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Tri-Lo-Sprintec for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 2)

Tri-Lo-Sprintec has an average rating of 4.5 out of 10 from a total of 195 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 31% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 51% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Tri-Lo-Sprintec

  • Dee
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 23, 2019

"Been on Tri-Lo-Sprintec for 4 months now since they stopped making TriNessa Lo. I HATE this birth control with a passion. I'm 31 and had acne like I was a teenager all along my jaw line. The 2 weeks in the middle of my cycle I'd be bloated so bad that I looked 6 months pregnant and I have visible abs mind you. The worst is immediately when I started taking this medication I got the worst yeast infection I can remember and have gotten two others in those 4 months. I haven't had a yeast infection since 2008; I spent 4 months in Southeast Asia with perpetual swamp ass; still no vaginal health issues. Soon as I start taking this garbage? BAM! 3! My doctor and pharmacist insisted it was the same as my old birth control but I can tell you that it's not. Steer clear of this garbage."

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  • Brianna
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 20, 2019

"First off, I can’t rate these pills a 1 because they did in fact prevent pregnancy. I took it for 3 years without a scare. BUT the side affects are crazy. I didn’t even notice I was having side effects until I stopped taking them. I’m 35 and I’ve been taking pills for 15 years and I thought things were changing because I was getting older. NO these pills made me gain 10lbs which isn’t much but I’m only 5 feet tall. So it’s a lot. I always had a light short period (3 days using light tampons), but when I started taking these my periods went to 6 days and I had to use super tampons. The cramps and bloating were also crazy. I’d cramp even when I wasn’t on my period and my stomach got so big the week before and week of my period I looked 3 months pregnant. I thought I had fibroids because those were the symptoms and when I stopped taking them, my body went back to normal. I’m so mad I took these for so long."

4 / 10
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  • MRKohn
  • September 19, 2017

"THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS ORTHO TRI CYCLYN LO!! I do not care what pharmacists or doctors say. I was on ortho tri cycling lo for 15 years and loved it and had NO side effects. The "generic" was given to me because my insurance stopped covering birth control and obviously the generic is cheaper. Within 2 weeks my moods were INSANE - I can't stop crying and I am just an emotional mess. My boobs are huge and hurt so bad and I have horribly painful cystic acne all over my face and chin and neck. It also made my sex drive literally non existent.This is the worst thing that I have put in my body. I do not recommend that anyone takes this. What's more upsetting is that it is acceptable to tell people that it is comparable to the real medication."

1 / 10
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  • Chels
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 30, 2019

"I can’t believe it took me 6 months to figure out this pill was making me lose my mind. I have been on Trinessa Lo for about 3 years, and when they discontinued it a few months ago during the winter they put me on Tri Lo Sprintec. The pharmacist said that it was the same. HA. I have had insane mood swings, depression for the fors time time in my life, irritability, fatigue, and no libido. My good friends mom is a OB and is getting me on a new pill. This should not be a substitute for orthotrycylin Lo or Trinessa Lo, it freaking sucks!"

2 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 2, 2020

"So I was on a different BC that was the exact same thing as Tri Lo Sprintec except I didn’t have the same side effects. I was recommended Tri lo Sprintec by my Dr, I’ve been on this one since Oct 2019 with no problems in the beginning and here is is in February 2020 and I have been having the most worse headaches/ migraines. And my breasts are constantly itchy and they have small dry patches on my nipples. Also my sex drive drastically dropped. So I would not recommend this Pill it started off great and ended bad."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 9, 2017

"I was nervous to start this after reading such horrible reviews! I got this from planned parenthood and am about to start my fourth pack. This is the only birth control I've ever been on so I have nothing to compare it to but so far it has been very good! No pregnancy, haven't had too many side effects. My periods have gotten shorter and lighter. No spotting in between. The only side effects I have noticed is some slight vaginal dryness, but nothing too bad. I did get a few headaches and nausea here and there during the first pack but again nothing too bad. My body seems to have adjusted fine and I'm so happy for the lighter periods! I started my first pack the Sunday after my period ended so this worked out well"

9 / 10
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  • Mrs...
  • September 27, 2016

"I was on ortho tri cyxlen lo for 10 years and loved it and had no side effects. I had to switch to tri sprintec lo 2 years ago after my insurance wouldn't cover ortho any more. Since switching, I have gotten horrible acne and I never had acne before, even as a teenager. I've also become very moody and have no sex drive. I've also gained between 5-10 pounds that I just can't get rid of. After reading other reviews on this pill, I was finally able to put the pieces together and realized the pill seems to be the culprit for my issues. Once i finish this pack, I'm getting off of it. Stay away from this birth control!"

2 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 14, 2021

"I’m 21, and I’ve been on this birth control for about 2 months. I’m trying to stick it out to see if I’m one of the lucky ones like some other reviews I’ve read and my body will just get use to it. Since I’ve started taking this I quit my job, sleep most of the day, never want to get out of the house. Showering and brushing my teeth is even a chore now. I’ve never felt like this before. I was taking ortho-tri-cycline at first and it cleared my skin and never gave me any side effects. I was on that for 3 years and I swore by it! The pharmacist and dr both said this was the same thing just a generic brand. I can assure you it’s not. I’ve noticed a little change in my sex drive. I have no appetite and can barely stomach anything. I’ve lost weight. Depressed state of mind all the time. But none of this even compares to how bad my acne is!! My jawline and all around the sides of my cheeks and face. I never even broke out in these places and now it’s awful!"

1 / 10
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  • BTano
  • September 21, 2020

"I have had severe cystic acne for all my life. I am 22 now and have been on Accutane twice which only fixed my hormonal area around my jaw for a year. It has been a month since being on this Tri-Lo-Sprintec birth control and my acne has significantly cleared. The inflamed bumps have gone down and I feel much more confident. I have read the first month would be a nightmare so I was prepared. IT WAS! I have major depression and extreme mood swings. I have lashed out at my boyfriend multiple times almost causing a breakup of our six year relationship. I have zero interest in things and slight water retention, especially in my stomach region. I have been working out to maintain my weight but I feel swollen most of the time. I will stick out this birth control solely for the acne improvements."

8 / 10
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  • NYBlo...
  • September 5, 2018

"My insurance switched me from Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo to Tri-Lo-Sprintec. I wasn't a happy camper that they did this, I was told its basically the same thing. Little did I know those additives were not the same thing. I took Tri-lo-sprintec for 2 years, I developed anxiety and was depressed pretty much the entire time I was on this pill. I was having really depressed thoughts and felt like I was going crazy. I've never had a panic/anxiety attack until I started taking Tri-Lo-Sprintec. I've been off it since Jan 2018 and I don't have those depressed thoughts, my anxiety has immensely decreased and I haven't had a panic attack since. Do NOT let your doctor give you this stuff. I told my Gyno I ONLY want Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo and no substitutes . Usually insurance companies will cover this product if your Doctor asked for strictly that item. Don't let your mental health decrease so insurance companies can save money. You're more important than that."

1 / 10
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  • Mal
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 31, 2019

"I have been on Tri Lo Sprintec for a little over 6 months now. After trying the Progestin only pill which caused side effects such as anxiety, depression, nausea, headache I then was switched to Sprintec which caused abnormal bleeding for nearly three months. I love Tri Lo Sprintec! It took awhile for my body to adjust. I had some weight gain. No other major side effects. It tremendously helps with irregular, heavy, painful periods and all other PMS symptoms. My mood is also much more stabilized on it. Everyone is different. Do not let the reviews from others scare you from trying this one. You'll eventually find one that works for you! This one just happened to be the one for me."

10 / 10
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  • SUZQ
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 10, 2019

"Tri-lo-sprintec is an effective birth control, but awful side effects. Just like many reviewers, I have been on Ortho tricyclen lo and subsequently Trinessa lo for years... And loved it. Both are manufactured by Janssen and both have been discontinued. So I was defaulted to Tri-Lo-Sprintec. I hate this drug. It should not be considered an equivalent to the Janssen brands. I have been dealing with acne, weight gain, and zero libido. I gave it 3 months, and do not see improvement. I'm hoping there is a better alternative to the Janssen brand after speaking with my doctor. Good luck, gals!"

3 / 10
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  • Astro
  • March 25, 2019

"After reading these reviews, I realized I have gone through the same thing as so many other people on here. I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for years and absolutely loved it. My insurance stopped covering it and I got switched to Trinessa Lo. Trinessa Lo was great and I didn't even notice a difference. But now, both Ortho and Trinessa are discontinued and I was forced into switching to Tri Lo Sprintec. I was really hopeful it would turn out ok like it did with Trinessa. NOPE! Tri lo Sprintec was awful! I only took it for a week before I had to absolutely stop taking it. 1.) I broke out in acne very badly 2.) I got bad head aches and slight nausea 3.) I had pretty annoying mood swings, but the worst side effect for me was the absolutely crippling depression and feeling of sadness and absolute dread. I was paralyzed with depression and sadness on this pill and cried every single day. I couldn't even give the pill a chance for a full cycle because it was just too awful."

1 / 10
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  • CCano
  • November 20, 2019

"The birth control Tri-Low-Sprintec worked because I did not get pregnant. I believe this pill was the worst thing to happen to my mental health. I used to take Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo and it was perfect with no side effects. I lost my health insurance so was put on a generic brand. I tried to get back on to Ortho Tri Cyclen lo but was told I could only get the Tri Lo Sprintec and was told it was the same thing. I started in March and at this same time I was going through troubles with my relationship, very anxious, panic attacks, didn't eat for days, nausea I thought all of this was stemming from past trauma being brought up and just relationship stuff had caused me to mentally snap. 8 months later I have full blown depression, dark thoughts, and life is a trial.The past 8 months I thought I was going crazy and I started seeing a therapist, I was just having side effects from my pill. I have stopped taking the pill and already feel better I feel like myself again."

3 / 10
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  • DORALm
  • October 5, 2017

"I've been on trinessa (my favorite), lo Lestrin Fe, now Tri Lo Sprintec. I have had bloody discharge for the past two weeks. I have had days of depression where I feel like I cannot move from my bed. I have literally given up on eating healthy, as soon as I got on this I do not care about anything I eat. Mentally, I'd say I'm not normal. I could sit on my bed and just start to cry. My boobs have a lot. Nausea usually kicks in at night before bed EVERY NIGHT. I have heart palpitations and I began to feel like I need to take a deep breath, when I try to I feel like I am suffocating and can't breathe. I understand I should be taking this for at least three months but hell no."

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  • TELL...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 18, 2016

"Tried to make a longer post but had to cut it short. I have been on birth control since around age 21, originally for acne. I've been on Ortho tri cyclen, Yaz, Ortho tri cyclen lo. My doctor advised me to go back on BC for at least 3 months after returning from zika zone. I was sent Tri Lo Sprintec from my mail order pharm. NEVER AGAIN! In no particular order, I have extreme irritability, extremely sore boobs, INSOMNIA, experienced my first panic attack, ZERO SEX DRIVE, vaginal dryness, and the worst acne i have had since age 13. This med is NOT the same as ortho tri cyclin lo, so make sure you insist to your doctor that you do not want it. in all my years of taking BC with little side effects, this has been the worst 3 months ever."

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  • Anon
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 4, 2019

"Have been taking this for about 8 months now. Today is the day I stop, the side effects are horrible. The first few months I was getting a very heavy period in the middle of my pack, lasting two weeks. I decided to keep taking it to give it a fair shot and have noticed how depressed this birth control has made me. I cry extremely frequently and feel crazy, which is not normal for me and I do not have any major changes in my life. This has also given me daily migraines, to the point I’d be throwing up at work from nausea and unable to sleep at night. It has somewhat cleared up my acne, but the side affects are not with it. I’m done with tri lo sprintec."

1 / 10
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  • Duped...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 12, 2016

"My insurance switched me to Tri Lo Sprintec about a month and a half ago w/out me knowing. I decided to give it a shot since it was free and I was paying $100/month for Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo previously. On OTCL for 2 years, I had no negative side effects, which was a relief after trying everything under the sun (most recently microgestin fe, which made me incredibly depressed). The 1.5 months, since I have been on TLS, ALL of these negative side effects: Irritability, depression, weight gain, depression, headaches, name it, I have it. I am SO upset that I finally found something that worked and insurance dictates what pill I should take. I'm speaking with my Dr to fix my Rx ASAP. Not staying on TLS no matter what."

1 / 10
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  • Kitty
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 22, 2018

"I started this birth control while in high school as a normal contraceptive. After 3 months I began to notice a serious difference in my mood. For the first time in my life, I experienced anxiety so severe that I could not leave my house in fear of everything. I cried day and night over absolutely nothing. I was scared all the time and sad all the time. I immediately stopped the medication after I began to feel this side effect and it still took me 3-4 months for my hormones to balance out again. This experience was years ago, but I have been traumatized from it to say the least. I am writing this review to warn some of those who have anxiety and are worried about enhancing the severity of it. I do not suggest taking this birth control."

1 / 10
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  • laure...
  • March 8, 2017

"So far I've been on this bc for about two weeks and I can tell you I've actually seen my acne looking way better, and no bloating whatsoever. Many reviews were negative but just letting you guys know don't listen to them all! Everyone's body responds differently to medication. No pregnancy which is awesome. Only down fall I've noticed is I'm tired a lot. I recommend this pill to anyone this being their first bc, it's mine and I'm 18 and it's great."

9 / 10
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  • BKano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 20, 2019

"After not feeling like myself for months, I decided to research my birth control (Tri-Lo-Sprintec) and see other people’s reviews out of curiousity. I was shocked to find that many people experienced the same symptoms as I did. After a couple months of taking this pill, I experienced physical/mental health issues including depression, heart palpitations/shortness of breath that sometimes felt like I was about to have a anxiety attack, irritability and mood swings that made me angry and later regretful, breast soreness, feeling unmotivated and extremely tired, as well as feeling weak overall, and a noticeable decrease in libido as I got into the 3rd/ 4th month of this birth control. Birth control effects everyone different, but with so many similar reviews on here I thought I would share my input and strongly guide everyone who reads this to look into another alternative for birth control. I will be getting off of this Tri-Lo-sprintec ASAP as I feel these symptoms are related to this pill!"

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  • Julie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 13, 2019

"I've been taking Tri-Lo-Sprintec for over a year now. When I first started taking this pill I did have heavy mood swings, I was sentimental and very easily angered but after the first month I felt okay. I also experienced a very intense craving for chicken nuggets which is unusual because I am not really a fan of them. I did notice it cleared up my acne and I cramp way less. My periods are lighter but last the same amount of days as before I started taking this pill (4 days). As far as weight gain, I have not noticed any substantial weight gain. It works well for me and is very effective."

9 / 10
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  • So...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 17, 2016

"2 months ago my insurance informed me they no longer cover Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo (that had no side effects) and would basically have to switch to the generic form, Tri-lo sprintec. Being assured that it was the same thing and that keeping ortho would cost about 150, I went ahead and took the generic. I could only make it through 1 and a half packs before I couldn't take the side effects anymore. I was gaining a lot of weight for no reason, constantly bloated, breaking out, fatigued, suddenly depressed for no reason, spotting and even my period just starting for no reason! I finally finished my second pack today but my period started a week ago. Told the pharmacy to switch me back, worst BC, not the same as ortho lo."

1 / 10
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  • Prior...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 15, 2016

"I've been using Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for the last two years. I absolutely love the pill; it got rid of my acne and I never experienced negative side effects. That being said, I can't say the same for Tri Lo Sprintec. Recently, my insurance only covers Sprintec. My doc switched me and assured me it's the same exact pill. I've been using it for a week. I'm beginning to break out on my face, which I could live with. What I can't live with is the relentless and extremely painful abdominal cramps and bloating I'm experiencing. These are the worst cramps I've had in my entire life. After doing research, I've found many women share a similar experience with myself. Also, Ortho and Sprintec aren't exactly the same. So, beware of switching to it."

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  • KelS...
  • February 16, 2016

"I'm not sure how there are so many reviews for this Tri-Lo-Sprintec. It just went on the market 12/31/2015. My insurance forced me to switch to it from Ortho-Tri-Lo. I have not been on it long enough to write a review yet."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.