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Provera User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Provera has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 311 reviews on 42% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 34% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Provera

  • I...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 12, 2015

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I went almost 3 months without a period. I should've known I was in for trouble, but I just let it slide until the day I started my period. I bled for 5 weeks non-stop. It was very heavy with lots of large clots. I went to the ER eventually, and the doctor prescribed me Provera 10 mg for 10 days. It was awesome for 10 days-almost no bleeding, just spotting here and there. I came off of Provera, and 2 days later, I'm bleeding 10 times worse and a lot more clots than I was before taking the drug. Something's got to give, I just want to be able to be normal again!"

1 / 10
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37 Report
  • Loano
  • January 4, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "This is my 3rd time taking this medication provera for problem bleeding. The first time it worked like for 4 days. After the 4th day I couldn’t stop bleeding had to go back to ER. I was put on provera again. This time it didn’t work at all . Actually when I took the last pill the next day I couldn’t stop bleeding. I had clots the size of grapefruits . I was so lightheaded I went to ER and I needed a blood transfusion. I was put on Provera again for the third time . See how they work for me this time . On my 3rd day taking them . I guess they work different on everyone."

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  • NancyS
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 27, 2018

For Amenorrhea "Stopped taking it 2 weeks ago. I've had cramps, back ache, a huge zit on my face. I am 50 in December. Haven't had a period in a year. Gyn gave me Provera due to a thicker than normal lining. Don't know what's next? Just want some relief. I'm so bloated it's not even funny. Look pregnant. This medicine didn't work for me."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Syna
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 23, 2019

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I took provera 10mg pills the beginning of August month for 10 days. Like 3 days laters I started spotting. 4 days later the spotting got a little heavy with clots but never the regular flow of the menstruation cycle. Long story short, I been bleeding lightly for the past two week and I’m beyond annoyed. "

6 / 10
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  • Rachel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 6, 2019

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks. I bled after that for 2 weeks and then stopped bleeding for 4 weeks. I then got my first period which started out very light then 5 days later I was bleeding so heavily and passing very large clots that I ended up going to the ER. They decided to do a D and C to stop the heavy bleeding, but I bled just as heavily after the D and C. So, after several trips to the ER, they gave me Provera. After taking one pill my bleeding became very light and stayed that way the last for the last 2 days. Today, however, I did a short rowing workout (the first time I've exercised in 2 weeks) and the bleeding seemed to pick up a little bit and a pretty big clot came out (I'm not sure if it was from before when I was bleeding heavily and it just worked its way out). I was wondering if the bleeding got worse for anyone else after exercise?"

8 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • September 16, 2019

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I am 20 years old, I got prescribed provera(10mg) one pill a day for 10 days. I began my period on June 28 and it’s now September 16, 2019. I’ve been to 3 doctors, the 1st gave me birth control it was the Enskyce brand and I was on it for 3 weeks. I started this birth control hoping it would make my period stop but it didn’t. Then I went for a 2nd opinion, and I went to a different doctor and she sent me to get blood work and a pelvic ultrasound. Everything came out fine. I was still not satisfied so I went to a 3rd doctor, she was the one who gave me provera. She was a midwife doctor and she went over my lab results and sent me to get extra lab work done which she tested prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone and testosterone levels. Those results came out fine and she said that being on provera was the last thing she could think of to stop my bleeding. My period didn’t stop until the 7th day of taking it. After stopping the pill my period began two days after."

2 / 10
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  • Amruta
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 27, 2018

For Amenorrhea "Provera is an effective medicine for amenorrhea. I would like to share my experience here: When I didn't get my periods on the regular dates, I went to gynecologist, he told me things are okay, the reasons of delay he told me were hormonal imbalance and stress. He gave me certain medicines and a syrup of herbal medicine to get the periods and make it regular. But, I didn't get the period inspite of taking them. So, I googled this medicine out, and got my periods after taking provera 10mg tablet daily for 5 days. I would like to thank to all who reviewed this medicine earlier."

10 / 10
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27 Report
  • Mel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 7, 2019

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Just turned 40. Never had issues with my cycle. This time around I had a huge gap between periods, my period came on day 67! And it has lasted 35 days and is still going strong. Had blood work, pap, and an internal vaginal ultrasound, all 100% normal. Started Medroxyprogesterone. Was told to take 10mg twice a day until bleeding stopped. It’s now been 15 days and still no sign of stopping. The first few days, it slowed down but then went back to a heavy flow. I’m going in for a D&C in the next week. I’m just so confused as to why this drug has worked to stop everyone else’s bleeding but not mine."

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  • Ariyal
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 5, 2019

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I was bleeding for a 2 months straight. My first time with an abnormal period. Ultrasound showed 2 cysts on left ovaries. I took provera which stopped my bleeding after two days. The stomach cramps became so severe that one day I took 1/2 the dose 5mg instead of 10mg. I spotted the day after so immediately started taking the 10mg again. The bleeding is heavy now. I’ve been bleeding for a week. I regret taking half a dose. I see the doctor again later this month. I just want a regular cycle again!"

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  • Tanm_07
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 9, 2015

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "The first time I took Provera, it worked great for 3-4 years and made me regular. I had gone to the ER for heavy bleeding and clotting. The second time I went to the ER was earlier this year (2015) for the same reason. Provera slowed it down, passed clots, and then I spotted here and there. Just recently, mid-July, I started having heavy bleeding again, and the docs couldn't give me answers as to why, but put me on Provera again. It didn't do anything this time. It slowed it down on Day 1-Day 3 on it, and then after, and especially when I finished Provera, I was bleeding very heavily. The doc said that's to be expected and have to wait it out and just wait for my ultrasound. I'm so sick of all this bleeding and even more so not getting any answers/treatment."

4 / 10
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35 Report
  • Cici
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 9, 2020

For Amenorrhea "I was prescribed this drug Provera due to not having a period for several months and wanting to get pregnant. I was given 10 day supply and I had painful stomach aches. So bad that I didn’t take it the last 2 days. My period came just a few days later and it was not heavy but pretty normal. Around the 4th day my cramps became unbearable. Never experienced such pain before. The doctor wants me to continue to use this drug if I don’t see my period again next month. I’m not sure I can go through with it again."

2 / 10
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19 Report
  • MAWM
  • June 10, 2016

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "After four months with no period I went to the doctor and was put on provera. By the time I got to my second pill my period already started. I've never bled or been in so much pain. The doctor told me to take between 5-7 since I got it early. As of today I've officially been on my period for THREE WEEKS. I now realize the wickedness behind pharmaceuticals. They don't fix you, they cause more problems. My advice to everyone: look up a functional medicine doctor near you. They can fix your cycle, help you get pregnant, fix your thyorid. Whatever the issue is they will get to the bottom of it and they WILL HEAL YOU. NATURALLY. I wish I knew what I know now before getting on these man made drugs with more side effects than I can list."

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31 Report
  • Paris
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2019

For Amenorrhea "I came off the pill over a year ago and my cycles have been super irregular. My doc prescribed me provera to bring on a period as I hadn't had one for about 3 months. I managed to bleed a day before I finished my 10th pill (I was given 10 pills) I mean it's great to bring on a period but I was under the impression it would regulate my cycle thereafter but that is not the case. So it doesn't really help at all with irregular periods? A bit pointless to say the least."

5 / 10
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  • Jlynn...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 11, 2017

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I started my period in March. It's been mostly light bleeding but on Friday it got pretty heavy. By Tuesday I was in the ER because I was just passing softball sized ball every single time I stood up. I went to see my obgyn today and he prescribed me with provera. Prior to taking it, I was still passing huge clots and just overall felt miserable. I've barely had an appetite and just felt so tired. Within two hours of taking this pill, I could feel the difference. I had more energy, I don't feel stabbing pain in my lower back from cramps, and I don't feel like a waterfall is going to come pouring out of me when I stand up. I know this is only the first day and I still have 13 days to go on this pill, but so far it's been amazing."

10 / 10
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  • D Rob...
  • April 25, 2017

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I was put on Provera for abnormal bleeding due to uterine fibroids. It didn't help with the bleeding only made it worst. I had clotting the size of a golf ball and bad cramping...was told by nurse it can take up to 10 days for it to work well I was on it for 14 days and nothing changed."

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  • Shawna...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 4, 2021

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I was having abormal bleeding for one month and I went to the doctor and he prescribed provera 10mg for me.The provera tablet should be taking up to 19 days with or without meal. After start taking the pills, on the seventh day my period came, it came very heavy, where I had to change my sanitary product every 1 hour, after about 10 day of period it finally stopped,I waked up one morning without seeing any blood on my sanitary product...."

7 / 10
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15 Report
  • Aline...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 30, 2021

For Amenorrhea "First, I'm from Brazil, so forgive my bad English =]. I have PCOS and decided to stop taking birth control pills 8 months ago, I know it's expected irregular periods for a while but I was on 70th day of my I decided to take Provera for the first time ever(doctors here only prescribes metformin or bc pills for PCOS). I took 10mg for 7 days and 5 days after the last pill, my blood came!! Yay! It was a regular flow and light cramps, the only thing I noticed during the 7 days was food cravings and crazy dreams."

10 / 10
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  • deedee
  • November 13, 2019

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I am 58 years old and haven't had a period in 8 years. Two years ago I started spotting for a few months. The OBGYN did a uterine biopsy and found negative results. At the end of Sept/2019, I started bleeding, not spotting. They did another biopsy to find negative results again. I really put my foot down for them to do a hysterectomy, otherwise, I don't think they would have suggested it. From what I read, this should stop the bleeding. Prayerfully, it will. The Obgyn put me on provera 2 pills twice a day for 7 days then down to one pill twice a day. My bleeding slowed down a bit, but never completely stopped. I'm scheduled to have a D&C and hysterectomy in two days to see whats going on. They have definitely seen a polyp, but want to put a camera up there to see if there's anything else. The provera gives me a headache and seems to make me bleed more than I was. But I cant be sure."

3 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 12, 2016

For Amenorrhea "I'm 18 and had very regular periods every month for 4 years and they stopped for no reason. Played the wait game & before I knew it 3 whole years has passed. 5 day 10mg provera challenge starting July 1st and on July 9th, 4 days after my last pill got my period. Not a terrible period for me like everyone else. A little heavy, mild cramping but my periods use to be worse. Also, does anybody know if it's true if my periods come back on their own after 3 provera cycles? Read that a few places but idk if it's true."

10 / 10
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  • mscici
  • August 26, 2013

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I was taking Provera for 5 days after my fifth day my period came on a week later and has been on for a week I wanted to know how long would it last. Before I had this my cycle stayed on for 3 months none stop."

8 / 10
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  • AngelK
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 3, 2015

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I have been bleeding profusely (clots, steady bleeding) for a year and a half - yes 18 months!! I have seen 2 different OB-GYNs. I am 46 and have fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts. Both doctors have used the "try this and see" approach and I have been given Provera, Depo Shots, and Beyaz birth control. None of these have stopped the bleeding. After taking the Beyaz last December, my blood sugar level rose to 450 and it took a month to get it back to normal. Of course, now I am considered a diabetic and have to take Metformin every day despite the fact that I was not diabetic or prediabetic before then. It is ridiculous that these doctors will not consider a permanent treatment option!"

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31 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 1, 2009

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Multiple cervical polyps: I have been taking this medication for 3 months, for 14 days each month. Side effects include increased hunger (actually, I am pleased about this as I am rarely hungry and don't really enjoy food). I have read that it can cause depression, but for me, it is the opposite. I am far less depressed and have more energy and feel less overwhelmed. The effects only last for the 2 weeks that I am taking it each month. My body seems to love this medicine. It is too soon to ascertain whether my polyps have shrunk/disappeared. I am going to be re-tested in three months. If it hasn't worked, then I am going to try the Mirena coil."

5 / 10
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  • Renz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 8, 2019

For Amenorrhea "I was recently diagnosed with PCOS with no periods (amenorrhea) so my OB-GYNE prescribed provera 5mg for 5 days and after 3 days I started bleeding heavy until today 9th day. I'm a bit worried because if I do get a period it usually lasts only for 5 days."

9 / 10
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  • twina
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 30, 2016

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I am 39 years old my whole life I had normal periods some months the cramping was awful but they were regular same time every month then about 2 years ago they began coming earlier every month I was having 1 twice a month I saw my Gyno 5 months ago (July) who did ultrasound said it all looked normal I was back in Oct the bleeding was getting worse he prescribed Provera 10mg once a day to start when I began bleeding again he said it would stop the bleeding so I did as instructed and bled for 10 days straight it stopped only to return 9 days later for another 9 days, stopped for a week then started again the 17th of this month(Nov) this time it started brown in color it is the 30th STILL bleeding"

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  • Danie...
  • December 11, 2015

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I was bleeding large clots nonstop for 3 months. I kept going to the ER and they did nothing. The last time I went my RBC count was so low I had to have 2 blood transfusions along with surgery. I was given Provera to take. I have been taking it now for 5 days and the blood is completely gone. I am just worried it will come back when the pills are gone."

10 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.