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Drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium for Acne User Reviews

Brand names: Beyaz, Tydemy Safyral

Drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 34 reviews for the treatment of Acne. 62% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 21% reported a negative experience.

Drospirenone/ethinyl estradiol/levomefolate calcium rating summary

7.0 average rating out of 10

34 ratings from 37 user reviews.

Compare all 308 medications used in the treatment of Acne.


Reviews for Drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium

  • Nurse...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 10, 2014

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I love Beyaz. I was on Beyaz for 4 years and decided to try a new pill (Dumb). I switched to another birth control for a year and broke out terribly, battled depression, and had inexplicable mood swings. I switched back to Beyaz two months ago, and my acne has cleared COMPLETELY after a month and a half, my breasts grew a cup size, and I am not gaining weight. I am also a runner and was worried about the 'blood clot' scandals with this medicine, however, I have never had a problem. It is an incredible birth control pill for me, and I absolutely LOVE it. I am also a nurse. From my understanding, I want to note that many of the issues with blood clots are in HIGH RISK patients-those who smoke, who are over 40, etc. Take care of your body!"

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • heyta...
  • April 27, 2013

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I'm 18 years old, and I started taking birth control (Lo Loestrin Fe) about a year ago for my moderate acne. I had it mainly on my forehead and some on my cheeks (nothing too bad, easy to cover with makeup). I didn't experience any bad side effects with it, in fact, it stopped my period completely, and I wasn't experiencing any cramps or mood swings. After a few months of taking it, I realized my acne hadn't gotten any better and had gotten slightly worse. I decided to stick to it to see if it would clear with time. It never cleared up, and I decided to go on Beyaz. It has been a week so far, and it has cleared my skin drastically! I will come back and update everyone on how I'm doing!"

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28 Report
  • VV87
  • January 5, 2012

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I'm 24 years old I have battled with sudden breakouts for the past 6 years. I did not have active acne, but I had zero control on random breakouts in my cheeks. I have used literally every product on the market and altered my diet to see if I would benefit from it, absolutely nothing has worked. My last resource was stimulating my hormones to see if this might be the problem, also one of my girlfriends who's skin is flawless has been on birth control since she was 16 and recommended it to me. Let me tell you I've been on Beyaz for exactly one month today and my skin has never been so flawless, its unreal. I've had zero side effects other than the best quality silky skin I've always dreamed of. Thank you Beyaz. "

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • JL123
  • February 9, 2018

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I was on Beyaz for about 3 years and decided to switch to lo loestrogen fe because it has the lowest hormone dosage out of all birth controls. Biggest mistake of my life! My skin was clear before LLF but 3 months into taking it, I broke out along my jawline, neck and back! To make things worse, I had the worst mood swings and felt like a crazy person 24/7. I thought these were just the side effects from switching pills and it would get better past the 3 month mark but it didn’t. I’m back on beyaz and although it’s only been 2 weeks my skin is getting better and I am back to my normal self - no more crazies! My gyno told me that beyaz is already an extremely low hormone dose BC so it really didn’t make a difference switching to something lower. Ladies- do not switch to anything else, beyaz is the best!"

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • Bmart
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 2, 2016

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I'm 35, mom of 2. I had acne as a teen, and accutane cleared it up. Then didn't have any issues with acne in my 20's. It progressively worse after I had my second child. Spiro didn't help. I finally decided to get back on BC to see if that would. I started taking beyaz 3 weeks ago. I noticed my skin was less oily the 1st week. 2nd week I noticed there were no new pimples (where there would usually a new one or more daily!), and now in the 3rd week, my skin is glowing. Like, actually, pretty. It's not been this clear in years. I've not had any of the typical side effects so far (no nausea, weight gain, or reduced sex drive). So far I love it! Give this a try if you're struggling with adult acne!"

10 / 10
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12 Report

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 13, 2014

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I was prescribed Beyaz a year ago to control my acne and regulate my periods. I was experiencing acne like never before and was having 2 periods one month then none the next. Beyaz did work. It cleared up my acne 100%. However, it made my periods very light, inconsistent, and only 3-4 days long. Call me crazy, but I miss having 7 day, consistent periods. With Beyaz my periods are so light, tampons are painful to use and pads are too much protection. But I have to wear something; I have unexpected bursts/flows during those 3-4 days. My periods also don't start until the last day of the pack. I've had to skip the last pill just so that my period would start. Maybe Beyaz is too strong for my cycle, but it did wonders for my acne."

7 / 10
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13 Report
  • Sarah
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 11, 2020

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I am taking the generic version, which even with a coupon is still 55$ a month. However, I was willing to pay because of how terribly my body reacts to other “low” tier medications. My first two weeks were normal, however mid pack my skin was HORRIBLE. It lasted until about the 2nd pack, when it started to clear up tremendously. I am starting my 4th month and it has done wonders for my skin. It’s not perfect but I have only gotten one breakout since the initial “purge” with other factors playing into it. My weight did not change but I workout & eat well. The only odd effect I had was at about month 3 when I got my period out of nowhere and it lasted for about a full week. It was very light but I was SO bloated. I skip the sugar pills and start a new pack always, so I asked my doctor. This is normal if you’re skipping your period with the pill, so be aware that your body will want to have one anyways. Give this a try if you are on the hunt for a good birth control"

8 / 10
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7 Report
  • T908
  • April 6, 2014

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "All I am going to say is my skin is flawless! After the first 2-3 months. I used to have outbreaks and blemishes! People always compliment me on how flawless my skin is and that I should do cover girl commercials. Beyaz!"

9 / 10
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12 Report
  • Georg...
  • August 12, 2014

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "Beyaz was the second birth control I used. In terms of acne it completely cleared my back, chest, and face acne. However, I have gained about 15 pounds and am very active and cannot lose weight. I also am irritable like no other. I have terrible mood swings. I loved that it cleared my acne but the mood swings and weight gain have to go so, I am switching to Apri but if that doesn't work I would go back."

8 / 10
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10 Report
  • frust...
  • September 8, 2011

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I was on Yaz for years. Even if I would skip a week or two on it, my face would start breaking out and literally within three days of taking Yaz my face would be crystal clear again. I completely went off the pill for a year due to prices, but now just went back on to BeYaz since it is cheaper and supposed to be the same thing. I've been waiting it out for three months, hoping I would improve- but my ance is actually getting WAY worse! I thought Yaz and Beyaz had the same ingredients...did I become immune to the effects."

1 / 10
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  • klinkaz
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 13, 2012

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I'm 33 and started having acne and needed to go back on birth control. The great news is, my skin cleared up completely within 3 months on Beyaz. The bad news is, I've been taking the pill for a little over 6 months and I'm still having my period twice a month (each lasting between 6-11 days). Definitely not ideal, but they're usually pretty light. I haven't noticed any weight gain (but I do work out intensively 5-6 days a week). Lately, I've been noticing a lot more mood swings, low self-esteem/poor body image, and I have a tremendous amount of guilt about everyday things and a bit of depression. I increased my anti-depressant and that has seemed to help with the depression aspect, but not the other symptoms."

7 / 10
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11 Report
  • Chixa...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 16, 2014

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "After one month I began noticing a difference. I was still getting breakouts, but they were healing faster and were not painful anymore. By two months I still was getting pimples but they were tiny, and vanishing overnight. Then after that, it stopped all together. I don't currently have a single pimple on my face and my post acne marks have had the chance to fade over the last three weeks. I'm finishing up my third month on the pill this week. Side Effects: At first I felt a bit drowsy, had spotting the first two months, and breast tenderness. But these symptoms seem to be fading just like my acne. I would strongly recommend this to anyone who thinks they may have hormonal acne. I only wish I had tried it sooner!"

10 / 10
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9 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 8, 2012

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I went on Beyaz to get rid of my acne, and in the first couple weeks I saw immediate results, which was wonderful! I haven't noticed any weight gain but I was nauseous every day the first weeks. My sex drive is still pretty normal for me. I would say the only bad side effects that I have is that its made me so emotional! Depressed and anything along those lines, and the nausea but at least my face is clear."

7 / 10
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11 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 30, 2016

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "Beyaz saved my skin. Literally. I always had nice skin as a teenager with the occasional, mild breakout. But about 10 months after I turned 21, I broke out in hormonal acne. It legitimately covered my entire face except the sides of my cheeks. I seriously tried everything before my mom finally suggested birth control. I was skeptical because I feared I would gain weight, but desperate for clean skin again I decided to try it. My doctor told me it would probably make my skin worse before it made it better, which it did, but after 3 months I saw good results. Now, at a little over 5 months, my skin is almost as clear as it was before. It takes a little bit of time, but it's so worth it. It also didn't effect my weight. So grateful for Beyaz!"

9 / 10
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6 Report
  • DL Herm
  • July 18, 2016

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "From 18 years old until 24 (my current age) I used to have oily skin and all-over breakouts on my face and upper back. I was on Proactiv forever and finally was fed up with the ridiculous cost and little results. I asked my doc to put my on a BC that would address my acne issue and she chose Beyaz. I have never had terrible deep cystic acne, but rather constant red bumps/pimples and under the skin bumps. The first 3 months of taking Beyaz, I noticed less above the skin acne but more deep painful bumps. However, after the 3 month mark, my skin DRASTICALLY improved. It's smooth and clear. I get an occasional breakout here and there but holy smokes. I have no negative outcomes- no weight gain and no crazy hormonal outbursts. TRY THIS!!!!!"

10 / 10
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6 Report
  • Fenz
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 13, 2016

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I was on Loloestrin Fe for about 4 years before switching to Beyaz. I loved Loloestrin, but randomly started breaking out all over my neck and chin. After trying every topical solution out there I finally decided to switch pills, although I was terrified of gaining weight. I'm now on my second month of Beyaz and it has literally been the best thing to ever happen to me. I broke out pretty bad at first but my acne has DRAMATICALLY improved. I actually lost weight, my libido is up, and no dramatic mood swings. The only thing is is that I've been spotting between my periods but that's expected the first couple months. Also, I'll have random nausea but it quickly goes away. Everyone's different but give Beyaz a try! It may change your life."

9 / 10
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5 Report
  • Beyaz
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 23, 2022

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "Been on beyaz for 3 years now and it’s been amazing. My skin has completely cleared up to the point where I have no acne and my period has gotten a lot lighter and only last 3 days in total now. The only negative side effect I’ve seen is my sex drive and overall ability to stay wet has decreased a lot. But if you’re only looking for a birth control mainly for your skin, this is the best one!"

9 / 10
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2 Report
  • Marie...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 4, 2016

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I started Beyaz in March of 2015 for my acne and now it is February 2016- it has almost been a year. I've had bad acne for about 4 years before starting Beyaz. I was on dermatologist prescribed medication but nothing was working as good as it I would hope. About 2-3 months after starting Beyaz I noticed improvement. It was very slow improvement but now it is it beyond noticeable. About halfway through the year of using Beyaz I started in a new environment which was college I thought this would make me break out. Now, 6 months into college, and I hardly ever have breakouts and I use less and less makeup. For me, Beyaz has changed my face completely. I use to have multiple breakouts before, and now I can't even remember the last pimple I had"

9 / 10
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5 Report
  • anony...
  • March 13, 2013

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I have been taking Beyaz for 1.5 years. I haven't really gained weight on it. I just have a harder time losing weight but that's nothing that working out and eating right didn't fix. Anyway, I started taking Beyaz for birth control purposes and for acne. It definitely has helped with both. I got off of it for a couple months and as soon as I did my acne came right back. Needless to say I got right back on it. I don't have nausea or anything, I take it at night instead of in the morning. Only side effects I have are dehydration, and sometimes I'm more hungry than I should be. I just try to eat healthy snacks and drink more water. I am more tired on the pill than off but I just try to drink tea or something when I feel too tired and get sleep!"

8 / 10
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6 Report
  • L A
  • August 28, 2011

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "Beyaz has helped with my sudden outbreak of adult acne, just like my previous birth control I got off of over a year ago. However, my period cramps are about the same as if I wasn't on birth control at all. No severe side effects, but would like to see improvement in this area. Slight nausea when first taking it at night, but taking it in the morning with food seemed to eliminate the nausea. Not bad, but could be better. "

6 / 10
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6 Report
  • mia
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 3, 2019

"I have been on Sandoz brand for a month and a half now and my experience was terrible. No help whatsoever with my acne, migraines every single week constant, no pain reliever worked. My eyesight started to worsen to the point where I swear my eyes are crossing. I already had IBS before I started these pills but they have made my symptoms unbearable (abdominal pain, nausea, constipation) so painful I actually got prescribed meds for it. I have been so tired, falling asleep at 4-5pm and waking up at 6am next morning. I would wake up in the middle of the night starving then I would eat thus making me gain weight. Everyone’s experiences are different so just pay attention and stop them immediately, its really not worth it"

1 / 10
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3 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 11, 2013

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I started birth control about a month ago for bad cramps and to regulate my period. I never really had bad acne before, but I've been on Beyaz for a month now and my acne is bad. I have at least 4 large pimples on my face at all times, which I'm not used to. I don't know if I should stick it out and see if it gets better or if I should switch to a different birth control. Other than the acne, Beyaz is really helping with my periods. They last 3 days at the most and little to no cramps at all."

4 / 10
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5 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 29, 2011

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "After using Beyaz only for a month I have already seen a dramatic improvement in my acne. I have been suffering with acne for over a year and this birth control seems to be working. I%u2019m so excited. Only other side effects I have are occasional migraines and fatigue. But I'm hoping it will lessen as my body adjusts."

9 / 10
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  • KPano
  • April 27, 2018

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I went on Beyaz to clear my acne.. and wow did it work!! My face is almost completely clear. I still get one or two pimples every now and then, but nothing like how my acne was before I went on the pill. I’m now on my 4th pack and very happy with the results. But, I did gain some weight on it. Nothing crazy just around 5 pounds but my body is just getting used to the pill and as of right now I love it."

8 / 10
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3 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 5, 2011

Beyaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium) "I was originally on Yaz, cleared up skin in 3 months. It was amazing! Although I did get occasional headaches. Switched to Beyaz due to the Bayer savings card. I continued to get stay in bed all day now I am finally switching to another birth control. I would rather not be on one at all considering what it does to my body but it's that or acne. I would rather take the pill."

7 / 10
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4 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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