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Tramadol for Pain User Reviews

Brand names: Tramadol Hydrochloride ER, ConZip Qdolo

Tramadol has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 632 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 49% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 34% reported a negative experience.

Tramadol rating summary

5.9 average rating out of 10

632 ratings from 673 user reviews.

Compare all 1446 medications used in the treatment of Pain.


Reviews for Tramadol

  • Anonymous
  • October 18, 2019

"I have been reading a lot of the reviews on here about Tramadol. What you have to remember is that every drug will react differently to different people. Personally, I think Tramadol is a good drug for me as it helps with pain and increases mood elevation. I don't take it every day, I take it as and when needed basically. Taken correctly and wisely, then they can be a great benefit to people who are in pain. Googling something will always give you good and bad reviews on everything. If you need them and they work for you, then take them. We all need a little something for general aches and pains as we get older, and if they improve your quality of life, which in my case they do, then taken correctly they will do you no harm at all. Hope this will help some people"

9 / 10
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409 Report
  • rip...
  • November 27, 2007

Ultram (tramadol) "I recently started to take tramadol 50mg after taking 10/325 hydrocodone for years. I have chronic back pain and I thought only the hydrocodone could take care of it. Well, let me tell you, this tramadol is great! It works so much better than the hydrocodone, but without getting you all buzzed up. I think that it's great. I was so tired of being high all the time. It's given me my brain back."

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568 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 8, 2009

Ultram (tramadol) "I was prescribed Tramadol after a herniated disc in my lower back, and 50mg gives me great pain relief for about 6 hours. If the pain is really bad, then 100mg works wonders as well. I have not experienced any negative side effects. This medicine also puts me in a great mood and helps with some symptoms of depression, which makes it much easier to get through the day. I would recommend Tramadol to anyone experiencing pain."

10 / 10
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356 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • geo...
  • January 28, 2010

"I have been taking tramadol for 8 years. Looking at all these reviews, my first response was that many of these folks are lying. However, maybe the effectiveness of this drug and its side effects are indeed all over the spectrum. I researched the drug when first starting to use it and it had many fewer warnings and potential side effects then. It was not considered a narcotic. Here's my view. It removed my pain which had me on the verge of suicide, sitting on the foot of my bed in tears. It removed all my pain, 100% with absolutely no side effects at all. No dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, withdrawal problems, tolerance buildup at all. Taking for 8 years now 100mg at 6:00am and 100mg at 6:00pm every day. A miracle to me!"

10 / 10
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302 Report
  • lee...
  • May 13, 2008

Ultram (tramadol) "New reports are claiming Ultram to be highly addictive - the FDA must have decided that the drug works too well and it is too cheap so they put out these reports. I have never felt anything that would make me addicted except pain relief that enables me to perform my daily tasks. People need to speak up quickly. My doctor has decided he wants me to try Elavil which caused rapid weight gain and Cymbalta or Celebrex (very expensive - hmmm!) which caused sexual dysfunction and I felt like a zombie."

8 / 10
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283 Report

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  • fin...
  • May 14, 2008

Ultram (tramadol) "I have severe back pain and have been on everything. Nothing works better than Ultram. I still go to work and don't feel like I'm in a tunnel. I also have no problems with withdrawal symptoms when I stop taking them."

8 / 10
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259 Report
  • Hon...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 11, 2021

"I have been prescribed Tramadol for pain four times. I have never felt any relief from pain while using it. I have told doctors this, yet they continue to prescribe it to me. It's cruel to prescribe a pain relief medication that I've said does nothing to help me. Tramadol simply gives me no relief."

1 / 10
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79 Report

More FAQ

  • Sug...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 4, 2020

"My doctor gave me tramadol after having 2 teeth extracted & it didn’t help one bit, it actually made my pain worse & made it throb harder than ever. It had the exact opposite effect on me & made me feel 100 times worse. No thank you! Doctors prescribe tramadol because they refuse to give out norcos that actually work! Get you to keep coming back, for 'pain relievers' that don’t work, just to keep adding up that doctor bill! Can’t just prescribe norcos & save both people time & save the patient money from trying rubbish that just does NOT work!"

1 / 10
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99 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 24, 2009

Ultram (tramadol) "I had a very serious seizure combining Ultram with Prozac, something which unfortunately many doctors are not aware of (like my brother, who is an ER doctor and disputed me that this was the cause until I steered him to the relevant literature, since I too am a scientist). However, I was also at fault for forgetting to tell my doctor that I was taking Prozac from my primary care doctor. I essentially was out for several minutes, severely bit my tongue, had a concussion from hitting the floor. I was very close to getting into the car to take my 5-year-old to preschool. So please, please, be very, very, careful when mixing prescription medicines."

5 / 10
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233 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 4, 2009

Ultram (tramadol) "I have been using Ultram for about 2 months. I think this medicine works very well for pain, however, the withdrawal side effects for me have been bad. If I stop taking this medicine for two days, I experience cold sweats, hot flashes, can't sleep, my legs get restless at night. I find that I have to take the medicine without having pain just to feel like my normal self again. The restless legs are probably the worst part of the withdrawal symptoms. It does, however, work fairly well for pain if taken regularly."

9 / 10
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205 Report
  • gen...
  • July 8, 2009

Ultram (tramadol) "I am 29 years old. I have fibromyalgia and hypermobility disorder. Without this drug, I would be worthless. I used to be a grumpy person that could not accomplish anything without major difficulty. I have taken Ultram ER 300 for the last 3 years. I have never been without this medicine for more than 12 hours. I am now 3 days off this medicine because I ran out by accident. This has been the most miserable experience of my life. I am on the verge of getting written up at work. I cannot focus. I feel horrible. I can't go to sleep at night, and I can't wake up in the morning. This is truly miserable. I feel as if I am being hit by a truck several times a day."

9 / 10
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197 Report
  • Dis...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 11, 2017

"I've been on tramadol for over a year now. I lost my left leg in Iraq in 2005. The V.A. is no longer writing prescriptions for narcotic painkillers as per the U.S. government. So here I sit, day after day, in pain. Thanks, V.A. I put my life on the line and this is the way you repay me, not only me but thousands of disabled veterans."

3 / 10
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109 Report
  • Inf...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 12, 2017

"I'd like to say there are many misinformed people here. Tramadol DOES help all kinds of pain. Tramadol is an opioid, it attaches to the same receptors Oxycodone does, and it's a PRODRUG—meaning it must metabolize via CYP2D6 liver enzyme to work. Once it's converted over, it turns into M1 aka o-deso (for short), which is 6-10 times more potent than Tramadol, where its real pain relief comes from. So people giving it 1 star? They are lacking proper metabolism OR they are taking a P2D6 inhibitor (some antacids, like Tagamet), grapefruit juice, among others. A 50mg Tramadol tablet in studies has SUPERIOR pain relief to 40mg codeine + 300mg Tylenol, and also showed the same pain relief as 5 to 7.5mg of Oxycodone. It works for pain..."

10 / 10
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102 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 15, 2008

Ultram (tramadol) "I have been taking this medication for about two years. At first it completely killed the pain, and then gradually I have built a tolerance to it. The days that it works and I feel good, it is awesome, but other days I wish I had other options. I like the fact that it is non-narcotic and seems not as habit-forming."

7 / 10
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173 Report
  • Jan...
  • June 11, 2014

"I've taken tramadol for 7 years, 50mg once to three times a day. Sometimes go days without it. I find within 20 minutes of taking it my pain is gone. It does not give me a headache, does not make me loopy or sleepy, or even depressed. Not sure why it's classified as a strong pain pill, it just makes joint pain go away and you can function normally."

10 / 10
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121 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 28, 2011

Ultram ODT (tramadol) "I have been using tramadol for eight years for joint and muscle pain, the result of Lyme Disease which was undetected for more than a year. I have NO adverse effects. The one major problem I have had is since the medicine has now been classified as a narcotic, my doctor now hesitates to prescribe it even though I have taken the same dosage for eight years with no reduction of effectiveness or need to increase dosage."

10 / 10
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126 Report
  • Mya...
  • March 27, 2008

Ultram (tramadol) "I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis, so I am in fairly constant pain. Ultram has really been a lifesaver, allowing me to work and play. Headache is sometimes a problem, but I think almost always in combination with caffeine."

8 / 10
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147 Report
  • sen...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 26, 2019

"I'm in my mid-70s, and was given tramadol because I can't take ibuprofen (kidney issues) for my arthritis. It doesn't do anything for inflammation, but as a pain medicine, it's a lifesaver (I can supplement the tramadol with sour cherry juice for help with the inflammation). I take 2 (50 mg) pills before skiing, 2 pills before hiking, 1 before biking, and 1-2 pills before any other strenuous activity. I've never had an issue with dependence, and if I've had any side effects, they have been minor. It worries me that tramadol is getting a bad reputation because it is by far the best pain medicine I have ever used, and I don't want it to become impossible to get in the US (think quinine)."

8 / 10
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62 Report
  • El ...
  • September 6, 2014

"I have been taking tramadol for four years. It works for me! Sometimes I want to get off tramadol, not because it doesn't work, but because I don't want to have a medicine at all. On the other hand, I came to the conclusion I need to support my family and tramadol does not upset my stomach. I was diagnosed with sciatica, a tear, and tendonitis which are very painful. Tramadol doesn't completely take away my pain, but I can work without side effects. I was on Mobic, it is good, but unfortunately it affects my stomach and makes me constipated. So, I am going to stay with one medication until there is a better one. So far, tramadol is the winner for me!"

9 / 10
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95 Report
  • Hap...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 22, 2017

"I have chronic lumbar pain residual after a surgical procedure. Without worthwhile pain management, it's like a 7 out of 10, worse on some days. I have above average tolerance for pain. My doctor believes that what I call a 5 or 6 would probably incapacitate the average person. I have been prescribed the whole gamut, from the steroid series every 9 months to OxyContin. The injections were a waste. The various opioids just made me stoned. I could still feel the pain, I simply didn't give a damn. When I first used Tramadol (Ultram), 50mg, about 40 minutes later I noticed two significant facts: I was NOT stoned, and I was NOT in pain. I have been using 50mg, 4 times daily since 2012 - no side effects, no pain. BONUS!"

10 / 10
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77 Report
  • red...
  • November 25, 2008

Ultram (tramadol) "Contrary to what I've read on some forums, this is NOT a strong NSAID. It is a pain medicine (read the insert). It works partially by working on the opiate receptors in the brain. You may feel a teeny tiny bit euphoric the first time. That said, I found it very good for moderate to moderately severe spinal degeneration pain and have been prescribed this for a few years. I take it in addition to an NSAID, arthritis strength Tylenol, and muscle relaxants (as needed) but this was a Godsend for a long time. The limit is 400mg a day."

8 / 10
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127 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 9, 2013

"I am prescribed this for chronic neck/shoulder pain. My doctor gave me this instead of a straight narcotic, Tramadol 50mg tabs 2 or as needed 3 x a day. I also take Lexapro 25mg 1xday. Just using Lexapro erased my depression symptoms, after starting tramadol. I find I am hugely motivated at work, I have a fairly physical job and it can be draining but with this not only is the pain controlled my mood is 'Mr. work'. It really makes me more productive and happy able to get up in the morning without the hangover of Percocet. Much more alert and able to tackle heavy work that guys 15 years younger whine about. Highly recommended."

8 / 10
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95 Report
  • Cin...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 24, 2020

"I was prescribed this tramadol for pain following knee replacement. For 6 weeks I experienced racing heart rate, shortness of breath, and chest pain, which delayed my recovery and stumped all my physicians. I was bed-bound the entire time. After a multitude of testing, my PCP finally suggested I stop this medication and all symptoms resolved within two days. This was a debilitating experience, and I have never had these problems prior to this medication or since. If I could rate this medication any lower than 1, I would."

1 / 10
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47 Report
  • Age...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 31, 2013

Ultram (tramadol) "I had arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery on February 25, 2013, and my surgeon prescribed me 10mg Vicodin 6 times per day. After 4 weeks and 'wanting to get me off of narcotics,' he changed my prescription to 50mg Tramadol 4 times a day. Honestly, I believe that I am now receiving 1/10 of the relief from pain that the Vicodin was providing."

2 / 10
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97 Report
  • Bel...
  • March 10, 2013

Ultram (tramadol) "Ultram is the only medication I can take for pain that doesn't make me sick. Lortab, Norco, etc. all make me sick at my stomach. Darvocet used to be what I preferred as it didn't make me feel sick, hate that it was taken off the market. But after hand surgery and being prescribed Ultram, it's nice to know there is a pain medication out there that works and doesn't make me throw up. Highly recommend."

10 / 10
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92 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.