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Pristiq for Depression User Reviews (Page 4)

Pristiq has an average rating of 6.9 out of 10 from a total of 743 reviews for the treatment of Depression. 59% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Pristiq

  • Sadno...
  • December 30, 2009

"I've been dealing with depression for a few years. Recently, it had gotten so bad that suicidal thoughts and social withdrawal were really concerning me. I tried to fight it naturally by taking Super B Complex, but to no avail. Within the last month and a half, I've tried Lexapro, which did not work for me. Now, Pristiq, which I must say is really helping me. I'm finally having sex again with my husband. I didn't know that it was depression that was hindering me, and having an orgasm is not a problem at all. In fact, I've become quite frisky. A lot more talkative and beginning to get together with friends again without as much anxiety. Anxiety is not completely gone yet, but it's only been two weeks. Loving it!"

7 / 10
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149 Report
  • Melissa
  • February 25, 2013

"I love this. I used to have major mood swings. I feel so much happier. I'm a recovering meth addict. I started this medicine in rehab. 6 months at 50mg and life couldn't be better. All of the anxiety and nerves, tics and repetitive thoughts I no longer have. Pristiq and AA saved my life."

9 / 10
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123 Report
  • KCWard
  • August 3, 2009

"I have been taking Pristiq for 6 months. The first two months, nothing happened. The third and fourth months were great. I was well-balanced, no longer angry all of the time. I had motivation to do things, and I felt like I finally had the ambition to do something with my life. And then Pristiq just stopped working for me. As if my body had grown immune to it. I am still taking it regularly every day, but I feel just as horrible as I felt before I started taking it. I am going to see a doctor next week to find out why it just stopped working for me. It's not fair! I read so many reviews on how it has changed people's lives and fixed their depression. I was so happy to think that I'd gotten the same result. I can't find a reliable drug."

3 / 10
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147 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Alice...
  • July 11, 2014

"Diagnosed with Cyclothymia, as severely depressed and adult ADHD. Been on Pristiq for 2 years, before that Cymbalta. Although both worked well, Pristiq has helped much more (no meds for ADHD). Had to have the dosage raised today because I must have hit a plateau and started feeling bad again. Doc says the higher dosage for six weeks should help get me back on track, and then I can take the regular dose again. For anyone that has quit these medicines cold turkey, please don't do it, can cause seizures/psychotic episodes, talk to the doctor. I'll be on these meds or something all my life, so feeling better-no complaints. I'm actually nicer on Pristiq and since I don't take anything for ADHD, I'm still very interesting too."

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107 Report
  • Gigi
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 28, 2021

"Been taking Pristiq for about a year, and I’m definitely no better. If not worse. I have a lot of symptoms that I feel are coming from this drug. I have no motivation to do anything. I have a hard time making a decision. I’m constantly tired. I am mad at the world and often find myself taking out anger on everyone around me. I have no emotions and can’t express myself. I believe it’s time to talk to my doctor about changing my meds or stop taking it altogether. I really feel like it’s changed me and not for the better. Sometimes I don’t even like myself, and I feel like a horrible person. In general, I just don’t like the way it makes me feel. I hope I can get my life back soon."

1 / 10
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48 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Tazzy
  • July 31, 2013

"After being depressed for a long time, I decided to approach my doctor after therapy alone was not working. I was suffering severe mood swings, crying every day, anxiety attacks and so on. I am now on day 6 of 50mg of Pristiq and it's amazing. I feel calm, in control, have not cried once and feel really good. Side effects have been nausea, insomnia (hope this will settle down) and decreased appetite. I was putting my family through hell and it feels like I have finally turned a corner."

10 / 10
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114 Report
  • Dev
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 20, 2018

"I have been on the generic form and so far it has made me sweat a lot but my anxiety has almost gone completely away. My depression is lessening and my concentration and mood have improved dramatically. Before taking it my boss was about to fire me, now he says I'm a pleasure to work with and my mood and quality of work have improved drastically. So far it has saved my life..."

10 / 10
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71 Report
  • Amber
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 10, 2018

"I had been on Pristiq 50mg for around 5 years. It helped me dramatically to get my life back on track. I noticed within the past year that it was not working as effectively as my body had probably adjusted to it, so my doctor upped the dosage to 100mg recently. At first, I noticed some nausea, headaches, and extreme tiredness. These side effects have now subsided after a week, and I’m starting to feel the full effects of the increased dosage. I feel absolutely amazing. I am focused at work, I am getting back into my study, I have started to lose weight again due to my appetite decreasing (I was eating way too much before due to depression), I am much more sociable and exercising again. I was also having trouble with substance abuse, and that has now also stopped. Everyone’s experience with a drug is going to be a different story, but I personally am very grateful for Pristiq."

10 / 10
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73 Report
  • dotts
  • March 3, 2014

"I have been on EVERYTHING even when it was in test study, Prozac, etc. After being on the test study for Pristiq, I begged to be put on it on a regular basis. I sleep 7-8 hours per night uninterrupted. I am high performance on my job. I have a renewed life, even including exercise. However, this medicine is a 4-tier on my Blue Cross supplemental, and it is very expensive for a 90-day supply."

10 / 10
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109 Report
  • Foste...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 25, 2023

"I have struggled with solutions for PMDD for decades. I have been on this medication for 2 years and am finally leaving a review because I truly believe that Pristiq alone has saved my life. I had run the gamut through antidepressants, birth control, diet, and exercise to treat the symptoms of PMDD to no avail. Every month going through the same cycle of anxiety, insomnia, rage outbursts, impulsive thinking, and helplessness to the point of thinking of suicide. I doctor-shopped for someone who would believe me that my hormones were doing this to me and I wanted off the rollercoaster. I felt it was a losing battle. I would be this miserable person forever. As a last resort, I took a gene test. It changed my life. Pristiq was the only medication in my 'green column.' My doctor put me on a varying dosage. I take slightly more or less depending on my symptoms. It has worked. I have my life back, or maybe for the first time. I no longer struggle with sleep, hormones, or anger. I have peace."

10 / 10
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27 Report
  • Chipp...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 18, 2015

"As they say what helps you may not help others but Pristiq for me was a lifesaver. About the 3rd day, I was feeling much better from severe depression with suicidal thoughts. After about 5 days, I was back to reality and never looked back, that was about 3 or so years ago. I take 50 mg once in the morning daily, and since I am 70 years old now, I'm staying on them and not going to try to do without them, I don't want to take a chance and end up back with the most horrible sickness I have ever experienced, clinical depression."

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95 Report
  • Dont...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 18, 2013

"I've been on Pristiq for about 2 years, started on 50mg, but after a couple of months I started feeling very moody. Doctor put it up to 100mg. Again, a few months later, the same thing happened, had it increased to 150mg. I've been on this dose for over a year. Doctor never thought I would take this dose as I am small-framed and only 55kg. I started taking it at night and found that my mind was going at a million miles an hour. Did not sleep for a week, changed to the morning which works well. As others have mentioned, if I miss a dose I get dizzy. Pristiq has helped me, saved my marriage, and my life. I am calmer, anxiety gone, mood swings gone, suicidal thoughts gone. Give it time, and if all else fails, get help. Good luck!"

10 / 10
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110 Report
  • hayley
  • March 10, 2013

"This medication is amazing! After 3 days of being extremely sick, I started to feel amazing. I am now 1 month into it and am so happy all the time and have no depressive thoughts at all. It kind of blocks out any sad thoughts. Works perfectly for me."

10 / 10
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113 Report
  • Tulsa...
  • May 9, 2014

"My Psychiatrist put me on 50mg Pristiq for compulsive, regular binge eating and anxiety/depression. The first week I was on it, my anxiety-ridden thoughts about food changed completely and I lost interest in binge eating, so I have lost a few pounds so far. I was extremely happy, with virtually no anxiety. I am now on week 2, and the anxiety is starting to creep back in and I'm not quite as happy, so I will be discussing increasing my dosage with my doctor. The loss of interest in food has persisted. Overall, I think this medication is great and I plan to stay on it."

9 / 10
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104 Report
  • Mary...
  • May 16, 2013

"After being in denial, I completely broke down with anxiety and depression. Went to my doctor and prescribed me Pristiq. After a week, I took a big turnaround for the best, so happy! Stick with it, give it a chance to work. Side effects were nausea for the first few days, stomach upset, but don't give up! I have been on Celexa in the past but takes too long to kick in... plus 40 lbs weight gain. Pristiq cuts the appetite, and you're not hungry, at least if you need a few lbs off, this is the medicine to be on!"

10 / 10
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111 Report
  • jahnj...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 24, 2014

"I was desperate for something that would get me out of the dark abyss that is anxiety and depression, and get rid of the constant thoughts of suicide. I turned to Pristiq - it was new, and made out to be a miracle. And it was. I had no side effects when I started taking it. I was able to get back to work and perform better in school. Everything seemed great. I had my life back. Until, months later, I went my first day without it. The withdrawal symptoms were crippling. Paranoia, a pounding headache, vertigo, and sweating are just a few of the symptoms I experienced in my withdrawal. The headache was so severe I could do nothing but lie down. I still take. Too difficult to quit."

6 / 10
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105 Report
  • Nguntil
  • March 19, 2024

"I was on 0.5mg Clonazepam for almost a year, and I don't need it anymore, thanks to Pristiq. I was on Zoloft, Lexapro, citalopram, Viibryd, Prozac, nortriptyline, you name it. Side effects were unbearable for me with my lupus. I finally did a gene test, and Pristiq is the only medication in the green column. I did have mild side effects, and they went away in a week. Please do the gene test, I highly recommend it. I don't want anybody to go through all these horrible side effects from antidepressant medication."

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11 Report
  • Peg
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 2, 2023

"I had been on so many different antidepressants over the years. I would have to put on higher and higher doses until I was on the maximum amount but, still severely depressed. I was in the hospital again. The doctors did a Gene-sight DNA study that compared my DNA with known antidepressants and PSY medications. It came back with a list of which medications were classified for my DNA and what my body would have the least amount of problems with and work effectively. Turns out the medications I was on in the past were in the category 'Use with Extreme Caution'. My physician changed me to Pristiq. Within a week I felt better than I had depression-wise in years and have been doing well for 6 years now. The Pristiq now has a generic pill much less expensive. Rating in regard to effectiveness +10, side effects in the instructions for use leaflet."

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • dicea...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 5, 2016

"I was started on Pristiq 50mg a year ago when my moods started to get out of control, as well as my anger. I was so angry all the time, and I felt like I was always on the verge of crying. I experienced no side effects whatsoever from the Pristiq, and felt a noticeable difference within a week. I'm not angry for no reason anymore, and I don't feel like I have to cry when I drop a spoon. This medication worked wonders for my depression, anxiety, anger and invasive thoughts. My doctor increased the dose to 100mg after I plummeted emotionally, despite the Pristiq. The increased dosage worked! I've been on 100mg for 6 months with no side effects and no complaints."

10 / 10
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84 Report
  • c2da3
  • June 15, 2015

"I take Pristiq for anxiety (first) & depression. I don't know what the true definition of 'normal' is, but this is the closest I've felt to it in quite some time. My most recent attempt at feeling 'normal' was with 8 years of Lexapro. My concentration level was on point & my anxiety level was low, but the zombie-like feel, the lack of sex drive & weight gain eventually drove me to find an alternative. After several failed attempts with various other options, I can say that Pristiq has proven to disprove most, if not all, of my concerns. Yes, I still get fiery mad at times (with good reason), but it's controllable. Yes, I still get sad/anxious, but there are tangible reasons & I am now able to pull myself out a lot sooner."

10 / 10
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94 Report
  • brookie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 29, 2022

"I would not be here without Pristiq. I've been on it for about a year now, but within the first month, I knew I had found the one. I honestly had/have no side effects, but I know from experience (from the multitude of other meds I had to try before I found this one) that meds affect everyone differently. The only downside is that when I forget to take it for 2-3 days, I get 'brain zaps,' but that's the only symptom. Anyway, I would not have fallen back in love with life if it wasn't for Pristiq. To anyone reading this, it took me months and months to find this med, I was miserable, it felt like torture to live. I wanted to give up. I was so close to giving up, but I didn't, and I found something that fit like a puzzle piece. I am so sorry that you are still searching for your puzzle piece, but please, please don't give up."

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 26, 2009

"I'm a 40-year-old female, mother of two. I'm being newly treated for depression. I've been taking Pristiq for 5 days. I noticed an incredible difference within 30 minutes of my first dosage. (I know it seems hard to believe) The heaviness between my eyes subsided, and I felt at ease. I am loving my new attitude towards all and everything. I have noticed some side effects, a sore jaw from clenching, and a lack of appetite. I can live with the sore teeth and jaw as long as that is the worst of the side effects, and a bit of weight loss would be great. I notice I'm waking up happier and bright-eyed, instead of miserable and heavy feeling. So far, I'm loving Pristiq."

9 / 10
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134 Report
  • amyc
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 2, 2014

"I have been taking 50 mg of Pristiq for about 5 weeks now, and just started taking 100 mg a couple of days ago. I am 31 years old, but have been on antidepressants for 10 years. I've tried many SSRIs (Lexapro for several years) and never felt much better at all. I remained depressed and began to try to accept that this is just what my life would be. Finally, about 2 months ago, my doctor's office began doing genetic testing which can guide them on what medicines your body will respond best to. So Pristiq it was. I think my mood has lifted somewhat. I'm really hoping it will improve even more as studies show full benefits take 6-8 weeks."

8 / 10
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103 Report
  • Alpha
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 20, 2018

"I am not sure if this is useful (and this may be just my individual experience), but I was self-medicating my anxiety and depression with illegal drugs and alcohol (abusing both) until Pristiq. My psychiatrist prescribed me 100mg, and not only did it curb my anxiety and depression, but it also removed the appetite for alcohol and drugs. It actually worked so well, I have been abstinent from both for months now. So, if you are using alcohol and drugs to medicate, a useful side effect of Pristiq is that you can get out of that abusive hole of yours."

10 / 10
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69 Report
  • Cwilli
  • September 19, 2015

"I'd been on Prozac for 5 years, and its effects had started to wane. I was severely depressed with anxiety and extreme tiredness. I was going to bed at 7 pm and had to drag myself out of bed. Everything felt completely overwhelming. I sat with the prescription for about a month. Some reviews I'd read had me terrified. It got so bad I thought there was nothing left to lose. I decided to ensure I'd never run out, and I'd take it at the same time every day. I had a migraine at the very beginning so I drank more water, and I am feeling great. The best part is increased energy. I feel like a normal person. This has been a lifesaver. Would recommend if you have debilitating fatigue."

10 / 10
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90 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.