Arava for Rheumatoid Arthritis User Reviews
Arava has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 30 reviews for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 30% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Arava
- Tin...
- March 6, 2014
"I've been on Arava for over 10 years now. At first (following the loading dose) I was taking 20 mg daily. I went from not being able to dress myself to being completely independent and relatively pain-free. I do have fibromyalgia, so there has been some muscle pain with that. I lost quite a bit of hair at first, but that stopped. After 7 or 8 years I asked my doctor if I could try to taper down. I went from 20 mg daily to 20 mg every other day. I have mild psoriasis, which flared when I cut back, but eventually it cleared up again. After a year, my doctor decreased it to 10 mg every other day. The psoriasis flared again, but is now gone, and I am maintaining at 10 mg every other day and doing well."
- Tri...
- January 14, 2017
"No way did this drug help me! What it did do was give me MS symptoms! Yes, I went totally blind off and on during the day and had debilitating headaches to where all I did was lay and cry! Warning, the doctor tells me I had MS. I say no, it's the drug! He says no and proceeds to send me to a neurologist. He examines me and says no, it's probably neuropathy! So here I go again being sent to yet another specialist! I was sent to an ophthalmologist, and he says no, your eyes are fine, it has to be MS! I then go back to the rheumatologist for him to say, yes, it's MS, don't stop the drug! I went out on my own gut and stopped the Arava and WHAT DO YOU KNOW--- MS SYMPTOMS DISAPPEARED ALMOST INSTANTLY! So please be aware these drugs will do more harm than good."
Frequently asked questions
- Gra...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 25, 2013
"I have been on Arava for 6 weeks and I also take 5mg of Prednisone. The medication has been extremely helpful in treating the swelling and soreness of the joints. I am now able to write, type, stir, laugh, and I feel generally so much improvement. It's like getting my life back after several months of severe pain, swelling, and stiffness."
- kri...
- January 24, 2013
"Was on Arava for a little over a year. The hair loss, pain from the hair loss, gastrointestinal problems, and the infections are just too much. My hair is so thin. I went to my doctor and had it stopped. I lost another 6 lbs in 2 months, and that is with the introduction of Ensure. I hope others have a better experience than what I did. I am 27 years old, and every day I felt life leaving me little by little."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Tan...
- January 31, 2020
"I have dealt with severe RA for going on 16 years and just recently within 6 months was put on Arava. For me, this has been a miracle drug. I feel I’m in full remission. So my treatment is Enbrel, Arava, and Prednisone. If you are healthy other than having RA, give Arava a try!! God Bless All of You who deal with this Monster called Rheumatoid Arthritis."
- cho...
- December 31, 2012
"I started taking Arava in Sep. 2012. Two months ago I noticed my hair was falling out in the shower, and now in December my hair is so thin you can see my scalp. I also have to blow my nose at least twenty times a day. And now I am getting sores in my mouth. I am not sure if I want to stay on it."
- Gam...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- July 13, 2019
"I have been on Arava for over 15 years with no problems. Instead, it has been a gift from heaven. For a year, I tried many meds to no avail. Then - Arava! It was a miracle. My joint inflammation went way down, and pain much relieved. I am sorry for those who cannot take it. They talk about trying something different, and I say “no”. I'm sticking with Arava as long as it works."
- jen...
- March 17, 2015
"I was unable to move around, very stiff and sore. It was so bad I was considering using a cane to get around. Arava 20mg has put an end to all of my aches and pains, so very grateful. But, my BP is now elevated (I'm addressing this with my PCP)."
- Anonymous
- June 3, 2009
"I took Arava for about one year. It worked fabulously for the rheumatoid arthritis. I was even going to aerobics and kickboxing. However, my hair started to fall out and I ended up with no eyebrows. Needless to say, I stopped taking it and my rheumatoid arthritis has not been good ever since. My hair grew back but in some spots it did not. I still have some bald spots in my eyebrows. I was not very happy about that as I am only 35."
- Rud...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 22, 2016
"Had virtually no pain or swelling anymore. Used in combination with Humira. Had to come off, unfortunately, due to gut and intestinal issues getting severe. Did help my RA more than any other medication so far, but too many gut issues."
- jan...
- January 16, 2011
"Arava worked great for me for about 2 1/2 months. My pain and stiffness were much, much improved. Unfortunately, I developed a severe rash and had to stop the medication to remove it from my system as quickly as possible. If it had not been for the rash, I would still be taking it."
- Apr...
- January 15, 2014
"I have been on Arava for approximately 2 months, prior to that I had Rituxan Infusion Therapy and was currently on 20 mg of prednisone. I had started to reduce the prednisone when I was down to 5 mg and off, I started to have a burning in my mouth and tongue. I checked with the pharmacy, and it is a known side effect for lesions and issues within the mouth. I am hoping that there is something else that I can take, as this past year my rheumatoid arthritis has been full-blown out of control. I at least can now type and manage to button my clothes and tie my shoes. I can only hope."
- Anonymous
- March 9, 2010
"I took Arava for about 8 months. It gave me a new lease on life to the point I was having no symptoms, pain, or stiffness. I had to stop the medication because of Valley Fever. I want to get the message out to anyone living in a high-risk state for 'Valley Fever' - be very aware and see your provider if you have any symptoms. I only had a persistent cough. Had a chest X-ray done and was found to have a very large lung nodule that ended up being a 'Valley Fever' abscess."
- gra...
- January 29, 2010
"I have taken Arava for over 10 years and have had good results. I have RA and I have stopped taking it because of surgery and because of a chronic infection but always go back. I have many allergies and most of the other meds for RA have caused bad reactions."
- For...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 20, 2021
"My mother took this drug, Arava, and it completely changed her personality, it damaged her liver while already being in stage 3 kidney failure from 42 plus years of being on medications for RA. She had weakness, shortness of breath, liver failure, and a lot of other issues. Took her to the ER, she was admitted, and 10 days later she died. The medication caused her liver to fail, was bad for her immune system, and made her susceptible to an infection. She got sepsis while at the hospital and died. I honestly blame this medication for her death, she was on it for 18 months, and it made everything worse."
- Srs...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- March 13, 2020
"Arava has been brilliant for my RA. I've been on it for 1 1/2 years. Previously, I was on methotrexate 27 mg a week for severe arthritis for 8.7 years, which I came off as I found it hard to breathe. Only side effects I've had are tiredness, which I can live with, but none of the other side effects."
- fra...
- April 7, 2009
"I have been on Arava for 1 month. So far, hardly any side effects. It has improved the quality of my life in that I am not experiencing any pain. I will continue to monitor any side effects over the next few months."
- PK ...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 25, 2019
"Taking Arava for about 3 weeks for RA, it gave me a bad headache. My head hurt really badly, and my neck, I couldn't turn my head. My hands got very weak, it felt like I had sprained them. My finger joints were inflamed, and there was burning pain, and ALL my joints hurt worse. I stopped using it, and the headache, neck, and hand pain got better."
- Evi...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 12, 2017
"I'm posting this for my mother, who is not able to type like she once did as a result of this medication. Methotrexate was also a difficult med, which caused confusion, depression, loss of balance, hair loss, and an INCREASE in joint pain. Arava had similar effects, but instead of 5 weeks as with Methotrexate, she was only able to tolerate 3 days of Arava! (at 1/2 dose per rheumy recommendation). She had symptoms very much like a stroke the evening of the third day - unable to speak more than a word or two, not to mention absolute terror as well as the effects listed above. For anyone keeping track: she waited a full 2 weeks between stopping Methotrexate and trying the Arava. After 5 weeks now, she's ALMOST back to normal. Beware!"
- Anonymous
- May 31, 2009
"I've been taking Arava for 12 months or so now. It worked in the early days but now, I have quite severe pain and am looking at starting to take Infliximab alongside the Arava. With regards to side effects, none apart from the persistent, annoying tickly cough, which I've had now for about 7 months."
- Anonymous
- December 16, 2021
"Caused stomach upset, worse the first two weeks and then slowly subsided. It really did help with pain. However, I was only on it for about two months and lost a substantial amount of hair. As a middle-aged woman, thinning hair is another issue to deal with as you face all the challenges of aging, and this was really a disappointment because I’m questioning if my hair will grow back now that I’ve stopped the medication. It also gave me mouth sores and some acne, which otherwise I have always had clear skin. Pain relief vs. hair? It’s awful that we have to find out if that will be the effect the drug will have on each individual, for its effects are different for all. But personally, I can’t handle this amount of hair loss, maybe a little hair loss I could have tolerated, but not at this level."
- Mic...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 9, 2021
"I had taken medication for approximately 10 days. A week into it, I experienced severe weakness, high blood pressure, dizziness, and numbness/tingling to the right side of my face. After a few hours, it passed. Then, 5 days later, my BP was stroke-high, I couldn't walk, and my head felt like it was going to pop. I was hospitalized for symptoms. They said it's just a migraine! Not!!! Finally, the doctor listened and gave me medication to get it out of my system."
- Kri...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 26, 2018
"One year on Arava so far. Has greatly improved joint pain. The side effects I have noticed are some skin lesions, thinning eyebrows, migraine headache increase, and elevated liver enzymes. It has given me back movement, which is important for overall health. I will take the side effects compared to ruined joints for now. I did have liver enzymes normal a week after steroid shop for a bad headache. I would think the medication could reduce swelling in the liver."
- roc...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 29, 2020
"Have been using Arava and Methotrexate for many years now for RA. I take a folic acid tablet with it, it has been very helpful, and I have had no side effects. I seem to have had a flare-up recently and am not sure if it was from moving and doing a lot of the packing and unpacking. Trying Prednisone now to see if it helps with the pain. If not, my doctor wants to try Xeljanz XR. Not sure I want that, anyone out there with any help?"
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"My mom was diagnosed with RA in the spring of 2007 and experienced pulmonary fibrosis as a part of this disease. Arava was prescribed to treat her RA. Rather than minimize the symptoms of her disease, the Arava ignited the lung disease and she experienced what the doctors referred to as BOOP (Bronchial Obliterated Obstructive Pneumonia.) She lived three weeks from the time of diagnosis to her death. Please know that ARAVA can be a seriously dangerous drug for some people."