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Gabapentin for Hot Flashes User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Neurontin, Gralise, Fanatrex, Gabarone

Gabapentin has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 110 reviews for the off-label treatment of Hot Flashes. 87% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Gabapentin

  • Jerri...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 29, 2015

"I was having bad hot flashes, and I was taking estrogen. It helps, but not much. I did some research, hot flashes are neurological, that's why they work so well! I'm so happy with how they work for me. I hope all women can be helped by this medicine. I don't take that new medicine called Brisdelle, it's basically just an 8 mg Paxil. Neurontin helps with my pain and anxiety also. Do research, you'll be surprised what meds could help besides estrogen."

10 / 10
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57 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 1, 2020

"I had knee replacement surgery 2 weeks ago and was issued gabapentin, 3 times daily for 8 days post-op as part of pain management. I am 60 and tortured by nighttime hot flushes, BUT the first thing I noticed after my op was that my flushes had suddenly stopped! I had the best night's sleep in years, and this carried on while on gabapentin. The course finished now and hot flushes are back! Can I ask for gabapentin solely to stop flushes? I live in Ireland?"

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33 Report
  • Over...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 4, 2024

"I started taking gabapentin 300 mg at bedtime about 3 months ago, and I immediately (as in the very first night) had almost 100% elimination of the hot flashes and sweats that had tormented me for a couple of years up to that point. It worked so well, I almost couldn't believe it. Made the mistake of letting my refills run out last week and didn't take it for a couple of nights, and the hot flashes returned with a vengeance. I was completely miserable, exactly like I was before I started the medication. Got my refill yesterday and slept like a baby last night. If you are suffering with horrible hot flashes and/or night sweats, it's definitely worth a try."

10 / 10
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1 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • bwolk...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 25, 2015

"I started taking gabapentin two weeks ago. My doctor prescribed it for my hot flashes and night sweats. I was averaging two to three hot flashes an hour and terrible night sweats every night. It was very debilitating and overwhelming. Since starting the gabapentin, the night sweats have vanished altogether, and I average two hot flashes a day! It's a lifesaver for me. I take three 300 mg pills per day, one in the morning, one after dinner, and one before bed."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Tylalla
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 20, 2015

"I was prescribed Neurontin to treat neuropathy caused by chemotherapy. The chemo had also caused menopause, and that was accompanied by numerous and horrible hot flashes and night sweats. I honestly felt like I was going to spontaneously combust. While on the Neurontin, the hot flashes were reduced, but I did not make a connection to the med, and when I was taken off of it (because it wasn't effective for my neuropathy), the hot flashes returned with a vengeance. While searching online for alternative remedies for hot flashes (I can't take HRT due to cancer), I learned that Neurontin was effective, and I made the connection from my previous use of the med. I went back on it (300mg x 3), and the hot flashes are under control again."

9 / 10
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53 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Impra...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 11, 2016

"After surgical menopause kicked in, I experienced severe and debilitating hot flashes. Upon speaking to my PCM, I was prescribed gabapentin. I took it at night, so I had a restful night's sleep. I no longer had the hot flashes during the day either, so happy! However, I saw my GYN to discuss other possibilities; estrodial was the choice at that time. Unfortunately, the hot flashes started back up as soon as I stopped taking the gabapentin. I tried to stay with the hormone, but after a month of sleepless nights and severe hot flashes, I gave up! My choice most definitely is the gabapentin, no question about it!!!!"

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • do50
  • June 12, 2016

"I have been taking a low dose of gabapentin, 100 mg for a week. Changed my life. I had ablation done 6 years ago. I was grateful, but... hot flashes overwhelming... I am so grateful!!! Waking up the first morning rested, dry, no hot flashes all day!! In a week, no side effects. I am sleeping good, dry, it's awesome. I actually was cold from A/C. Anyone suffering, ask your doc... I noticed my foot pain has diminished. I'm ready to go dancing and work up a happy sweat!!!!"

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Repea...
  • November 3, 2014

"I was prescribed 100 mg x 3 Gabapentin, increased to 300 mg x 3. Worked a little on sweating, but after a few months, I noticed I had gained weight. Soon, it was spiraling out of control, and before I knew it, I had gained almost 20 lbs! Discontinued use (I had no withdrawal). Went back to my normal size in a few weeks and tried to take the Gabapentin again. Seemed okay at first, then the weight came back again. I am also on Amitriptyline, which I saw someone mention earlier. Also had dizziness and difficulty urinating. Nothing is worth the weight gain."

2 / 10
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54 Report
  • Night...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 25, 2017

"Continuous hot flashes at least one an hour during the day and at least 5 to 6 during the night, waking me up, over the last year. Was required to stop estrogen patch after breast cancer scare one year ago, and cold turkey on the hormones sent hot flashes, sleeplessness, and irritability off the charts. Gabapentin was prescribed and was an immediate success at stopping the night sweats and hot flashes. I took it at night and it worked wonders... I finally switched to a PPO insurance plan so I could choose my own OBGYN. (Was previously on an HMO and no doctors would provide any help or relief from hormone issues.) Gabapentin stopped hot flashes and insomnia within 2 days."

10 / 10
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39 Report
  • sprocks
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2019

"Started on this last weekend as I've been majorly struggling with daytime hot flushes and night sweats. Could not believe the result after just two doses. I'm only on 100 mg tablets and can take between 1 and 3 a day. Because of the drowsiness side effect, I've chosen to only take them in the evening. I took one at 7 and another at 9:30 and went to bed at 10:30/11. Woke up at 9:30 the next day. Didn't wake up ONCE with hot flushes and slept all the way through. It's a miracle! LOL. I woke up feeling amazing and so well refreshed. My only advice would be to be careful with your timing, as I took it late last night after coming back from the cinema, and I'm feeling really sleepy today. But - so far, so good. No hot flushes since starting the drug and really good sleep."

8 / 10
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31 Report
  • Itsara
  • May 6, 2016

"After a tussle with breast cancer, I was prescribed tamoxifen and immediately started with the hot flushes. I was waking at least every hour at night and gradually turning into a sleep-deprived wreck when I went to see the doctor. Initially, she prescribed clonidine, but that did virtually nothing. She then tried to give me fluoxetine, but I read that you should not take that with tamoxifen, so she changed it to gabapentin. From the first dose, I got relief. I still get the flushes, but they are more like gentle warming events than the full-on sweating nightmares of before. It has changed my life. I wish this was more widely known, as the change in the quality of life is so extreme."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Muse
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 6, 2019

"As little as 300 mg, 3 times a day, or less times a day (like whenever you find yourself sweating, take 300 mg) will absolutely STOP hot flashes and/or menopausal/post-menopausal sweats/flushing. It also helps reduce side effects of opiate withdrawal, if your doctor also prescribed them to help; this actually exacerbates the problem. Remember you’ll need to wean off the gabapentin once you find yourself free and clear of other problems. Per my pharmacist, that is 25%, every 14 days; keep a mini spiral pad in your purse, with four columns: Date: Time: Amount: Symptoms: Reduce by 1/4 every 15 days, except if you have hot flashes/sweats due to menopause. In that case, you may have to wean off and then decide if you can handle the hot flashes/sweats. If not, restart gabapentin at 300 mg whenever you feel sweats. Maintain it till you find you can withdraw without sweats returning (I’m 57 and still am having post-menopausal sweats without gabapentin)."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • gatweet
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 31, 2015

"I've been literally suffering from hot flashes and night sweats for months now. Estroven worked for a minute, but they soon returned and appeared angry for my trying to get rid of them, lol; they were even more severe. I began taking gabapentin 300 mg for something else and noticed the diminishing of the hot flashes. At first, I didn't make the connection. I couldn't wait for the time to take one to have more of the drug in my system. Joking aside, I feel like a renewed person after just 4 days of taking them, so yes, I'm a little giddy. :) I did feel a little light-headed after the very first pill, but not since then. I have also experienced no other side effects, so I'm just so grateful to feel normal again. It's been awful, especially in public."

9 / 10
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  • Brandy
  • February 26, 2016

"This has been a game changer for me. You are told by so many women the horror stories of menopause, but until you go through it, you don't really understand how bad it can get. The FDA has approved gabapentin to help control the signs and symptoms of menopause, and it does just that. I have not experienced any negative side effects from the gabapentin; please note that the recommended dosage is 300 mg, and I have been able to control my side effects with 200 mg. If you are suffering from the side effects of menopause, I would highly suggest that you ask your doctor if this is a drug that you would be eligible to take, taking into consideration any other conditions you have or medications you are taking."

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • KBCisme
  • August 23, 2017

"I was having severe hot flashes (about every hour) and night sweats and couldn't take hormones and most treatments because of my blood-clotting condition (Factor V Leiden). I even tried acupuncture (which did help for a while) and compounds and everything. Anyway, a new doctor I saw at my doctor's office wanted me to try a low dose of gabapentin (100 mg 1x daily at night)... so I did. It didn't take long to completely stop the hot flashes. I only took it for a while and they pretty much stayed away for years. If and when they flare up again, I take the gaba again and they're gone. From what I've been reading, my dosage is extremely low, but hey... it worked for me. Oh... and I was originally prescribed this about 10 years ago."

10 / 10
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37 Report
  • Carole
  • January 16, 2016

"I have been having hot flushes day and night for 16 years, 1 every 2 hours. I live in Spain and cannot sit in the sun, as when I get a hot flush, I nearly pass out. Then I found out about Gabapentin from researching. OMG, what a transformed person I am!! I take 300 mg twice a day. I am so happy they have disappeared. A big whoopee from me."

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  • Martha...
  • April 30, 2018

"After loving my hormones for hot flashes, I had a little bout with breast cancer last year - very small, low risk, surgery and radiation only. I was very fortunate - so I am dealing with the 5-10 year estrogen-reducing meds and with them. HOT FLASHES TO THE MAX. They came about every 30 minutes, wasn't sleeping, falling asleep on my commute. You know the routine. Was finally prescribed Gabapentin - IT IS A MIRACLE. I have maybe five flashes per DAY and they are definitely less severe. I can live with them. Had a little dizziness and headaches the first week, but they are gone and the Gabapentin started working almost immediately. I wish I had been prescribed this drug when I was complaining to my OB-GYN about hot flashes years ago. BUT, no sense in regretting the past, just enjoying the NOW and looking forward to the future! I am so thankful my oncologist reads up on all the latest alternative uses for medications - I am happy with this new (new to me) alternative."

9 / 10
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34 Report
  • Ernes...
  • June 5, 2015

"Gabapentin has been great for reducing my hot flashes! I was prescribed this medication after chemotherapy for nerve pain. It stopped the nerve pain in my hands and feet. It also helped with restless leg syndrome."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Mae...
  • March 20, 2016

"I am in my 6th year of severe hot flashes. I had at least 20 during the day and one every 15 minutes at night. I couldn't take estrogen because of the risk of stroke. I tried herbal remedies, Paxil, and Lexapro. While on Lexapro, I had anxiety attacks and severe depression for 3 months, being on Lexapro for 2 weeks. It messed with my brain. I regret taking that and was very frustrated that nothing could help with hot flashes. I did some searching on Google and found gabapentin. This is a Godsend! My first night taking it, my hot flashes diminished totally. I take 300 mg x 2: one in the morning and one at night. If I do get a hot flash, it lasts about 10 seconds and is very minimal. I would recommend gabapentin in place of ERT."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • Dottie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 5, 2020

"I started taking 300mg just in the evening, but was still having hot flashes and insomnia. My Dr. raised it to 600mg just at bedtime. No more hot flashes. Taking 600mg once a day stops my hot flashes for 24 hours. Amazing medicine!"

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • beagl...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 26, 2016

"Started taking gabapentin about a year ago for night sweats. Doctor told me to start with 100 mg and can increase to 300 mg if needed. I found the sweet spot to be right at 200 mg every night around 7:30 pm. Night sweats have literally diminished. BUT, I just had lunch with a friend who I hadn't seen in a while, and she tells me about a nerve issue she was having and her doctor put her on this drug. Within a month, she was gaining weight and experiencing horrible bloating. This was my 'ah ha' moment of 'is that my problem?'. I have slowly gained about 20 pounds in the last year and work out like a dog, eat well, and cannot figure out what is wrong with me, other than the fact that I am now 50!"

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38 Report
  • tcakml
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 23, 2016

"After surgical menopause a year ago, I had the hot flashes from hell, at least every 20-30 minutes, plus night sweats and no sleep because of night sweats, so I started taking estradiol, and that eliminated all of it. But I was getting really bad headaches, and I gained some lbs, so I stopped that and read up on other medications that could reduce or eliminate hot flashes and came upon gabapentin. It helps a lot, I still get hot flashes but only a couple times a day and no more night sweats. The only thing is I'm afraid of weight gain, but sometimes you have to take the lesser of the two evils. I take 200 mg at night, and that seems to do the job. Love it!"

9 / 10
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35 Report
  • Reptyle
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 10, 2015

"This drug is amazing. I was unable to sleep more than two hours at a time for over a year now. Within two days of taking this pill, my hot flashes are gone! I feel fantastic and have experienced no side effects."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 26, 2018

"After having a hysterectomy 5 years ago (kept my ovaries), this last year I had been having horrible hot flashes and night sweats. Dr. and I agreed that HRT is not right for me, so we decided to try gabapentin. I started out at 100 mg per day for 7 days, then 200 mg for 7 days, then 300 mg, and lastly 400 mg. At 300 mg, I noticed that I had fewer hot flashes and almost no night sweats. At 400 mg, I have no hot flashes and no night sweats. While it doesn't work for everyone, there seems to be some wiggle room with dosing, so maybe some tweaking is necessary. I can say for me it has worked wonders."

10 / 10
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  • peaches
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 3, 2018

"My dr gave me 300mg for night sweats. I took it that night and haven't had night sweats or hot flashes since. If I don't take it for a couple of days the night sweats come back. I think it's a godsend."

10 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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