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Cefdinir for Sinusitis User Reviews (Page 3)

Cefdinir has an average rating of 3.8 out of 10 from a total of 146 reviews for the treatment of Sinusitis. 22% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 59% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Cefdinir

  • Never...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 12, 2016

"I had a horrible experience on cefdinir. I was prescribed it for sinusitis, 300mg twice per day for 10 days. 2 hours after the first dose I started throwing up constantly. After about 3 hours of throwing up I was feeling weak and dizzy and was in a lot of. I went to the ER and they started IV fluids for severe dehydration. That's when the diarrhea started. Worst diarrhea of my life (I have IBS so I've had some pretty bad diarrhea.) After the fluids and Zofran and dilauted and bentyl the throwing up finally stopped. The ER doc said it was because of the cefdinir. I never took a second dose. I would've rather just let the sinusitis play itself out than deal with these side effects from cefdinir. I'll never take it again."

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  • pandalh
  • November 2, 2015

"Day 8. I have had the most severe sinus/double infection of my life and this medication has helped tremendously! I was worried it wasn't working at first but by day 5, I felt so much better!! On the down side, I have terrible headaches almost all day. I'll skip a day then the headache is back. Ibuprofen helps a little bit not much. Dizziness is terrible also. I have a little confusion and frustration at times. Its not too bad. Just the AWFUL headaches but I remember how bad my infections were before this medicine and it's worth it. Slight diarrhea but no big deal."

8 / 10
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  • L1116
  • December 14, 2015

"Terrible, terrible antibiotic. I took Z pack for my sinus infection, which usually helps but didn't this time so my doc put me on cefdinir. No problems until the 3rd day I woke up with the most terrible diarrhea I've ever had. Same the following day. It's almost 3 weeks later and I still have the diarrhea and have gone to the ER once for iv fluids to help with my dehydration. I would NOT recommend."

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Frequently asked questions

  • EFerr...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 22, 2013

"I have been taking Cefdinir for three days now. The second day taking it I felt like I was getting better but the third I felt sick again. I was diagnosed with sinusitis and an ear infection. I did not have drainage in the back of my throat until I started taking this antibiotic. I'm hoping to feel better soon and hopefully Cefdinir works."

6 / 10
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  • Elle
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 19, 2021

"I'm shocked at all of the bad reviews! I am VERY, VERY sensitive to medications, and Cefdinir was GREAT for my sinusitis & upper respiratory infection!! I took 300mg, twice a day, and always with 2 soda crackers and it worked WONDERFULLY!! No side effects! I also ate about 4oz of yogurt/daily, for a probiotic! I almost always get nausea from any medications, but not with Cefdinir! Don't be hesitant from the bad really is a great antibiotic!! Thank you~"

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • wuzar...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 26, 2013

"My doctor prescribed for sinusitis. After finishing the first round I was still having problems and called the doctor. He called in another round of the same prescription which I finished a week ago. Still having the same problem and called today. He called in Omnicef again and I am not sure if I will even pick it up. I take the full prescription as prescribed."

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  • Jersey
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 29, 2018

"My 7th day (out of 10) on cefdinir and it did not work for me. It only gave me diarrhea and made me very tired all 7 days I was on it. I slept most of the time for the past 7 days. I was given it to treat sinusitis which symptoms are the same and now I feel I have bronchitis. My lungs and chest is filled with mucus. Still coughing non stop like crazy, runny nose, post nasal drip, head aches, fatigue, chest pain, congested. Cefdinir sucks! What a waste of my time & days. Dr is going to prescribe another antibiotic. This time a 5 day course. Insurance covered the medication which I paid $5.00 co pay."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 4, 2017

Omnicef Omni-Pac (cefdinir) "I was just fine on Cefdinir for first six days (actually, remarked how this was one antibiotic that didn't wipe me out). I did take probiotics with it, along with the prednisone tables (bronchitis and sinus infection). Then on the seventh day, when I took the last two, the cramping started. OMG. I am so sick! It has been two days since I finished the dosage, and I have constant stomach ache and have trouble breathing. Gax X doesn't help the cramps much. I wish I read these reviews before I took this stuff. So, this is going to last and last and then, if it goes away, it comes back another day? That looks to be what I'm reading."

1 / 10
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  • sinus...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 19, 2017

"was prescribed cefdinir 300mg twice daily for 10 days for a sinus infection. I was having sinus headaches and mild fever prior, so at first I did not realize that the headache was from cefdinir now, and not from sinus issues. After first 5 days, severe diarrhea developed, and headaches and nausea continued. But it did seemingly clear whatever was happening in the sinuses. I am on day 6. if headaches and stomach issues don't stop, will have to stop at day 7 and see if need another antibiotic or done. It's a very rough drug, and reading all the long term possible effects is a bit scary."

4 / 10
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  • Max
  • February 5, 2016

"I suffer from multiple sinus infections every year. Three days ago I was prescribed cefdinir for the first time. It has caused unbearable nausea and diarrhea. After hearing that it has done the same for so many others, it angers me that a doctor would even consider prescribing this drug when there are other options that work better and do not have unacceptable side effects. Cefdinir is a failure in the field of medicine."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 8, 2017

"I've been taking Cefdinir for 5 days so far with no adverse reactions as mentioned in some of the comments. No diarrhea, stomach cramps, etc. However, my sinus headache and cough are worse better. I called my Dr. thinking he might want to give me a different type of antibiotic but he said to stay on the Cifdinir. It's not helping. I am miserable. :*("

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  • MichM
  • December 28, 2016

"Horrible. Given for sinus infection. Day 8 today not feeling better. Got the rash right away but tolerated it because I was so miserable from sinus infection I wanted to get better. Day 5 flu like symptoms, thought maybe I had caught the flu from son? Now don't think that was it, think it was the meds. High fever aches and pains. Have had horrible headaches throughout, assumed it was because of sinusitis now wondering if it was from meds. called doctor on day 6 and she said to keep taking it and call back if not better in another day. Now have developed cough and diarrhea. After reading these reviews wish I had read them sooner.... pretty sure all my new symptoms not related to sinus infection but to this medicine."

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  • Marine...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 6, 2017

"I was given this antibiotic for the first time just around the day before new years Eve 2017 and man I will never take this again. Like most the posts I read say it was fine for about 5 days then on the 6th day I noticed stomach cramping and severe diarrhea. I stopped on day 7 when I started realizing it is the antibiotic. In doing the research I found that this is one of those broad spectrum bacteria killers so it also kills the good bacteria and I think doctors should be more restrictive on prescribing this. Hopefully I will be back to normal in a few days if not I guess back to the ER I go."

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  • MollyZ
  • December 29, 2016

"Taking this antibiotic was fine for around 6 days, and then I was struck with intense nausea. Eventually it ended in me throwing up and unable to eat for a day. My muscles hurt and I had bad diarrhea. Also, my sinusitis was not helped AT ALL."

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  • Breaks
  • February 7, 2018

"My doctor gave me this for my sinus infection the two days ok 3 day got a blister on my lip thought it was cold sore coming on ! I finished my medicine on Sunday and I have experience constipation and then diarrhea Haven’t stopped and very bad cramp didn’t know that this medicine causes side effects I would never never never have taken it "

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  • ihate...
  • January 1, 2017

"First sinus infection at 59 yrs old. My doc is on vacation so "nurse practitioner" prescribes cefdinir, took for 5 days, stopped because side effects,cramping,diarrhea. Was given a script of amoxicillin which knocked out the sinus problem. The cefdinir effects went away a few days after I quit them, but as the warning says came back 8 weeks later with a vengeance. Has been 3 months now, my PCP referred me to Gastro but when I told them I had went to ER and had blood work and test for C-Diff 4 days before she called, I was told they could do a colonoscopy but if I had an inflamed colon there was nothing they could do but make it worse, if not inflamed they could prescribe a couple meds. Neg for c-diff, taken 3 bottles of probiotics, lost?"

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  • Steph
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 10, 2018

"This medication was prescribed for my 8 year old son and myself both having sinusitis. To make a long story short, this particular antibiotic worked/works well for my son w/o any side affects. I wish I could say the same for myself, on about the 3th to 4th day I started having diarrhea, slowly to very moderately, meaning I hit the bathroom 3 to 4 times every hour, sometimes more. I should also add that I didn't notice any difference in my sinusitis, so the medicine just gave me really bad diarrhea, so not worth it to me. This antibiotic is a great medication for kids from my stand point not so much for adults, unless you don't mind living in the bathroom."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 6, 2018

"It was prescribed for a POSSIBLE sinus infection. Knowing what I know now, I don't know why such a strong med was prescribed. I have taken things like Amoxicillin in the past with no bad side effects. In addition to seeing no change in my symptoms, by the night of day 6 of 10 that I was supposed to take the drug, I was miserable. Shaking chills, dizziness, watery diarrhea, nausea with some vomiting. I actually wished that I could have vomited more because I felt so terribly nauseated. Now, on the morning after, still feeling nausea and dealing with diarrhea. Also headache. I hope and pray that the drug totally and it's effects totally leave my body soon. I will NEVER take cefdinir again. By the way, I did take the drug as prescribed and took probiotics ."

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  • Jen...
  • July 9, 2017

"Had Sinusitis for 2 months. I was hesitant to take Cefdinir after reading all the bad reviews on here, but I finally gave in and it cleared it up in a matter of days with no side effects. Seems the most common side effects reported here are headache and diarrhea. I think many people aren't aware that Cefdinir should be taken with food, and that whenever you take any sort of antibiotic, you should follow up with a probiotic a couple of hours after each pill to re-balance your gut bacteria. These two steps are probably what kept from experiencing those side effects."

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  • Dusty...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 21, 2015

"Within 4 hours of taking the first dose of this medication my coxcyx began to itch, which was odd. About six hours after taking the first dose I had terrible, intense, painful itching that was uncontrollable throughout my groin area including vaginal and anal itching. The more I scratched the more I itched. I tried Ice, and benedryl which helped a bit so I didn't go to the hospital. In the morning the doctor changed the antibiotic and I was also given something to successfully treat for the worst yeast infection I have ever had. Several years later I had the same experience (I forgot ) and now list cefdinir as a drug allergy. I am not allergic to any of Cefdinir's relatives, or penicillin."

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  • Fancy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 22, 2019

"Within 6 hours of first dose intense itching of nostrils, face, scalp, chest, bottoms of feet, palms; pins and needles on back, inner thighs. Stopped taking it as an allergic reaction Was to start Prednisone tomorrow but at 2:45am got up to take first steroid dose hoping to thwart these horrendous side effects. I pray the intestinal effects don’t hit me like they have others. I’ll NEVER use this drug again."

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  • Ihate...
  • February 23, 2016

"I took Z Pack for full pack and still had upper respitory infection so my Dr prescribed this. I took it for 2 days and then started severe diarrhea and after taking it for 5 days I had to call 911 to get to the hospital. I was so dehydrated with diarrhea and nausea so bad I had to be hospitalized for six days! I see I'm not the only one that had these side effects."

2 / 10
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  • JAJoh...
  • December 30, 2015

"This is day 3 of taking the medication, and although my sinusitis symptoms have majorly improved, I now have severe diarrhea and a pounding headache every day. Between the two I can barely function. If it doesn't improve by tomorrow I'm going to call the Dr's and hopefully switch to something else."

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  • Vtchgo
  • March 8, 2016

"Diarrhea after day 2, i stopped after 7th day when i started vomiting, by then, sinus infection was twice as bad. & this med added, bronchial infection, sneezing, itchy eyes & nose. I feel like the Dr prescribed it to watch me like a ginnue pig. Dr office just said, well those are the side effects."

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  • julie...
  • December 31, 2015

"I saw my Dr for bad sinus infection. He prescribed cefdinir. I took the first one and within a short while was violently vomiting, sweating profusely, very weak. Called 911 to help get me off the floor into a chair to be wheeled to the car. Went to the emergency room. ER doc said nausea & vomiting due to the serious upper respiratory infection, but I see here it may have been the cefdinir. If any of the future doses make me sick, I'm going to ask for different antibiotic."

5 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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