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Trazodone for Anxiety User Reviews

Trazodone has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 130 reviews for the off-label treatment of Anxiety. 57% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 29% reported a negative experience.

Trazodone rating summary

6.5 average rating out of 10

130 ratings from 137 user reviews.

Compare all 136 medications used in the treatment of Anxiety.


Reviews for Trazodone

  • Ruthy...
  • December 19, 2015

"I began taking this around 3 months ago after the end of my marriage. I wasn't sleeping, had violent mood swings, really bad anxiety, and bouts of tearfulness. I take 50mg at bedtime. It eases me into a gentle, restful sleep with no groggy feeling in the morning. I'm a lot calmer and haven't killed anyone ;)"

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489 Report
  • Caitl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 19, 2021

"I really had a rough time starting trazodone. But I gave it two weeks, and wow. I now have 0 panic attacks! If I start worrying now, and get those body feelings, they completely go away once I refocus. I am so grateful that I got prescribed. The appetite suppression was rough. For the first month, or if you take your meds too late before bed, you will have a hard time waking up, headaches, and grogginess after waking. But this will all be worth it! The thought of food was nauseating and I had to live off protein shakes just to go on. But seriously, it helped me lose weight and stop my anxiety, I'm so so so beyond happy with it."

10 / 10
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210 Report
  • Bnicole
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 6, 2019

"I decided to share my experience because maybe someone somewhere is going through this. I was prescribed trazodone 50mg for anxiety and depression, eventually my doses went up to 100mg and 150mg a day. The drug would sedate me, put me to sleep. When I woke up, my anxiety was 10 times worse. I was scared, my depression increased. Daily life activities stopped for months, I became scared of living or taking care of my child. I had extremely bad brain fog, dry mouth, sleep terrors, nightmares that would last hours, heart palpitations, but the worst feeling of all was the increased anxiety, the feeling that I had some underlying medical condition that the doctor couldn't find, dizziness, shortness of breath, and suicidal thoughts, feeling like I would never get better. All along it was the trazodone."

1 / 10
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271 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • livy
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 10, 2014

"I am a tricky person for the doctors to treat. Lots of things they thought would be of help were complete opposites for me. I often get the worst side effects on the list! I'm 35, have battled chronic depression & anxiety since early teens. Serious back & neck troubles started almost 15 years ago, which has progressively gotten worse, & diagnosis of fibromyalgia, & CPS, & CFS. Sleeping has always created some major anxiety for me since I was very young. I've been taking trazodone for 15 years, and it still works just the same without having to increase the dose. So I get the 100 mg pills, & score them into 4's. One works to get me 7 hours. You have to be in bed, ready to go to sleep, then take it, & give it 20-30 minutes. I PROMISE SLEEP."

10 / 10
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304 Report
  • Killuh
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 5, 2018

"I had years of sleepless nights, anxiety, dissociative disorder, and panic. Trazodone calmed my brain and helped me rest! Without mania and with few side effects. I feel like a rock star again and am enjoying my life for the first time in years. Thanks, Trazodone."

10 / 10
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186 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Nullery
  • May 9, 2017

"I was taking Xanax for many years to treat my anxiety. New guidelines, however, said I couldn't continue because of the pain medicines I take and fear of overdose. My doctor prescribed Trazodone. I was hesitant at first but I took it because I wasn't sleeping. It works great! I can't believe I like it even better than the Xanax! While on Xanax, I still had anxiety, but this med has really helped both anxiety and insomnia."

9 / 10
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211 Report
  • Middl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 25, 2020

"I’m a 45-year-old female who suffers from mild anxiety and mild depression but is also going through perimenopause. I went to my doctor suffering from insomnia due to night sweats from mid-life body changes but also from anxiety. Hormonal imbalances affect sleep. No fun, but it is what it is. I was prescribed trazodone and take 50 mg 2 weeks during the month, and I sleep like a baby. I do get dry mouth, but an easy side effect to live with. The first night I took it, my heartbeat a bit weird but did not the 2nd night on. Additionally, it has dialed down my anxiety and depression to barely noticeable levels. I think of it as Diet Lexapro."

10 / 10
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129 Report

More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • October 7, 2019

"13 years ago, I was prescribed 100 mg at bedtime for insomnia and anxiety. Upon awakening, I couldn't think straight. It was awful. So I discontinued it. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to request that my doctor prescribed trazodone again at 25 mg per night. I am a long-time user of benzodiazepines. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe benzos. Quite frankly, I'm tired of the battle to get them. Not only that, my favorite is Xanax. Xanax is a brain cell destroyer. I would like to keep what's left of my mind. The trazodone 25 mg at bedtime allows me to sleep through the night without anxiety and flashbacks. No lying awake tossing and turning, reliving undesirable events in my history. My insomnia has been a lifelong condition. I have mostly self-medicated through the years. My hope is that I have found the right treatment at the right dosage. If the beneficial effects continue to last, I will stick with this."

10 / 10
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126 Report
  • mawms
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 18, 2014

"My 11-year-old daughter has been taking 50mg of trazodone for nearly a year now. She has Asperger's, and her anxiety used to be through the roof. Her insomnia was so bad that she literally could stay up for days at a time. I was reluctant at first, but it's been a godsend. Her grades at school have improved, and her social anxieties have lessened. The first week of taking them, she was slow to wake up, and we had to allow for extra wake-up time on school days. Her body adjusted, and now there is no morning grogginess."

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195 Report
  • Miss...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 12, 2016

"I am very sensitive to medication. Even though I've been on almost every psychotropic drug since the age of 5. I take 25mg of Zoloft 1x a day and 25mg of trazodone 4x a day for PTSD, panic attacks, GAD, and insomnia. I had to quit taking my Klonopin due to being pregnant and I thought I might end my life due to the panic attacks and constant dread. Surprisingly, trazodone during the day replaced the Klonopin very well and didn't make me so tired to where I couldn't function like I was worried it might. It slowed my negative responses down and my heart rate down to where I wasn't in panic mode, and it's without the more impulsive side effect some of the benzos can give you. I just feel calmer and happier but not like a different person."

10 / 10
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165 Report
  • Fearl...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 22, 2015

"My MD recommended I start taking 25mg at night to help with my sleep/anxiety issues. The past six months I've been battling anxiety and depression intermittently. The past 4 days have been the best since the attacks started. I really can't say enough. No side effects for me at all."

9 / 10
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181 Report
  • sleep...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 26, 2016

"I used to feel vaguely anxious all the time and acutely anxious some of the time - and have trouble sleeping. Now, I feel some anxiety (which is natural if you are 65, single, childless, and have little money!) - but I don't worry and obsess and make Plan A, B, C, D, and E the way I once did. I even feel confident that things will work out! And I sleep through the night...I rarely have trouble falling asleep, so what I usually do is go to sleep, and when I wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep, take it then. This works like a charm for me. The only side effects seem to be occasional dizziness...Trazodone is WAY better than Elavil (HORRIBLE drug) and Lorazepam which kept me spaced out and unable to remember anything."

10 / 10
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161 Report
  • Sleep...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 21, 2015

"Having battled anxiety and insomnia for years, and not wanting to take an addictive drug, trazodone has done wonders for me. I take 200 mg a half hour before bed and then lights out for 8 hours. I used to wake up groggy but that went away after three weeks. Best sleep aid I have ever had. Now, no more anxiety."

10 / 10
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166 Report
  • Miste...
  • December 17, 2014

"I have had an issue for many years where I could not shut my brain off when I went to sleep. My doctors had tried Xanax, Valium, sleeping pills (over-the-counter and prescription), and though some worked initially, they did not completely work for me. I was talking to a psychiatrist friend of mine, and they suggested that I try trazodone. After researching it and seeing that it was an antidepressant, I was extremely skeptical and concerned about side effects. I started with 50mg at night, and the first night I took it was the best night's sleep I had in a long time. I am now on 100mg at night and always have a great night's sleep. The only side effect I have is vivid dreams."

9 / 10
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169 Report
  • Sleepie...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 18, 2016

"In the last year I've lost my husband, my job, and as a result, I relapsed. A lot of stress, anxiety, and little sleep. I am now 6 months clean. Began taking trazodone 6 mos ago. After a few months, it was not helping me long term. It would somewhat relax me, I'd fall asleep, but suddenly, I was awoken after about 3 hrs. After communicating that, I was told that because of my weight gain now weighing 198, height (5'3') that contributed to the non-effectiveness, and the fact that on the end of my treatment, I was no longer taking some of the other meds. Anyways, once my dosage was increased to 100mg, and I've felt so at ease, and have slept through the whole night like a baby. Thank God for Trazodone, 2 thumbs up."

9 / 10
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154 Report
  • samsdb
  • May 1, 2017

"Works very well for my anxiety as well as a bit for my depression. Definitely the best medicine I have ever tried for anxiety, even works better for me than Xanax with much less dangerous side effects."

10 / 10
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129 Report
  • lilly
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 2, 2012

"Love it! Been on it for only a month now, but wow! The other antidepressants only caused my mania to explode and make me stop taking them. Trust me, I've been on a lot of meds. I used to not sleep (maybe 3 hours a night if that) and now I'm sleeping 6-8 on 50 mg of trazodone. I'm not as mad anymore, I can focus, life is just so much better! I would have rated it a 10, but it gives me heartburn and it is a little more sedating in the morning when I'm trying to wake up (can't have caffeine). This medicine is truly a godsend! But, for anyone that has bipolar, this is definitely an add-on to your normal meds. Taking Klonopin, Depakote, and now Trazodone. Life is great!"

9 / 10
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180 Report
  • DChris
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 7, 2013

"I have been prescribed trazodone for generalized anxiety disorder with insomnia. I started with 50 mg only at bedtime for a week and now at 100 mg in a single dose at bedtime. It helped me a lot with the anxiety (it calmed me down) and also it improved considerably my sleep at night. Although the sedating activity is immediate, the anxiolytic activity takes some time to show effect and requires increasing dose. I have noticed no major side effects, except for orthostatic hypotension and some headaches mainly at the beginning of the treatment. It works well as a sleep aid, but care must be taken when you increase the dose (should be done gradually increasing the dose by 25 mg). The dose of 100 mg at bedtime works fine for me. I will continue on this dose and see how things go on."

9 / 10
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158 Report
  • Garet...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 8, 2014

"I have been suffering from generalized anxiety disorder for the last 10 years, on and off many antidepressants. I have been on citalopram/SSRI for about the last 5 years, but it never did the job thoroughly and I felt that is as good as it's ever going to get. I started Trazodone 2 days ago, and I feel like a new person. Anxiety down by an immense amount, confidence levels boosted beyond what I've ever felt. I am combining it with the citalopram, however, as always medication affects every individual differently. Just a matter of trial and error. Only side effects so far are dry mouth, and slightly impaired concentration. But they are MINOR compared to the anxiety I used to have."

9 / 10
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146 Report
  • Rjy
  • September 3, 2016

"After suffering from general anxiety disorder (GAD) for 40 years, trazodone is a great drug to help me with anxiety and sleep. To help with GAD, I went on a strict diet of no coffee and alcohol. Also, I limited my bread and sugar. These were major tools for me in my fight against GAD. Additionally, I have not been able to have a deep restful sleep in many years. Typically, I would toss and turn all night long. The trazodone gives me a deep restful sleep every night. 200 mg of Trazodone also helps me stay calmer and less anxious during the day."

10 / 10
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123 Report
  • Yorki...
  • March 22, 2018

"I had really low expectations for trazodone, but I’ve been very pleasantly surprised! I have PTSD, trouble falling/staying asleep, and anxiety/panic during the day. I take between 12.5mg and 25mg of trazodone at night. It’s like a miracle drug for me. The side effects I’ve had are feeling a little zoned out (this has worn off over the past 3 weeks), less nervous eating, and occasional increased REM sleep. It’s important to take it early (by 10 pm) otherwise I can feel groggy for many hours during the day. But it’s made my anxiety VERY manageable. I definitely wasn’t expecting it to work. There are no withdrawals or unpleasant side effects if I don’t take it. It works just as well as Ativan or Xanax with fewer side effects (I don’t feel loopy). Very happy!!"

10 / 10
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102 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 8, 2020

"I have been taking Trazodone for chronic insomnia and anxiety now for over 3 years. It helps me fall asleep and lets me sleep quite well for about 7 hours. The only side effects I have noticed are mild headaches and slight dizziness after first taking it."

9 / 10
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77 Report
  • extre...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 9, 2013

"I've been on trazodone for three weeks. I also take Klonopin 2 milligrams and 1 x 100 mg of trazodone. It does help with sleep, no doubt. I'm a sufferer for over 16 years, so this definitely works. It stops the thinking, the worrying, and eventually it knocks you out. The problem I have is that I feel so lethargic. I'm tired after sleeping seven plus hours after consumption. My eyes are red and hard to open. I want to sleep and this does the trick. However, I hate feeling tired all day. I gave it an eight because in terms of sleep and anxiety, it does the job. But the side effect of feeling tired all day is unbearable."

8 / 10
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141 Report
  • EdBb
  • July 4, 2015

"My dose is 150mg at night. First week: weird dreams but I persisted with it. Second week: weird dreams stopped. Felt the same as before. Third week: anxiety gone! That was three years ago. I now manage the return of mild anxiety by walking one to two hours a day."

9 / 10
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118 Report
  • Unknown...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 2, 2017

"I was prescribed this medication several years ago for anxiety disorder and depression, with serious insomnia. It worked like a charm to help me get a really good night's sleep and saved my sanity. I took it daily for about 2 years. It really knocked me out, so that if someone woke me in the middle of the night, I was pretty much incoherent and felt heavily drugged. I did feel alert and rested in the morning. The worst thing for me was a rare side effect that caused my bone marrow to stop producing white blood cells. A swollen lymph node resulted in a blood test, which showed no white blood cells at all. I was scared of cancer, but my doctor told me to stop taking this drug and the tests afterward were back to normal. I suggest you get blood tests if on this medication."

9 / 10
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102 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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