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Metoprolol for Supraventricular Tachycardia User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Metoprolol Succinate ER, Metoprolol Tartrate, Toprol-XL, Lopressor, Kapspargo Sprinkle

Metoprolol has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 112 reviews for the off-label treatment of Supraventricular Tachycardia. 46% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Metoprolol

  • LuGar
  • March 10, 2021

"I am 70, and 1 week after my 1st COVID vaccine, I had a panic attack (so I thought). BP was 196/85, heart rate went up to 145. I had the 2nd COVID vaccine, and a week later, the same thing happened, however, BP was normal 106/68, but heart rate hit 180. I took myself to the ER. ALL the tests, EKG x 2, blood work, and chest X-ray were normal. They injected Adenosine in my IV, and within 30 seconds, my heart rate was 114. I have only taken the Metoprolol Succinate ER 25 mg for 4 days, and I feel great. I take it at night. The 2 episodes that I have had came out of nowhere. I thought I was having a heart attack and dying. I am thankful for my doctors and the ER of the hospital. I am thinking positive about this medication. I just had to mention the vaccines because I have had a terrible life, and in many dangerous situations, however, I NEVER had ANY panic attacks. So I accept the dx of SVT. I hope and pray I never get another episode. I have had NO side effects."

10 / 10
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34 Report
  • Robsey
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 5, 2016

"My tachycardia started in my mid-30s, and though it was rare, it became more severe as I entered my mid-40s, leading to ER visits requiring the injection that stops the heart—no fun and scary. After this, I went to a cardiologist who gave me 50 mg Metoprolol to take as needed. I am happy that I don't have to take it daily because it does make me sluggish on the very rare times that I do. I am pleased to have a solution when these events happen, and my fears of dying suddenly from a heart episode have been drastically reduced."

10 / 10
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64 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 22, 2012

"I have had PSVT and occasional atrial fibrillation (plus the related anxiety from these conditions) since I was 21. I am now 44. I have been on metoprolol 25 mg, once a day in the morning, for the past 18 months, and I love it. I was originally put on it twice a day, but I already had bradycardia and low blood pressure at night so within a couple of days the nighttime dose was making me wake up gasping for air with an extremely low heart rate and blood pressure so low it wouldn't register on my home monitor. I called the doctor, and he said to not take the bedtime dose. I haven't had any side effects that I recall. On the contrary, I can now play sports with my kids without flipping into an irregular rhythm."

10 / 10
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84 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Frust...
  • May 25, 2020

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "Cardiologist prescribed 25 mg Metoprolol/daily to correct 14 extra heartbeats/min. (24 hrs. on holter monitor). My thyroid was elevated (Hashimoto 19 yrs.). In 4 months, thyroid levels were normal w/ 75 mcg Synthroid/daily. Extra heartbeats continued, so given Metoprolol. After 2 years, got a few itchy hives, 2 1/2 years severe hives/rashes/welts. (Take Allegra & Flonase for allergies). I awake with hives, they subside by bed, new ones come different places next day. Lips/eyes have swollen 4 x's. Thyroid & blood tests normal. Seen allergist, dermatologist, PCP, too. I'm female, age 69, good health with chronic idiopathic urticaria (long-lasting hives, unknown cause). Visit cardio. every 6 months, last 3 visits, EKG normal. He refused to wean me off Metoprolol. Blogs indicate some get hives from it. Anyone have this issue?"

8 / 10
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38 Report
  • Ann
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 17, 2018

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "I've tried to use this drug two separate times, and in less than two weeks, extreme, almost suicidal depression set in, along with fatigue, shortness of breath, and a constant heavy feeling in the chest. It made my diastolic heart failure feel much worse. At night, my heart rate was 45, even when I was wide awake. All this on just a 25 mg starting dose. I had the same reaction to propranolol several years ago. I'll live with the SVT far more comfortably. Quality of life counts!"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 10, 2014

"I was started on this medicine after a trip to the ER. I have been dealing with supraventricular tachycardia my whole life, and at 49, it finally came to this point. Since starting the metoprolol, I have had heart flutters every day, all throughout the day, as well as some chest tightness, which I previously have not had. It also caused sun sensitivity and increased/extreme sweating. Although I have not had another serious attack, the side effects far outweigh any benefit for me. I decided to stop taking the metoprolol, and the heart flutter has greatly decreased, as well as the sweating. The next step for me is an ablation."

2 / 10
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70 Report
  • Hungr...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 17, 2017

"I started 25 mgs of this drug on 1/16/2017 around lunchtime, and by dinner, I was having esophageal spasms that I mistook for heart issues, and my swallow reflex got progressively worse. By Friday of that week, I was choking on chicken broth. I've never had a problem eating or swallowing in my life. The cardiologist I was seeing ignored me and said that's not a side effect. After two ER trips with what felt like my throat closing, I was told to half the pill and wean off because the drug was causing my issues. I took it for 3 weeks and have been off now for 10 days, but still can't eat. I had an endoscopy, and they found there is little to no pressure in my esophagus and attribute this to the drug. Terrified I'm permanently damaged."

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More FAQ

  • Carrie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 1, 2019

"This medication is the worst medication I have ever taken in my life. I never had nightmares, I never had trouble sleeping, granted I had depression, but never nothing like nightmares or anything like that. This stuff is horrible. I literally stopped taking it once I read the side effects. This is one nasty little pill. They're just going to have to find something else to put me on that doesn't cause that because I cannot keep doing this. I never had any problems, no nightmares or anything like that until I started taking the pill, and I constantly feel like I'm suffocating to death. No, ain't happening, beware people, beware."

2 / 10
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36 Report
  • ddranch
  • January 19, 2015

"Started having tachycardia a few months ago and was put on this medicine... so far, so good. Definitely has slowed down the heart rate, and at the end of its extended release period, I feel like I need to take another one.... My older sister also takes it for heart flutters, and her cardiologist said that they should put it in the water supply... it's good for everyone's heart."

9 / 10
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58 Report
  • trish
  • July 31, 2009

Toprol-XL (metoprolol) "I was diagnosed 6 years ago with Supraventricular tachycardia. I am a 49-year-old female. Since that time, I have been taking a 50 mg tablet of Toprol every other day. I have had no other attacks since then, and I used to get them about 5 times a year. Once in a while, I can feel one coming on - my heart starts beating very fast - but apparently the Toprol is doing its job because I have not had any attacks. I am so thankful for this medication as I suffered for many years thinking I was going to die, my heart would beat so hard and fast. One time I could actually see my chest moving, and it went on for about 20 minutes."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Jteem
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 10, 2012

"I am 59, and have been on metoprolol since I had an ablation about 5 months ago. I was still experiencing a higher than normal heart rate (lower after ablation, but on the high side) and a high diastolic blood pressure. Metoprolol seemed to lower both numbers initially. I was extremely fatigued and I started noticing weight gain. That weight gain has been 18 pounds in the 5 months following the ablation. Now, none of my clothes fit. I have told my doctor about the weight gain, but he did not seem concerned. I am concerned. Has anyone else had this and were you able to do something about it? Now, the heart rate is starting to increase again."

5 / 10
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68 Report
  • Tlp
  • August 12, 2017

"I was prescribed metoprolol for tachycardia. I took it for about 6 weeks. I did feel better and not as fatigued, but suddenly I had severe depression. I felt like everything in my life was out of control even though mentally I knew it wasn't. I was sobbing hysterically all day and felt like I was losing my mind! I figured out the only change I'd made was taking metoprolol, so I weaned myself off of it and the depression cleared right up. My doctor said he has a lot of patients on this medication, and even though depression is a side effect, none of them have had this issue. So I'm guessing it's not a common side effect, but beware if you're just starting this."

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44 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 14, 2010

Toprol-XL (metoprolol) "I am 14 years old. I once had a moderate heart attack, and afterwards, my heart was constantly hammering away. Just sitting down, my pulse was 180 bpm. This led to an enlarged heart and high blood pressure. I've been on this medicine for 3 years now, and it has probably saved my life from another heart attack. I recommend it to anyone with my problem."

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74 Report
  • Laura...
  • February 5, 2015

"I was diagnosed with SVT following complications from a vaginal hysterectomy at age 58 (pulmonary embolism, pelvic hematoma, and pneumonia). ER diagnosed it as A-fib; the cardiologist later said SVT following a 48 hr. Holter monitor and echocardiogram. Started me on 25 mg once a day, which I take at night. Have been taking about a month, and it is working well. Heart racing, if I have it, is not noticeable; pounding heart occasionally but tolerable and minor compared to what it was previously. Recommended going up to 50 mg, but I am going to keep trying at this dose longer. No noticeable side effects, no weight gain or sleepiness."

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54 Report
  • Princ...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 28, 2020

"This drug has saved my life. I had 3-4 episodes of SVT, all of which required conversion with adenosine in the ER. I started this medication and did not have any episodes for over 3 years. My allergist asked me to change to something else, as metoprolol blocks the effects of any epinephrine pen. I started Diltiazem, and within a month, I had another SVT episode that I had to go to the ER for. I am going back on metoprolol. It has worked for me!"

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29 Report
  • Katma...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 7, 2020

Toprol-XL (metoprolol) "I have had a few episodes of SVT! I went to the ED once for an episode that lasted about 2 hours. My pulse was 190. I was trying the syringe (blowing into it), which didn’t work. They then gave me the drug, which resolved it. Since then, I have had three episodes; I wanted to try other treatments, so I got on my inversion table, and in less than 30 seconds, it was resolved. I have shared this with my MD."

6 / 10
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29 Report
  • kimle...
  • May 23, 2011

Toprol-XL (metoprolol) "I was diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia two weeks ago and was put on Toprol 25 mg a day. It didn't work in bringing down my pulse, so the doctor increased it to 50 mg a day until I see my heart doctor. I have to say that I do not like the side effects: heavy feeling in my chest, tired all the time, headaches, etc. I hope my doctor recommends ablation because I don't think I can take this medicine much longer."

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68 Report
  • Byrd
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 11, 2020

"I’ve been taking metoprolol for approximately 10 years for SVT. In my 20s, I had a resting heart rate in the 150 range. For the first six years, I had great results with 25 mg at night, but gradually I had breakthrough tachycardia, so my cardiologist added 25 mg in the morning, and my heart rate is again in the normal range, with my resting heart rate being around 68. This medication made such a difference in my life."

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29 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 26, 2017

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "I was prescribed this to lower my heart rate, which had been averaging around 110. Originally, I was prescribed the instant release, having to take two tabs a day. It dropped my heart rate to around 75. I started taking the succinate ER formulation recently, and it works well all day long with just one dose. It seems to have little to no effect on my blood pressure, though, and I take lisinopril separately for that."

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38 Report
  • Mataya
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 2, 2020

"I'm 24 years old. I've never had any heart issues besides some PVCs every now and then. About two months ago, my palpitations became more consistent, my heart would beat out of my chest uncontrollably out of nowhere, and I constantly felt like I was going to faint. I went to the ER a few days ago because I was having another episode and couldn't take it anymore. They were able to catch it all, and the cardiologist decided to put me on a low dose of metoprolol. So far it hasn't been too bad, it has especially given me relief with the tachycardia. I still feel the PVCs, but they are not as constant and severe. Only concerns I have are I feel very short of breath at times, and I literally can't sleep at night anymore. I'm hoping it gets better."

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28 Report
  • Ruine...
  • December 5, 2019

"Do not use this drug if you have a sensitivity to medications or think you may have low dopamine levels, or a prior addiction in the past to any substance, or are currently withdrawing or have protracted withdrawal from SSRIs, or have a weakened central nervous system. It contributed to giving me stroke-like symptoms which were then preceded by Parkinson's disease symptoms. Tardive dyskinesia. Dystonia. I can no longer function, it has made my blood sugar uncontrollable and completely ruined my GI. It never helped with my heart palpitations, but the cardiologist said to stay on it and it would get better. But it just kept getting worse. Worsened heart disease and breathing. Withdrawing from this medication is dangerous, even at low doses... and there is no way to go below 12.5 mg for an easier taper on the Succinate ER."

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28 Report
  • Delma...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 11, 2016

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "My doctor prescribed me Metoprolol Succinate ER 25 mg and advised me to take half the first few days. When I did, I began to have a rush down my body, and severe tremors began. My heart rate jumped to 138, it was pounding. I tried laying down, still. I even had chest pain. I usually get low blood pressure, but I only felt very tired, not dizzy or faint. I called my doctor, and he asked me to go to the ER to make sure everything is okay. I did. They did an X-ray, blood work, and gave me IV to flush it out. Everything was normal. My heart rate kept jumping from 67 to 105 suddenly. I was told to stop taking it. I am bummed out because I was looking forward to this helping me. After everything, my heart rate was 54 resting and 72 active. It did afterwards!"

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41 Report
  • dani...
  • February 14, 2020

"I am 53, and I've felt palpitations since my 20's. however, they weren't bad at all nor frequent. but last year, they suddenly became very bad, more frequent, more severe, I'd have them all day long, horrendous. So I was put on beta blockers. First propranolol, which worked really well, but made me feel exhausted. I was switched to metoprolol whilst in hospital On the metoprolol, you feel nauseous sometimes, but if you take cyclizine, it helps. But metoprolol doesn't make me feel as tired as the propranolol, you feel more normal on metoprolol. I haven't really noticed any other side effect symptoms, but one thing I also liked about propranolol is that it seemed to really help with anxiety symptoms as I wasn't having them as much. On the metoprolol, because it works differently it does not help with anxiety, and the frustrating thing is that even on beta blockers, I still get palpitations, just not as frequent as before taking them."

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25 Report
  • Tena
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 30, 2020

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "In May of 2020, while in the hospital for knee replacement, I went into SVT heart rate of 200, I was put on metoprolol succ er 50, in August of 2020 I had SVT ablation, was ok up until Dec 2020, I had a sleep study test, no sleep apnea thank goodness, but my heart rate went up to 240. I have been having palpitations, very jittery all of a sudden, has anyone had a similar experience? I will see cardiologist end of the week."

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20 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 15, 2009

"Started taking metoprolol 8 years ago when I was hospitalized with a bout of tachycardia that wouldn't go away for hours. Diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia. Started out at 50 mg, but had breakthroughs regularly, and went up to 100 mg after a year. The medication works great to keep my heart rate and blood pressure down to normal levels, however, for the first month on the medication, I constantly fell asleep during daily activity, and even now I maintain a sense of perpetual fatigue. Hard to lose weight, and depression creeps up often. Brain fog has slowed my ability to focus and react swiftly, which is frustrating. Still, the medication works so well to keep the heart episodes at bay that I haven't tried switching to a new medication."

8 / 10
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59 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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