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Sprintec for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 2)

Sprintec has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 from a total of 1016 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 41% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 33% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Sprintec

  • vmarieb
  • August 4, 2014

"Sprintec is great for me. I have taken it for a year and a half (19 years old). Never had any problems, but I guess that shows it works different for everyone. My breasts got bigger. I didn't gain any weight, periods became shorter, lighter periods, and I rarely have cramps, and if I do, they aren't bad. Before I got on Sprintec, I had really heavy periods, all 7 days long, and horrible cramps to the point where I would miss school and work. It's affordable, and I would recommend Sprintec to anyone."

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 2, 2010

"There are so many mixed reviews for this product, and honestly, you can't just go by what some of them say. Everyone's body is different and will react differently to medications. I've never had a problem with Sprintec, but others may. It's completely up to your body as to how it will react with the medication. It's fine to start out with it first since it is the cheapest birth control, and if it doesn't work for you... switch."

5 / 10
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60 Report
  • alyss...
  • February 4, 2014

"I've been on this birth control for almost a year. I started on Ortho Tri-Cyclen for a little under a month, it gave a period that didn't stop until I switched to Sprintec. I have close to zero side effects on Sprintec. It has been amazing for acne, my face is really clear now. No weight gain. I do have a really active sex life. I have been on antibiotics for bladder infections and not gotten pregnant. The only thing I have noticed is I do tend to shove people away when it's close to my period. Not every period, though. I've only experienced cramps one period in my life, which was a couple of months ago, but I think it was due to stress. Also, before this medication, my periods were very irregular, now they are always on the dot."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • August 21, 2010

"This was the first birth control I have been on, and I love it. I have been on it for 6 months now, and the only side effect I have had was a little bit of weight gain. It is only 7 lbs, and I would bet quite a bit that it is all in my breasts. I went from a 34D to a 34DDD. Other than that, I have had no other side effects. My fiancé and I both agree that my sex drive has increased tremendously since I started taking Sprintec. This was just how it affected me."

9 / 10
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  • lana
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 3, 2020

"alright so when I was prescribed this I was so scared to take it after reading some reviews. I just got on accutane a couple months before going on Sprintec and was scared it would mess up my skin but it actually helped so much with my skin. Another reason why I was prescribed it was before this I got the copper IUD worse decision of my life and didn't stop bleeding for 4 months after I got it removed I was still bleeding, then 1 week after being on sprintec the bleeding completely stopped. Don't be scared off from taking this medicine everything works different for people. I also suffer from an eating disorder and was terrified to gain weight it's been 5 months of me on this pill and I haven't gained a pound. The only thing I have noticed is that my boobs and butt got way bigger and my boobs are always kinda sore but I'll take that over constantly bleeding all the time"

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Shannon
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 21, 2020

"Do not take Sprintec. I've been on it for two weeks and I'm quitting already. This medicine makes me extremely nauseous and gave me prolonged headaches. On top of that it and made my face break out horribly and I've gained 7 pounds. No, just no. Take a hard pass on this one and try something else."

1 / 10
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21 Report
  • Niqque
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 2, 2013

"I was on Sprintec for 3 years. I had no major side effects, I thought, until recently I stopped taking it so my husband and I can start trying for a baby. About a week and a half off the pill, my sex drive skyrocketed! Now I'm realizing that the hormones were suppressing my sex drive. Anyone else had this happen to them?"

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 28, 2009

"It works for not getting pregnant, but I get really moody and yell at my boyfriend a lot. I get really bad chest pains and can't breathe well at times. My left arm goes numb and hurts, I was fine before I started taking this pill. Since I've been on it, I've been nothing but sick for 6 months now."

1 / 10
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52 Report
  • leyyn...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 29, 2013

"Amazing birth control. Helped me lose close to 20 pounds after switching from another birth control. I'm not moody, depressed, my skin looks amazing. It doesn't cause water retention or strange, strong cravings. Highly recommend it."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • Aubs
  • April 5, 2014

"I have been on Sprintec for almost 6 months now. I am 20 years old and had been on the NuvaRing since I was 16 and loved it until I had an injury that required I take the ring out. The first 2 months of the pill, I had absolutely no side effects whatsoever. I felt exactly the same as I did on the NuvaRing. At 3 months, however, my breasts have increased an entire cup size and are very sore all of the time. This is the only side effect I am experiencing. I take my pill at 9 PM each night. I have not experienced any weight gain."

8 / 10
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40 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 16, 2020

"I was on sprintec for 10 months and got pregnant. I took the pill at the same time everyday. I experienced break through bleeding the ENTIRE time I was on it. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone. Horrible product."

1 / 10
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19 Report
  • Ungsa...
  • February 23, 2014

"I am 19, in a relationship and have been on Sprintec for 3 months now, and this has been the only birth control pill I've tried. This pill has been extremely effective when it comes to preventing pregnancies. Unfortunately, I have had several side effects. At first, it started off as frequent headaches, then dizzy spells, and then an increase in mood swings. The dizziness and headaches. Everything else is good, the acne and the weight and stuff are normal for me, but the mood swings are killer. I have irrational anger and crying outbursts. I have started attacking my boyfriend when I'm angry."

8 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 12, 2010

"I took this for 5 months and loved it. It actually cleared up the acne I had before I started it, and it kept me from getting pregnant. I started forgetting to take it, so I switched to the Depo Provera shot. It has made me depressed, crazy, gain weight, no period, lactate, acne breakouts, and no sex drive at all. Now my doctor even thinks I might have a tumor on my pituitary gland and will have to get an MRI to find out soon. So, I have definitely switched back to Sprintec, today actually, and I hope all these side effects from Depo Provera go away."

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • Happy...
  • January 1, 2021

"This medication Sprintec caused me to have several blood clots in both of my lungs. I almost died. I was admitted, had next day surgery and now have a $150,000 hospital bill. I only took 1 pack and was on my second week on the next pack. I doubt have a family history of blood clots. I wouldn't take this if I were you. Especially not African American females."

1 / 10
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  • Kourt...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 14, 2015

"I have been on Sprintec for almost a month. I LOVE it! It has done nothing but its job and more! I have struggled with anxiety and severe depression in the past, and this is definitely a mood stabilizer for me. I rarely have to deal with anxiety anymore or depression. I am a lot happier, and I haven't had really any bad side effects besides sometimes I get a little moody. I love Sprintec. First and last birth control I will ever try."

10 / 10
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32 Report
  • Lizzy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 3, 2018

"So I read all the reviews here for the most part before getting my birth control by mail. I was really nervous and worried but I still ended up taking them. I felt a little nausea in the morning after taking them at night but nothing serious. I have PCOS and I started BC for that reason. I have started losing weight and I think its from the BC balancing my hormones since I have not gone on any diet or changed my routine. I recommend this BC. I am about 300 lbs and dropping and I am also of Latin heritage. I hope this review helps someone."

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • Brooke
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 8, 2021

"I was on Sprintec for five months and it was awful. Experienced horrible acne and mood changes. I was a completely different person on this. I was constantly crying over everything and having mental breakdowns almost everyday. It was so bad that nobody wanted to be around me. It really put me in a bad place, I had really bad depression while on it and constant dark and negative thoughts. Everyone’s body reacts differently though, I just wanted to post this so if you experiencing negative thoughts. Please reach out to your doctor so they can help you."

1 / 10
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14 Report
  • Ken
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 6, 2020

"I normally try to avoid sharing my experience with birth control as we all know every woman is different ... but this pill is awful. The first month of taking this pill I experienced severe depression and suicidal thoughts. After the second month the thoughts went away but I was extremely sad. I also spotted for 3 months while taking this pill and experienced cramping Atleast one a week. I am now using Tri- Estarylla and It works very well."

2 / 10
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  • Ari
  • May 5, 2020

"HELLO EVERYONE I am a 19 year old woman who has just started the Sprintec in January 2020 and today is May 5 since then I have got spider veins . I haven’t weighed myself but I’m definitely getting bigger and all my fat seems to be going to my stomach and thighs nothing a little exercise and waist trainer can help and I can say my breast have got a little bigger too. OVER ALL: I love the facts that I’m gaining weight you just have to keep it under control because it changes the way your body stores fat"

8 / 10
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  • Hippo...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 31, 2014

"I've been on Sprintec for 2 years, and I love it. At first, I was on Beyaz, and that was awful, so my gyno switched me to this, and I'm glad she did. I have virtually no acne. Beyaz made me gain at least 15 pounds, and I've slimmed down since taking this, but not by much. My breasts only become sore around the time of my period. My period always comes the same day of the week, and I haven't had any pregnancy scares. One of the best things about it is that with my health insurance, there's no copay (Beyaz had a copay of $40). I used to have a lot of vaginal discharge, and Sprintec has substantially minimized it. My sex drive is through the roof, but my appetite hasn't been affected as far as I can tell. No complaints!"

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • msc
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 26, 2019

"I've tried A LOT of birth control pills, and nothing has worked as well as Sprintec has for me. 3 months in, and I feel great! The first few weeks I did experience some nausea, but I have not had any other bad side effects. My skin looks amazing, and I am very acne-prone. My periods have went from 10 days to 3 days. I do not have cramps on this pill. I highly recommend trying it if you have bad acne and long and heavy periods."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 15, 2014

"I started Sprintec last November for my heavy periods, and for that, it's working great. It has reduced my periods from 10 days to 5 days, and after the first few months, they are now incredibly predictable. I know exactly when they'll start and end and what flow intensity to expect each day. They have also considerably lightened my periods. The only side effect I have noticed is weight gain. It may not have helped that I started the pill around the holidays, as I have found myself with a bigger appetite since starting Sprintec. I gained about 10 lbs by about January (but I haven't gained since then due to changes in diet) and went up about 1.5-2 cup sizes (so annoying since I'm an athlete). My butt and thighs also got noticeably bigger."

8 / 10
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  • Julia...
  • August 5, 2014

"I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 2 months ago by my OBGYN. Earlier this year, I began to experience a number of odd symptoms, such as: 1. Severe mood swings 2. Skipped periods 3. Extreme bloating 4. Mild acne 5. Diminished libido. I was put on Sprintec, and the first 2 weeks were HELL. I experienced nausea (lost 5 lbs). I couldn't keep anything down, it was out of control! Mood became worse. I was ready to call my doctor and ask her to put me on something else, but after the nausea subsided (around week 3), I decided to complete the 3-month trial period. Currently on Month 2, and after my first period, I felt better than ever! Mood, energy, and sex drive are at an all-time high. I will definitely stay on Sprintec."

10 / 10
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  • Diana
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 23, 2019

"Just finished my second pack. For the first month I had headaches and nausea consistently, so I started to take my pill with food, and in the evenings. My period has been on time, completely painless (I had debilitating cramps previously), and very light both months. During the second pack, headaches and nausea subsided- and previously my skin was constantly breaking out, and I haven’t had a break out in over a month which is amazing! My boobs grew about a cup size, but I haven’t put on any additional weight (however I do exercise regularly). I struggle with anxiety and depression in general, but have not noticed any changes or crazy mood swings, which is something I was worried about- if anything, I feel a bit more stable than usual due to the steady stream of hormones in my system."

9 / 10
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  • Kkerr
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 11, 2020

"I was on Sprintec for about a year and a half after being on Mirena for 6 years. I didn’t have a period on Mirena, so naturally I started getting mine on Sprintec. But it definitely was very light through the whole time I was on Sprintec. My acne cleared up (less cystic) but boy did my moods change and I gained about 15 lbs. I didn’t change my workout routine or eating habits and still put on weight. The pharmacy switched me to Mono Lynyah which has horrible reviews. So let’s see how that goes."

7 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.