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Belbuca for Chronic Pain User Reviews (Page 2)

Belbuca has an average rating of 4.5 out of 10 from a total of 211 reviews for the treatment of Chronic Pain. 30% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 53% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Belbuca

  • DeWanzo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 26, 2019

"2002, 49 years old, 3 level Cervical Fusion with plate and screws. It was good I went back to work, outdoor labor. 2008 pain returning, more MRIs etc begin injections, helped a lot and I kept on working. 2013 back to neurosurgeon, more surgery same surgeon. He replaced C2-C3 cadaver bone and Stand Alone device creating 4 level cervical fusion. Ouch! It never fused... Found Chief Neurosurgeon of largest hospital in my state and in 2015 removed all hardware and fused with cadaver and standard plate and screws. After he cleared me for work, first day back, due to continued pain I quit my job. Surgeon sent me to traditional pain, began opiates. 2019 pain doctor said we are going to switch to Belbuca, I fought and argued to stay on opiates. Now 3 months later at 600M Belbuca, I love it, most pain relief I've had in years. It has been life changing for me."

8 / 10
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104 Report
  • August 2, 2017

"Dealing with arthritis for over 20 years, first ran the gamut of all the meds, was lambasted when I suggested old-fashioned pain meds. Finally told nothing more rheumatology could do for me, that I should try pain management. That equals opioid therapy, was a godsend for me. 8 years now, no problems/side effects, take as prescribed, rarely asked for increase. I take as prescribed responsibly. With the climate how it is today, there's a stigma if you are on opioid therapy you are addicted. BS! After 8 years, if I was going to have problems, they would have happened by now. Belbuca IMO is using devious marketing ploys, it does not work. Maybe a minority, but what about honest, law-abiding patients who benefit from opioids taking it responsibly?"

1 / 10
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139 Report
  • Rjano
  • February 16, 2017

"I never write reviews on anything, but I am a 35-year-old male and was diagnosed with blood cancer about 13 months ago. With this type of cancer comes the most horrific pain imaginable! Imagine if every bone in your body is broken and there are razor blades running through your veins, all the while people are prying at every joint in your body with crowbars that have been heated up to almost melting, and you start to come close! I have been prescribed every pain medication under the sun to deal with this, and nothing seems to help until my doctor put me on Belbuca 300 mcg! I would just like to say thank you for giving my life back!"

9 / 10
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141 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Spifs...
  • October 18, 2019

"I am a type 1 diabetic with severe diabetic peripheral neuropathy. I have been on every pain med under the sun. Starting from Norco to oxycodone/oxycontin to fentanyl patches. Oxycodone 30mg 6x a day plus oxycontin 30mg 2-4x a day was the best for me. Recently, I've been taking oxycodone 30mg 4-5x a day (about past 6 months after nucynta wasn't doing it). I have tried a switch from my oxycodone to Belbuca film 150mcg. My experience has been this. I cold turkey switched over 4 days ago. The first day was pretty awful. I would highly suggest having breakthrough meds to aid in the transition. I believe Belbuca can work. I say give it a shot. If switching from other painkillers, expect a couple days of feeling off, weak, fatigued. That's why I'd really advise having breakthrough pain meds for the process. Hope this helps anyone switching or adding this medication. Let me know if you have any questions!"

7 / 10
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94 Report
  • dnaman
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 13, 2019

"Thanks to this 'opioid' crisis, my pain doctor decided to switch me from the OxyContin and hydrocodone I had been taking for the chronic nerve pain I've been in for 12 years. Now that I've been on the Belbuca, I can say I was truly blessed to have the other drugs for so long. I know now how much pain they had been blocking for so long. I've been in pain ever since I've switched back, all the burning nerve pain has come back, plus all the aches from joint pain that had been reduced by the opioids."

2 / 10
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103 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 14, 2019

"My pain management physician opted to change my pain medicine protocol, based on the opinion of a secondary practitioner who has been fired from her job. As a result, I am left to suffer in extreme pain. I have been forced to change my meds from hydrocodone three times per day, which worked to manage my condition, to Belbuca, which is completely ineffective. This may work for some people, but it is completely useless for me. Being unable to control pain and live one's life without effective medications is quite challenging. However, Belbuca is not the answer."

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95 Report
  • LuxsMom
  • August 22, 2018

"To Badbones who commented about PM Clinic being rude & disrespectful. Honey, 'YOU ain't seen nothing yet!' Yanno how the DMV is just understood & expected to be a NIGHTMARE? Welcome to Pain Mgr! You MIGHT actually be in some pain but if so, it's your own fault for choosing to live as a junkie. You MIGHT get a low dose, low effective med but you will sell your soul to pay for it, that's for sure. Do NEVER say you took more than rx'd because your pain spiked etc... NOT EVEN 1! DO NOT tell them this doesn't work. They'll take it & give you NOTHING until you've successfully begged & groveled... I was BLESSED to find a Neurologist that's also PM. THEY'RE OUT THERE. LOOK!!!! They're ALL run this way. Thanks to real junkies & Trump, they're all getting worse as he vilifies actual pain sufferers. I'm in NC & go from Charlotte to Raleigh to see my PM MD... it's worth the trip! To ALL... PLEASE find better doctors because you will DIE waiting for help through ANY of the so-called pain mgmt."

4 / 10
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101 Report

More FAQ

  • Tori
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 11, 2018

"I have chronic pain. My Pain Management (PM) Doc liked the idea of the Belbuca Patches because they are an extended-release medicine and can help cover when my Percocet starts to wear off. That’s what Belbuca is good for, helping with breakthrough pain. My PM Doc started me on 75 mcg. She just upped it to 300 mcg. I can tell a difference in the pain. It’s not as severe as it used to be. I have absolutely no side effects at all. The patch is super tiny, tastes minty, about the size of the tip of an eraser on a pencil. It sticks to the cheek with no problem. Don’t drink or eat till it’s dissolved. When you first put the patch on the inside of your cheek, take your tongue and press it up against there and take some extra saliva and push it over the patch, and it’ll stick with no problem. It doesn’t give you that drowsy, drugged-up feeling like some meds do, you can still go on with your daily activities as you normally do with no problems. Hope this helps!"

6 / 10
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102 Report
  • Bert
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 18, 2020

"About 6 years ago, I had a failed back surgery. The surgeon kept saying there was nothing more he could do. I took tons of pain meds that wouldn't last long at all. Then they said I needed pain management, and they took me off all meds, so my pain was bad. Now I have a new pain doc who put me on Belbuca 300 mg. I tell you now, it works for me. I still have pain, but it's totally better than I have been in 6 years. I finally have my life back, hunting and fishing. I am so glad not to take pills anymore. I've been taking it for 3 months now."

7 / 10
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81 Report
  • Badbo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 8, 2018

"Works well if applied exactly right and it stays there. My problem is that it is difficult to apply and slides down inside of cheek and ends up in a little roll between gums and cheek. It does not enter bloodstream when this happens, torturous pain is the result. Sometimes it sticks to my teeth. Either malfunction destroys bioavailability and leaves me in horrible pain. My Pain Management (PM) Dr staff behaved as if my pleas for help were a huge imposition. I thought resolving pain issues was their job. I called twice politely asking for help. Their response was that if I don't shut up and wait for my appointment I had to have steroid shots if I want treatment. The PM Clinic power trip over those who are vulnerable is pathetic and inhumane. Sick of so-called pain management clinics. Shame on you Dr and staff."

2 / 10
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100 Report
  • Aano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 26, 2019

"As an opioid dependent patient of 10 years that has transitioned onto buprenorphine. The doctor started me on 75mg as a starting point and increased the dose each month. This month is month 3 and I am currently on 300mg twice a day, and it is finally calming me down and actually working for my pain. It only lasts about 6 hours, and I push myself to 8, but it is supposed to last 12. So, this next month I will be on 450mg 2 times a day. I will say this, how I've felt the past week has been a drastic change that I can see. The Belbuca is starting to actually work, and it will work as long as you are on the correct dosing amount that suits your needs. Any time you change or come off of pills like Percocet or Norcos, you will feel the change and feel it strongly if you're on too low a dose for you. Belbuca is now my preference, especially since I don't have to suffer when a pill such as the 2 I just listed above only lasts 2 hours compared to my 6 with Belbuca. Please stay strong! Good luck all."

10 / 10
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84 Report
  • Babsi...
  • March 1, 2019

"It probably would work fine if titrated to correct level. I can’t take NSAIDs because I’m a stroke survivor so got Hydrocodone many years ago. Didn’t take except as prescribed. The Belbuca is fine (with its non-dissolving issues), but it’s over $600 a month for Humana Medicare. It’s more than 8 if above 300mcg. They offer no discount for Medicare. The copay for me was $317.00. Butrans was given since it’s a lot cheaper but the mcg start at 7.5, which is way less than 150. I’m in fear to start it. I’m in fear of withdrawal and severe pain. The doctor doesn’t seem to care. He’s doing his job except he’s not helping his patient. He’s obeying the government."

5 / 10
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83 Report
  • Carnie
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 11, 2019

"I used something else for about 11 years, and it almost killed me. Finally, I got my doctor to find something else. I know it's not easy because I can't take oral narcotics. She put me on Belbuca a year ago in July. And with one adjustment, I have had a pain level of 3 at rest and no higher than 6 during activity. It's like being pain-free when I'm used to a constant 8 at best. I thank you for this awesome product."

10 / 10
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77 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 14, 2017

"I've been on pain meds for about 8 years. I have disintegrating discs in my neck, bulging discs in my lower back, fibromyalgia, ovarian cysts, and I had major neck surgery last year. I've been on every pain med available and got up to 80mg OxyContin after my surgery. I was still hurting and even had DNA analysis which shows my body burns through meds at a much higher rate than most people. I started 600 Belbuca, and I'm weaning off Dilaudid, which is what I had to switch to after Oxy no longer helped me, and next month I'll move up to 750 and be completely off Dilaudid. I'm baffled at all the bad reviews. I've tried everything, and for the first time in years, I don't hurt and feel clear-headed. The pack is hard to open, but it's not a big deal."

8 / 10
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102 Report
  • Dawn
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 10, 2019

"My pain management doctor prescribed me this awful expensive medication that was supposed to take away my pain. I have psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia. I took it and it made me feel horrible. I was in bed all day and had to call off of work because I was in excruciating pain. It just made me want to sleep. I could not believe the price and I could only afford two patches for $29. My prescription was for 100 at $566. He prescribed me 300mcg and I will never take it again. I take hydrocodone to control my pain which works for me. I don't want to go on anything stronger so he tried this out and obviously I would give it a zero if that was an option. Everybody is different but I would not purchase the entire prescription without trying one or two patches before you spend that kind of money on it. I read the reviews and I tried it anyway and I would have to agree with the bad reviews."

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72 Report
  • Belbuca...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 31, 2020

"I'm 39 and have had 3 babies, two major back surgeries, which now I have chronic intractable pain, arthritis, and neuropathy. I've been on Morphine, Dilaudid, Fentanyl, Oxy, and just recently on Opana. Then my Dr. put me back on Belbuca. I had been on it last year for over a year. Then my insurance changed, and it was over 300.00 dollars, so my Dr. switched meds for a few months, and now I couldn't be happier to be back on it! No nausea from Oxy, no side effects from any withdrawal because it's Suboxone, and it's the best pain relief I've ever had. I'm at 600 mcg and have incredible pain relief. I do take gabapentin as well as a muscle relaxer, but everything in conjunction works great! I can't say anything bad about it. Anyone that experiences nausea and is taking something with it, it has to be the other narcotic."

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65 Report
  • jak
  • April 16, 2018

"I have RSD/CPRS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) or AKA Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). I also have diabetic foot neuropathy. Pain had me screaming out loud. My doctor put me on oxycodone 10/325 mg. It did not alleviate the pain. I was bedridden. The doctor could not prescribe opioids. He switched me to Tramadol. I got a new doctor. On the way to her, I began to shake and twitch. I went to the ER. I have no memory of the hospital. I had a mini-stroke. I was sleep deprived & had a UTI without any symptoms. The new doctor put me in pain management. He put me on Belbuca. Being in pain, you will try anything to get relief. I started with 75mg for 1 week and increased to 150mg in the 2nd week. I can sleep at night. I do not wake up in great pain. I have no side effects. I do not experience a sense of being high. I do not like placing the tabs in my jaw, but the relief is well worth it. I have read the reviews, and I'm sorry it did not work for some people. It works for me. I get to have my quality of life back. That's a blessing all by itself."

9 / 10
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83 Report
  • Bert
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 8, 2019

"I have bulging disc L5, S1. Now I've had three laser surgeries, two failed cages, rods put in for L3, L4, L5, and taken out. I've had every kind of meds given for pain and over 184 injections for pain. Yes, now my pain management has given me Belbuca 150mg. This is my first 12-hour dose. I have seen this is very hard to find and over three hundred a month for it. I've read all your reviews. I pray it just allows me from 9/10 to 5 or lower reduction of pain. I, like most true pain sufferers, don't care about feeling high. We want relief from this pain that we're living in. In a lot of pain management doctors out there, all they think is getting you off the medication not resolving the true root and helping us survive. Looking forward to letting you know how this works."

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74 Report
  • Lexie
  • December 16, 2018

"I am a Registered Nurse who had a 36-year career end due to disabling chronic spinal disc disease, herniation, and failed surgeries. I have a spinal cord stimulator and was taking 50mcg fentanyl via patch changed every two days for ~10 years. Took codeine 30-60mg every two days and as needed for breakthrough pain. I was sleepy, antisocial, and miserable. I was given Belbuca 300mg to replace fentanyl. Within 48 hrs, the extreme fatigue and foggy brain were gone. Pain less intense. I did experience increased migraines and nausea after AM dose. Extremely good outcome."

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76 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 27, 2017

"I have many different problems. I broke my lower back, my pelvis in twelve different places, my pubic bone, and many other things. Also, I have a titanium rod in my left femur. All due to a wreck I was in 2012. I have been through multiple surgeries. SI joint injection (which made my pain 10 times worse). Many different medications. Nothing has worked. But Belbuca has made an amazing difference in my pain. I also get nerve block shots and just recently had my nerves in my back cauterized. This, along with Belbuca, has made me feel alive again. Yes, I still have daily pain. Yes, I still wake up popping, cracking, and groaning from pain. But I take my medication, and my pain level goes from a 9/10 to 4/5 pretty fast. Couldn't be happier!"

8 / 10
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91 Report
  • Autumn
  • January 10, 2019

"Chronic pain is the worst. I have a broken hip that needs to be replaced, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, a broken left foot, and CAEBV (Chronic Active EBV disease), and a bunch more I can add. But I was on Norco 10, but after 2 years, Norco wasn’t working for me. The doctor suggested Belbuca, and I gave it a whirl. I am on 300 mg and started out on 175 mg. I finally can lay in bed pain-free. I can’t walk too well, and my hip pain hurts if I’m on it, but all the other pain, that horrible nerve pain, and that horrible joint pain is gone. Full body pain is gone. I do have days where my pain is a tad untouchable, and I use my Norco for the breakthrough, especially with the weather pain. Belbuca kinda feels fresh because your mind is clear and the pain is gone or limited. Give it a try. It took me 3 months to get adjusted. My insurance denied it. We fought for it and got approved. You need a doctor that will fight for you."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • Sadan...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 7, 2018

"I suffer from severe rheumatoid arthritis and have for six years. I was on high doses of pain pills daily. My daughter died in October of 2016 of an accidental opioid overdose and I decided I didn’t want to take pain pills anymore. I was referred to a pain clinic and offered Belbuca. I have been on Belbuca since January of 2017. I started on the 300mg and I have worked my way up to the 900mg. At first, I hated it, and it didn’t help me. But as my dosages got stronger, I began to notice a big difference in my pain. Belbuca works for me now better than the pain pills did. I have a more constant level of pain control, and I do not feel “high” like I did when I was taking the pain pills. I think that is one reason people don’t think Belbuca is working. You don’t feel any euphoria with Belbuca. But I am fully “here” with my family now. I am a better wife and mother to my children."

8 / 10
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79 Report
  • notAR...
  • January 16, 2021

"This medication changed my life. I’ve tried many medications to manage pain from a chronic illness. I was on a stable dose of oxycodone for a long period of time, but felt that the effect wore off significantly over time. I felt pretty demoralized that the same dose that had been working for quite a while seemed to have finally stopped working for me. I switched to Belbuca and stabilized my dose. It has been well over a year now, and I don’t have enough good things to say about it. If you’re looking for a medication that gets you 'high,' look elsewhere. If you’re serious about your pain management and want to be able to function with a clear head without your pain distracting you, this may be a great option for you. Final point: You’ll almost certainly need a prior authorization from your doctor for this medication. Insurance companies seem to not want to cover it, so you’ll need your doctor to do some paperwork so that you don’t end up paying $500 per month."

10 / 10
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49 Report
  • Ldram...
  • August 27, 2019

"I started taking Belbuca five weeks ago, increasing to 450 mcg, 2/day. I think it is awesome. I have more energy! But I wake up in pain every morning because it does not last the stated 12 hours. This appears to be better with the increase in dose. I’ve had four spinal surgeries, knee replacement, bulging discs at all levels, spondylitis, severe osteoarthritis, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, Behçet’s syndrome, and other pain. I have been on opioids since 2002. It is a different feeling making the change. My only real problem with Belbuca is a documented side effect of sleep interruption. I can’t sleep but one or two hours at a time at night without waking up. I find the ONE pain med that I like and which makes me feel less drugged, and I can’t sleep at all. I do hope it’s a med interaction and will be seeing two doctors to discuss. I’ve also gained weight since starting, which doesn’t seem to be a documented side effect."

10 / 10
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62 Report
  • Lupus...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 21, 2019

"I’m shocked by how many dislike this drug. After 7 years and multiple drug cocktails, this works for me! However, people love Vicodin, and I hate them, so to each their own. I love it, it kills my pain to a 3, and the only side effect for me is constipation. No headaches. So my other medications must be helping as well. I think not everyone works on all drugs, but this one is worth a try!"

9 / 10
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63 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.