 reviews for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 73% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Hyoscyamine

  • henrydd
  • April 16, 2014

"This medicine saved my life, that's not a joke. My cramps and spasms were so bad I almost passed out and would have bowel movements 15 times a day. Once I stopped eating spicy things and milk, only maybe once every 3 months or more, I feel so much better, but stress also makes big problems for my irritable bowel syndrome. Hyoscyamine 0.375 mg made my life so much better. I take 1 every 12 hours, I just cannot find out why no insurance covers this medicine."

10 / 10
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60 Report
  • Fradd...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • November 18, 2012

Levsin SL (hyoscyamine) "If you have irritable bowel syndrome, then you know how it can seem to pop up at any time. This is a sublingual medication. As such, it works very quickly to stop spasms in the colon. As my physician explains it, it slows down the action of the colon. Antidiarrheals will completely stop the action of the colon. You don't want to stop the action of the colon."

9 / 10
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66 Report
  • Darlene
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 18, 2020

"I have been really sick since September of 2019. I recently went to my regular doctor, and he prescribed this medicine for what he thought might be IBS. My dose was 0.125 mg every four hours, I take it every four hours, which means 6 a day. It is the ONLY medicine that has helped me at all. No real side effects. If I miss the 4-hour time, my stomach and intestines start cramping."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 13, 2012

Symax Duotab (hyoscyamine) "At first, my stomach was sensitive to certain foods. As time went on, it was everything I ate. The gas, aching pains, making weird noises, and running to the bathroom. I had tried many over-the-counter and prescription medicines, nothing worked. Finally, I switched doctors, and he suggested this medication. I take it every day, twice a day, and it literally changed my life. I would suggest this medication to anyone with irritable bowel syndrome."

10 / 10
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63 Report
  • Unknown...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 11, 2014

Symax Duotab (hyoscyamine) "Irritable Bowel Syndrome ruined the quality of my life completely. I wasted enormous amounts of money and time on different doctors and medicines, supplements, and procedures! As I am a beautiful young lady, it was terrible to have all these IBS-related symptoms! But thank goodness, after a long way of research, I found out about this medicine! I am very afraid that someday it may stop working on me (I started from Robinul first-and it did stop after a month of usage)! It does not cure IBS, it doesn't completely help with the pain sometimes, but still, it is the best product available in the market nowadays!"

9 / 10
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53 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Rachel...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 19, 2014

Levsin (hyoscyamine) "A gastroenterologist prescribed this for me when I was having very severe abdominal pain from Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction and IBS. Well, it did everything but relieve the pain. It blurred my vision, made me nauseous, gave me a pounding headache, made me feel very hot, dried my mouth, made me drowsy, and slowed down my heart rate. The pain continued to worsen, and I ended up in the ER. I had several more attacks afterward, and the Levsin didn't work then, either. I was then referred to another gastroenterologist, who prescribed me Bentyl and Doxepin. While I have had fewer side effects with them, they haven't touched my pain, either."

1 / 10
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52 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 26, 2014

"This medicine has saved me from going to the ER several times. I take it immediately at the onset of an episode, and mercifully, the pain is gone. I do not experience any side effects, and the relief is almost instant."

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 1, 2015

"I was prescribed this drug in sublingual tablet form to treat my horrible and frequent episodes of diarrhea (1-2 times a day). Anytime I feel that horrible pain and urge feeling, I take one of these tablets and the feeling is gone instantly. I get very sad when thinking about all of the years I missed out on not having this drug, but am thankful to have it now. Only side effect I've noticed is very slight dizziness and a faster heart rate. Also, the sublingual tabs will break up into a powder if you don't keep them upright and not bouncing around."

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • IBS...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 24, 2014

Levsin (hyoscyamine) "I've had Irritable Bowel Syndrome for 11 years, and for almost the entire time, this was the medication I was on. It worked great at first, but then I started having to take double doses (which at least helped with nighttime problems, as it made me extremely drowsy). Eventually, it had no effect on my pain whatsoever, and I only experienced the side effects. I've switched to Librax, which has given me limited results. This medication was a lifesaver for years with very fast results, but I guess it just stopped working for me."

6 / 10
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49 Report
  • Heave...
  • February 24, 2018

Levsin SL (hyoscyamine) "I've used this drug for years. My problem is my insurance won't cover the sublingual pill. I have to have the melting medicine because I have attacks while out and unable to take meds without water. Has anyone else experienced this? I have BCBS insurance. The cost is killing me. Some months I can't afford it."

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • Wacky...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 3, 2016

"My gastroenterologist put me on Levsin back in 1999 for cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). It was the ONLY thing that stopped the pain, and it worked immediately. After having my gallbladder removed, I would still get severe pains from residual gallstones in the bile duct and IBS. My doctor had me continue taking Levsin for the intense pain, as needed, and it always stopped the pain immediately. My intestinal problems have gotten more severe, and I am going to ask my new GI doctor (moved to a different state) to write a prescription for Levsin since nothing else I've tried works."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • jbc
  • February 7, 2014

"Been taking 0.375 (supposed to be twice), already I changed to one a day 0.375. Guts are happy as a clam, first time in 30 years. I have been getting worse with time, had to be very careful what I ate. No onions, peppers, wheat, tomatoes, etc. Last night had 2 large scoops of spaghetti sauce on my rice noodles, guts were fine, even slept for 7 hours. Very dramatic improvement for me. It does seem to make me retain a little more water, which increases blood pressure, easy to deal with."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • furbee
  • March 4, 2016

"I have been in pain for over 4 months. They finally told me to try Levsin. Not only did it not work, the side effects were so horrible I got worse. Every bad side effect listed happened to me. They told me to stop taking it immediately. But have given no suggestions on what to do next."

1 / 10
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37 Report
  • Kamala
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 14, 2017

"I have had irritable bowel for years, and it has gotten so much worse since having on and off C. diff since 2014. This drug helps a lot with stomach pain and even helps my GERD a bit. Causes major dry mouth and drowsiness, but worth it!"

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30 Report
  • Relief
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 1, 2019

"I have Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction and I use this if I happen to eat wheat or lectins. It works quickly. The best thing is controlling my diet, but this drug works like an anti inflammatory for my valve when needed. I avoid gmos or processed food. It pays well to eat clean without preservatives."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 28, 2017

Levsin (hyoscyamine) "After surgery to remove a kidney I developed IBS mixed. I was missing so much work and school and it only got worse as I got older. After moving I saw a new digestive health Dr. He put me on this with Elavil, omg the change was almost immediate. Within a week I was so much better. I've been on them for about a year now and I still have a couple episodes once every 3 months or so but it's managed and controlled now. If I forget to refill or skip a dose, I suffer within 12 hours of the missed dose."

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 22, 2012

"I've had problems for so long. I've been bounced around from doctor to doctor, and they all told me I was making it up, that I didn't really have all these bowel problems. My pediatrician told me and my mom I was faking to get attention. I've had 4 colonoscopies and an endoscopy in 2 years. Since this medicine, I have never felt better. I still have a lot of issues, but this medication is the best thing I have found, and the relief is astonishing."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 15, 2010

"After undergoing numerous tests with no definitive diagnostic answers and under the threat of another CT scan followed by another colonoscopy, my physician suggested trying Hyoscyamine sulfate - an anti-spasmodic. I picked up the prescription, took one of the very small tablets, and LITERALLY within 15 minutes the spasms ended and the pain subsided. WHY didn't someone try this therapy when I first had symptoms 30 years ago??? Within the past week, I've had only 2 spasmodic episodes, each curtailed within 15 minutes after downing a single tablet. The only other medication that I've experienced work this effectively and fast for anything has been Tums for heartburn. Bravo - finally a working solution. No side effects noticed after 3 doses."

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 9, 2012

Levsin (hyoscyamine) "These antispasmodics did nothing for me. I was still doubled over in pain hours later. I also was very light-headed and dizzy, and my physician ignored my reactions to the medicines. Not a good experience."

1 / 10
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37 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 2, 2011

HyoMax (hyoscyamine) "I found this medicine to be very helpful in controlling the bowel spasms that go with the irritable bowel syndrome. It is a sublingual delivery and works within 15 minutes. It dissolves completely and can be taken even when recent esophageal surgery has occurred. I have been using this medicine for a number of years as needed, and have been very satisfied with its results."

8 / 10
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39 Report
  • linmar
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 12, 2013

"This medication works great for three days, then I have what you may call a 'purging' of what's probably been building up for those three days. But otherwise, this medicine has allowed me to 'go' once or twice a day instead of making up to 8-10 trips a day to the bathroom. Dry mouth was easy to live with."

8 / 10
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32 Report
  • Julie...
  • February 29, 2012

"Before I began taking this medication, I had gotten to the point where I couldn't eat anything without getting sick, and just the thought of driving more than 10 minutes, or even taking a route without a convenient bathroom stop, caused debilitating anxiety (which made symptoms worse!). Since taking it, I can travel and eat normally again. Dairy and alcohol still upset my stomach, but other than that, I am living a normal life. Some days I still get sick, usually around my 'cycle,' but the improvements from before the medication are astronomical. Especially since side effects have been minimal-only major one is headaches if I don't keep my fluid intake up."

8 / 10
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35 Report
  • Julie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 18, 2023

"I took hyoscyamine for 2 days. It didn't calm my spastic colon or take away the bloat. What it did was made me feel dizzy, almost in a hallucinating state. My heart was racing, my leg was twitching and the spasms got worse. Oh and constipation? I still can't poop. That drug slows your bowels and your saliva glands. I must say the worst side effect I got from this was, ending up in the emergency room because my salivary glands swelled and hurt to touch. It's scary when a drug that is supposed to help, causes serious side effects. I'd rather deal with the pain than end up looking like Shrek again."

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7 Report
  • Pickles
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 6, 2021

Levsin (hyoscyamine) "Crazy chest pains that would go on for hours. Thought it was a heart attack. Ended up in ER because of it. My gastro chalked it up to gas from IBS. I’ve taken a slew of meds for it (mainly IBS type) but recently got Levsin. It seems to work better than the rest. However, I still get chest pains but not as often. Changed my diet, doesn’t matter. Would give anything for this to go away"

6 / 10
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12 Report
  • Insan...
  • March 31, 2012

"My irritable bowel syndrome started up at the beginning of 2011. The first time I had it was when I was in school, first hour. I thought it was menstrual cramps, so I just waited for it to go away. When it didn't, I asked the teacher to go to the restroom. When I got back, it was still sore, and I ended up in tears from the pain, and my friend had to take me to the nurse. Mom didn't know what it was, so we waited a few (agonizing) months, and when it didn't go away, Mom took me to the hospital and got some blood work done. I was prescribed hyoscyamine, and it works great! I've been taking it about a year now, and I've rarely been having IBS problems. Whenever I forget to take it, though, the IBS comes back like a shovel. This medicine certainly works."

9 / 10
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31 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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