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Methadone for Pain User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Methadose, Methadone Diskets Methadose Sugar-Free

Methadone has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 157 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 87% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Methadone

  • guitarv
  • October 24, 2011

"A serious car accident back in 1995 left me in chronic pain. Back, neck, and right leg. I had a fusion at C-5, 6 and another herniation at C-4, 5. My spinal cord was almost crushed, and I feel lucky to be up and about today. I have been on every opiate medication you can think of and hated it. I did get pain relief but hated the ups and downs that went along with these medications. My doctor suggested methadone about 5 years ago, and I've never looked back. I still take Percocet now and then for breakthrough pain relief. I have a quality of life that was non-existent before the methadone. It's not for everyone, however, if you want to get away from the fast-acting opiates, please mention it to your doctor. Literally changed my life."

9 / 10
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  • BTano
  • March 24, 2016

Dolophine (methadone) "I had tried many, if not Every pain med known to man. Hardware in my neck du to osteomyelitis. Excruciating nerve pain & damage due to Diabetes and Venous Insufficiency, COPD, Etc....Etc... Like I mentioned I've tried everything and the Methadone seemed to Help without the side effects. I was on over 100 mgs for quite a while which is why anything I tried for break-through pain was blocked by the methadone. I had spoken to my pain specialist about it and I am taking a giant southbound leap to half of what I've been taking for 2-weeks and see what happens and yes, I am "TERRIFIED". Wish me luck and I let you know about me endeavors."

8 / 10
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  • Neil...
  • July 25, 2008

"I was on OxyContin 40 mg 2x a day but had to increase its strength as time passed. Then the doctor put me on methadone 10 mg 4x a day. This has been effective without any increase in dosage over the last year. I am now trying an additional drug with it called Lyrica 150 mg 2x a day. Now almost pain-free, only breakthrough pain occasionally. Before, life was not really anything to look forward to, just pain, pain, and more pain. I couldn't even sleep. Not so now with methadone."

8 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • August 8, 2009

"After suffering a back injury and having two surgeries, I have had chronic back pain for the last 10 years. I have used many narcotics to try to relieve the pain, including hydrocodone, Percocet, Vicodin, Demerol, morphine, Darvocet, and OxyContin. None of these worked for my pain, and I thought I would just have to live with it. Then I tried methadone. I could not believe the way I feel since changing to it. I have almost no pain anymore and can function relatively normally again with no side effects at all. I have been on the same dose for the last 6 years and don't foresee it changing anytime soon. Methadone is the best pain reliever there is, as far as I am concerned."

10 / 10
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  • Meth...
  • July 31, 2016

"Been a methadone nurse for 10+ years and have seen the good and bad. The good is it has helped a number of people with pain. And those who use it for pain tend to use it like their other prescribed meds. The bad comes mostly from those who use it for substance abuse treatment. Methadone is NOT a treatment of substance abuse, but a tool to aid in the treatment of substance abuse. It does not cure withdrawal, it stops withdrawal symptoms when at a therapeutic level. You will experience withdrawal symptoms when methadone is tapered or discontinued. Those using methadone for substance abuse tend to treat methadone in similar ways as a street drug. I have seen people lick the inside and outside of cup when dosing. And camp out in front of clinic"

5 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • September 2, 2011

"I am amazed at the effectiveness of methadone. I've spent the last three years in serious back pain due to a bad disc, which ultimately led to back surgery. We tried everything under the sun. I can't believe how good I feel... no ups and downs, no weird 'highs' (which I hated the most about pain medicines), and no more feeling like I'm losing my mind. I've never felt so strongly about posting a review before. I am ever grateful to the creators of this pain medicine."

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  • prknz
  • February 6, 2009

"I have been dealing with nerve pain left over from shingles about 3 years ago. The rash left, but the pain did not. I tried several different narcotic medications from a pain clinic, but I had to keep going to the ER for breakthrough pain. I got tired of this game and got hooked on narcotics: Dilaudid and fentanyl patches, to name a few. Then I was introduced to an acquaintance who was receiving methadone from a treatment center. I left the pain center (I was not happy with my treatment there) and started methadone, and my life has changed 100 percent. I like this medication because it takes care of the debilitating nerve pain and doesn't make me feel fuzzy and out of it, as the other medications did. I am a mother, and I can't be out of it."

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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • October 6, 2011

"I have dealt with back pain for the last 15 years. I have tried all of the traditional pain medications. Each one of them had their limited success, as well as their own side effects. Methadone is the only medication that has given me complete relief with only the occasional breakthrough or flare-up. The best part is I can function with a clear head and no high. This has to be one of the best solutions to date for my pain. I would highly recommend long-time sufferers of neuropathy as well as chronic back pain discuss methadone as a possible treatment with their care provider."

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  • starg...
  • August 30, 2009

Methadose (methadone) "Methadone is a lifesaver! I am a 42-year-old woman who has experienced severe migraines/headbangers since I was 15. My life was miserable. I could not function as a normal person. I could not laugh, stretch, yawn, or anything that made blood rush to my head. The pain only lasted for 3-5 minutes but made life difficult. I have tried all kinds of medicines, OTC drugs, and even Vicodin. About a year ago, I saw a doctor who asked me to try methadone as a preventative regimen. Well, after being on it for a while, my life changed! I can laugh, scream, yawn, and even stretch without suffering consequences. I will be on methadone as long as my doctor says I can't take it anymore! This is one miracle drug!"

10 / 10
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  • TheBl...
  • December 30, 2009

"I am a chronic pain sufferer with ankylosing spondylitis and Crohn's disease. AS and CD are certainly a blow to deal with, and I have tried the whole regime of pain medications and over-the-counter and herbal remedies as well. I am treating both the pain and the diarrhea that started when I had a bowel resection 12 years ago with any narcotic that will work. I have tried them all, as I mentioned. And the only reason I am posting here is that I am afraid that methadone, like many other drugs that are 'addictive,' may be a casualty of war in the 'Drug War.' It seems that any drug that gets attention, gets abused, gets laws placed against it, goes underground, and then gets removed from the pharmacist's shelf."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • October 18, 2011

"I had a severe parachute injury while in the military. I've had every type of pain pill, as well as all the therapy you can think of. This was the last hope. This has helped me be able to actually function and work daily. I wish I would have known beforehand this was what I needed. Highly recommended for pain."

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  • Tdogg
  • June 20, 2011

Methadose (methadone) "I have been taking methadone HCL 10 mg tablets for 10 years for chronic pain. I love this medication greatly, and yes, it's a lifesaver for sure. I had been on everything from Ultram to Oxy 80. I can tell you that this medication blows them all away. I started out on 3 a day for 8 years, and in the last 2 years, I have been on 4 a day. My pain is managed to about 96%. It seems to take a really long time for immunity to set in. This is the best pain medicine on the market."

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  • upsonj
  • May 4, 2008

"In '94 I fell at work, so the doctor wrote Lortab. Before I knew it, I was addicted, anything I could get my hands on. After years of this, my sister told me about methadone. In 10 years, I had my pain and addiction under control, graduated medical school, married a great man, and raised a beautiful daughter, it changed my life. But as we all know, there are 'idiots' out there who are stupid, freak out when they hear methadone. Methadone is a blessing. Now I'm down to 50 mg and decreasing, and feel GRRRReat."

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  • Lolly...
  • February 10, 2012

"I have chronic pancreatitis, and over the last 23 years, I've had multiple surgeries, 14 ERCPs with stents, pain blocks, pump trials, but methadone is the only thing that touches the pain. I've taken it for over 16 years, and my dosage has reached 200 mg/day (40 5/day) and MSIR 120 mg/day (30 4/day) for breakthrough pain. The side effects are constipation and especially the severe sweating and facial flushing. Every 2-3 years, I have to do something else when the dosage loses its effect. I've taken MSER, MS Contin, and Kadian. Of the three, only Kadian has come close to giving me enough relief. Even so, I go through terrible withdrawal (worse than the worst flu) when I go off methadone, but switching back is a breeze, even at a lower dosage."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 26, 2011

Methadone Diskets (methadone) "I have lupus and sciatica and have tried every pain medicine that is available. Methadone has changed my life. I am able to do way more than lay in the bed all day in pain. I am not pain-free, but it is tolerable for once, and that is a huge blessing!"

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  • justice
  • October 19, 2008

"I have suffered with chronic pelvic pain for five years. I had been on a variety of pain medicines with only minimal effect on my pain. My doctor at the pain clinic prescribed me methadone 5 mg, three times a day with Tylenol 4 for breakthrough pain. It greatly improved my condition and quality of life. Don't let the name scare you. Methadone provided me great relief from 24/7 pain."

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  • slamina
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 6, 2023

"I have been on Methadone/Methadose for 15 years for fibromyalgia and lumbar and cervical stenosis. The doctor started me at 20 mg. 3 times a day but I didn't like being on so much so I weaned down to 5 mg twice a day 10 years ago. Although I have worse pain now from spondolothesis and chronic sciatica in my right leg, I'm finding the low dose is still working. Sure, there are days I could take more but I just don't. It doesn't take all the different types of pain away but it's been a lifesaver for me. The side effects for me are a lack of motivation and some minor memory loss at times but nothing serious."

8 / 10
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  • juju
  • October 2, 2009

"This drug has changed my life. I never thought I could get my life back, but Methadone allowed me to. I can do everyday activities that I wasn't able to do before. I am able to focus on everything around me now instead of the pain. I have not had any bad side effects. The only thing that I noticed was when my dose is increased for the first 2 days, I am a little sleepier at the end of the day, but after those 2 days, I'm back to normal. It's so good to be able to say that now, I'm normal. This has been my miracle drug, the people who say bad things about this are the people that don't know anything about the drug."

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  • Smurf...
  • September 26, 2010

Dolophine (methadone) "Methadone is my lifesaver. I have had back pain associated with nerve damage. Degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, bursitis and some other minor/major problems here and there. I was taking ten to twelve Percocets a day. I heard about clinics that give doses of methadone daily. I went and now I'm happy to get my methadone daily. I take nothing else and couldn't be happier. Methadone works the best for pain and its long-acting and I take it for opiate addiction as well. I'm on 50 mg and it just works great."

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  • Saved...
  • September 4, 2011

"I was started on Vicodin, 6x a day, in 2003 for a traumatic lower spinal injury that never healed properly. Over the next 4 years, I ended up taking 2-3 Norco 6x a day, and that wasn't cutting it. I started suffering from radiculopathy, which is debilitating, and ended up seeing my pain management specialist once a week, getting 120 Norco and 30 100 mg MS Contin each visit, and having to go twice a week because the medicines weren't helping, for injections of Dilaudid 12 mg IM. After another 3 years passed, my doctor began to worry about my acetaminophen intake. He decided to put me on methadone, 25 mg 3x a day, and it saved me. I have breakthrough pain, but Norco helps to where I am pain-free 90% of the time!"

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  • svamosy
  • July 20, 2009

Dolophine (methadone) "Used lots of nonsteroidal drugs to fight back and leg pain. None of them seemed to work anymore. Doctor put me on Dolophine 20 mg 3x a day. It gave me my life back. I was at the point that I could not get out of bed in the morning."

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  • Rick...
  • June 26, 2010

"I have used 20mg 2x a day of methadone for over 5 years. Before that I used Lortab, Oxycontin, and morphine. My tolerance always increased with these drugs. Not so with methadone, have been on same dose for five years. I have my family and life back. Highly recommend this medicine for pain patients who are serious about controlling pain without the (high) side effects associated with traditional narcotics."

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  • Joey
  • November 4, 2008

"This is a great drug. I was self medicating with oxys, etc for a few years spending all the money I had. I decided it was time to stop all that and focus on my life. I got a doctor who perscribed methadone and it has changed my life. "

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  • Ahvam...
  • February 25, 2011

"I have been on most pain medications out there and seen more doctors since 2006. In 2007 my pain went from head to toes, I have been misdiagnosed and had more then my share of treatments and by then it was so painful to move I was planning to commit suicide when I had to start using a wheelchair due to my pain. Last week, my 3rd month into going to our local Pain Care clinic the doctor started me on 10mg of Methadone. I am up and walking, driving and living my life after all those years with my hub and family! My pain index went from a daily 10 down to a 3! The methadone works smoothly, no real side effects except I am up till late at night but that's because I am doing so many activities I stopped doing. Try it."

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  • Anonymous
  • April 20, 2009

Dolophine (methadone) "I have been taking methadone for about a year now. I was on Oxycontin for way to long and although the transition was a bit difficult but I made it through. I take between 3 and 5 10mg tabs a day and I do have relief from chronic back pain but I do feel as if I need more as it keeps feeling as if it gets less and less effective. Might have to up the dosage. "

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.