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Tri-Lo-Sprintec for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 3)

Tri-Lo-Sprintec has an average rating of 4.5 out of 10 from a total of 195 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 31% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 51% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Tri-Lo-Sprintec

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 15, 2016

"WORST BIRTH CONTROL EVER! i had been on ortho tri cyclen lo for over a year or 2 and my insurance had just chose the tri lo sprintec for the generic brand. the pharmacist told me it was the EXACT SAME THING. no it wasnt. i felt fine my first pack and the right into my second pack i started to get anxiety attacks out of nowhere. i would just be sitting on my couch and my heart would start racing and it felt like i couldnt breath. i was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis 3 years ago and it completely made that flare up. on top of all that i was upset all of the time for no reason. i would not recommend this birth control to anyone."

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  • Ren
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 26, 2019

"My experience with this birth control was the WORST! Stopped it only after a month and a half and my body took so long to get back to normal. I originally wanted birth control to help my bad period cramps, but after the changes / side effects I was like I’d rather have the damn cramps than all of this. First off it made me suuuuuuper bloated 24/7, it also made my left breast get really big while my right breast stayed normal small, I couldn’t even wear tight shirts or bikinis it was so noticeable and bad I could only wear big T-shirt’s. It got to the point where I was staring at my body in the mirror crying because I hated what it was doing to my body. That night I threw my birth control in the trash and that was the end of that. I know everyone’s body is different but I do not recommend it."

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  • NOOO
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 29, 2016

"I was on the ortho Tori cyclin lo all of my high school years. Never had acne, 3 day periods, no cramps, no bloating, and actually believed it was impossible to gain weight on it. Coming to college the price of $110 was too much so I went to the generic. 2 months in I've gained 20 pounds, horrible cramps, and have horrible acne. Switching birth controls after this pack."

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  • Jobela
  • May 12, 2016

"I had absolutely no problems with this birth control. No nausea, spotting, mood changes, whatsoever. It reduced my menstrual cramps. Also made my boobs swell, but I think that's a good thing haha. Anyways, I switched to Trinessa (another generic for Ortho Tri Cyclen), because it's free with my insurance, and it gave me migraine with aura as well as mood changes. I really wish I stuck to Tri Lo Sprintec."

10 / 10
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  • Veryu...
  • May 7, 2016

"I wish I could give this medication a ZERO. I had been on Ortho Tri-cyclin Lo for 8 years with no side effects. My insurance switched me to Sprintec and I only took it for a week when my entire face broke out which never happens to me, I had horrible head aches and developed an ulcer which I'm not sure is related."

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  • MPano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 9, 2019

"Switched Doctors and started taking Tri Lo-Sprintec. I was breaking out so bad like never before I even switched my face rountine and eating habits. After third month it cleared up my face so much I was amazed, still have light scarring but it feels so good to be able to not wear makeup and have clear face. Don’t give up just takes a while to kick in get hormones balanced."

8 / 10
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  • ydebl...
  • September 7, 2016

"I wish I could give this a negative score. I was using ortho tried cyclen lo before this was available as a generic and my insurance company made me switch. The pharmacist ensured me the only difference was in ONE inactive ingredient but I beg to differ- my skin is so broken out I feel like a teenager again. I have constant headaches and a migraine so bad, I went to the ER. My period is wonky, I hate it. I have an appointment at the doctor in 2 weeks, I'm going to beg for an IUD. This is the worst pill I've ever used."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 18, 2019

"I was taking Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for about 5 years and loved it until I got switched to Trinessa Lo due to having to pay cash for it. I was nervous but fortunately the transition was unnoticeable and I continued to take it for 5 years. In December 2018, my pharmacy switched me yet again to Tri lo Sprintec and I did not know until I got home and couldn’t return the 3 months supply. Let’s just say, I was right to be nervous about the switch...I HATE IT !! It’s been 2 months and I have been eating everything in sight which in turns makes me feel bloated all the time. I’ve never experienced such crazy mood swings, I feel depressed and not like myself at all. I was hoping to just suffer through the 3 months and then try and find Trinessa Lo again. After looking around the Internet, I just found out it’s been discontinued. Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo too !!! Now I don’t know what to do because I’m afraid to try another BC and risk having worse side effects than I right now"

3 / 10
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  • Shai
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 30, 2019

"Like the review ahead of me, I've also experienced the HORRIBLE side effects of Tri-Lo-Sprintec and think it should be discontinued. I was crying every day in my bosses office, sad, moody and emotional for NO reason and seriously depressed and didn't feel like me. I started my period 2 weeks early and it lasted longer than usual and I've never had cramps or bloating until now. I hate this pill and stopped taking it. Been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo since I was 16 (almost 20 years) and then Trinessa Lo which both worked fab for me for years. This new drug is awful. Gave it 3.5 months and tossed it. Asking about IUD at GYNO now. Good luck to others. How do we get the old drug back?!?!"

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  • AJano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 6, 2019

"After Ortho TriCyclen Lo was discontinued, I was switched to Tri-Lo-Sprintec birth control. I’ve used Ortho for almost 20 years and loved it so much. This generic pill is the worst! Nausea, headaches, inability to sleep, irritable, major fatigue, lots of weight gain and the worst, seriously debilitating depression. This pill has messed me up so bad! I had to stop taking it just to feel normal again. 0/10 would never recommend this drug to anyone, not even an enemy."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 1, 2017

"I was prescribed Tri Lo Sprintec to use for birth control as well as to help my acne. On day 3 of this pill, my legs began getting very itchy. In the days following, I had sparks of pressure in both of my legs up until day 9 where the pain had become one sided and started making my right leg throb non stop. Birth control has ties to blood clots so I was super worried. I stopped taking the pill right away after that and my leg pain went away within 2 days. It also gave me really bad acne even though I had only been on it for less than a week and a half. I do not recommend this pill at all."

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  • bcano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 2, 2020

"Worst birth control pill I have ever taken in my life. Have a pregnancy scare basically every single month. Gives me cramps before my period even starts and I was never like that before. Bloating is insane, there is only 1 week where my boobs do not feel sore, and I get very frequent headaches. I used to take another generic brand before this and never had these problems"

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  • First...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 2, 2018

"I’ve seen a lot of bad reviews for Tri-Lo-Sprintec but honestly I got so lucky with this being my first bc pill. I have no major side effects of depression, weight gain, anxiety etc. the only thing would be a slight decrease in sex drive but that’s about it! It has worked really well for me and I have little to no complaints!"

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  • MtGi
  • April 26, 2017

"This medication is terrible. My insurance switched me to the generic last year. I took the medication for several months, and was miserable the entire time. I was noticeably irritable and extremely anxious. I stopped taking the medication and switched back to ortho tri cyclen lo and the problems went away. I am currently waiting to receive information on my new insurance, and ran out of ortho. I had an extra pack of tri lo sprintec and decided to give it another try. I regret this, because just a few days into the medication, I am once again anxious, grumpy, and miserable. Maybe it will work for you, but it definitely doesn't work for me."

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  • Marie
  • September 6, 2018

"I have been on this birth control for about a year. It does a good job at avoiding pregnancy and preventing acne. However, about 6 months in I started to notice that I became severely depressed. I’ve been thinking really bad thoughts (self hate/self harm etc.) And lately I have been having extreme anxiety to the point where I can’t even function properly. I feel like I am going crazy because I can just be sitting down or doing anything and suddenly I start crying for no apparent reason. I’m constantly sad all the time and it’s extremely exhausting. I think I need to speak with my doctor to discuss getting off this birth control. I personally don’t believe the pros out weigh the cons."

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  • Breezyy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 3, 2016

"i started the original Tri-Sprintec a while back and had the worst stomach pains and was throwing up so much each night after i took it. i was scared to start Tri-Lo-Sprintec and when i did my cramps started to ease. i have to say overall, i am extremely happy with this product. i don't use the bill for birth control, i mainly use it because of bad menstrual cramps and very heavy bleeding. and so far its been very good. i do have some spotting between periods but thats apparently normal for a little while."

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  • izzy
  • June 17, 2021

"Tri Lo Sprintec has overall not been a bad experience for me. At first, I experienced a spike in acne and some pretty bad cramps on my period. After about 2 months my acne got much better and I pretty much only get like a pimple a month. My cramps aren’t great but aren’t terrible, but I take Advil the night before my period and it’s just fine. My period starts like clock work! It goes from every Wednesday of the placebos to that Saturday/sometimes Sunday. I've been on this pill for about 10 months, and it’s done great protecting me from pregnancy (knock on wood). This birth control is my only form of protection, and so I pretty much take it at the same exact time every day. I haven’t seen a huge change in mood, I was pretty emotional the first 2 months but after that I was good. I did have weight gain, but I was also in recovery from an ED so I am not complaining. I gained about 3 cup sizes as well. I don’t have many complaints about Tri-Lo Sprintec and I really enjoy it!"

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  • Sha
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 30, 2019

"I switched to Tri Lo Sprintec because the previous BC I was prescribed ruined my mental health. So, my doctor recommended this BC because of it has low(er) estrogen. Sort of loved it the first week because it helped with my mood and appetite. In the middle of the week I started breaking out (I never break out bad) and it was terrible. 6-8 days in and I’m breaking out in rashes ON my face, specifically beneath my lower lash line and on the eyelids. I stopped taking the medication on day 9 because it was just too much."

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  • May
  • May 8, 2016

"Terrible! I've been constantly irritable since switching to this from ortho tri cyclen. I've also experienced low sex drive, intense food cravings, and vaginal irritation. My pharmacy told me this would be the same as ortho tri cyclen buts it's definitely not. I thought I was losing my mind until I started researching this drug and saw how many women were having the same problems. I went to the pharmacy today and they switched back to the ortho tri cyclen. It's so expensive but definitely worth it if it makes these mood swings go away."

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  • Ash
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 10, 2019

"I was on Trinessa Lo then suddenly it got switched to Tri lo sprintec and I’ve been on it since December of 2018 now it’s February of 2019 and this pill has been HORRIBLE I haven’t been able to eat I’ve been having nausea so bad I was scared to eat I gag every time I eat or smelled food even food that I loved. Then these very very heavy painful headaches came and the headaches felt like someone was beating my head with a bat around my period they got worse to the point I took pain pills. The pain pills did not help at all. My body also just has been feeling so off I’ve barely had a period it was so light and it starts on different days every time. I Have really bad anxiety now to the point my hand will shake and my heartbeat gets higher so I felt like I was having anxiety attacks. I have not gotten off yet I’m waiting til my next period to come so I can get off I do not recommend this"

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  • Bano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 29, 2019

"I was on Trinessa Lo and got switched to Tri-Lo-Sptrintec since Trinessa Lo has been discontinued. Honestly, what is this?? Like some other reviews mentioned, I start to bleed around week 3 of the pack, before the placebo. And the blood is really bright red, it looks abnormal. I don't understand what's happening to my body with this pill. I definitely have been way more emotional than usual. The one month where I managed to not bleed until my actual placebo, I had the worst cramps in my life (I've never been a crampy type) and I just felt miserable. After month 4 of being on this mess I'm looking for something else because this pill needs to be taken off the market. Low sex drive, unusual bleeding, hormones acting up - it's too much. Only thing, my acne has gotten better. But not worth it!"

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  • I T-...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 23, 2022

"OKAY. SO. I know the demographic of girl who looks at these reviews, your mom/partner/family/whoever is pressuring you to go on birth control, but you’re terrified to because of the side effects. i once upon a time was like you dear reader… and let me just say that my story had a happy ending. For the longest time I REFUSED to go on birth control, primarily because I was terrified of gaining weight. I grew up a fat kid and worked hard as far from obese as possible - I would be darned if i let a silly little pill destroy every ounce of progress i made. However, this pill worked AMAZING for me. The first month I had extreme side effects (severe mood swings, but no bloating/weight gain) but after that it was all sunshine and rainbows. shorter periods, lighter cramps, AND NO WEIGHT GAIN! Just remember that all bc’s work differently for different people!"

9 / 10
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  • Kat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 4, 2019

"On day 6 of this birth control after using Trinessa or the past few years and thos Tri-Lo-Sprintec is awful.... I have been nauseous every day. I've had a spike in anxiety and cannot sleep well as I feel anxious all night as it feels my heart rate will not slow like it should. My appetite has diminished and I believe I've lost a few pounds. I will be calling my primary tomorrow to switch off of this. I was prescribed Trinessa anyway so I don't know why pharmacy would give me this without my consent for the switch or at least an explanation as to why and then they refuse to take it back. This should not be permitted. Do not take this pill. It has wrecked me and made it difficult for me to function normally."

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  • lizzy...
  • May 19, 2017

"So I was originally on Junel fe but that was a horror show with all the mood swings, bleeding, acne and just horrible nausea. I lost 11 pounds on that so beware. Anyway, once I told my doctor, she prescribed this. The first pack caused some nausea, a small break out and just an odd feeling. once I got that under my belt, I've had no problems! I'm on my fourth pack starting today and it's been great. Clear face, light periods, and doesn't make me gain weight. How ever, I must say around the placebo week, I get so bloated, horrible cramps and headaches...otherwise, it's been great. So the effectiveness of it, I haven't gotten pregnant yet, knock on wood. Just keep taking the pill at the correct time and you'll be fine!"

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  • LeeSp...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 26, 2017

"My skin cleared up within a few months! (I was also on Doxy and used clindamycin though) I dropped 15 pounds, and I never got the emotional side affects or anything. Although, I never got cramps before and now I get some rough ones. They're not unbearable, but they hurt and need a heated blanket sometimes. I also have a longer/heavier period. Went from 3 days to 5/6. (I had a super light period and I'd consider it pretty normal now so it's not awful.) I'm also not currently pregnant."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.