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Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 for Birth Control User Reviews

Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 103 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 45% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 31% reported a negative experience.

Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 rating summary

5.9 average rating out of 10

103 ratings from 108 user reviews.

Compare all 280 medications used in the treatment of Birth Control.


Reviews for Microgestin Fe 1.5/30

  • Chrissy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 25, 2019

"So far I have not had any problems on Microgestin Fe1.5/30 other than I did not have a menstrual cycle on my week off the pill. Prior to taking this I was on a lower dose of this same med and I also had Mirena (IUD). I was having constant breakthrough bleeding on those and very heavy bleeding once or twice a month or with sex. Anyone else experience no menstrual cycle? I am waiting to see what happens this month."

9 / 10
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21 Report
  • Ivory...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 18, 2013

"I recently switched from Microgestin 1/20 to the 1.5/30 (gynecologist suggestion). I noticed even less cramping, a less heavy period, HOWEVER, I did get a few cystic nodular pimples around my mouth. I am not sure if it's because of the increase in hormones or something else, however I will wait for a few more months (I've been on this new birth control for about 2 months) to see if it goes away/gets better. I may switch back to the 1/20 if the acne doesn't get better. I also noticed a few pounds of weight gain."

8 / 10
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24 Report
  • Anon
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 11, 2020

"First few months, it was great. No mood swings, periods alright. But after the third month, I now have mood swings so horrible I have a difficult time controlling my emotional state. Crying, angry, anxious, depressed. For no reason at all. I’ll cry at nothing! Get stressed over nothing. Anxiety is so bad, I can’t even enjoy life anymore. I’ve also had a rash all over my body, and my face has acne since I started this too! Ive never had bad acne. I’m getting away from this right away. It’s downright dangerous and scary. Would not recommend."

1 / 10
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11 Report
  • MCJr
  • March 5, 2017

"I took this pill for a year and 9 months as I was about to get married. do NOT take this drug. I have never had so many health problems in my life until this drug was brought into my life I gained 30lbs. I am very health conscious. I've always been no heavier than 147LBS. I'm a 5'5 dense athletic build.. I lift weights, run, eat very little to no meat. I eat a gluten free diary free pretty much vegan diet. I have NEVER been over weight I don't have any pre-existing conditions or anything like that. It gave me acne, HORRIFIC mood swings. Bottom line, I've been off of it, since 9/16. I had my period the month after, it skipped 3 months and now I have a period that I've been bleeding w/ huge blood clots for 3 weeks. You have been warned."

1 / 10
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16 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 12, 2012

"I'm 23 and was on Microgestin for 4 years. The only major side effect I experienced was not getting my period at all for the last 3 of those years. My doctor explained that it's not uncommon for Microgestin to thin the lining of the uterus so much that there's nothing left to shed, and although I certainly wasn't going to complain, it was still kind of weird. Zero cramps, headaches, nausea, spotting, mood swings, weight change, or change in sex drive. The only down side was that my face broke out about halfway through my pill pack every month; not really terrible acne, just annoying pimples. I've since switched to Ocella and seen a huge improvement in my skin, although I got my period again the first month I switched. "

8 / 10
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19 Report

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  • tano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 13, 2019

"I thought I was the only one experiencing such negative side effects on this birth control but after reading all the reviews it makes sense to me. I was only on Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 for about three months but I was the most miserable I have ever been. I had constant mood swings and was always crying . I had low energy, no excitement for anything , and angry for no reason! I would have headaches almost every week. Everyone could tell something was wrong with me and I thought I was going insane but really it was the pill. It made my periods more painful and my cramps were worse. I would stay away from this pill."

3 / 10
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10 Report
  • Bruins
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 4, 2017

"I started on this pill 5 years ago (at age 20) due to extremely painful cramps that prohibited me from attending class. 5 years later and I still love it! I went off it once for a few months at one point to see if the pill had caused weight gain; it hadn't. I do not get acne outbreaks, I've only had a handful of times where I had to take two due to forgetting the day before, and have overall had a positive experience from this pill. Libido has decreased a bit but that's the cost you pay to not get pregnant.. My cramps are significantly less, perhaps every other month I do feel some pain but it's manageable by over the counter meds, which before was not possible. I'll likely stay on this until starting a family/make the IUD switch"

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Amanda
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 27, 2019

"I've been on it for 8 years without any issues. I do not have a period while on Microgestin Fe 1.4/30 , but according to my OBGYN this is ok -- plus, what's there to complain about?! It did not cause me to gain weight like previous pills I have been on. If you're looking to clear up your skin, this is probably not the best choice. I did not notice a difference while taking it (as opposed to other pills I have taken that have cleared up skin well). Overall, I am happy with Microgestin Fe 1.5/30"

10 / 10
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9 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 5, 2015

"Some personal background: I'm 22, no kids, 115lbs, I work out 3x a week & eat moderately healthy, & my period has always been irregular. After 3 months of rarely using condoms & mainly relying on my bf's "pull out game," I got tired of being paranoid every month of the possibility of being pregnant, so I decided to go on the pill. First month, it was great! No side effect. I loved it. 2nd month, bloated + boobs swelled/tender + constipation. 3rd, all same side effects from 2nd month + mental & emotional instability + gained 15lbs. Although I never got pregnant & it regulated my period with perfect timing, I couldn't take it anymore! So I quit it after the end of my 3rd pack, & my body + mental health immediately went back to normal."

6 / 10
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14 Report
  • Ms...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 7, 2015

"I got put on Microgestin 1.5/30 to help minimize painful ovarian cysts that I have been experiencing. I usually hate birth control pills because I always experience miserable side effects. Microgestin minimized my ovarian cysts and I'm no longer in pain. The one and only side Effect I had was a yeast infection, but it could have just been a coincidence. I get slightly queezy but it goes away quickly I have not experienced moodiness, my face is super clear, no break through bleeding, and no loss in sex drive or a dry vagina. Usually birth control pills give me all of the negative side effects. I am 31 and have been on this pill for 2months. So far I give it a wonderful rating compared to other birth control pills I have tried."

9 / 10
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14 Report
  • Natha...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 23, 2017

"I went on this birth control for two reasons : acne and protection from pregnancy. Have been taking it for 6 months and always have sex with my boyfriend without a condom. I haven't had a single side effect from this birth control. Never any headaches, food cravings, significant loss or weight gain, bloating. Nothing. My periods have been always regular even before taking this drug and they are still regular now. A day or two before I finish my active pills I get mild cramps, then when I'm on placebo week my period comes and is there for good 5-6 days just like my period is if I were not taking the pill. I never saw any changes in my mood, I don't feel tired and have never been pregnant. I feel like my usual self on this pill."

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • NoBab...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 30, 2015

"I have taken this pill for 4 years now, and I have loved it. My PMS has decreased significantly and my period cramps suppressed. Before the pill, those were the symptoms that affected me greatly. While on this pill my breasts are tender right before my period comes, which lasts about 3-4 days and it didn't do much to my weight. I gained a little weight, (which i wanted) but i believe that just came with age. (I'm 23 now). Oh and lastly, my acne cleared up! I suffered from acne since middle school, and it looks as if i never had a bump on my face. Lol. Well, I give this pill an A+ rating, and I'm sure you will too, & love it as much as I do."

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Pizza
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 26, 2019

"I am going on month 3 of this. I have gained 15lbs, I am moody and unstable/irrational. I honestly was about to go to a doctor to get put on depression medication until I saw these reviews, because I’ve been through my fair share of stuff and I have never felt this way in my life. I have no interest in things and I have zero energy. I’m a registered nurse and am relatively healthy but I am truly struggling to stay on top of a proper diet and exercise on this medicine. It’s crazy I go from being so nauseated I can hardly eat to binge eating enough for a family of 4. I’ve also never in my life had boobs, my husband can’t believe how big they are, but it’s not even like he’s enjoying them because they’re so sore I want to cry even when our dogs bump or hit them. I haven’t had bad skin since college (poor diet, dorm living, sleeping with make up) and guess what my skin is worse than it’s ever been before. I only have 1 week left on this and it cannot come soon enough."

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7 Report
  • xnesse
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 13, 2015

"I had to switch from the patch to this, and that was the worst mistake. This pill had so many side-effects that came very slowly for the 6 months I was on it, and acne started developing on my cheeks, my chin, and on my chest. The acne was purple and really nasty. I never had acne in my life before! My periods almost went away with this pill, which honestly was the silver lining if you want to call it that. The worst part was that I had no interest in sex at all. Zero libido. So glad that I am off this pill. It was NOT for me."

4 / 10
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10 Report
  • 25 yr...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 21, 2014

"This is my first birth control pill and have been on it going on 3months. Aside from the fact that it seems to be working well with lighter & shorter periods, there are some negatives. It gives me terrible lingering headaches; which sometimes turn into migraines. It also makes me very nauseous. I feel dizzy & squeeze at times. With this said, I take it in the evenings before I go to bed, so I'm not awake during the instant side effects. I realized I have also been a bit irritable, gained weight and I have also been feeling very overwhelmed by things! With all of this said, maybe I will consider changing over. But each one has it's new side effects. so maybe I'll stick it out."

9 / 10
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10 Report
  • Grace
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 22, 2016

"I've been taking microgestin 1.5/30 for almost 6 months and so far it is great. My main concern when starting birth control was weight gain and acne, but I was able to maintain my weight and my skin has significantly cleared up. My period arrives at the same time every time it is due which is great. Slight headaches and moodiness right before my period, although the I experience moodiness throughout the cycle. This took me a while to get used to but now I am able to control it. I do not use a condom when having sex so this is my only birth control method and so far it has worked to keep me from getting pregnant. I did take antibiotics while on this pill and it seemed to still work fine."

10 / 10
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8 Report
  • Hated...
  • January 27, 2016

"This by far was the worst experience on a pill. I rated it a 2 because I didn't get pregnant. I was not only bloated ALL of the time, but literally craved food ALL of the time. I gained 20 pounds in 8 months (went from my normal weight- 115 to 135 in the blink of an eye). I was out-eating my boyfriend who is twice my size. I won't even get into the moodiness. I was depressed for months. I would never recommend this pill to anyone, I don't see how it is still on the market. I switched back to my old pill from my teen years (I'm 32 now) which never gave me problems (Levora) and 2 weeks in, I've already lost all of the water retention and 7 pounds. The food cravings are gone also, finding that I'm having to "remember" to eat."

2 / 10
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8 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 28, 2017

"I was on Mirena after my son was born. I kept having bad side effects for over a year including getting very bad ovarian cysts. I was originally on Microgestin 1/20 and I did notice a big improvement with the cysts and how bad my cramps were during period. Then I started to get a bald spot on my scalp. Contacted Dr just to be told that it's normal and to give it a few weeks. This was like 6 months after starting pill. Dr then changed it to 1.5/30. Hair did start growing back but I couldn't wear my hair up for several weeks. I haven't gained any more weight than before starting the pill but am struggling to lose weight. I've read tons of bad reviews but for me this is 10 better than the sides effects I had from Mirena."

10 / 10
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7 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 17, 2016

"My pharmacist put me on this when i have been on GILDESS 1.5/30 (21) ORAL for almost 2 years and that was perfect but now that i'm on Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 I'm having horrible headaches, major mood swings, and depression. I absolutely hate this pill I would give it a negative rating if i could."

1 / 10
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7 Report
  • Nbiel
  • March 20, 2017

"I started taking 1.5/30 about 18 months ago. I actually have lost weight on the pill, but can be a result of other lifestyle variables. I enjoy the light period and my cramps are little to none. I have not gotten pregnant. My libido has significantly decreased which is a bummer. My blood pressure has slightly increased. I also have gingivitis which I never had before. I don't get headaches or mood swings. I would describe my mood as neutral most days. I sometimes feel light headed when I stand up from sitting and once almost passed out from one alcoholic drink. I know my review sounds mixed, but it's doing it's job: controlling birth."

8 / 10
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7 Report
  • br4117
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 20, 2015

"I have had the best experience of birth control on this pill. The usual side effects for me on birth control is weight gain, moody, no energy, and spotting. I have not experienced any of these side effects on microgestin fe 1.5/30. I cannot give it 10 stars due to that I am not as interested in having sex as I was before taking the pill, which brought me down to a normal married person's sex life really. It has actually made husband happy on that (guys don't want to have sex all the time it turns out). Note on acne- no affect. Things to consider: I am 24, I exercise, and I am a Nurse, so I am constantly on my feet."

9 / 10
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8 Report
  • JENNL...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 28, 2014

"I've been on it for two months and 5 days and it's worked great for making my period SUPER light and lessened the pain of cramps.. But I lost my appetite and hardly eat anything, I'm overly moody, I get nauseated really easily, breast tenderness that went away after awhile. It's awesome for my periods but I think this dosage is just too strong for a first timer on birth control."

4 / 10
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8 Report
  • Gummi...
  • June 14, 2016

"I've been using Microgestin 1.5/30 for a few months and it's worked really well for me. I've had terribly heavy, painful periods for 20 years - heavy enough that despite using Ultra tampons with maxi pads, I'd have to run to a bathroom every 2-3 hours. On one occasion, I ended up in the ER because I was going through super plus tampons every 20 minutes for over 3 hours. I was a little nervous to try the Microgestin but my side effects have been minimal. A little bit of spotting, a little moodiness, a little acne, but I've lost a few pounds and the bleeding is finally under control for the first time in over 20 years. I'm thrilled."

9 / 10
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  • Sarah
  • June 12, 2019

"I started taking this continuously due to horrible heavy periods that would leave me doubled over in pain and changing my tampon every 45 minutes. I spotted and bled every single day for the first SIX MONTHS on this pill. I finally just stopped taking it for a week when I started cramping and bleeding more heavily. I just let my body have a full period and then began taking it like normal and the bleeding issues stopped completely. It has helped with my acne and I have never had any noticeable anxiety or depression due to the pill. My biggest complaint is that over the course of 8 months, I have gained over 30 pounds and my diet and activity levels have actually improved since I began taking it. And it isn't just your typical bloating, I've noticed fat in places where I've never had it before in my life. I've found it incredibly hard to lose the extra weight, the only way to lose even a tiny bit is to basically starve myself for a week and then it immediately comes back."

4 / 10
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5 Report
  • ddbub...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 2, 2016

"I have been using LoEstrin FE 1.5/30 since Sept 2012. I've been on various other BC pills since 1999 and this is hands down the best I've experienced. I have zero side effects. My cycle is perfectly 28 days (to the hour), my period is short (2 days) and light (I use light absorbency tampons or a pantyliner). I cannot recall the last time I experienced cramps, and I only ever have acne in places I touch my face. I love this pill."

9 / 10
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7 Report

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