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Lialda User Reviews & Ratings

Lialda has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 100 reviews on 60% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 21% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Lialda

  • QuisU...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • November 4, 2017

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I was diagnosed with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis in 2008. I’ve been on all kinds of medication including Asacol, 6MP, Remicade, Humira, prednisone, amitriptyline, Lialda, and others. I also had surgery to remove my gallbladder due to stones - which I regret now since I don’t think it made any difference with the BMs and bleeding. I finally had good results with Lialda. I used to take 4 pills a day but managed to wean down to 2. I also realized that part of the healing process came from spiritual healing and mental attitude. The stress from a job played a major role in my flare-ups. Prayer helped me spiritually which, in turn, helped me with my mind, which then helped with my gut alongside Lialda and a less stressful job."

10 / 10
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85 Report
  • Made...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 19, 2019

For Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance "I’ve tried taking Lialda 1.2g several times in a 3-month time frame. It really seems to help with my ulcerative colitis. It improved my diarrhea (7/10) and stomach pain (8/10). It pretty much does its job of keeping me in remission. But every time I take this, my mood changes, my jaws and cheek hurt, I can’t speak properly, I can’t focus, and I just don’t feel like doing anything. At first, I thought it was all in my head (pigeon superstition). And so I experimented with it about 6 times, and it happened every single time. Even as I’m writing this, my jaws hurt, I can’t focus, don’t want to talk, and I’m avoiding doing my homework, and I have a 3-hour class to go to! Maybe I’m an exception to the common side effects. I think it’s worth writing this review just in case someone else has similar side effects."

3 / 10
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52 Report
  • Chad
  • September 9, 2014

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "My doctor switched me from Asacol HD to Lialda after I lost my insurance and needed a less expensive substitute. I was worried because I had grown accustomed to Asacol and did very well on that medicine. After a few days of adjusting to Lialda, with no real problems or side effects (just a little gas during the first 48 hours), I feel fantastic on Lialda. I've been on Lialda for about 5 months now and feel as good, if not better than I did on Asacol. I have fewer headaches than I did on Asacol and feel great with fewer stomach cramps. Best of all, for me or anyone who is on the go during the day, I now take one Lialda tablet, twice daily (once in the morning, once at night). This is compared to two Asacol tablets THREE times daily."

8 / 10
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84 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • mymya...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 12, 2014

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "Starting taking Lialda about a month and a half ago, and it took a couple of weeks to start working. As soon as it started working, I felt great - no more stomach pain, no more blood, no more diarrhea. Oh, finally something that helps take the pain away. I was shocked at how good it worked. But then I should have known it was too good to be true. About four weeks into it, my beautiful hair started falling out in clumps every time I washed it or even brushed it. I mean, it was a lot, every time I would cry. Also, the muscle aches were the worst. I would sit for maybe 10 minutes and go to get up and almost fall over because my legs almost gave out. Other than that, it works great for the pain, but I can't take the side effects, so I'm going to be switching medicines."

7 / 10
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74 Report
  • hotbo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 1, 2017

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "Developed UC after I stopped smoking about 10 years ago. Have tried everything, including Lialda and Canasa. The only thing that works for me is smoking cigarettes. I've also tried nicotine gum and patch and even e-cigs. Only real cigarettes work. I have to smoke about 5 per day. Symptoms go away after 1-2 weeks. Then I stop smoking. Sometimes the symptoms will come back after a month, sometimes 6. Hate smoking, but what's the alternative?"

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55 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • December 16, 2016

For Ulcerative Colitis "My husband died from taking Lialda. He had been taking it for 3 months, and it totally depleted his white blood cells. When he was admitted to the hospital, he was taken to ICU isolation on a Fri. and died Wed. Autopsy confirmed he died from the Lialda!"

4 / 10
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56 Report
  • Jenni...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 14, 2013

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I take two Lialda pills every morning (1.2gm). Lialda helped my stomach pains and bleeding tremendously! I recommend it to everyone! It took a good 2 months to really show a big difference, but I am so happy I finally found something that helps. It has taken me years to finally find something. Also, contact your doctor or Lialda because it's really expensive, but you can get their coupon card and only pay $10 a month."

10 / 10
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71 Report
  • no...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 19, 2015

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "Glad to say, I am no longer taking this product that really never worked anyway. Have no symptoms for 5 years, everyone said I would be taking prescription medication for life. I just changed my eating and drinking habits, and you too can win the battle. Good luck."

1 / 10
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59 Report
  • PCano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 16, 2020

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "In 2009, I developed pneumonitis, pericarditis, pancreatitis, and ARDS after 3 weeks on Lialda. My GI doc told me and the other docs on my case that I probably had swine flu and refused to consider Lialda as a possible culprit. The early-onset signs that you're reacting to this drug are that your colitis doesn't improve or gets worse. Having 0 experience (this was a first-line treatment upon my UC diagnosis), I trusted things would improve eventually, as the doctor told me to give it a month. But before that month was up, I was in ICU on full ventilation for 2 weeks and had a cup of bloody fluid drained off of my heart. A pulmonologist noted that my lungs looked like I’d 'inhaled pure lye' (which I hadn't). Another doctor on my case eventually intervened and gave me a megadose of steroids, which was the only thing that reversed my condition and imminent death. It was a very long, physically painful, and emotionally devastating recovery, something I never should have had to experience."

1 / 10
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36 Report
  • kbbaby
  • March 22, 2016

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "This drug almost killed me. I started during a flare-up in my 2nd trimester. My hair would fall out and kept reporting unexplained protein in my urine at every doc appointment. I lost 15 lbs during pregnancy and was determined high risk. 6 months post-term, I started to get severe chills to fever, couldn't eat, had full colitis symptoms. I was hospitalized with cardiac distress, severe anemia, and dehydration and stage 4 kidney failure caused by Lialda. Mayo Clinic detected that the protein in my urine was, in fact, a side effect from the Lialda. I was immediately taken off, and my creatinine and iron levels began to stabilize, and my hair stopped falling out."

1 / 10
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49 Report
  • Natur...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 17, 2017

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I was prescribed this med for mild UC. I discussed concerns with my doctor on starting a medication while nursing and without trying a natural approach to curing the symptoms first. He shared some patients had success using turmeric supplements to address inflammation of the sigmoid colon (lower intestine and bowel). After 2 weeks on the turmeric, my symptoms of urgency, cramping, and excessive frequency to 'go' subsided. After 3 weeks, I've been having normal bowel movements and no cramping. I am happy with the progress I've made on this natural remedy."

1 / 10
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42 Report
  • KeenK...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 20, 2015

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I have fairly severe ulcerative colitis, and after 4 months of feeling horrible, tired, bloody diarrhea with the constant urge to go and fear of eating and setting it off again, I was finally diagnosed and put on Lialda - 4 pills once a day. At first, it caused horrible gas and bloating and took about a week or so to help the symptoms at all, but after a few weeks, the symptoms were completely gone and the side effects went away as my body got used to the medication. Then, about 1 month into taking it, I developed horrible cystic acne all over my face, neck, chest, even in my nostrils and ears! My doctor cut the dose in half to 2 pills once a day and within a few days, my skin started to clear and heal. I have been on the lower dose for about a month with no problems!!"

9 / 10
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48 Report
  • ddive
  • February 6, 2011

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I had been in remission for 20 years and then had a flare-up like never before. I refuse to take any steroid-based medicines due to the side effects and advised my doctor of that. He started me on 4 pills of Lialda a day, and within 1 week, all of my symptoms were gone. I am now taking 2 pills a day and remain symptom-free with absolutely no side effects."

10 / 10
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60 Report
  • sick...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 8, 2017

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I was on Asacol for 10 years with no flare-ups and leading a normal life. Then, 2 years ago, my insurance (BCBS) stopped covering it. My doctor changed me to Lialda, and I have had nothing short of a continuous colitis hell flare-up for 2 years straight: 20 diarrheas a day. Stomach cramps, weight loss, explosive uncontrolled BM. My doctor refused to write a letter of medical necessity to my insurance company so I could get back on Asacol. So I was on continuous steroids, which caused diabetes. Finally, to the point of starting Humira, which caused E. coli, C. diff, norovirus. Recent hospitalization, during which I was able to get back on Asacol while in the hospital. Now discharged and unable to get Asacol approved for use outside of hospitalization."

1 / 10
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33 Report
  • In...
  • July 12, 2013

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I have ulcerative colitis and have been on Lialda for a few years, 4 pills per day. I am in remission. My biggest problem is urgency, and if I can conquer this problem, I would be so much better. I have no pain. I eat most foods but stay away from gassy foods such as beans. I found that when I eat popcorn, I have problems."

7 / 10
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43 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 17, 2011

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "What a remarkable medicine. I had battled with ulcerative colitis for quite a few years before I decided to finally go to a G.I. doctor. I am so glad I did because after my diagnosis I began Lialda, and it has been heaven-sent. I can now live a normal life, not 'fearful' of foods and how they may affect me later. I had quite a few other symptoms (cramping, moderate bleeding, etc.), and sure enough, they have all been relieved. I take 2 tablets twice a day and have had no side effects :) Or at least not any that I have noticed. I am relieved to know that my future looks brighter, because being in my younger 20s and dealing with this health issue wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing."

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Anony...
  • June 25, 2015

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I was diagnosed with left-sided UC in May of 2015. My GI prescribed 4.8 grams (4 pills in the a.m.) of Lialda, plus 1 Canasa suppository (1 gram) at night. The suppository was for 3 weeks only. Within 2 weeks, the bleeding stopped, and I no longer saw the remnants of the colon tissue erosions when I had a bowel movement. I stopped taking the Canasa after a week and a half because I think it was leading me towards diarrhea, and I felt slight rectal pain. There was no noticeable negative effect to me stopping the Canasa dose at that point. I continued to take the regular dosage of Lialda. I had some dizziness the first week or two, but that has since abated. I also noticed acne that I haven't had in many years. No issues with hair thinning."

8 / 10
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36 Report
  • Sugar
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 30, 2018

For Ulcerative Colitis "Lialda put me in remission for over 12 years. I never experienced any side effects, until a few months ago when Lialda almost killed me. It gave me pancreatitis. My lipase was at 10,000, the normal is 0 to 90. I am extremely lucky."

1 / 10
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26 Report
  • sir...
  • October 18, 2011

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I've been using Lialda on and off for about 2 years now. Used it daily when first prescribed until all ulcerative colitis symptoms went away. I mainly use it during flare-ups. My colitis began severely flaring up this past week, and since I started taking Lialda again, I notice reduction/elimination of blood in stool, less bowel movements, and more solid movements. I believe Lialda is extremely helpful, especially if taken as maintenance medication to prevent flare-ups... which is what I should start to do."

8 / 10
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46 Report
  • Lucky...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 26, 2020

For Ulcerative Colitis "I started taking Lialda in April 2015, 4 tablets a day for my ulcerative colitis. After being sick for many months and in and out of the emergency room I was ready for something that would help me get my life back. I was having diarrhea with blood multiple times a day along with abdominal pain and cramps and down to 106 pounds. Lialda started working almost instantly for me. Within a week I was no longer having any loose stools, blood, and my pain level was down 80%. I had some side effects such as headaches, chills, fatigue, and dizziness; a small price to pay for how much Lialda helped me and saved my life. I was able to slowly decrease my dose to 2 tablets a day, then 1, and now none. I gained weight and started to feel more like myself again. For me personally it was a great experience that was worth any side effects that eventually went away after my body was used to the medication. I would definitely recommend Lialda, maybe it can help you like it helped me."

9 / 10
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18 Report
  • Doing...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 5, 2017

For Crohn's Disease "Ok, not enough room on this review to put up my full history. So will be brief. :) So far, I tried Asacol and Humira, and both did nothing for me. Now I am on Lialda twice a day, 1.2 GM tablets. And these are working great. No cramps and limiting me now to about 2 - 3 bowel movements a day. And no bloody stools, unlike my past (10 years diagnosis). I have also changed my diet to a Mediterranean diet with little to no red meat. Mainly chicken and fish for my sources of protein. No deep-fried foods. And has worked out great. Also, for veggies/greens etc., skip out on any gas-producing veggies (broccoli and onions, for example). And taking vitamins/iron supplements daily to keep those well maintained."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • MAG
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 7, 2019

For Ulcerative Colitis "I have been taking Lialdia for 8 weeks. I fought getting started on a prescription as I prefer holistic approaches to healing, but there was way too much stress in my life to be able to focus on that. So I finally attempted a medication and am glad I did. It took about 4 weeks of using it daily. I take 4 tablets in am with food. After 3 to 4 weeks the bathroom frequency went from 6 to 8 visits per day to just in the morning. Since then I have gained 5 pounds so am thrilled about that as well. At first the only side effect was sinus related but that went away after a couple of weeks. The only thing I have since noticed is my hair more easily breaks when washing my hair but thinning hair for now sure beats 6 to 8 bathroom visits. It is still a journey to healing but trying to focus on reducing stress has helped a lot as well. I use a calm app and love it."

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • Beaner
  • April 24, 2014

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 8 years ago and, due to my financial situation, stopped taking any meds for the past 5 years. But recently, I went back to my GI, and after being reprimanded for my actions, I was put back on Lialda. It has been about 2 and a half months, and most of my symptoms have improved, though I am still having soreness/dull ache in my abdomen and urgency for the bathroom more than my GI thinks I should. A colonoscopy is scheduled in a few weeks to see what the condition of the colon is in, and I may have to add another medication. I would advise, even if you are feeling fine, do not stop taking your meds unless directed by your doctor. I have been told I will need to take meds for the rest of my life."

9 / 10
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37 Report
  • Mama
  • December 29, 2011

For Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance "I was prescribed Asacol, Apriso, had 3 sessions of Remicade, all with disappointing results. I have been using Lialda for about 21 months. I was in total remission until about 2 weeks ago, so I did really good for nearly a year. Then one hugely stressful incident caused a flare-up. I am working with my doctor to get back on track."

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • gtr
  • October 27, 2011

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "My doctor switched me from Asacol (which was working very well) to Lialda, and the results were horrible. When I started having bad flare-ups, my gastroenterologist had no clue what to do. She put me on Remicade for over 16 months with no results, and I was miserable. When I suggested that perhaps it was the Lialda that was causing the problems, she stated that that was 'not likely.' Well, after about two years of misery and being back on steroids, I switched doctors - a guy who came highly recommended. After a heart-to-heart consultation with him, he stated he had some patients who did not do well with Lialda and decided to take me off that medication immediately. Within three weeks, I was off steroids, back to using Asacol, and life is now okay."

1 / 10
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42 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.