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NP Thyroid User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

NP Thyroid has an average rating of 3.4 out of 10 from a total of 242 reviews on 23% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 70% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for NP Thyroid

  • Momof
  • January 27, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "Was doing well on Naturethroid, up until they seemed to change the formula. So switched to NP. Fatigue okay, but brain fog much worse, painful joints, stiffness in muscles, and leg pain that feels similar to restless legs. The worst symptom though is headaches-constant. Am now experimenting with altering my dose (again!), but I’ll have to swap to Armour, I think. I’m in the U.K. Getting hold of NDT is like finding a unicorn. I despair. I wish Naturethroid had never changed. I know they deny a reformulation, but it worked like a dream for me before their manufacturing issues, and I felt well. Now I’m back in the hypo pit, and it’s dreadful."

3 / 10
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  • Feisty
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 21, 2019

For Hashimoto's disease "I started taking NP Thyroid in March 2019 after 20 years on Synthroid. Once my dosage was correct, I began to feel so great. I felt like I was actually a functioning human being again. And then I got the 'new' batch in October and immediately felt terrible. I had zero energy, could barely walk down the stairs, deep hip pain. I examined the pills, and they looked different (speckles) and smelled terrible (now smelled like cat pee, instead of just kind of unpleasant). Thankfully, I had some of my old batch left and resumed taking that and immediately talked to my doctor about switching to a synthetic T4/T3 combo so this wouldn't happen again. I've been on the new meds for 5 days and not feeling well yet. Not sure if it's from the doses of bad NP I took or just getting used to new meds. This is just heartbreaking. So many people having terrible reactions to the 'new' formula while Acella is saying basically that it's all in our heads. I just want to feel better."

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  • Psalm...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 29, 2019

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I have been taking NP Thyroid for about 2 1/2 years. I have no thyroid, it was removed due to cancer many years ago. I always thought it tasted nasty and smelled bad. But it had worked very well up until August 2019. I have gained 7 pounds unexplainably. I am super careful about my diet: low carbs, healthy, etc. Please, whatever you have done as a company, change the dynamics back on the NP Thyroid. It once worked!"

3 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Melissa
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 31, 2020

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I just switched back to Armour after being on NP Thyroid for years. I only switched to NP because my insurance will not cover Armour. Starting around summer 2019, I began experiencing lots of acid reflux, nausea, and pain in my stomach that would last for days. I began seeing a GI, thinking I had an ulcer or something. I had an upper scope done in Feb 2020, only to be told that everything was fine. I finally put it together that I felt fine until about 20-30 minutes after I took my pill. I asked my doctor to switch me back to Armour, and my stomach hasn’t hurt since. There is definitely something off with NP."

7 / 10
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  • Amers
  • December 4, 2018

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "Like most with the WP/Naturethroid shortage, was switched to this drug back in 2017. On it 4 months; 120 mg/2 grains in the am, and 30 mg/a half grain in the afternoon. Managed to get back on Naturethroid right when it became available again in early 2018, not the greatest as they reformulated it and my levels were low, but at least no side effects. When my prescription for it ran out recently, I had no insurance to see my doctor again yet, and so had no choice but to take something I already had on hand. This time, after 6 hours of taking the first dose of NP, I experienced the most profound sadness/deep depression, complete with crying spells. It lasted for hours; I was in bed crying my eyes out for no apparent reason. Not like me! And that’s not all. Headache, dizziness, anxiety, heart pounding, feeling like I was going to pass out, diarrhea, vision problems, confusion/disorientation/brain fog, no appetite, “wired but tired” feeling, shortness of breath...what a list, good grief!"

2 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • EWano
  • September 4, 2019

For Hashimoto's disease "I stopped taking NP Thyroid after my symptoms got the best of me. Aches, dry eyes, fatigue. When I called Acella, they said, 'batches can be different, but the standards are the same.' I told them to raise the bar. Their new 'batch' smells horrible, tastes even worse, has a different size and look, and makes me feel worse than ever. How can that be acceptable?"

1 / 10
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  • Biggie...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 12, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "I have used almost every desiccated thyroid med out there. Armour was great until Forest Labs ruined it, Nature Throid was the best until RLC ruined that, and now after three bad batches of NP Thyroid, this refill is working great. Nice to finally get something that works without side effects. NP is working as well for me as the old Nature Throid used to work. Started losing weight, improved energy, and feeling a ton better. Hope the next batch is this good. Makes you wonder why the manufacturer screws this stuff up all the time, making those of us who need this to feel better."

8 / 10
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  • Kyano
  • June 7, 2020

For Underactive Thyroid "NP Thyroid failed me and made me lose my baby. Or perhaps it was the pharmacy that switched my medication without informing me. I was on Armour for about 5 years, doing fine. Then I suddenly had a regression of all my hypo symptoms in about 2 weeks. The third week, I skipped a day, then took the pill. Within a few hours, I was fatigued, had headaches, joint pain, incredible water retention, and chest tightening... After doing this a second time, I knew for sure it was the medication. I then noticed that my med bottle said “NP Thyroid.” I called the pharmacy, and they said they had replaced Armour with NP 6 weeks before. They did not inform me! NP totally didn’t work at all for at least a month. And while I took this failure of a medication, my pregnancy failed because I had no functional thyroid hormone to sustain it. I found that NP costs cents while Armour does not. It’s a case of insurance companies trying to pay out less $$, even at the expense of real people’s health."

1 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 27, 2019

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I was on Synthroid for 14 years after my thyroidectomy (thyroid cancer). My body stopped absorbing Synthroid medicine. My doctor prescribed NP Thyroid, and I figured, great, something new and I’ll finally feel better. The exact opposite happened. I had diarrhea for 2 months every single day (I’ve never had stomach issues), heart palpitations, and I was tired all the time. Talked with my doctor this week, and we checked my levels. My T3 and T4 were dangerously low. For 2 months, the medication didn’t work at all. I called the pharmaceutical company today to put in a complaint and am waiting for someone to call me on a recorded line. It’s alarming to read all of these comments and hear that we all have similar issues. I’m a working mother who needs to have my medicine to function. I’ve missed work, sporting events, and time with my family. Please look into these ingredients, fix them, or remove this medication from the market."

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  • Maxee
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 22, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "I just read someone mentioning their NP Thyroid tasting/smelling like cat pee/urine. I’m having the same experience! I have been taking it for almost a year, and it has never had this taste/smell. I don’t know if this is related, but I popped up a couple of days ago with hives in my armpits and other mild itchy rashes on my arms, calves, back, and belly, but I also just discovered fleas on my dogs, so I’m not sure what is causing this. But why does it smell like urine?"

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  • Lars
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 16, 2020

For Hashimoto's disease "I am glad I checked this page, as I thought I was going crazy. I noticed that the NP Thyroid pill thickness had changed, as well as the color, and it had a much 'sweeter' taste to the pill, from what I had been taking. I chalked it up to a different batch, but since taking the new pill, I have had muscle aches, rapid heart rate, blurred vision, back aches, and joints that are 'out' or popping, along with a bad 'do not care' attitude. I have made a complaint to the manufacturer in hopes of getting my money refunded, to go back on Armour Thyroid. Awaiting the results of that... The biggest issue I have is now I will need to start another medicine and get blood checks ($$$) to get the dosage dialed in, after taking a year to get it finally right this last time! THANKS NP!!! It's all a money scam..."

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  • Peggy
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 15, 2020

For Underactive Thyroid "I cannot take Synthroid, so years ago, my doctor switched me to Armour, and it worked great! Then, for a year, they stopped making it. I started on what is called just Thyroid in Canada, made by Erfa. It worked beautifully. Then, after about 3 years, it went south on me. Tried Armour again, and it was not good for me anymore. I have been on NP for 3 years, and this fall, I was depressed, anxious, I’d get angry. I couldn’t figure out what happened. Never thought of it being NP until 2 weeks ago. I found out they no longer manufacture the pill in Georgia, but it is now manufactured in Europe, but no one knows where. I stopped the pill for 3 days and felt so calm and actually really good. Then, I started on a half dosage for 4 days and felt good. Today, I took a full dosage, and I feel a little weird, but not like before. My doctor wants me to see an Endo ASAP, which I will after giving this a few more days. If they change any filler, then that’s what we get the symptoms from."

3 / 10
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  • Jess
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 4, 2019

For Hashimoto's disease "I too have noticed a different smell from my new prescription from August. They didn't smell pleasant to begin with, but this is downright putrid. I have also been experiencing heart racing and chest pain. I just recently developed rashes that come and go. What happened to NP Thyroid? Where can we get answers?"

5 / 10
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  • Mini
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 8, 2021

For Hashimoto's disease "NP Thyroid is horrible. I have been on Nature Thyroid for 6 years. I have taken two days of this NP, and my heart is racing, I can't concentrate, and vision changes. I need my Nature Thyroid. What is wrong with pharmaceutical companies? I can't live without my thyroid pill. The only thing that works is Nature Thyroid. But now it is not available. What??"

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  • Jodyp...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 15, 2018

For Underactive Thyroid "Like the majority of people, I was given NP when WP was unavailable. Cue sweats, anxiety, weight gain, and utter misery. Crying, can’t function, blurry vision. I’ve taken my first dose of NatureThroid this morning, and voila, I am a different person. I’m holding my body straight, I feel alive/awake, and I feel like I don’t have heavy, puffy eyes."

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  • Jamie
  • April 3, 2020

For Underactive Thyroid "I've taken Armour thyroid for years with wonderful results. Last year my pharmacy filled my prescription with NP thyroid. I felt like I was taking some sort of hormone - bloated belly, puffy eyes, swollen breasts. I really got scared when I realized that my uncharacteristic weepiness was becoming an obsession with suicide. I've never been like that. Immediately stopped the NP and went back to Armour. I am back to normal, feeling fine. Pharmacy tried to give me NP today. I gave it back, went home and called a different pharmacy who will give me Armour."

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  • Sandy...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 6, 2019

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I’ve been using Acella for a couple of years. My new bottle of 60s (has to sub the 60s for 120s because of backorder) tasted and smelled like insecticide! I took it anyway for a week. I had hypothyroid symptoms come back with a vengeance (yes, I took 2 pills). I reported my concerns to my pharmacy, and they told me they had just that day received in some 120s. So they sent me the 120s, and guess what? They taste and smell like insecticide too!! What gives? Side note: I stopped the horrible 60s and took the few remaining 120s of a prior bottle and felt 100% better, plus they didn’t smell and taste like insecticide. We shall see how this new bottle of 120 insecticide pills control my hypothyroidism."

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  • County...
  • September 20, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "I am imploring everyone if they have had problems to call and report NP Thyroid to the FDA. I did this today, and she said they take this very seriously. Accella has to be held accountable for this. I have become very ill with this medication. I will not let fear of them pulling NP Thyroid off the market."

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  • Reese
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 23, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "I started out in May of 2019 on Armour Thyroid (original prescription!). For some reason, it was switched to NP Thyroid by the pharmacy, and not knowing, I have been taking it! Someone told me it is not good to switch companies! I finally questioned the pharmacy today and was told they did not know why it was changed! I have been feeling so horrible since August when I refilled my last RX for NP Thyroid, and now I know why! Thankful that I found this site! I will be back on Armour tomorrow!"

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  • Anonymous
  • October 25, 2021

For Underactive Thyroid "I was on Armour Thyroid for many years. Pharmacy recommended NP, because of price difference, so switched me to NP and I noticed extreme flu-like symptoms, head aches, hair loss, insomnia, swelling, (even facial swelling), all-over body pain and constant exhaustion. I asked to be switched back to Armour after a month of misery on NP, and to please make note on my account to NEVER give me NP again, because of the terrible reactions. After new bloodwork, I unknowingly was given NP again, and took it without realizing that it wasn’t Armour. My life became a living nightmare! The anxiety attacks have been awful. My nails break easily, hair falls out in alarming amounts, continuous dull headaches, accompanied by brain fog that has been very concerning. The feeling of exhaustion is unbelievable and I cannot sleep. Joint pain, miserable indigestion & reflux, profuse sweating, inflammation, and muscle aches. My energy is ZERO and the crying makes me feel crazy! NP Thyroid is HORRIBLE!!"

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  • LAD
  • January 11, 2020

For Underactive Thyroid "I started taking this drug 4 days ago. Yesterday, I started having tremendous bloating in my upper abdomen. It feels like a balloon that is filled to the max and could pop. I’m in so much pain, my back is even hurting. I have horrible acid reflux. I feel incredibly nauseous. I have severe diarrhea. I cannot drink or eat right now. I feel clammy off and on with a horrible headache. I’m also very achy. I did speak to my doctor yesterday, and she said to stop taking it. I have, but still no improvement. This is so painful."

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  • Marie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 10, 2019

For Hashimoto's disease "I have been on NP Thyroid since January 2019. BEWARE, I have been in the emergency room 4 times since starting this medication. It started with a racing heart for days, and my blood pressure would rise from 135/90 to 220/110 in one hour. I was very, very ill, went into the ER for this 4 different times. I got off this medicine, no more problems. This batch smells horrible too. BEWARE."

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  • Luz
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 20, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "Due to low thyroid, was on Armour 60 mg for 1 year. My numbers were good, 2-4; however, it is expensive. Wanted to try NP Thyroid, less expensive, 1 less filler. Went on it for 3 months, went in for lab work. NP had not worked; my number was back to 45, the level I was on before I started thyroid meds. Now I have to go back to Armour 90 mg to work towards a normal range. On NP, felt lethargic, fell asleep in the afternoon, gained 8 lbs."

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  • LVano
  • April 30, 2021

For Hashimoto's disease "Was switched to NP thyroid after Naturethroid was recalled. I was doing really well on the Naturethroid, but I tried to stay positive in taking this one. It smells and tastes disgusting. I noticed unexplained pain in my hip, constant indigestion, upset stomach, random diarrhea. 7 months in and my T3 is off the chart, T4 and TSH are super low, basically hyperthyroid. In the past month I developed horrible anxiety, crying randomly and uncontrollably, trouble sleeping, and fatigue. I barely recognize myself. Had a complete breakdown in the middle of an exam. My professors are mad and think I'm somehow incompetent although I kept trying to explain I didn't know what is going on. Finally went to the doctor and found out she had prescribed Armour but my pharmacy was filling NP instead. Am fighting with insurance to get Armour covered, but I can't continue with NP. My temporary dose of Armour already smells better than the NP. I'm praying this works, cause IDK what I'm gonna do if it doesn't."

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  • GAT
  • February 24, 2019

For Hashimoto's disease "Finally, a medication that works wonderfully! I have never felt better. So far, so good! Used to be on Naturethroid. Had heart palpitations, highs and lows. The Stop The Thyroid Madness Support Group I follow has its members highly recommending NP by Acella. However, I do not understand the shortages in these thyroid medications when they are so desperately needed! The AMA has a lot of catching up to do because their protocol is counterintuitive and productive for patients like me who have been un and underdiagnosed for years! Time to wake up!"

8 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.