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Atomoxetine for ADHD User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Strattera

Atomoxetine has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 578 reviews for the treatment of ADHD. 37% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 40% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Atomoxetine

  • very...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 14, 2015

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I have been on Strattera for 5 weeks now. I'm 48 years old and have been treated for bipolar and anxiety disorders since the age of 19. I have tried dozens of med combinations and have been hospitalized a few times when unable to cope. This last time, a therapist suggested it may be ADHD, and the doctor put me on 40mg. It's a night and day difference. I have never in my life had this kind of clarity and focus, and other than dry mouth and a bit of a lost appetite side effect, which is much better than past combinations."

10 / 10
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126 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 8, 2009

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I have had ADD all my life. Starting in 5th grade, my psychiatrist put me on Concerta. I didn't eat well, and I didn't grow for almost three years. When my doctor expressed concern, I was switched to Strattera. I am now a senior in high school, and have been on Strattera for five years. I haven't noticed any side effects, and it has truly been a blessing in my life."

10 / 10
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177 Report
  • Wolla
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 4, 2019

Strattera (atomoxetine) "Strattera is one of the best things to ever happen to me. I had struggled so much with binge eating disorder and (I think mild to moderate) ADHD, and with Strattera, it was like a miracle. I can read things and feel/act on hunger. I chose Strattera over a stimulant because I have anxiety and depression, so it didn’t help much with my skin-picking impulses, but everything else has been great. I take 40mg daily, and after the first week of hot flashes and nausea, there’s been no side effects :)"

10 / 10
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75 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • December 8, 2009

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I've been on Strattera since 3rd grade. And I don't understand why so many people are against it. I have only experienced good results with this drug. My grades have increased, I am able to focus in class, and I can excel and prosper. My doctor has told me that eventually I will be weaned off of Strattera because my brain should be able to adapt. All I can say is, I never experienced any horrible side effects, if any. I can't say I remember any side effects. And I know that it is not addictive since I am able to stop taking the drug during the summer time. I've had a moderately positive experience on Strattera. I hope everyone else does too."

10 / 10
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168 Report
  • Claytz
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 25, 2013

Strattera (atomoxetine) "As an adult living with ADHD, I had no idea how it affected me. I was prescribed this by a psychiatrist, and almost immediately I was able to think more clearly, my memory felt better, I felt like I could concentrate on things. When someone spoke to me, I could actually listen and absorb what they were saying. Unfortunately, I'm not on it anymore. It's hard to concentrate some days."

10 / 10
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134 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Elle
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 18, 2019

Strattera (atomoxetine) "Not a good experience. My doctor wanted to try a non-stimulant option for my ADHD first because she was nervous about my anxiety getting worse. This drug was NOT the answer. I stopped eating and sleeping after about 2 weeks, until I had a meltdown and sobbed in my boyfriend's arms for hours. She switched me to a low-dose stimulant option, and I tolerated it much better. It might be a lifesaver for some, but it was horrible for me."

1 / 10
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70 Report
  • Charl...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 15, 2019

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I remember my very first day on Strattera, I vomited. It made me nauseous for weeks. If you are having side effects then I'd recommend taking this before going to sleep, you'll basically sleep through all the side effects. On Strattera, my memory has gotten better. I can focus more, I feel calmer when doing complicated tasks. I'm not so impulsive and my appetite has reduced. It's not like the stimulants, it's more subtle and steady. I still have side effects, I get very tired, I'll get heart palpitations, and sometimes I get hot flashes. I now take this in the morning ALWAYS with food, otherwise, I get nauseous. Strattera has helped, but the stimulants made me focus 100 times more. Unfortunately, Adderall gives me severe side effects (paranoia, depression), and Ritalin didn't do anything. I also take Pristiq for depression and anxiety. Please give Strattera a chance. Like all medications, they work differently on different people, so please don't dismiss this because others might not have liked it."

7 / 10
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73 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 22, 2022

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I've been on Strattera for about 10 months now. At first, it helped a bit with my attention problem and calmed my impulses. But I realized I'm not able to feel anything anymore, whether that I'm sad or happy. It feels like there's a wall around my brain where my emotions are felt, and I can't get past that. This medication has made me generally a boring person, all I feel is anxiety and depression, but I'm unable to cry. That's the whole point. Anyway, I want to get off it, but I'm afraid to tell my mom (a psychologist) because I absolutely don't like the person I was before taking this medication. It's not like I don't dislike myself anymore, I still do, very much. But I don't want to put myself and my family through that again. I also feel extremely nauseous if I don't take it for a day. I don't know what to do..."

1 / 10
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33 Report
  • mindf...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 25, 2013

Strattera (atomoxetine) "My son, 13, has been taking Strattera for almost a year. Starting from 10mg for a month, 20mg for a month, 30mg for 3 months, 40mg for 6 months, and now 50mg. The only side effect is dry mouth. Everything else is good, he can make friends and focus in class. However, I still think Strattera is not a magic pill. Combining both medication and behavior modification works best for our ADHD children. Lots of love and acceptance are the best remedy."

8 / 10
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130 Report
  • First...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 3, 2020

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I’m a 27-year-old female, previously diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I currently take Lexapro 10 mg once a day, which controls my anxiety and the majority of my depression. Though my depression still exists, I have an inability to concentrate and I’m tired constantly. I started on Strattera 3 days ago, so I wanted to document my progress. On day 2, I started experiencing nausea, and I took off work. My doctor suggested over-the-counter nausea medicine before medications like Zofran, and it’s been helpful. I’m supposed to be careful and monitor my anxiety so that it doesn’t increase, but as of right now, it’s under control. I lost sleep last night, but I took it in the morning instead, so we’ll see how well I sleep tonight. I will update you all in a week."

5 / 10
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67 Report
  • Teenw...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 23, 2013

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I was given Strattera to treat my ADD. I began taking it with a free packet that ranged from 20mg to 80mg. At about 40 mg, I began to notice that I was able to concentrate better in school. When I got to 80mg, I began to not daydream anymore, and people found it easier to talk to me because I wouldn't be constantly jumping from subject to subject. My anxiety and sleep problems were also solved. However, after forgetting to take it one day, I got a massive headache, equal to a migraine. Besides that, I have had no other issues, and it has made life much calmer and has made my grades improve a lot."

9 / 10
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126 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 23, 2012

Strattera (atomoxetine) "My son is 15 now and we have struggled for years with his ADHD. He has now been on Strattera for 2 years and has gone from straight D's in maths to A in achievement. He can concentrate more, retain information, and does not lose it as he used to. I have seen no side effects at all. At one point, he went off it, lasted 5 days, then chose to go back on it as he could tell that it helped his behavior and way of dealing with things. I have only good things to say about Strattera."

10 / 10
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131 Report
  • DutchRN
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 4, 2015

Strattera (atomoxetine) "• Comprehension: Before: If you wanted me to pay attention, understand something, or even acknowledge it, you would often have to repeat it several times. I would misread or misunderstand things more than the average person. After: I understand most communication right away, including the emotions and attitude of the other person, which were often not even on my radar before. • Interpersonal Communication: Before: I was very likely to interrupt others. I wouldn't wait for others to speak before continuing my conversation. I came across as very harsh & critical. After: I'm better at engaging in appropriate give-and-take in conversation. I communicate in a much more friendly tone. Dealing with adversity: Before: Even trivial matters would provoke a negative reaction, ruin my mood or trigger impulsive/disruptive behavior. I’d get down on myself for minor mistakes. After: Even when things don’t go the way I'd like them to go, I handle things in a much more mature, measured way. When something goes wrong, I’m more likely to laugh it off than I used to. I’m more even keeled, less likely to fly off the handle."

8 / 10
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107 Report
  • Rilli...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 18, 2022

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I am in my 40s and newly diagnosed with ADHD. I tried stimulants and loved the calm and clarity, but felt they dulled my emotions almost to the point of extreme detachment. I started Strattera about 2 months ago and am amazed at the impact. On stimulants, I could hear lyrics so easily to songs that I missed in the past. I never expected that to happen with Strattera, but after about 6 weeks, I noticed the lyrics were just 'there' for me. My mind is more calm, and I feel so much less frazzled, and even more at home here in my body/mind. I had nausea for the first month or so and even still get it every now and again, but it is worth it. I am still myself, but so much calmer and more centered. I am only on 25, and I seriously considered not trying this due to the bad reviews. I am so glad I did. It has also worked well for my teenage son."

10 / 10
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37 Report
  • Seatb...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 16, 2019

Strattera (atomoxetine) "This is my seventh time attempting the medication. I'm trying to do it right this time, no other choice. My experience has been to start at the lowest dose... 10 mg and stay on that for six to eight weeks before increasing it (10 mg at a time). I usually expect and prepare for two weeks of awfulness in the way of side effects before things get better. I've learned to be very wary of either nicotine or caffeine consumption with this medication. My experience with norepinephrine drugs like this is that just a little bit of nicotine or caffeine sets off my anxiety and irritability. It helps me with psychosomatic pain along with Cymbalta. It helps my anxiety. It increases alertness. It increases my focus but not nearly like amphetamine stimulants. Sexual side effects for me are not too serious. Orgasm as a male is irregular, but I actually find it more pleasurable. I find it also useful not to combine much alcohol with the drug. Uppers with downers for me can be ugly."

6 / 10
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64 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 27, 2008

Strattera (atomoxetine) "My 8-year-old son has ADHD and was put on this medication. Well, the entire family thinks it's the best thing for him. We notice right away if he hasn't taken his medicine as soon as he wakes up. It didn't really help calm him down, but more helps him focus clearly. We have seen a drastic change in school as well. I would tell anyone who has ADHD about it."

9 / 10
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158 Report
  • Peteman
  • March 8, 2014

Strattera (atomoxetine) "Strattera is changing my life. I held out for 4 months with the side effects, and now the improvements are extremely significant. My memory is better, and I can get myself into a concentration mode easier. Although it does not fight all symptoms, it enables you to start taking action against them, if that makes sense."

8 / 10
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114 Report
  • Sonof...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 14, 2023

Strattera (atomoxetine) "This is the single worst medication I have ever taken. The side effects were far worse than any potential benefits. It caused daily migraines, made urination painful and difficult, and resulted in erectile dysfunction. Ejaculation became painful and watery, to the point where I even got tested for STDs due to the unusual symptoms. It also affected my vision, causing blurriness. Sleep became elusive, and when I did manage to sleep, I experienced vivid nightmares. Additionally, I suffered from severe heartburn on a daily basis, requiring the use of ranitidine to manage it. The heartburn led to constant, foul-smelling burps that were uncontrollable. I took the medication for four months, and upon discontinuation, all of these issues improved. However, when I was later prescribed a lower dose, I experienced migraines within three days, something I hadn't experienced during the initial discontinuation period. I immediately stopped taking it and have since refused it or any similar medication. It has been at least 12 years since then."

1 / 10
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23 Report
  • Annie...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 15, 2013

Strattera (atomoxetine) "Well, it only took 33 years for me (and a good doctor) to figure out what was wrong with me. I have had unexplained tachycardia (did EKGs and no problems, although never during an episode) since about age 8-9. I've had episodes of fainting, syncope, almost fainting, fatigue, being hyper and crashing. ADD symptoms, depression, mania. I have been treated for depression and mania 3 years ago and came oh so close to a solution, but the wrong meds made it even worse. It took 2 years to recover. Until I got a new doctor who treated my ADD and after two failed attempts to tolerate Adderall and Ritalin, prescribed Strattera. In the first 40 minutes I took 25mg, my ADD symptoms subsided, and all other symptoms have resolved."

10 / 10
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116 Report
  • Shain
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 28, 2020

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I have been on Strattera for about 2 1/2 months now, my starting dose was 40 mg. The first few days, I had a burst of energy, then, after that, I felt so tired. My doctor upped my dose to 80 mg. I’m not as tired anymore, but my insomnia is horrible. I have to take a sleeping pill every night, and even with that, I still wake up at 2 AM every night, agitated and can’t stop moving. Also, the dry mouth is horrible. I will say I don’t have as much anxiety."

5 / 10
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54 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 22, 2022

Strattera (atomoxetine) "Strattera almost ruined my life. First of all, it didn't help my severe ADHD at all. It caused me to have severe nausea every day, dizziness, insomnia every night, and it caused severe aggression and mood changes on just 40 mg for two months. The first day my doctor moved me up to 80 mg, it sent me into an induced psychosis state where I wound up fracturing my foot and dislocating my finger so bad that I may have to have surgery. I've been in a splint for almost two months now since that horrible night, and the scariest part of all is I don't even remember how it happened. It literally caused me to go insane. This drug was the worst drug I've ever taken, and it even warns you on the bottle, 'Warning: May cause mood changes'-boy, what an understatement. This medication made me so angry all the time. What they don't tell you about this medication is it can cause induced psychosis and violent behavior. It states that on the FDA website. I was only on Strattera for two months! Very dangerous drug!"

1 / 10
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37 Report
  • Dream
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 24, 2020

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I have manic bipolar/anxiety/very poor focus, and I take this with Buspar 15 mg. It was really good the first 2-4 weeks. I could focus, I had a burst of energy. I felt so good, I could feel it working. I no longer had racing thoughts, I was so much calmer. But after the 4 weeks, my poor focus came back. I am now on 60 mg once a day and still feel nothing. I’m extremely agitated and annoyed with everyone, yet calm as hell still but waiting to blow if you get that. It definitely helps with impulsive behavior and calming the mind and feeling low, but maybe it’s the combination of pills I take because I swear I rarely feel low anymore. I've never been better, I just hate that it doesn’t work as potently as in the beginning."

6 / 10
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58 Report
  • Ketira
  • April 24, 2010

Strattera (atomoxetine) "At first, I had to take it with a high-protein meal, and even then, I had some nausea. Now I've figured out a way for it to not cause nausea, yet get into my system: Take RIGHT BEFORE you go to bed! This way, it gets into my system, helps me to sleep 7-8 hours a night, and I feel in control of my feelings/moods instead of a slight 'fog' all the time. THIS medicine works; the others I've tried (Ritalin, Dexedrine) produced unwanted side effects. I'm staying with what works!"

10 / 10
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136 Report
  • Toby
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 30, 2024

Strattera (atomoxetine) "I've been on Strattera for only 1 week and already I'm reaping benefits for my inattentive ADHD. I’m currently keeping it a 9/10 because it's still relatively early, but truth be told I’m very excited to see where the next month or so takes me. So far I’m not having any major side effects apart from a decrease in appetite (but I’m not much of a big eater as it is, so I'm not that bothered). My mood has been much improved, I can muscle through the day without having naps throughout the day, which were severely detrimental to my well-being. I actually feel like doing stuff, I'm no longer chasing dopamine through caffeine and alcohol, and I feel more lively. I struggled with anhedonia and ADHD paralysis, but it's slowly but surely starting to subside. Everything is just nowhere near as hazy as it was a week ago, I can think with more clarity, and my concentration has improved a lot. I'm intrigued to see how I go at work because that's yet to be put to the test. Overall, I'm satisfied."

9 / 10
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2 Report
  • Stmrtp
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 26, 2020

"38 male ADHD. I am great after 8 weeks. AFTER 8 WEEKS. It's not instant like stimulants. Takes time to build up. For everyone knocking it here, it seems that they are not giving it time to work. You really need to give it time, and the side effects fade off. This medication, after 8 weeks, has changed my life. Stopped compulsive behavior, calms the mind, and increases focus for sure. Yes, it does make you sluggish, so take it at night and wake up feeling clear-headed. You can't compare it to stimulants. It works completely differently. So if you're looking for a rush, stick to stimulants. Strattera is calm and focused."

10 / 10
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55 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.