Pristiq User Reviews & Ratings
Pristiq has an average rating of 6.8 out of 10 from a total of 956 reviews on 60% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Depression | 798 reviews for Depression | 77 medications | |
Major Depressive Disorder | 158 reviews for Major Depressive Disorder | 52 medications |
Reviews for Pristiq
- No_...
- August 18, 2020
For Depression "Picture this: I am dressed and ready to sell someone’s house, and before I can open the door and leave, I freeze. I feel impending doom. I can’t move. I cannot leave the house. So I undress with tears in my eyes, cancel my appointments, and creep into bed. Completely ashamed and disappointed in myself. This has affected so many aspects of my life. Everyone sees a happy, confident person, which triggers the depression, and denial. They don’t know the mental illness I hide. I couldn’t hide it any longer. I went on Pristiq 50mg two years ago. I would take it at night and sleep well. After 6 months I got off of it slowly, but surely it came back. This time my dose is 100mg. I was in complete denial, but I’ve been humbled and won’t take my mental health for granted. No more hiding in bed. No more fear of the mailman or someone knocking at my door. No more panic attacks. Don’t suffer. Live better and be well."
- rbc...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 16, 2020
For Depression "I never write reviews on ANYTHING online, but after being prescribed Pristiq for anxiety and reading multiple negative reviews, I thought I'd write about my positive experience with this medication. I am 31 years old and have been experiencing moderate to severe anxiety my entire life. Last summer, I began taking this medication, and I won't lie... the first 4 weeks were rough. Decreased appetite, increased anxiety, and just very spaced out. Saying this, once you get past the 4-6 week adjustment period, this medication is LIFE CHANGING. And yes, I know that this medication does not help everyone who takes it, but I encourage people to tough through the adjustment period. I honestly wish I knew about this medication earlier. And yes, there are still lows you will feel, this is life. This is not a magic pill... but completely takes the edge off. I wake up feeling great most days, I have increased motivation, little to no self-doubt, increased appetite, increased sex drive, etc... the list goes on."
Frequently asked questions
- Cra...
- February 12, 2020
For Depression "So I had to share my experience because I’ve read so many reviews of so many different drugs. I was on every possible SSRI from primary care dr. The side effects were horrible. I mean HORRIBLE. Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, Prozac... you name it, I tried it. Finally got smart and went to a psychiatrist at the advice of my therapist. Hallelujah! He put me on Pristiq, and within days I felt better. It’s been two weeks now, and he just doubled my dose. I take 25 mg at 7 pm and noticed by the next day around 2, I was getting anxious, clenching my teeth, etc. So he has upped it to 50 mg. He also gave me Ativan for when my anxiety is at full tilt. I’ve had no side effects. I just want to give people hope. You can’t go by the reviews because we all react differently to medicine, but don’t give up. See the right professional. I also did the mouth swab thing to see what medicines might be a good fit. With the $. Good luck to whoever is reading this and stay strong"
- mun...
- July 9, 2010
For Depression "Give Pristiq time. I've been on Pristiq for 3 and 1/2 weeks, and the first 2 weeks I had hot sweats, nightmares, irritability, and increased anxiety. I wanted to quit, but I resisted, and then WOW, the 3rd week I started feeling WONDERFUL! Side effects disappeared, lost 7 pounds, and have a sex drive again. As a mother of 3 little kids and working, I felt more optimistic, energetic, and enthusiastic! I love my work again, which I did a long time ago, and I am much more loving with my kids and husband and show much more affection to everyone. This is who I really am and was 5 years ago! It has made me want to exercise and play with my kids again! Don't quit early, give it TIME to work. I thank God and pray for all of you that you find peace, happiness."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Bil...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- March 10, 2020
For Depression "Pristiq 50 mg is the ONLY medication which has worked for my depression. Good sleep, good appetite, upbeat, consistently good mood. I have tried everything else and nothing worked OR I had bad experiences. This is my fifth year on Pristiq. If you’re without hope, ask your doctor. It’s been a lifesaver for me."
- Joh...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 23, 2020
For Depression "I found this drug to be extremely helpful. I haven't felt this good in years. I started with 25mg, and it took approximately 4 weeks to start noticing the benefits. My therapist recommended I take the medication after having a serious panic attack that left me anxious and worried for my own personal safety. I had never been that low before. Now, about 5 weeks in, I'm feeling great, and we decided to up my dosage to 50mg. I've had zero side effects as of yet. My advice to anyone on here who's curious about the drug is to give it a try. And give the medicine time. It takes time to fully take effect. Like I said, it was weeks on end for me. It felt like an eternity. I'm more optimistic, motivated to accomplish goals, less anxious, etc. Medications are like shoes; not every shoe is well-suited for every single person on Earth. The same could be said with regard to medication. Take care all. Feel better."
- abl...
- April 9, 2020
For Major Depressive Disorder "My doctor had me do a genetic test to see how my DNA reacted and broke down medication. Genomind was the test used. My doctor was able to see my body doesn't respond to SSRI's. My DNA synced with Pristiq. 1st day, I felt more uplifted. I do suffer from insomnia. 2nd morning, I woke up feeling refreshed, smiling. BEST PART! I STAYED ON TASK! I have a hard time with that. After taking Pristiq, I have motivation and not scatterbrained. My thoughts are in place. I wake up less stressed now because stuff is actually being done. Day 3, I was able to conquer a HUGE landscaping task that took me 6.5 hours to do. I felt healthy and my old self. I didn't feel tired. It was a huge difference. I felt good. So good I wanted to exercise. Who wants to exercise? It feels like that missing spark in my brain was reconnected and now I can function properly. I'm a little quick-tempered, it's helped me with that too! Overall, this medicine has been a Godsend."
- Mut...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 11, 2019
For Depression "Update on my experience with Pristiq, I’ve been taking 50mg for over 2 weeks now for depression and I am incredibly happy with the results. No negative thoughts or depressing thoughts, so it is working. I can honestly say if I didn’t find this drug, I would be dead in 5 years. Sad but true. I have everything anyone could ask for, but my mind tells me otherwise, so selfish considering others in this world have to deal with a hell of a lot more!"
- dpt...
- May 9, 2020
For Major Depressive Disorder "It is now 147 days since I first started taking Pristiq. I enjoy the small things. I was in Athens and I found myself enjoying the sight of the mountains in the distance and the sight of trees laden with oranges. I used to not enjoy these small things. I find it easier to stay motivated. I don’t feel listless very often anymore. I find it easier to set goals and to work towards them every day. I find it easier to control my cravings. I am still not where I would like to be but it is now much easier for sure. I lost 7 kgs simply by moderating my diet. I don’t get angry at people anymore. I am actually happy throughout the day. Happiness is a real part of my being now. I find it easy to be happy even though I don’t have a promotion, we don’t have a house, and our savings aren’t so great. My relationship with my wife has improved significantly."
- Ful...
- March 10, 2010
For Depression "I suffer from Dysthymic Depression and had been on Prozac until it stopped working, and I started having suicidal thoughts. I've been on Pristiq for 3 months, and it has changed my life for the better. I take it in the morning so I can sleep at night. I am no longer tired. I have tons of energy and have a zest for living again. I have dropped 12 lbs, and it does not affect my energy levels for running, biking, and weight training. I can focus better at work, and my sex drive has returned after being dulled for the past 7 years. My husband is thrilled. This drug has been a positive step for me."
- eca...
- June 24, 2008
For Depression "After trying several of the top ten antidepressants and never feeling exactly right - and gaining at least 30 pounds per episode - after only 2 weeks on Pristiq, I have never felt better and have energy and the desire to live and exercise."
- Elm...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 27, 2022
For Depression "I began Pristiq about 5-6 weeks ago after being on Lexapro for 2 years. While I started taking it due to my terrible anxiety, it is helpful for my depression as well. After taking a Genesite test, I learned that Lexapro doesn’t work for me, and Pristiq does. So I am on 25mg. I personally had little to no side effects. The most notable were headaches and some memory issues. The headaches are now gone, but I do notice that I struggle to remember some things from time to time. I used to have panic attacks daily, making my life miserable. Now I can live my life without having to take Benadryl to sleep off the panic. I haven’t had a panic attack in 4 weeks now. I decided to come back and give this a review because many people only talk about their negative experiences with medicine. Just remember that people who have positive experiences often forget to leave a review as they are living their happy lives. Give Pristiq a try. It may just save your life!"
- mtl...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 21, 2020
For Depression "I have been on Pristiq for 1 month and a half. The first week felt weird: I had headaches, anxiety, couldn't eat, difficulty to sleep. Then the physical side effect went away and I started to feel better but it was very subtle and slow but steady change. After 1 month and a half I can say that I feel a lot better. I have more energy, more sense of control on my life. One thing that stays is that I have to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. I have skipped a dose once and it wasn't bad, I didn't cry or feel horrible."
- but...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 27, 2019
For Depression "Don’t be too scared to try Pristiq. Give it a chance. Everyone comes here to write horror stories but for me, this really helped with my anxiety. If it works really well for people, they don't tend to return to review as they are busy enjoying their lives. It also really helped me sleep and made my sleep feel more restful. The first few days taking it, I had kind of migraine-like symptoms, very tired, but just plan accordingly and know that will almost likely pass. Any antidepressant will have an adjustment period. The only lingering side effects I have are dry eyes and mouth especially in the morning. Good luck!"
- van...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 27, 2020
For Major Depressive Disorder "Pristiq genuinely saved my life, but it shouldn't be used as a frontline treatment like many are reporting. SNRIs aren't for everybody, so if this isn't your perfect match, move along. To everybody reading reviews because they were prescribed this: try it out, and if it doesn't work, try something else. It's not the end of the world, you'll find what works for you."
- Anonymous
- February 15, 2010
For Depression "I am a 77-year-old male. My grandfather and my father suffered from depression. I have suffered from depression all of my life. I was first diagnosed with severe clinical depression around 1975. I was put on Elavil and the results were very good, I took it for about 12 years. At that time, Elavil stopped working, and my doctor put me on Nortriptyline. That seemed to stop the depression and worked for a long time. When it stopped working, my doctor put me on Paxil. Later, a psychiatrist added Wellbutrin XL. Then my psychiatrist replaced the generic Paxil with Pristiq. For the first time in 40 years, my depression has gone!"
- Ano...
- February 8, 2020
For Anxiety "I'm in love with Pristiq. I had a breakdown where I was just overstressed, and I couldn't stay awake. I slept for 3 days straight. My doctor put me on Lexapro, which made me feel annoyed. I went back and asked him for some Valium. For 2 years, I took Valium every couple of days but wanted to get off it as it's not good long term. However, I couldn't stay awake without it, and my anxiety was really peaking when I didn't have it. I was scared to try antidepressants again, but my doctor said Pristiq should work, so I tried it and fell in love with it. I've been on it for 3 years, and it has done wonders for me. I only take a 50mg dose, which has really calmed my anxiety down and dulled my flight reflex. My doctor wanted me to start coming off it, but I have no interest in doing so until my kids are big. I feel I cope so much better when I am on it. I'm so grateful to that doctor for convincing me to try it. In the beginning, I felt a bit out of it and high for about a week, the tight jaw and shaking that went away soon."
- Nik...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 13, 2020
For Depression "I'm on Pristiq 50 for 9 months. I have had no negative side effects except brain drain when missing a dose. I like it so much that I want to try a higher dose. I've been depressed for decades. I've tried most other SSRIs antidepressants with mixed results. Pristiq is for me the best of the lot. I'm very surprised to read so many reports of adverse reactions."
- Mun...
- May 25, 2021
For Depression "I have been taking generic Pristiq for several years and it has really helped. Got a refill and the bottle looked different. The pill was also different. After about 5 days, I began to get dizzy, light-headed, had problems sleeping, and felt very anxious. It was from a different manufacturer. Stopped taking it and the dizziness has stopped, been able to sleep, but have been having anxiety. I had no problems until the pharmacy got the supply from a different manufacturer."
- Jes...
- September 27, 2018
For Depression "I have been on Pristiq for 10 days. Day 1-4: Constant migraines, teeth aches, insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea, no desire to eat, eye pain, brain fog, body pain, restlessness, and anxiety. I felt like I had the flu. By Day 7, I began to notice the physical symptoms go away with such great relief at feeling normal again. My depression felt at bay. I’m glad I stuck with this medication and encourage anyone else struggling at first to wait at least a week! Every day I do something that my depressive/anxious self wouldn’t and I am proud of myself. I can converse with strangers, reply to messages right away, and get up every morning with no feeling of drowsiness and dread for what’s to come. I feel like I am finally taking control of my life. I am still having problems with my appetite and anxiety. I hope anyone else taking this with the same side effects will feel a sense of relief knowing that it will get better!"
- Jan...
- October 4, 2008
For Depression "I just started Pristiq Exrelease 50mg about 6 days ago. I am just learning more about this drug. All these comments are very helpful. I have much hope. I have anxiety issues, panic disorder, and some depression. I have also noticed decreased hunger. Please continue writing, it can make a big difference to people like me. Thank you!"
- DDa...
- October 28, 2018
For Depression "I was severely depressed for 8 months. Hospitalized for 3 weeks, suicidal. I tried Zoloft, which had worked in the past, but got no result the second time. Then at the hospital, they switched me to Cymbalta. I took the highest dose possible and got no relief. I then remembered I had good results with Pristiq in the past. So I asked my doctor to change the meds again. She wanted to add Abilify to my Cymbalta, but I asked to try Pristiq again. At first, it was hard, but after about 10 days, WOW! I finally am back to myself. I am so relieved, it was the longest and most awful 8 months of my life... I just wanted to die, and now I am back loving life, so so grateful, full of energy, exercising, cooking for myself, etc.!"
- Anonymous
- January 31, 2010
For Depression "Started with Wellbutrin 300mg - I was way too agitated. Went to Cymbalta - loved it, except for the lack of ability in the sack. Went to Celexa - worked okay, stayed on it for 3 months but never felt anything. So during the 3 months, the doctor added Wellbutrin - does not help. Celexa made me feel, no sorry it didn't make me feel anything but overall in some ways I kind of liked not feeling, but that is not life. So the doctor changed to Pristiq -- WOW, I feel alive, energetic, really great. I hope this continues. Oh yeah, no lack in the sack on this one. My real message here is that I hope each of you continues to work with your doctor and find the right medicine."
- She...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- January 5, 2021
For Major Depressive Disorder "Pristiq literally saved my life!! Diagnosed with major depression (although more so undiagnosed bipolar II), I started on a controversial 300mg daily nearly 14 years ago now. I’ve reduced to 200mg daily and will stay on it for life absolutely no side effects whatsoever. I am happy, social, productive, and successful and at complete peace within myself. I spent almost 10 years on the medication roller coaster before an amazing GP took a special interest in my case whilst co-authoring the book “Brain Fuel Depletion”. I was so lucky to be under his care, I owe him my life! Pristiq may not be for everyone but may my story inspire you to persevere and keep on trialling different meds until you find your right fit... I promise you, it’s worth it."
More about Pristiq (desvenlafaxine)
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- Drug class: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
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For Depression "I've recently come off Lexapro due to some side effects, loss of sex drive, and ejaculations without orgasms. How weird is that? Anyway, I'm now on Pristiq, and the fog has lifted. You forget how good life can be when you're in the spirals of depression. But be active in your care and keep trying different meds because one day you'll succeed. I think Pristiq is my 6th attempt at finding my happy place. For some of us, there is a family history and a very real reason we are depressed. If your brain is constantly reuptaking your feel-good hormones, then it's out of your control until you can balance that out. I wanted to write this to give some hope and to keep trying. You are important, and you deserve the best health you can achieve. Good luck and keep being brave."