Plaquenil User Reviews & Ratings
Plaquenil has an average rating of 6.8 out of 10 from a total of 116 reviews on 52% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Rheumatoid Arthritis | 72 reviews for Rheumatoid Arthritis | 375 medications | |
Lupus | 35 reviews for Lupus | 53 medications | |
Dermatomyositis | 5 reviews for Dermatomyositis | 16 medications | |
Lyme Disease, Arthritis | 4 reviews for Lyme Disease, Arthritis | 36 medications |
Reviews for Plaquenil
- Hot...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- May 20, 2020
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I am a 76-year-old female with Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 40 years. I have been on Plaquenil for about 30 years, which has controlled pain and swelling of joints. X-rays have shown a decrease in joint destruction. I have multiple drug reactions but have had none with Plaquenil. I do have an occasional flare in rainy, cold weather, which is gone in about 2 days with an anti-inflammatory. I see my ophthalmologist once a year for an extensive eye exam. To date, no problem. Very, very pleased with Plaquenil and love my Rheumatologist."
- Mik...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 4, 2019
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "It started as Palindromic Arthritis, then progressed to full-fledged RA with frequent flares attacking my shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and even my jaw. Most attacks would severely limit my physical abilities. The doctor suggested Humira, I was a little reluctant - too many side effects to think about. She said we could try Plaquenil - a milder drug. I was told it takes two months before patients feel any improvement, it took a little less for the drug to kick in. Now, it's been a year - I have no flares, no pain, and no side effects I can think of. I take one pill in the morning and one in the evening. This drug works well for me."
Frequently asked questions
- An Update: Is hydroxychloroquine effective for COVID-19?
- Common FAQs for Lupus Treatment
- Does hydroxychloroquine cause emotional lability?
- Ace...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- May 14, 2019
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I was taking the generic form of Plaquenil for over 10 years for rheumatoid arthritis. It took a few weeks to see it work, but what a change for the better. Less painful joints and fatigue. Always have gotten retina checked and have been good. Then I started getting debilitating migraines. I went off my meds one by one and the generic was to blame. My pharmacy switched to another foreign cheap manufacturing co. My doctor told me many generics change their fillers which cause side effects. Since I’ve been off, I have declined rapidly. I’m trying to find assistance for the original brand. It’s outrageous that we are forced to get generics! Especially if a person has a reaction, we should be able to get the brand at the same or reasonable prices, which they are not. This drug was so helpful for me and it's worth a try, give it 2-6 months. Good luck!"
- Dau...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 21, 2012
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "My 19-year-old daughter was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis this past year. Her inflammation markers were off the charts. She took meloxicam for a couple of months, but it really hurt her stomach to where she couldn't eat. They put her on Plaquenil about 6 months ago and she is doing great. Recently had blood work and her inflammation is almost all gone. No side effects for her. I hope this medicine can help other people."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Dar...
- June 6, 2017
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Haven't taken this. Just wanted to read some feedback. I was on methotrexate, but stopped because it gave me chills, fatigue, and shortness of breath. I even fainted at work. The doctor suggested Plaquenil as a possible alternative, but after reading some of the comments, I don't think so. This is really frustrating and sad. The FDA should NOT be approving these crappy drugs which can cause worse problems than the one you have. I honestly don't know what to do, let the RA turn me into a cripple or take my chances with one of these death drugs?"
- lwi...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- May 2, 2013
For Sjogren's Syndrome "Before Plaquenil, I would be in bed for days at a time, unable to move, excessive pain, ice cold, migraines, the whole gamut. My body felt ancient. At first, the rheumatologist thought I had leukemia, then Lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, and finally, biopsies started giving us a more refined treatment plan. With this medicine, I am in much less pain. I can walk for an hour at a time. I can shop for groceries again. I feel like I have a life again. I have had brief periods, never more than a month without it, and I know that life without the benefit of Plaquenil is no life at all. Yes, I have to see the retina specialist but in all this time, my eyes are fine. Don't hesitate to try it even though new treatments can be scary!"
- Kat...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 3, 2017
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I began taking Plaquenil for RA 1 month ago. Despite information from my doctor that it would be at least 3 months before I see an appreciable effect, I am feeling better than I have in the last year. Prior to Plaquenil, I tried Mobic & Medrol, both with limited improvement. But over the last few weeks I have been able to play basketball with my son again, move without thinking or a 'warm up period', return to the gym, begin Pilates & I've lost 12 pounds! I did have some GI upset over the last month, but nothing I would consider stopping this medication for. I am able to enjoy things again & live life without discomfort."
- Anonymous
- November 10, 2019
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Been on Plaquenil for 30 years for rheumatoid arthritis. I don’t know if I have side effects from this drug as they are intermittent. Itching - weird times, not consistent. Eye watering - constant. Headaches - hormonal, RA related. Always had thin hair - never fell out. No stomach issues ever. Get eyes checked 1x a year. My eye doctor puts me through an hour+ battery of tests (4?) and takes a picture of my eye every year (cool machine, don’t have to dilate). Blood work every three months to monitor kidneys. Starting to wonder if I need to increase because my shoulders are starting to lose range of motion and had bursitis a few weeks ago. Or maybe I need to increase prednisone (also 30 years - 5 mg once a day). Been off the anti-inflammatory diet though, will get back on it, too. Starting the gym on Tuesday. Stay healthy folks!"
- She...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 3, 2017
For Lupus "I've been taking this medicine for 4 days. I have not experienced any negative side effects yet. No nausea or jittery feelings like others I've read about. Since starting this medicine, I've noticed I've slept like a rock. No waking up at all and no problems falling asleep. I just felt I should share this observation since I was terrified to start after reading all these horror stories. Not everyone is negatively affected."
- Enz...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 15, 2018
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Well I posted once before, figured I would give another update for anyone who cares. It's been around 2 years now and I'm glad to say all side effects are long gone. So is my pain for the most part. Sometimes I forget I was even diagnosed with RA (Palindromic Rheumatism). Every once in a while I will have a flare, my last one was in October of last year 2017, it is now February 2018 and still flare-free. I've been seeing gaps of 6+ months without any pain. You can see why it's easy to forget lol. Again, this drug is worth it. It seems almost like a dream waking up and not being able to move, a horrible dream."
- gee...
- September 5, 2016
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I've been on this drug since 2003. Before meds, I was so sick with RA symptoms. Spent 19 hours a day in bed, couldn't dress or bathe myself. Seldom ate. Doctor put me on 200 mg Plaquenil twice daily and 10 mg prednisone, and I got my life back. I've since dropped prednisone and am down to 200 mg once daily Plaquenil. About to go on the generic form of Plaquenil. A little concerned. Is the quality the same? My specialist said no. RA drugs are so scary. I've had friends die on biologics - and some go blind. My advice as Geezergirl. When you find out what works for you, hold on tight to it."
- che...
- October 5, 2014
For Lupus "I am a RN and have been diagnosed with undifferentiated connective tissue disorder. I was initially very hesitant to start medication due to the side effects. I have been on the medicine for three years. I have had increased joint mobility and decreased swelling. I do have my eyes examined every six months. Glad I weighed my options and gave it a try."
- Ric...
- April 13, 2017
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Love this drug, compared to the others. I am 55 now, and first took it 30 years ago. My RA then came on lightning fast, nodules and all. I went from totally normal to almost wheelchair in weeks. The weight of a bed sheet on my toes was too much. Two Plaquenil a day and 2400 mg of ibuprofen a day (that's 12 regular doses!) and I went into total remission. Of course, my stomach is crap now. After 25 years of remission, the RA returned. Different now that I'm older (55), more subtle. Chose Plaquenil again, and working wonders, but for my permanent damage. Get your eyes checked, a must. Some hair will fall out, but hey, I'm glad I still have some to fall out. WEIRD dreams. Irritability. Will lose weight! TAKE WITH FOOD to avoid cramps."
- Kit...
- March 26, 2017
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I've been on Plaquenil for over 3 months now. It works wonderfully! I combine my treatment with Curcumin & Magnesium baths and I feel like a new woman :-) Side effects I experienced: Nausea & dizziness for the first week or two (I found I needed to take it after a full meal to prevent the nausea). I have also noticed since starting the Plaquenil I seem to sweat profusely. It's annoying, but the benefits far outweigh this little problem. I just wear my gym gear about now... which I did mostly beforehand anyhow :-) Also, it take take a couple months for the Plaquenil to kick in & for me to feel the effects! Don't give up, just give it some time."
- Ohs...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 16, 2014
For Sjogren's Syndrome "I was diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome 3 months ago. I also have rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto's. My rheumatologist prescribed Plaquenil in hopes to control all 3 conditions. I would say that Plaquenil has basically given me my life back. I suffer from debilitating joint pain, fatigue, brain fog, and extreme anxiety. I had to quit working because as a high school teacher, brain fog and anxiety are probably 2 of the worst things you should be dealing with when dealing with teenagers. I would give Plaquenil a 10, but I haven't been on it long enough to see the full effects. I continue to have more energy every day, I'm back to walking as exercise again, and my joint pain is very well controlled."
- cjg...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- October 27, 2015
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "This medication did wonders for my soreness and pain from rheumatoid arthritis, but if someone would have told me I would have devastating and irreversible eye damage due to taking it, I would have chosen a different drug for sure (at least after the 5-7 year mark when it is known to cause major problems that will be with you for life!)"
- The...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 2, 2013
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I was told that I have rheumatoid arthritis a few months back. I have been on Plaquenil now for almost 2 months. It has helped with the pain in my hands and feet. I still have swollen fingers but am waiting for the full effects of the drug. I do not know how common this is, but the side effect that I am having is hair loss. I am guessing it wouldn't be as bad if I was a male, but being a female, I am hoping this stops after my body gets used to the medicine because I am very discouraged with that aspect."
- Ash...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 15, 2020
For Lupus "I've been taking Plaquenil for 6 days now, and I already notice a difference in my SLE. I almost feel normal. Before, I struggled with fatigue and pain. Since it's a mild stimulant, it helps with my energy, and my body is feeling so much better. I can't wait for a month to be up to see the results more clearly. I'll update then."
- pjt...
- September 11, 2011
For Sjogren's Syndrome "This medicine has changed my life. I'm a nurse with primary Sjogren's Syndrome. It took 10 years for a diagnosis and another 10 years for a rheumatologist to prescribe Plaquenil. I have never felt so good. Minimal joint pain, lots of energy, able to sleep at night, what could be better! I was able to complete an eye exam for the first time in 9 years. I'm enjoying life pain-free and with energy!"
- Enz...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 25, 2016
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I started on Plaquenil for RA about two months ago so my experiences are fresh. I'm a large male at 6'2, 250 lbs, 30 years old. When I was diagnosed with RA, I didn't know what to expect. I was quickly referred to a rheumatologist who recommended this drug. The first three weeks I was having some side effects - nosebleeds and ringing in my ears. But after the fourth week, they just disappeared, as well as the excruciating pain in my feet, knees, and hands. It just vanished like it never happened. I'm optimistic about now my third month as it has now been three months since my last flare-up. It was too late for my feet, which now have permanent damage, but I can now walk and wear shoes almost perfectly normally."
- Lar...
- June 11, 2015
For Lupus "I first went on Plaquenil in 2004, due to unbearable finger and wrist joint pain for 5 months, which was diagnosed as Lupus (after a sky-high ANA test and some other tests and diagnoses). I was told it would take 3-ish weeks to kick in, and it did, right on schedule. Almost overnight, I went from not able to hold a soda can or open a door to being 100% pain-free. I was on Plaquenil for 4 years, during which time I was in complete remission, so in 2008 I discontinued it. In 2015, Lupus reared its ugly head again, this time with Pleurisy. Got back on Plaquenil and after the requisite waiting time, it got the problem under control (not 100%; maybe 50%). I love Plaquenil but my advice to others is to be very patient and give it time to work."
- osb...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 29, 2014
For Lupus "I would recommend this to anyone. I was put on Plaquenil in April of 2012 for Lupus symptoms, constant pain (mostly in my legs), extreme fatigue, and overall ill feeling. Within 2 months of taking Plaquenil, the pain and fatigue had subsided, not completely but has greatly improved over the last year and a half, and my health and immune system have also improved. I went from being sick all the time to very rarely sick. It has been a godsend for me. I wouldn't advise taking the medicine on an empty stomach, it will make you sick and nauseous all day long."
- che...
- July 9, 2015
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I had very bad experiences with this medication. I now have permanent toxicity in my system and I also developed medically induced cataracts from this medication. Even though I have stopped taking the medication, it will continue to try and rob me of my sight. My eyes are always swollen, running, and very painful. Every morning when I rise, I look like a monster with my face full of fluid input all around my eyes, like little sacks of fluid. Is there help out there? I would like some and I would like to know if there's a manufacturer lawsuit for this medication. The information for this medication does not tell you about the damage that it does. Now they are warning doctors to let patients know about this medication and the bad side effects, and let them decide if they want to take it."
- Hol...
- November 13, 2018
For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I've been on a roller coaster for years with Plaquenil for RA/Lupus. I take the name brand to prevent side effects of red, warm, swollen, painful hands, nausea, dizziness, hair loss, etc. Each time I try going back to generic, side effects return immediately. I'm not one to comment but I read so many reviews that sounded like either my ups or downs, so I want to encourage people to stick with this med and try the name brand (though expensive) if having bad side effects with generic. It could explain why some people have such opposite experiences. I get Plaquenil from an international pharmacy and it's much cheaper. It works better than biologics that contributed to or sped up the process leading to my cancer. I'm now 'cancer-free' and refuse to go back on them. I might have to get my vision checked and deal with other mild side effects, but pain and swelling are gone on Plaquenil. Anyway, please hang in there and give your body enough time to adjust to the med before stopping it. It's a risk versus reward scenario with meds."
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- Drug class: antimalarial quinolines
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For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been on Plaquenil since 1996 when I was diagnosed with RA. When I was diagnosed, I was in severe pain, unable to hold my infant child or drive. My rheumatologist injected me with steroids to get me immediate relief and started me on Plaquenil. I don't remember my initial dosage, but I take 200mg once per day and have been in remission since 1996, and I have had no side effects that I am aware of. I have regular eye exams and periodic screenings by a retinologist, and my eyes have had no issues at all."