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Fluoxetine for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder User Reviews

Brand names: Prozac

Fluoxetine has an average rating of 8.0 out of 10 from a total of 176 reviews for the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. 75% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 14% reported a negative experience.

Fluoxetine rating summary

8.0 average rating out of 10

176 ratings from 190 user reviews.

Compare all 36 medications used in the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


Reviews for Fluoxetine

  • priya
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 26, 2017

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I don’t find a lot of positive stories about antidepressants, or I find stories where people are taking the antidepressant the wrong way. I wanted to share my experience. A positive one. I’ve had generalized anxiety disorder, SEVERE OCD, and panic disorder for as long as I can remember. My first memory of having an episode was when I was 4 years old at my kindergarten interview. I feel as though I was born with the illnesses mentioned above, right from the womb. When I was a child I was extremely anxious, had bad separation anxiety from my parents, and had extreme OCD. I was just a kid and thought that the way I was feeling is how all kids felt, I didn’t realize that I was different. This went on, and got even worse in middle school. I began developing trichotillomania in middle school. In high school, I went from being a 90% above student to failing every class within a couple of years. I couldn’t leave the house. My panic disorder and GAD caused debilitating physical symptoms. I would be shaking when I had to leave the house, I wouldn’t drink alcohol because I was afraid of vomiting, I was suffering so much, for my whole entire life with severe phobias, fears, and anxiety. I prayed and prayed and prayed to God every night for it to go away. I was a 16-year-old living in a prison of her own mind. It never went away. Every single day was the worst day of my life, I would wake up and the thoughts just started, I never had a break. My life was exhausting. I am of East Indian background, and my parents didn’t understand mental illness well. It is very taboo in my culture. I went to tons of doctors, and they told me it was just growing pains, no doctor ever told me that maybe I should see a therapist. I didn’t have any support. When I was 22, I attempted suicide. Luckily, the attempt didn’t work, and I was forced to go on medication. I was livid, I was so against antidepressants, I was so, so, so scared, it felt unnatural. My general practitioner put me on Effexor. I took it for almost 8 weeks, it helped me to not want to kill myself, but it also made me gain tons of weight which made me depressed, and it made me hear voices. One evening a voice told me to choke my mom, and I started freaking out, and my parents drove me immediately to the hospital. At the hospital, I talked to a psych nurse who calmed me down, and got me an appointment with a psychiatrist the next day. This appointment and this psychiatrist saved my life, and changed my entire life. I want to really mention that you should not be going to a General Practitioner for mental illness medication, you should ALWAYS, ALWAYS go to a psychiatrist no matter what. If your GP is the only person you are seeing to help you manage your meds for OCD, anxiety, etc, that is the WRONG MOVE. That is such a common mistake people are making, you NEED a psychiatrist in order to get the meds right, please do not just go to your regular doctor, you’ll be cheating yourself. I went to the psychiatrist appointment the next day. It was the first time I had ever seen a psychiatrist. I got into her room, and we talked about everything: my childhood, my phobias, my OCD. She then brought my parents into the room to explain the whole situation to them and the fact that I have a chemical imbalance in my brain and that I have been suffering for way too long. My parents were so supportive. The doctor told me I was on the wrong medication, that I never should have been placed on Effexor which is an SNRI, and that I should be on an SSRI considering my main problem is OCD and GAD. We talked a lot about it, and she told me she would like to place me on Prozac. She said for me, because my neural pathways have been the same for 20 plus years, that I would need a higher dosage of Prozac especially for anxiety and OCD. I see on this forum, that so many people are on 20mg, or 40mg for anxiety disorders. You should be on 60mg at least, do not be afraid to go higher. People that say Prozac or an SSRI didn’t really do anything for their anxiety or OCD is because they are only taking a 20mg dose, That is not an OCD dose. 40-80mg for anxiety and OCD. Please up your dose. Use the medication, REALLY USE IT. Do not be afraid! My doctor started me on 40mg, eventually took me to 100mg, and then I went back to 80mg. Yes, the side effects are insane, I was nauseated, I couldn’t sleep, I was shaking, I had anxiety, but she prescribed me Ativan and said to use it until the Prozac kicked in. That the Ativan would keep me comfortable until that happened. Don’t try to be a hero, use your Ativan or your Xanax or whatever to stay as comfortable as possible. I could write so much more, but I’ll conclude with this. 4 months after being on 80mg of Prozac every day, I woke up one day and I was cured. Yes, cured. I had no OCD, I had no anxiety, I no longer had fears or phobias. I was cured. You have no idea how that day felt. It was like the first day of my whole entire life. I woke up being the real me, who is free-spirited and isn’t afraid of anything! I was finally free, I was no longer a prisoner. I didn’t even have to go to therapy. I just woke up one day a brand new person, from taking a high dose of Prozac every single day. DO NOT go off of the antidepressants. Your OCD, your anxiety, depression etc will come back. I WOULD never dream or even think to come off of my antidepressants, I have an illness, that will return if I go off the medication, because I have a brain disorder. OCD is a brain disorder. Do not stop taking medication for your brain disorder, do not try to fix your brain disorder with just a 20mg or 40mg dose. Own your medication, be on it for life. It’s been 5 years since I have been cured. If it wasn’t for Prozac, I would be dead. 1) You need a psychiatrist 2) Do not be afraid to take more than 40mg of Prozac to treat panic attacks etc, I am on 80mg a day and my life is a ball. It is so wonderful and so carefree. 3) Do not stop the meds. Be on the meds for life."

10 / 10
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1791 Report
  • Slimlys
  • September 21, 2020

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I cannot even put into words how much Prozac saved me. I was struggling badly with severe OCD, and it was taking over my life. I couldn’t function like a normal person anymore, and it was a very dark time for me. My doctor put me on Prozac, and the first month I didn’t really notice a change. After the first month went by, everything got better for me. I noticed myself not worrying about OCD anymore and actually felt genuinely happy inside. It’s been 8 months on Prozac, and I can honestly say I love my life now, I’m truly happy and OCD isn’t something I’m controlled by anymore. Although it never goes away completely, it is now 100 percent manageable. :)"

10 / 10
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278 Report
  • ki 2
  • June 18, 2019

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I would like to speak about Prozac. When I first started it, I felt like giving up. I was on 20mg and I couldn't eat or sleep, and my anxiety got so much worse. My thoughts went on overdrive, and new OCD thoughts came. However, I am now on it for three months at a 40mg dose, and my brain is so much clearer. I can rationalize the thoughts. OCD is no fun, but don't suffer. I went on here when I first started, and I read a positive thread, and it kept me going. Please don't lose hope."

10 / 10
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284 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • OCD...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 9, 2022

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I was very nervous to try Prozac because of my horrible hypochondria and fear of trying new medicines. I was constantly struggling with OCD intrusive thoughts and compulsions, as well as TERRIBLE anxiety. I felt as though my OCD and being in a constant state of worry were taking over my life. I’m 29 years old, work full time & decided that this way no way to live. I caved and started 10mg daily. Week 1 I was exhausted and in a fog. Week 2 was brutal, I had peak anxiety and OCD. I almost felt manic. I had a panic attack, was nauseous, & couldn’t eat. Week 3 I started feeling better, I noticed my intrusive thoughts weren’t constantly haunting me. Week 4 I woke up one day and felt like a new person. I no longer have intrusive thoughts or OCD “routines”, irritability is nearly gone, and I’m not in a constant state of worry. I feel 100x better, Prozac has changed my life. I’m posting this for people who are nervous to try. Try fighting through the side effects, it’s SO worth it."

10 / 10
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159 Report
  • Silly...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 24, 2019

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I keep meaning to share my review of this drug. I know there are many people reading these reviews just starting Prozac and extremely anxious. Because at one point, I was one of them. How long does it take for Prozac to work, you may ask? Well, the first few weeks are rough, then at 6 weeks, it was like a switch went off, and I felt so much better. Panic attacks gone, my OCD is under control (also with the help of ERP therapy with a psychologist). It has completely changed my life. I almost quit taking it in the first few weeks because the side effects were so terrible, but with support from my family and online support groups, I kept taking it. I’m here telling anyone struggling, PLEASE give this medication at least 5-6 weeks before you quit taking it. Please hang in there. Prozac has literally saved my life."

10 / 10
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261 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Abby
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 18, 2021

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I have OCD, anxiety, and occasional depression. My OCD is hyperawareness-related. I had an extremely rough time this summer. Getting on these meds was rough, but benzos helped me on bad days. I just have to say, this medication saved my life. I hope that this brings hope to whoever is reading this right now. You can get better. My anxiety is gone, depression is gone. OCD is background noise now. I was terrified I would never get better. I was suicidal. I am a mom of 2 kids. I was deathly scared of my own mind. Don't give up. Give this med a shot! (I take 40 mg)."

10 / 10
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148 Report
  • Jerry
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 25, 2020

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I’m 40 and for the last 15 years, I have tried and stopped taking many different SSRIs and antipsychotic meds. I mostly stopped mental drugs because of side effects, which made my depression/anxiety worse, and some other issues. But, dang! I was on Prozac for the last year, and this vintage SSRI from the early 1990s has worked better and much more tolerable than any other drug I have tried."

10 / 10
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162 Report

More FAQ

  • South...
  • September 15, 2014

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I have been taking fluoxetine for about five months now. It has been a Godsend for me! I am notoriously moody, possibly from BPD, and I do have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder where I have repetitive thoughts. The only way I can describe Prozac is that it feels like a vice grip on your brain that makes you think about things over and over, releases completely. I feel so in control, and wherever I put my focus, it stays without drifting back. I love this medication so much I will never leave it. The only complaint I have is that it does take forever to work. Forget about the 6 to 8-week rule, it will take a few months. And when it works, you will feel so amazing. For me, 60 mg is ideal."

10 / 10
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264 Report
  • OCDmo...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 7, 2022

Prozac (fluoxetine) "Long story short, I lived with OCD for 30 years. Took all sorts of medications and none worked and all had bad side effects. Two years ago, I met a new psych who immediately put me on 20mg of Prozac for 2 weeks, then 40mg. It helped substantially but I still suffered some pretty bad days. No side effects to speak of. Two months ago, we upped to 60mg, and I feel like an entirely new person. I might have one or two bad days a month now -- but that's it. The OCD no longer interferes with my life, work, kids, etc. I am overjoyed! I didn't know it was possible to feel this good."

10 / 10
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85 Report
  • Pitbu...
  • January 10, 2021

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I’ve been on 20 mg of fluoxetine for five weeks so far. I was terrified to start because I had a horrible experience with Lexapro. My experience with fluoxetine has been a cakewalk so far compared to Lexapro. The first week or two were a little rough. I had difficulty sleeping, dry mouth, forgetfulness, and extreme exhaustion. Now at week five, my intrusive thoughts have decreased. When I do have them, I can let them go. I don’t ruminate like I was doing prior. I’m also not having panic attacks when trying to do everyday tasks like going to the store or driving. This medication is slow working, so it takes time to feel improvement. A lot of information says 4-6 weeks but many people in support groups that I’m in say it took closer to 12 weeks to feel full benefit and if this is the case, I’m excited to see how I’ll feel in a few more weeks because I’m already feeling so much better! The medication has saved my life."

9 / 10
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119 Report
  • Alano
  • January 24, 2019

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I suffer from harm OCD/intrusive thoughts that honestly took over my life. Prozac gave me my life back and after suffering for 13 years, I now have no intrusive thoughts and my OCD is almost non-existent. This is a miracle drug with little to no side effects, except some mild insomnia. It takes time for the effects to kick in so give it some time, it took about 4-6 weeks for me to really feel a change."

10 / 10
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162 Report
  • Julian
  • November 5, 2015

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I had all of these horrible thoughts racing through my mind for 5 weeks before I started Prozac. I kept thinking about dying, my family dying. I feared time and death and could not stop the racing thoughts no matter what. I thought I would never get better, but then a week after starting Prozac, I no longer had any racing thoughts! It has brought me back into the moment. No more intrusive thoughts :)"

10 / 10
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223 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 13, 2020

Prozac (fluoxetine) "This medication Prozac has helped me so much and has truly saved my life. My OCD and panic attacks were taking over my life to the point where I felt I could barely function. When this medicine began working for me, I felt that I finally am the person I want to be if my OCD and anxiety did not stand in my way. This medication was absolutely amazing for my OCD and anxiety/panic attacks. I am on 50mg."

10 / 10
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125 Report
  • carri...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 6, 2024

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I have severe OCD. I haven't been able to live my daily life because of this disease. I couldn't even go outside. I increased Prozac from 20 mg to 60 mg. The effect was wonderful. I am almost cured now. My doctor says I may be able to quit my meds soon. I love Prozac!"

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Emily
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 11, 2023

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I want to write a review to help anyone feeling stressed about starting Prozac. I take it for anxiety and OCD, and it seriously changed my life. I was nervous about taking medication for my mental health because I was scared of side effects or it turning me into someone I'm not. I am super reactive to any medication, so I was even more nervous. Prozac changed my life. I take 20 mg once daily, and I have never noticed any side effects beyond some nausea/heartburn if I take it without food or before bed. I usually take it in the morning with breakfast, and that solved any problems! I've taken 20 mg for almost 3 years, and I have fewer panic attacks, can work through CBT and exposure therapy so much easier. If your doctor is recommending this to you, I really recommend trying it! I was once reading all these reviews, scared out of my mind, so hopefully, this helps someone."

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Janey
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 2, 2020

Prozac (fluoxetine) "Fluoxetine helped me to get out of a bad place with regards to my OCD. I'm so thankful for it. Compared to other medications that I've taken in the past, it has very few side effects, especially in terms of weight gain, etc. Alongside therapy, it has changed my life. Without even realizing it, my compulsions and ruminating lessened dramatically. It's worth going through the first three weeks of transition to experience the final effects."

10 / 10
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101 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 2, 2012

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I've only been taking Prozac for a very short while, but once it started to kick in, it was like waking up from a three-year-long OCD/major depressive nightmare. I feel like myself for the first time in forever. I've tried other antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicines, and nothing else has worked for me. I'm already having fewer obsessive thoughts and compulsions, and the crippling sense of dread, anxiety, and panic that accompanies my OCD is lifting. I just started it recently, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but the preliminary results have been amazing. I'm so grateful to feel like a human being again."

10 / 10
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216 Report
  • HAZ
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 10, 2021

Prozac (fluoxetine) "My husband suffers badly with severe OCD. He has had OCD since I’ve known him, almost 35 years, but in the last 6 months, the symptoms have ramped up, and he is tortured by thoughts of contamination. He recently found a psychiatrist who put him on Prozac. He is at the 8-week mark and has yet to see any benefit, and in fact, seems to have gotten worse. Everything we read says it needs to be taken for 8-12 weeks to begin to see improvement, but is it common for the obsessions and anxiety to worsen initially? He is discouraged and desperate for some relief. Is this anyone else’s experience?"

1 / 10
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76 Report
  • piegirl
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 22, 2015

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I am so happy that I finally received a diagnosis and treatment! Ever since I was about 19 years old (29 now), I have dealt with depression that came in waves. My anxiety and obsessive tendencies didn't begin until I was 22 and in the military. I always thought that the high-stress situation just fed into my depression and caused anxiety and obsession. I finally decided to seek help, and I was shocked to find out that I suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, which causes depression and anxiety. I started on Prozac, and within the first 6 weeks, I felt a rush of relief. I no longer obsessed over the smallest things. I feel so much happier, and my friends and family notice the difference big time!"

9 / 10
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167 Report
  • RayS
  • June 14, 2014

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which causes a lot of anxiety and depression. Prozac has improved my quality of life. I'm now a calm, happy person with a great family of my own after being on Prozac for a year. It really helps me focus on the real problems in my life and reaching a resolution instead of just feeling overwhelmed. It also greatly increases my energy and focus! It does not make me a zombie to emotion, but it does prevent me from obsessing and lingering on how things make me feel. I still feel sad, angry, etc., but in normal amounts like everyone else. Aside from very detailed dreams, I've had no negative side effects."

10 / 10
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167 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 5, 2023

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I was diagnosed with OCD by a psychiatrist in February 2009, and I was put directly on Prozac 20mg once daily for 6 months, and ultimately a lesser dose for a year. It has many side effects, I don't want to lie, but eventually it will go and you will be a new you one day. It is a miracle drug. I am using it on and off, Prozac 20mg, until now. My psychiatrist said to use it for a week once daily whenever you feel low. It's been 14 years, and I am using it occasionally. I promise you one thing, that you will get through all of this."

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • Thank...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 6, 2012

Prozac (fluoxetine) "Prozac has changed my life. I've suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression since I was in my pre-teens. I've tried Celexa and Paxil, but couldn't sleep at all while using them. I asked my physician to prescribe Prozac on the advice of a friend and I've had amazing results. I started at 10 mg a day and increased to 20 mg a day after a month. I noticed that I was drowsy and unmotivated during the day when I took the medicine in the morning, so I switched to a bedtime dose and I haven't noticed any side effects since then. Prozac makes me calmer and much more in control of my fears. Others who didn't know I had gone on medication have noticed a positive change as well. I've been on Prozac for 4 months."

10 / 10
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185 Report
  • Art...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 16, 2017

Prozac (fluoxetine) "For me, Prozac has made everything more clear (not a zombie!) and over time has made me more comfortable and confident with who I am. I have been taking it for 13 years now and will be going up to 80mg soon. I suffer from OCD, anxiety, and very mild depression. My OCD and social anxiety were the worst. The negative or 'what if' thoughts going through my mind were so loud and present that I would either need to be constantly distracted or mentally try to clear my mind. It was hard to work and focus on the things I loved or even have a relationship. It was so mentally and physically exhausting. I finally decided to take medication (Prozac). I take the generic form, anyway, it's definitely one of the best decisions I have made in my life."

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123 Report
  • Cheryl
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 30, 2019

Prozac (fluoxetine) "Prozac has changed my life. I feel like I’m living life and enjoying it to the fullest for the first time in a very long time. I used to feel so empty and hopeless. I can truly say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been."

10 / 10
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84 Report
  • fishc...
  • October 11, 2013

Prozac (fluoxetine) "I have been taking 60mg of Prozac a day for the last 2 years. I was diagnosed with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) when I was 14. I have lived with OCD and anxiety ever since. I am now 32, and for the last two years since taking Prozac, I feel normal again. I have experienced no side effects but did quickly realize that alcohol does not mix. However, I would rather give up alcohol than go back to a mental institution."

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142 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.