Keppra for Epilepsy User Reviews
Keppra has an average rating of 5.5 out of 10 from a total of 100 reviews for the treatment of Epilepsy. 45% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 40% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Keppra
- Bon...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- March 1, 2024
"Between 1986 until 2003 I had intractable tertiary epilepsy due to a brain injury I incurred when I had a brain abscess in 1980. Intractable tertiary is neurospeak for 'Don't know what to do with him!'. I tried lots of different AEDs but nothing worked. That is until Keppra came along in 2003. It was my 'golden bullet'. The drug that cured me. From having more than 30 seizures per week, I went down to 0 seizures per week. Never had anything since. I now take a cocktail of 3 AEDs per day but have lived a 'normal' life since then. Never experienced any emotional changes. This drug is wonderful. I am not an employee of the manufacturer, just an ordinary guy with epilepsy. We are all different and that is my experience."
- nam...
- December 3, 2023
"Been on Keppra 10 years and I don't have any of the side effects others have. My weight gain is my own fault, i.e., love cheesecake. No anger issues. I am 64 and have been on these pills for 40 years. Not sure about everyone else, but it has helped me."
Frequently asked questions
- What is the difference between Briviact and Keppra?
- Aptiom vs Keppra, what is the difference?
- How long does it take to get Keppra out of your system?
- Ban...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- January 3, 2020
"Worst drug ever in my opinion!!! Here were my side effects- irritability, paranoia, anxiety, nausea, loss of appetite, numbness and tingling in my arms and legs, it would make my aura seizures come more often than they normally would without medication, felt dizzy and lightheaded, which would worsen during an aura seizure. Made me get aura seizures when I was still asleep and it would wake me up! Made me feel suicidal also. I took the medication for about six months and have had more than enough of it. Was tired each day, I could barely get up to do normal things, even to cook. I decided to wean off myself, I decreased dose to half a tablet in the morning, hoping it would stop at the very least my aura seizures in my sleep, but it didn’t help. I then thought after a few months - enough is enough. After taking half a tablet in the morning for a few months, I stopped taking it completely. Never felt better. Wouldn’t go back on it if my life depended on it."
- CBa...
- June 9, 2020
"I have been on levetiracetam (Keppra) for almost 6 years now, before that, I was on sodium valproate. In the beginning, it caused me confusion, a slow-mo kind of feeling, mood swings, and a typical pressure inside my head. But after 2-3 months, the effects started to fade away. And about cognitive ability, I didn't find any change, I sailed through a tough competitive exam and achieved my goal. I am more confident right now, and when I get stress or anxiety, I do breathing exercises, and it helps a lot. So it's not bad for everyone, I guess. Stay happy."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Rev...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 24, 2020
"Being on Keppra gave me side effects like living a real-life nightmare. I heard voices in my head. I saw demons. People's faces shifted, and everyone was out to get me. This drug twisted reality and turned my world upside down in only 11 days. Now my seizures are out of control, and my life will never be the same."
- Des...
- September 16, 2009
"I started having seizures when I was 16 (I'm now 23), with no past family history. The cause of them are still unknown, and without medication I have one every 4-5 months while sleeping. My first anti-epileptic medication was Lamictal from which I suffered a severe rash. I started Keppra (500mg 2x daily) and haven't had a seizure since taking it (knock on wood). After two years of treatment, I came off from Keppra and had a seizure after 5 months without the medication. I'm back on it, and have been seizure-free for almost two years now. I do have side effects from Keppra though. I'm tired a lot, have mood swings, experience bouts of insomnia, headaches, and dizziness. Overall the medicine works well, but obviously would like to be off it."
- Swe...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- September 2, 2018
"I started having seizures as a teenager. I have simple and complex partial. I have found that taking Keppra along with Tegretol XR has kept me stable. Another part is making sure you know your triggers (stress, flashing lights, hormonal changes, illness, alcohol, roller coasters, lack of sleep or food, dehydration, etc.) and avoiding, or at least trying to minimize, them. The combination of the right medication and knowing yourself and your illness goes a long way."
- JJ4...
- June 29, 2015
"I was on 1500 mg of Keppra (generic) for partial seizures that progressed into a grand mal seizure. Immediately upon starting the meds, I noticed that things were different. I felt disconnected from myself, trouble with attention, word finding, coordination, mood, working, and long-term memory. However, I was seizure-free, and I needed to drive, so I pushed through, not enjoying my life as much and making terrible social decisions. Finally, after 4 years, my neurologist is helping me wean off so that I can start a family without worry. I am down to 250 mg a day, and WHOA, my whole life is changing. I feel centered, even, connected. I am so sad about how I was living my life on Keppra. Don't ruin your life."
- Bla...
- October 15, 2015
"When I first started Keppra, I noticed instability with my emotions, especially anger. After a complete rage out, I decided to do some research and discovered that taking a vitamin B6 supplement helps to reduce or eliminate this effect. The results were instantaneous with me. If you take Keppra, I strongly recommend getting the B6 supplement. I take 1 in the morning with breakfast."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- July 17, 2020
"I have been on Keppra for 5 years. Along with Lamictal, at first, I didn't realize any side effects of Keppra, but once I got taken off Lamictal, the side effects appeared. I didn't feel like myself. I became very depressed, irritable, and anxiety was through the roof. I would get intrusive thoughts and found out from my new neurologist that it's all from the medication Keppra."
- Mar...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 28, 2013
"After EEG showed seizure activity, the neurologist started me on 500 mg/day Keppra. At the 4-hour mark, I felt very spaced out. Couldn't think, hazy, slurring speech, lethargic, etc. Neuro suggested I start taking it at night so that I could 'sleep through' the odd feeling. Now, I wake up at the 4-hour mark... on the dot, every single night. I still feel spaced out and find it hard to get comfortable and fall back asleep. It takes me about an hour to fall back asleep. Sleep disturbances cause me to feel tired during the day."
- EKR...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 28, 2013
"I started taking Keppra 500 MG twice a day 2 weeks ago after being hospitalized for a tonic-clonic seizure lasting about a half hour. Since I started taking the 500 MG, I used to fall asleep for more than 8 hours at a time. I've gotten a few headaches, but nothing as serious as the ones I used to get before. My reaction/talking/thinking time was definitely slowed down, but it's improved a lot. The first week I used to sleep the whole night through, now it's reversed where I can't stay asleep all night. I noticed my mood has changed and mostly for the worse (angry all the time). Really frustrating to adjust to but hoping for the best. Seizure-free so far!"
- Anonymous
- August 23, 2016
"This medication created the worst two years of my life. I started having seizures my sophomore year of college and am now a senior, and I have been on Keppra the past two years. The doctors never explained the severe side effects that would go along with this horrible drug. I used to be always a happy kid, and since I started taking Keppra, I constantly dealt with mood swings, uncontrollable anger, severe depression, constant thoughts of suicide, weight gain, and hair loss! I can't believe it took me such a long time to get off of this stupid drug. The seizures never stopped either, and all the doctors would do is increase my dosage every time. I'm currently at 3000mg a day and am slowly weeding myself off of this drug and going all natural."
- Bra...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 5, 2014
"I had my first seizure over 3 years ago at the age of 23. Upon receiving an MRI scan, I learned that I had a brain tumor called pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. After having it removed, I was put on Keppra XR 1500 mg twice a day and have been seizure-free ever since. However, recently I have been having new side effects appear. At first, the only side effect I had was exhaustion and occasional insomnia, however, over the past two weeks, I have had tingling sensations on my scalp and bouts of vertigo, and I am very scared about what this could mean. I hope everyone else is doing well."
- Apr...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 13, 2015
"I was having difficulty getting diagnosed because I was not having grand mal seizures. I was, however, having about 80 simple partial seizures a month for 10 years straight. We thought maybe anxiety. Nothing was picked up on scans because it was impossible for me to know exactly when it would happen, so it was never happening while scans were performed. Finally, 10 years later, they turned into grand mals. I started on Keppra 2 years ago and have not had a single seizure since. 3500 mg daily. To go from 80 a month to NONE at all... This stuff has given me my life back. And no side effects for me!"
- Liz...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 28, 2013
"I just had my third seizure, and I was switched from Topamax to Keppra. I find that this medicine makes me hyper and then extremely tired. I am 18 years of age, and I experience the depression side effect and almost all of the side effects. Really wanting to find the right balance."
- Sam...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- June 29, 2020
"My 16 yr old daughter has been on this medicine for a little over a year now, and since starting it, has not had another grand mal seizure. The side effects that she got when first starting have decreased significantly or are gone completely. Prior to starting this medicine, she had 2 grand mal seizures and was subsequently diagnosed via EEG with epilepsy. Since she has been seizure-free since starting this medicine, I can only say that it does what it is intended to do: cease seizures. So I give it a definite thumbs up!"
- Owe...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- May 30, 2020
"I have been on Keppra for 12 years, and at first, it improved my seizures. Been epileptic for 29 years. However, side effects are brutal. The lack of sleep affects my day-to-day life, the depression and panic attacks are awful, and the rage can be horrendous. Generally, I’m a calm person. I meditate daily and have to, to keep from screaming at everything. It’s like always being at your worst, and there are days you question your own sanity or the point of carrying on. I am trying to convince my neurologists to find an alternative to this awful tablet, as I’m now at the point where I have panic attacks even leaving my bedroom. My vision is constantly blurred and flickering, and it feels like I have a CONSTANT aura as I get pre-seizure. I’m lucky enough to have not had the suicidal thoughts, but even without them, I can sympathize with those who do, as it may well seem the only way out."
- Gra...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- November 18, 2023
"I’m thankful for this drug. It allowed me to have two healthy children. I was originally on Depakote, my pediatric neurologist thought it was a good idea to put me on it, even though I was 17 and eventually wanted kids. I ended up with an autistic child with special needs. I vowed never to have children again as long as I was on Depakote. I wish my first neurologist had put me on Keppra. Keppra, I still have mixed feelings on. I’m thankful I was able to transition to it, and I’ve been seizure-free on it for several years. I had a few breakthrough seizures after having my last child, but an increase in dose resolved that. I absolutely experience the rage, however, and overwhelming emotions. I do have suicidal thoughts at times, but I am a single mom and not in a position to try a new drug since it is controlling my seizures. The rage is real, people aren’t exaggerating, but to me, I’d rather be seizure-free and live an independent life than risk my freedom for rage issues."
- Not...
- July 29, 2015
"I have been on Keppra for two years and would not recommend it. Keppra greatly reduced the frequency and severity of my seizures, but it did so at a cost. Since starting Keppra, I've consistently experienced depression, anxiety, and compulsive suicidal thoughts. It has significantly impacted my quality of life in terms of mental health."
- Bel...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 17, 2020
"Keppra not only increased my seizures from 3 a year to 5-7 grand mal a week but also kept me conscious during them so that I was able to feel every excruciating moment. Normally, the human brain blacks out during a seizure. Thanks to this drug, I was able to feel and remember my muscles tightening and fighting against each other, my head trying to hit again the floor and my legs and arms trying to kick and beat the air. As soon as I was able, I switched doctors and medication. This needs to be pulled from the shelves!!!!!!"
- Amy...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 29, 2014
"Keppra seemed to stop my seizures for my mild epilepsy, however, the side effects were so bad that I stopped taking it after 3 weeks. The worst side effect was suicidal depression. Prior to taking Keppra, I did not suffer depression. I'm back on Epilim now."
- JHo...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- May 26, 2014
"I have been on Keppra for 2 years, taking 3000 mg per day along with 400 mg a day of Vimpat, and I am still having at least 2 a week. They put in a VNS in Oct, 2013, and I am still having them. I just am having some side effects like... falling, dizziness, and being ill if something is said in the wrong tone. I hope that makes sense. I just get aggravated easily, and I just can't get rid of my headaches."
- bee...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- January 27, 2023
"I have had a bad experience taking Keppra. The longer I took it, the worse my symptoms were. Aside from epilepsy, I have depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Keppra made me paranoid and suicidal, and I heard so many voices in my head. I thought these side effects were related to my bipolar disorder, it did not occur to me that the changes in my thoughts and behaviors were related to Keppra. It wasn't until I had a nervous breakdown and my parents told me I need to talk to my doctor about switching medications that I realized Keppra was only heightening my mental disorders. I do not recommend Keppra at all if you experience any mental health issues."
Learn more about Epilepsy
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More about Keppra (levetiracetam)
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- Drug class: pyrrolidine anticonvulsants
- Breastfeeding
- En español
Patient resources
- Keppra drug information
- Keppra (Levetiracetam Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
- Keppra (Levetiracetam Oral Solution)
- Keppra (Levetiracetam Tablets)
Other brands
Elepsia XR, Spritam, Roweepra, Roweepra XR
Professional resources
Other brands
Elepsia XR, Spritam, Roweepra, Roweepra XR
"When first put on Keppra, things seemed to be fine. But over time, when I had my annual neuro appointment and I'd tell them of any seizures I'd had that year, they'd up the Keppra dosage. And the more Keppra I took, the more seizures I had. I didn't realize that till later. At one point I was on 4000mg (?too much?) of the XR version daily. That's when I figured that the Keppra was the culprit to more frequent seizures. And the after-effects of a seizure while on that dosage lasted for days. They were major depression, headache, and minor aftershocks like another seizure was going to happen. In the past three years I'm working my way slowly off this drug. Now no longer on the XR version, just regular immediate release pills. On 500mg a day. I have fewer seizures. And if I do, I recover from them within an hour or so. One more thing. On the Keppra XR, Keppra rage was no joke. I'd be fine. Then out of the blue, just all hateful and mad for no reason. Any little thing would set me off."