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Entresto for Heart Failure User Reviews (Page 4)

Entresto has an average rating of 5.0 out of 10 from a total of 181 reviews for the treatment of Heart Failure. 40% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 49% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Entresto

  • Suzy
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 27, 2019

"I have been on Entresto for over a year now, started feeling better almost immediately after taking it-more energy, not tired! Feel great! Thankful for this great drug!!! I am 81 years old and can keep up with people much younger than me!"

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Newtown...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 9, 2022

"I began taking Entresto at the recommendation of a cardiologist after I went in for a routine exam and echo. My echo was an EF of 25. I began taking Entresto and realized an improvement in my echo. Problem was my Blood pressure, which normally was in the 140/95 range dropped to 90/60. I became extremely hypotensive everyday, nauseous, shortly after taking my morning dose and then fainted twice within 8 weeks, falling to the floor. I met with other doctors and they told me to get off Entresto. Since now I take no Entresto I have a regular blood pressure and no fainting or hypotensive feeling or episodes."

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25 Report
  • Lin
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 18, 2022

"I was diagnosed with severe Heart Failure (idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy) in 2018. EF of 10-15%. Because of low blood pressure, it took awhile for me to get on Entresto. Survived an out of hospital cardiac arrest. Thank you, Jesus. 2 years later, my EF is 55%. Life saving drug. Thankful every day."

10 / 10
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24 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Larry...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 12, 2018

"I have been on Entresto for 12 months now and continually have to visit my GP because of lightheadedness. The dosage has been increased to the maximum and then reduced down to the lowest dose, but still the dangerous lightheadedness persists. My GP has not taken me off Entresto as she states it is not suiting me. My energy levels increased initially but are now worse than they were originally. Since stopping Entresto, my quality of life is much better. I am perhaps one of the unfortunate patients that Entresto disagrees with."

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  • JimEi...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 21, 2018

"I was tired of only being taking my garbage to the curb and walking back inside the house - I couldn't walk any further - that was at age 51 and suffering from CHF with an injection fraction of 35. Since being put on Entresto over two years ago, I walk at least an hour a day with my sister's dog at the lake, and I am never winded. In fact, if the dog didn't tire out, I could walk another hour. That's a long way to come from being tired just walking 150 feet total to take out the garbage. My heart doc says I have had the best success out of all his patients and should be in commercials for the drug. I can only speak from my experience and would HIGHLY RECOMMEND it for people in my position. I feel like I did before the CHF diagnosis."

10 / 10
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49 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • David
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 1, 2018

"David: while seeing a cardiologist, I offer the following: Con- really, I can't believe that I stayed on Entresto 49/51 mg this long - started June 2018 with the following side effects; the following effects are constant - constant dizziness and headaches - the headache feels like knocking a ball around inside my head - feeling like collapsing - nose itch so bad I scratch that brought out blood - June 2018, I fell while going inside my garage from my family room, injured right foot - strong overall sickness came in - unable to drive due to backwards feeling of falling/trembling/lightheaded/vision out of focus - neck pain, bad right side - nausea/vomit feeling - July 2018, fell again, injured right foot again:: Pro: while on Entresto, my EF increased from 30% to 60% per July 2018 MUGA test at doctor's office. Due to chest pain, I had hospital stay and in Aug 2018 had ECHO test that shows my EF was 50%. NOTE: my cardiologist has since increased my dosage on Entresto to 97/103 mg."

8 / 10
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47 Report
  • Painf...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 2, 2022

"I started taking this about 2 months ago, and was told to give this a shot in hopes of raising my EF. It was at 29 or close to, and if it worked it could raise it back to 40-50%. That if it didn't work, I would need a pace maker. Over the weekend, I started getting chest pains, but they would come and go so, I chalked them up to indigestion. It was really bad last night though, but has been fine today until just a few minutes ago. I'm on 24-26 mg twice a day, and will not be taking this evenings pill and calling cardiologist in the morning. I have felt exhausted no matter if I had a great nights sleep or hardly any and doing simple tasks gives that chest pressure pain too."

1 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Son
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 7, 2018

"My mom is over 80 years old. She was getting water on her lung. When the doctors put her on Entresto, all she did was gasp for air and was totally exhausted. We took her off of it after a few weeks, and she soon began breathing better and gained a lot more energy. All she needed was a slightly stronger diuretic, which is what happened. If the ignorant doctors put your family member on this new drug, tell the doctors to take the pill and let them gasp for air! They must be getting a kickback from the greedy sales reps and company. Despicable, commercials, and drug!"

1 / 10
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47 Report
  • Unlucky
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 22, 2022

"My wife was prescribed Entresto two weeks ago as a"wonder drug ", the side effects quickly built up over 13 days so that at the end of two weeks she was having panic attacks, gagging when trying to eat, she lost one and a half stone in weight. She became suicidal not from depression but because of how poorly she felt. She had pain in her back, left side of her chest, pressure in her head. It would take too long to list all of the side effects, if it's on the list then she experienced it. She spoke to the cardiac nurse and was told that she was feeling this way because of her heart only having an EF of 15 to 20%. This was total rubbish, she rang a GP and was told to stop taking them immediately. The are going to try something else next week. Please note, I did not look for the side effects until she was very ill. Look at the reviews and more people have a poor result than benefit from this dangerous medication."

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22 Report
  • Joy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 7, 2022

"I started Entresto for chronic heart failure. It did remove the fluid from my legs and feet, but I could not stand the chronic diarrhea, foggy head, muscle pain, I had more shortness of breath than I had before I took the medication. I fell because I was extremely dizzy, and my blood pressure was too low. I stopped taking it, and I feel a lot better than I did before. It just didn't work for me. Will be alerting my cardiologist."

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22 Report
  • emily
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 18, 2020

"Wanted to try Entresto due to the information I read about it helping heart patients avoid hospitalizations and generally suffer fewer cardiac events. I began on the lowest dose and the first day, I felt some improvement. Then, after a short period of taking it, I stepped up to the middle dose and felt terrible. Stopped the middle dose and went back to the lowest dose. Felt better but still felt something was wrong. Chest pain, no energy, just knew this was not good. I also have normally very low blood pressure and didn't need anything lowering it even more. My cardiologist took me off it, and now I am back taking Altace instead and feeling almost back to normal. Glad it helps some people. I found it to be a drug to avoid, especially if you already have low blood pressure."

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33 Report
  • crazy...
  • June 11, 2017

"Been on this drug for a couple of months and have already been told my kidneys have taken a 'knock.' On 46-51 mg twice a day. Felt uneasy from the start, have stopped taking it since I learned about my kidneys. Have an appointment with the cardiologist who prescribed this drug in a couple of weeks and will take old ramipril until then. Check on your own before just taking prescribed drugs. That is something I normally do, but because of high praise from the doctor, I didn't check this time. Plus, the price is ridiculous... how can anyone afford this unless they have mega bucks!!!!! Presently on an introduction plan which gives it free, but that's soon to run out."

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52 Report
  • Deves...
  • July 25, 2018

"My father is dead. My dad was 87 and did have a weak heart, but he had been riding his bike a few miles a day. This awful drug does not have a lot of data on older people. He was put on this drug in September of 2017. My mother kept questioning the med because she saw him getting weaker, and the doctor continued to say it was good. By March, he was so weak that they begged the doctor to get him off. He finally came off, but the damage was done. He died a little over 3 months after. Get your loved one off this med."

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46 Report
  • Former...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 19, 2022

"I was placed on Enestro (lowest dose) in 2019. After a month I developed a very 'productive' cough -- so bad I would wake up with phlegm and gasping in the middle of the night. I brought this up with the PA... and nothing. I took it for a year and a half, even started using an inhaler to control the congestion. Finally, after becoming disgusted with the mask games, I stopped taking it. And like magic, the coughing and most of the phlegm went away. During the time I took it, I noticed a low morning BP, a slight tiredness. I'm very active with a normal 120/80 BP and no other problems, just a low EF around 30."

2 / 10
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19 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 22, 2019

"I stopped Entresto after three days, my doctor doesn't know yet. I think he's useless. Anyways, my feet blew up so big my veins started getting blood blisters on top of them, so huge it was scary. My legs and feet grew five times in size, and I'm only 43 years old. My EF is around 12, but diagnosed four years ago, I was doing well on Lisinopril. He came in like he won a million dollars with that drug. I stopped taking it, of course."

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41 Report
  • JBano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 13, 2019

"I have an ICD to treat very high heart rates. I had a virus in my heart that caused afib and myocarditis, with heart rates at times going over 200 beats a min. I had many cardioversions and a heart ablation to try to correct the afib and ventricular tachycardia. Nothing worked. No problems the last 4 years. In December 2018, I went into heart failure and was put on Entresto. After 3 months, I had a heart rate of 292-yes, 292-before my ICD brought the rate down before I was shocked. I found that with my arrhythmia, Entresto caused my heart rate to skyrocket. This was after several months of taking it."

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41 Report
  • Robert...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 21, 2021

"After a severe heart failure in 2017 my husband was in a coma for 5 days, he was taken out of coma, had a defib implant, HEF (heart ejection fraction) @18% and discharged with metropolol and Enalapril. Six months later he is building a shed and feeling rejuvenated. The doctor changed Enalapril to Entresto, a new miracle drug for people with low HEF This easy going laughing funny man changed to a dizzy, weak legged, extremely fatigued, despondent depressed man. No energy, no stamina, no taste for food, can't bend over to put on shoes and socks with feeling like he is going to fall, up for a couple of hours then needs to sleep for 4 hours, pulse in 80's+, BP got as low as 63/41. Very low BP reading. Called hospital, after telephone conference due to CoVid, advised to stop Entresto. Amazing, he feels back to his usual optimistic self, looking forward to a new Grandchild which he was thinking "prepare for the time of death" planning! This drug might work for some but not for 51% of people"

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25 Report
  • BJano
  • July 20, 2018

"I was diagnosed with heart failure in July 2016. My EF at that time was 15-20%. I was put on Entresto, and 6 months later, my EF was 30-35%. My last echo in December 2017, I had an EF of 60-65% (normal range) and a normal-sized heart. There are days I don't feel so well that I attribute to the medications I take, but I'll take those bad days to keep my heart healthy. FYI: I am a 57-year-old female."

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44 Report
  • Ryan
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 6, 2021

"I was told about this medicine when I found out my EF was 22. I had an echo performed two weeks before starting and was at an EF of 30. Started Entresto two weeks ago on the lowest dose. First side effect I got was heavy phlegm and chest tightness. I have paralyzed vocal cords, so this was not good. Second, was breathing, I felt as if I had to force myself to breathe. Third, lower back pain. Fourth, arrhythmias, including bigeminy, which I only had once. Anxiety, snapping at my wife, panic attacks, and severe chest pain from my rib cage and pectorals. This may be a miracle drug for some, but not for me."

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29 Report
  • Birdie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 8, 2022

"I took it a few days, then got so tired and dizzy. Blood Pressure was getting so low that I feel lucky that I didn't go into shock! Maybe this works for people with very high blood pressure, but mine is only slightly elevated so this med was too strong. I was on the lowest dosage."

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21 Report
  • Nikki
  • May 17, 2018

"Before we started going to this new cardiologist, my husband was stabilized. We were not only hiking for 3 hours, but mountain biking over 2 hours a day. This new physician said it would be 'better' for him and gave him a 2-week trial pack. The moment he started the dosing regimen, he turned into what I call a 'Different Person.' He became highly irritable, with mood swings, and that was only the 1/2 dose for 3 days. When he took the full dose, everything started to break loose. He couldn't go more than 1/4 hour on the mountain bike due to chest tightness. And yesterday, we walked for only 10 minutes, and he had severe chest pain to the point of almost having to go to the ER. His usual dose of beta blocker and 3 doses over a period of an hour of DE (Diatomaceous Earth) brought the blood pressure down from 186/133 to 113/65. I knew it was the Entresto from start to finish, and trust me on this one. We're finished, not only with the new cardiologist but Entresto as well."

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41 Report
  • Joe
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 18, 2019

"Day 2, so far, so good. Some soreness in my joints, but nothing else. My breathing improved right away. I'm 46, had onset heart failure 5 years ago, it runs in my family, but after reading the reviews, it appears the younger you are, the more positive the results. I'll have blood work done in four days to check on my kidney function and potassium levels. The only thing that worries me is reading how some folks had negative side effects weeks or sometimes months down the road. Fingers crossed."

9 / 10
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36 Report
  • Simon
  • September 14, 2022

"35 year old had heart attack of unknown cause. Heart failure. A Fib. Scar tissure. Ejection fraction of 12%! As close to death as you can get. Struggled for 2 months and the doc tried me on low dose entresto. I'd say within a week on being on this drug, I noticed my hands warmed up. They were no longer frozen due to circulation. Things picked up. 6 month mark cardioversion reset afib. Ejection rate= 20% 1 year mark ejection rate= 40% Increased dose entresto to 51/49 14 month ejection rate =45% Side effects- severe fatigue, brain fog, lower back pain. Bloating. Possibly sharp heart pain. Good med."

8 / 10
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17 Report
  • Mac
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 9, 2018

"I’m a 57-year-old male. I’ve been on Entresto for 6 months. Started with EF of 20%, just had ECHO and it’s 35%. My HF started 2 1/2 years ago with other HF drugs, no improvement on EF. The side effects are blurry vision, joint pain, moodiness, nervousness, loose stools, confused thinking, and tingling in fingers. However, I have had a great improvement in energy level. My job is in lawn care service, and my helper always had to use the hedge trimmer, but now I can do it. Before, I did not have the energy or breath to do it. Hopefully, my EF continues to go up and side effects will be worth it."

7 / 10
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38 Report
  • Britt...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 28, 2017

"When I was first taken off of Enalapril, I started Entresto on the lowest dosage (50 mg). The only side effect I had was a lack of energy. My dosage was doubled to 100 mg after a few weeks. That was when I started noticing worse side effects. Breathing difficulties were the most significant. I also noticed my energy levels decreased even further: lightheadedness and dizziness when standing, dry mouth, increased thirst, and throat swelling (all of which I'm suffering from at the moment). As suggested on the insert for this medication, I will not be taking my next PM and AM dosage because of the throat swelling and will be calling my cardiologist first thing in the morning."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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