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Lutera for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 2)

Lutera has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 353 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 48% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Lutera

  • Chjgf...
  • October 7, 2014

"I've been on it for 7 months now and it has been a good experience. At first I was scared to take it due to the possible side effects, and weight gain! Only the first month I experienced mild headaches and morning sickness but I think it was my body adjusting to it. No weight gain at all which makes it great, my periods are regular always on time, and cramps got better. The only thing I noticed that I get emotional the first week of starting a new package, but it helps having a very comprehensive boyfriend other than that the pill is great! I enjoy my sex better, without stressing of getting pregnant! I'll soon be getting my 8th and 9th package."

9 / 10
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24 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 13, 2010

"I was on Lutera for 2 years until I switched 3 months ago to Aviane. I stopped taking Lutera because my pharmacy no longer carried it. I am going to find a pharmacy that does carry it. Every so often I would spot between periods on Lutera, but now that I've experienced the mood swings of Aviane, I don't mind a little spotting. I would recommend Lutera."

8 / 10
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32 Report
  • nr38
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 9, 2016

"I have been on Lutera now for 8 months and it has made a very positive difference in my life. This was my first time going on birth control, and it was originally because I had such horrible headaches and cramps, but now I have a lighter period, headaches and cramps are rare, and I don't get depressed every month. Overall, it has worked really well for me. Only downside is having to remember to take it at the same time every day...and for the first week or two I just felt a little off and had some headaches and breast tenderness. Everyone is different, but after my experience, would recommend Lutera."

8 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Tyqui...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 16, 2014

"I love it. My first 2-3 months were pretty terrible and I felt pretty sick, but I haven't had any problems since. My periods are always same day and same time as well. My face is pretty clear of acne and my breasts are definitely bigger, which is good (!) but it also keeps babies away, so it's a pro!"

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • I...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 30, 2016

"I started taking Lutera in August of 2016. I am 19 years old. My periods have become so much less of a hassle! My previously debilitating back and stomach cramps have become significantly less painful. My flow is also much lighter and tapers off much quicker. My cycle is very regular now. As far as sex drive goes, I'm not sure what everyone is saying about loss, because if anything I've gained. I can't help myself (which obviously my boyfriend is totally okay with). I'm also not experiencing any problems with lack of natural lubrication. Though, both my sex drive and lubrication situation could be due to my age compared to other ladies on this page! I've also gained 0 lbs. while on Lutera!!"

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Liz...
  • December 12, 2014

"I have been on Lutera for a few years now. I could not be happier with the results! I noticed after the first few packs my period was diminishing. After about 4 months I had no period at all: no spotting, no bleeding, no pms, no cramps, no mood swings. I took several pregnancy tests over the next few months because I was scared that I didn't get a period. But I was never pregnant! So after all this time I'm still having no period and no PMS symptoms. I have to explain everytime I go to the doctor why I can't put an answer on the question " when was the last date of your menstrual cycle?" "

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • klh
  • July 16, 2014

"This is the first birth control pill I've been on and I started taking it the same time as Lexapro (anti-anxiety). I conquered all of my anxiety problems and stopped taking it, however I have gained 10 lbs since April and my acne has been horrible. I've read a lot of reviews about Lutera and have noticed the same things. I dont have cramps or bleed near as bad, however the day before I start my period and the day after the last sugar pill I'm an absolute nightmare. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm looking for a different pill. I'm asking my doctor about it as soon as I get home."

5 / 10
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20 Report
  • Court...
  • August 2, 2016

"I've been on Lutera for around a year and I think it's a great birth control. My periods are usually pretty light, but one thing I've noticed is that I get brown discharge quite often (no I don't have STD's). My doctor told me that Lutera would be a better birth control for me because it has a lower dose of hormones than many other birth controls since I've had bad experiences with others. I've had no weight gain, and have actually lost around 40lbs since I switched from the Depo shot to Lutera. I recommend it!"

8 / 10
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  • Jamie...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 28, 2016

"I am highly surprised at all the negative reviews of this pill. It's in unfortunate that so many women have had a negative experience with this. As for me, this is by far one of the best birth control pills I have ever taken. I started taking this three months ago as a form of cycle control. I skipped the placebo pills for the last three months. Honestly, I haven't had any issues with mood swings's, in fact I felt happier which is an interesting side effect. Normally when I start a pill pack, the first three days are extremely nauseating. With this pillpack, I did not have any nausea. I also had an extremely high sex drive. Based on my experience I would recommend them to a friend. Glad I didn't Read the reviews first or else I would've turned them down. Keep an open mind everybody's body will react differently."

9 / 10
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  • Jenni...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 30, 2015

"I am 19 years old & I have been taking Lutera for about seven months now. I have had hormonal problems and have noticed that this is a great solution. The pills are small and easy to take along with my other medications. The first two months of taking it I felt pretty nauseous & my breasts were a little tender. I started having sex about five months ago & I was very nervous at first about getting pregnant, however after being on this contraception, I am confident that this is a genuinely effective pill to take. I strongly recommend!!"

9 / 10
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  • J Jones
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 7, 2015

"I'm 19 and I started taking Lutera 4 months ago. It's been working pretty well for me, but I had a horrible period, mood swings and nausea in the first month I took it. After that, my periods were light and the only side effect that stuck around was some breast tenderness and mild cramping on the first day of my period. Also, it caused my breasts to grow larger, even though I weigh the same as when I started it. It's a great birth control pill once you get past the first few weeks."

9 / 10
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  • Alybabe
  • May 9, 2014

"I have only been on it for little over a month. It's the first birth control I've been on so I was new to side effects. I finally realized my mood swings are huge. I find myself very emotional and depressed and minutes later I'm beyond happy. I do get headaches quite a bit but it can be from something totally different. I feel like I've gained a little bit of weight but I can't blame anything but myself. I don't think it's a horrible pill just affects me badly."

8 / 10
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  • BBisho
  • May 2, 2010

"I had been on Ortho-Cyclen for 5 years and had no problems with mood swings. I switched to Lutera after I had my daughter because for some reason my periods were becoming irregular. Since I have been taking Lutera I have been an emotional wreck. I can't deal with normal life situations. I can't make a simple decision like what I'm going to have for dinner because I break down crying from the pressure. My poor fiance has been having to deal with it all. I am switching to another pill."

1 / 10
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25 Report
  • Cute...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 24, 2014

"I was quiet nervous about talking this pill, because I have had such bad experience with the shot. I'm on my 11 day of taking Lutera. I started on them the first day I received my period....and I've been bleeding ever since...very heavy at that, not a very happy camper. I have never bled this long."

4 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • April 25, 2011

"I went to a different provider for my birth control, where they gave me Lutera instead of Aviane. I had been on Aviane for three years with no problems but they did not carry that brand and Lutera was its equivalent. I was on Lutera for three months and each month, during my period, I would also get an AWFUL yeast infection. After the third infection, I switched back to Aviane and did not get another yeast infection. The physician said it may have been caused by a "filler" in the Lutera pill."

1 / 10
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23 Report
  • So...
  • June 24, 2013

"I have been REALLY skeptical of birth control as a whole for several years. When my cramps got to the point of being completely debilitating, however, I decided it was time to start my first trial with birth control. Through a recommendation, I started Lutera. So far, the only side effect I've experienced is minor soreness in my breasts, and they've actually gotten significantly larger- kid you not, B to a small D. No weight gain, and less of an appetite, actually. (I'm 5'2" 110 lbs.). So far, I'm happy with the pill. Fingers crossed!"

9 / 10
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  • stargrl
  • August 29, 2011

"I started on Yaz and had to switch because of blood clots. My doctor then put me on Loestrin Fe and I got super depressed and emotional, so I was switched to Lutera. I have been on Lutera for the past year and I feel moody, but it is more controllable. Ever since I have changed to this birth control I have had a lot of infections from urinary tract infections to yeast infections to bacterial vaginosis. I have never had any of the above before this birth control. I have not changed my lifestyle at all and really believe its the birth control. I have had two friends who completely agreed with me when they were taking the birth control and I am rally surprised I did not read any reviews about this."

4 / 10
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21 Report
  • Carol...
  • September 21, 2015

"After being off BC for 8 years I finally had to get back on, Ive been on this BC for 2 months, no problems so far. I use to get severe cramps but since taking Lutera its been all better. No weight gain, no mood swings or no loss of sleep either. My skin has cleared up a bit as well, I used to break out before my time off the month and now i dont. So far so good, everybody is different, what might not work for me, wont work for others."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • ATano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 29, 2019

"I've been on this birth control Lutera for 4 months now. I don't have any complains about it! My skin is actually clearer than when I started, though my skin care routine is the same. I haven't gained any weight, had any nausea, mood swings, or depression. I'm a type 1 diabetic as well and it hasn't affected my blood sugars at all."

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Brimon
  • November 13, 2016

"I've only been on it for a month but so far no negative experience. I have been spotting here and there for about a week or so but my actual period was so short compared to how it normally is! My periods are usually 6 to 7 days long and I experience heavy bleeding but on BC, it was much lighter and lasted about 4 days. I did experience some nausea the first week but none after that. No noticeable weight gain yet so so far, it's been pretty pleasant."

8 / 10
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14 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 18, 2012

"This is my first time taking any sort of birth control and so the NP prescribed me Lutera. I guess since it's easy to take and it's a low dosage of hormones. It's been a week for me so far and I've had little to no side effects. I was a little moody the first day and the second day, but after that I felt normal. I don't feel like I need to eat often or more, and I have no nausea/dizziness or headaches. The first day I got my pills I looked online to see the reviews for Lutera, and I was shocked and a little concerned when reading all the bad reviews. I'm not anymore, because it seems like Lutera is right for me. And not one pill is right for everyone, I think girls should know that."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • March 12, 2014

"Been on it for three weeks. I'm loving it. It makes me drowsy, my appetite has changes a bit and I was a little moody but its great. I have even lost weight. My sex drive is way higher than it was before taking this pill."

8 / 10
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  • nani
  • January 9, 2014

"I've been on Lutera about a year and 3 months, and I love it. Clear skin, no weight gain but I lost some, no mood swings, no cramps, no tender breasts, no pregnancies. I had heavy 7 days periods now I have light 5 day periods which is awesome."

10 / 10
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  • Rea
  • December 20, 2019

"I just moved to the United States and now I needed new birth control and honestly I tried lutera and it worked amazing . My old birth control was the worst so I was skeptical about trying lutera but with the new birth control I had no mood swings I did not break out in fact it cleared my acne tremendously . I only need birth control to control my period and not break out and it worked amazing"

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  • Lutera...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 30, 2013

"Been on Lutera 4 months now, and it's been good! Went to Planned Parenthood bc the wait for my gyno was 2 months and I didn't want to continue risking pregnancy....newlywed here! I was worried at first bc I had terrible side effects from other bc's (Depo made my hair fall out and Seasonique made me overly emotional and gave me sharp chest pains). I take this one at 10:30pm each night. Side effects for me: my boobs are larger and sore; I was a little crampy the first few weeks; I get moody around 6:30pm each night like clockwork (I'm guessing due to the hormone levels dropping in my body?) Skin and weight stayed the same. Periods are light, short, barely any cramps. No baby. Also, I still have my HAIR! Happy so far"

9 / 10
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17 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.