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Acetaminophen / codeine for Pain User Reviews (Page 4)

Acetaminophen / codeine has an average rating of 4.4 out of 10 from a total of 194 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 29% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 52% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Acetaminophen / codeine

  • Horus...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 5, 2019

"I thought it was just me; like maybe I somehow smoked too much marijuana and my body started to reject the pain relief from T3. Seems like this is not the case though because these pills do absolutely nothing. Not sure if they're some type of placebo or something but the infected cavity that I have currently sitting on my jaw nerve is supremely painful. When's the last time you seen a grown man cry? I've been taking these useless pills like candy hoping that they eventually kick in but these seemingly work slightly less better than Goody/BC powder."

2 / 10
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  • Mospel
  • July 21, 2016

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I fell on concrete and they called it a chest wall contusion. Fractures don't always show up on x-ray. They gave me tylenol 3 because if I wasn't moving, I had no pain. Well, it's been over a week and I tried to work my physical labor job...PAIN!! This med hasn't helped me much except for sleep. However, I did wake up at times in pain. Too much tylenol can do liver damage so be careful not to take to much."

3 / 10
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  • Leoleo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 22, 2018

"This was the most awful experience with a drug I’ve ever taken. I was up for 24 hours because I could not fall asleep, nauseated, and having brutal anxiety/paranoia. This was prescribed after I had a painful surgery. I was relatively healthy considering I lost a massive amount of weight. Others had great experiences, but unfortunately it doesn’t work with me. A waste."

1 / 10
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  • EndoB...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 7, 2016

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have chronic pain due to Endometriosis and trust me, not pleasant at all but with this medication, it helps. It may not be as strong as I would like it to be but I'm ok it does something. I just don't want to rely on pain meds because of my daughter. However, it times of great overwhelming pain, I take one of these and a ambien and I'm out cold. Upside is I met my out of pocket and deductible so its free till end of year."

7 / 10
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  • Matt
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 19, 2023

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have a bad infection underneath my second molar. Never in my life, I have felt that much pain ever. I was given Tylenol with Codeine #3 once the whole thing unfroze. What a piece of junk. I could have eaten a banana, gummy bears, or drunk a glass of milk and it would have been the same result. Not even close to removing the pain. Why do they give this to people with searing dental pain?"

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  • jwwri...
  • September 9, 2016

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "Removed tonsil was very painful. By chance I found that Tylenol 3 and aspirin combined to remove ALL pain. I take aspirin regularly but it wears off in about 4 hrs. So my first T-3 acted in conjunction with the aspirin, then wore off. So I took another T-3 and nothing happened. I realized I needed another aspirin. I took another adult aspirin - the fire went away. Then I called my Dr. He said "We know that but we don't rec it because aspirin causes some to bleed. You've been taking it a long time and you don't bleed." Tylenol 3 will also stop a severe cough, where nothing else works, e.g., from bronchiectatsis."

10 / 10
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  • Broke...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 21, 2016

"I am annoyed to the nines that the medicine they prescribed to me for my broken ankle -broken in 3 places with a need for surgery - is also prescribed for sprains and hurt wrists and dental work. I am in so much pain that I cannot sleep. I have a decently high pain tolerance, and this is ridiculous. My body is shaking from the pain of just resting my leg, and this medicine is doing absolutely nothing."

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  • Granny...
  • October 20, 2016

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "Have been taking T3 or T4 for post-surgery pain. Have discovered that as long as I take either one, my pain persists but once I stop MY PAIN GOES AWAY! Also found that NSAIDs increase the pain (had basal joint replacements in both thumbs). But I do have to say that both Ts are effective for my hip bursitis; just not worth the thumb pain when I take it. Hoping the MD can give me something for my hip that won't impact my thumbs..."

3 / 10
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  • Georgie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 19, 2023

"I had a very large ulcerated burn, scars and joint pain. So, my doctor prescribed 30mg MSIR (morphine) twice a day and Codeine #3 with Tylenol for breakthrough pain. 300mg Tylenol and 30mg codeine is my current dosage. I was badly burned in combat and my scars are now badly ulcerated with infection causing very severe chronic nerve pain. I have to honestly say that sometimes the #3 works better than the morphine. I'm very happy with the #3 but wouldn't use it without having another pain reliever like morphine. It'll get you through, perhaps 2-3 days by itself but becomes ineffective for me using it as a single dose after 2 days; otherwise like I said it works very well for breakthrough. I've been in pain management for over 20 years and have stepped my dosages down considerably, and so far the MSIR and the Tylenol with codeine number three are the best combination I've had in the last 20 years. I hope this helps anyone looking for answers. BTW, I will be changing from the morphine to tramadol 300 mg extended release next month."

10 / 10
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  • sirius
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 29, 2018

"First, let me say that after reading many comments I'm surprised that people use Empracet for toothaches . They should use an anti-inflammatory like celebrex or naproxin, not codeine because the pain is due to inflammation . Anyway, I'm taking Empracet 30 (Acetaminophen and Codeine ) for Shingles in my face. If you think that a tooth ache is painful, shingles is WORST. Codeine help in 2 ways. It remove the stress from having shingles, i and help for the pain . If you try to use it for something that have to do with bones ( breaking ,surgery, root canals ) it won't help much. I had a surgery in my hand and they had to cut the bones in my small finger and put some pins to hold the 2 bones together so that they fuse together. THIS was PAINFUL and Tylenol/codeine didn't do much , even if I took 2 or 3. Some new medications for pain management will come soon. I hope so. I live in Québec so the Rx if almost free , cost= $5 for 20 pills. Doctor= $0"

9 / 10
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  • Jilly...
  • November 8, 2017

Tylenol with Codeine (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have been taking triptans on and off over the past 7 years even tho I favour homeopathic and naturopathic medicine over prescriptions drugs, but was desperate as suddenly getting migraines after menopause for the first time! After finally suffering rebound headaches as my Dr. did not warn me, I couldn't sleep or was being woken up with pain, so asked for tylenol 3 for the pain and after taking one a day solely for only 2 weeks, I was off the triptans, it felt like a miracle! However, once over the hurdle, don't take codeine for a long time as that can cause rebound headaches as well, but it got me thru!!"

10 / 10
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  • brent
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 12, 2017

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "Suffered a SAH (sub-arachnid brain hemorrhage 7 years ago and have been taking T-3's regularly in order to deal with post incident headaches, which can be quite sudden onset primarily due to exertion at work (lots of physical work in agriculture sector). Headaches are caused by blood trapped in my cerebral spinal fluid until it can break down small enough to pass back through the membrane - zanthochromas. After taking this dosage of up to 6 tablets a day I was quite concerned about my liver functionality, however I just was tested pre-op for rotator surgery and was pleased to still have 97% functionality. Ask your dr.for a functionality test in order to make an informed decision before continuing it's use, it may not be adverse for you."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 28, 2021

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "Doesn’t really work. Had masssive sinus infection with a blockage pushing on my dental nerves. I have never been in such horrible pain in my entire life. I wanted to bang my head on the floor and was prescribed these. Absolutely NOTHING. Worthless"

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  • tsgtm...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 6, 2015

"Severe infection of tooth roots over a holiday weekend sent me to ER. Extreme pain prevented sleeping. ER prescribed Tramadol, which was completely usless. Dentist following Monday morning prescribed the acetaminophen/codeine with penicillin, also ibuprofen for in between pain. So far it's been good enough to allow me to sleep some. Unfortunately because of he idiots on the streets stealing and selling/abusing Vicodin and other stronger opiates the Dr's are extremely conservative now when prescribing pain meds."

7 / 10
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  • lalal...
  • December 10, 2010

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I was prescribed this for abdominal pain after having a baby. Keep in mind I have a very high pain tolerance, but this helped me a lot. I was in a pretty good amount of pain, and although it didn't take away all the pain, I was able to get up and take care of my newborn and 3 year old toddler. Also I have been breastfeeding and sometimes my newborn vomits. I'm not sure if it's the medicine or that she has just been drinking too fast"

6 / 10
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  • Biz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 26, 2022

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I was prescribed Tylenol #3 following a wisdom tooth extraction on my right side. Unfortunately for me, Tylenol#3 did nothing for the pain unless I took 2 pills, even then the discomfort never went away. Pain was excruciating and the buzz/pain relief only lasted a couple of hours. ADVIL and an ICE PACK did a better job than this drug. If your doctor prescribes this to you following a surgical procedure/extraction, PLEASE try to request something BETTER. I had my left side wisdom teeth extracted and was prescribed oxycodone by my previous surgeon. Pain was incredibly tolerable and the recovery was a breeze! It's unfortunate that these new doctor's are so scared to prescribe what these pills were designed for - REAL PAIN - not everyone is trying to catch a buzz..."

1 / 10
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  • Post...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 18, 2017

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "After I was discharged from intensive care, I reported no pain, and no pain killers were given previously. After given Tylenol 3 in liquid form, and I started to experience pain with an extra large headache. The pain was in my eyes, temples, and ears not to mention throat. I got cold and my legs started to shake. Then I experienced more swelling in my throat than before, but I thought that this was post op normal. After the second dose I started to panic quietly inside and I couldn't get liquid Advil out of my mind! The nurse only had tablets, so my husband arrived and rushed me to the pharmacy to get some Chldrens liquid Advil, and 30 minutes later I was pain free! I'm not touching my prescription for Tylenol 3 and will tell the doc ASAP."

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  • Hippie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 9, 2017

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "Took literally 45 minutes to kick in when I have severe debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and I had a bad fall, went to ER gave me this while I went in for x-ray still no relief. Finally 45 mins I can feel my pain slightly go away."

5 / 10
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  • AMano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 20, 2022

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "It dulled the edge of my tooth pain but it does not take it away. I can’t lay down with the type of tooth pain I have and it’s almost unbearable most of the day unless I’m carrying cold water in my mouth. This medication is a joke and makes me feel drunk and confused, on top of the fact is plugs you up, it’s also caused me withdrawal when it wears off."

3 / 10
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  • camel
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 23, 2020

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I just started on these Tylenol with Codeine #3, I have had chronic pain since 2005 and have been on norco for 8 yrs for a fusions in neck. My sister was dying in hospice and I was packed to go be with her in last days and out of the blue they called for a pill count> mind you<they haven't called for pill count in 8 yrs. And I said one cuss word to the girl because she said you may get kicked out and they did because of me cussing - true story - so I had to find someone else and started me on tylonol with codeine useless for pain, the other doctor messed me up."

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  • rusky
  • October 10, 2011

"I have been taking this medicine now for over 13 years. I used to take as much as 9 #4 a day. I now take only 4 pills a day. I get very bad pains in my feet because of being a diabetic, I have stopped getting pain by not waiting until the pain starts. It helps me sleep and most of the time it prevents the pain from starting. "

7 / 10
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  • LVano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 30, 2015

"My 8 year old son was given this after his molar extraction. We hesitated to give it to him but that was expected. Afterwards he didn't complain of pain, didn't think it would be that effective. He did however complain about feeling sleepy and drowsy and wanting to get up and play."

9 / 10
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  • Future...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • December 21, 2021

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have been taking this medicine since 2017, and in 4 hour intervals, it really does help and like people have said on here, we need our pain medicine. I was born with a prominent vertebrae around T11, that is visibly posteriorly pushed outward. The pain gets bad in the morning and at the end of the day, my saving grace is the Tylenol 3. 100 tabs per month, the pharmacy considers it a 16 day supply but I stretch the 100 tabs to a 30 day supply by taking them every 5 hours while I’m awake… totalling 3-4 per day."

8 / 10
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  • Jrano
  • August 10, 2019

"I had pain on both sides of my mouth probably 6 or 7. I went to the dentist had my teeth cleaned and was prescribed ibuprofen and penicillin until my appointment to have four teeth extracted. Went back after a month and the pain was unbearable. Appointment was scheduled 2 months after my original visit. Second time with unbearable pain I was prescribed Tylenol 3. It did absolutely nothing for my pain."

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  • OldFart
  • June 6, 2019

"Dr. prescribed generic brand Tylenol #4 for arthritis, knee, back pain. I had been in pain at a level of 8-10. I was sent for Pain Management, no help. Dr. prescribed the acetaminophen with codeine 3 times a day and so last 5 years pain at a level of 3-4. For me it works. It has very low addiction rate. "Codeine is a weak opioid, about 10% is metabolized to morphine. Still potential for abuse-addiction." That depends on individual. Long term use can cause issues, patient should be tested and followed by Dr. I moved from Birmingham to Mobile Ala. The Mobile Dr. was terrified, said he would not risk losing his license. This is a Schedule III drug. Does not cause majority users to become addicted to it. This Dr. was unwilling to help or discuss it, said take OTC pain remedy. Checked with med. ins. co., pharmacy, it's approved, can be prescribed by Dr. with refills."

8 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.