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Sertraline for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Zoloft

Sertraline has an average rating of 8.0 out of 10 from a total of 72 reviews for the treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. 78% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Sertraline

  • NCAun...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 20, 2018

"I have been taking this medication for about 5 years this October. I suffered for years even before Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) was labeled. My family, my jobs that I had suffered because I didn't know what I was suffering from. I was prescribed 50mg. I can only take half at 25mg because it was to strong for me. I take 25mg everyday. It wasn't 3 months later when I realized that I did't have the major mood swing. I have become nicer live with since then."

10 / 10
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  • Newuser
  • February 18, 2021

"First prescribed sertaline 100mg to take 1-2wks before period. The side effects were dire - I gave up. A year later PMS got so bad, recurring migraines/depression. I agreed to 50mg every day for 3 months. Side effects were awful the 1st 3 weeks. I slept all the time. I was sick and dizzy and moody. I FELT MUCH WORSE!! BUT I read reviews/youtubed and went on. For my first period on sertraline I had no PMS symptoms. 2nd period - no symptoms. 3rd - I had fatigue but I was due a review & increased dose, 100mg. I have no PMDD mood symptoms. I was in denial for years & although recommended treatment, I refused. Now in hindsight, I do regret not sticking with treatment sooner. Work through the side effects for a 1 month and ALWAYS take with food. I would recommend taking WITH a meal, from day 1 and continue that habit. Give it a chance, it has turned my life around."

9 / 10
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  • Sande...
  • August 16, 2016

Zoloft (sertraline) "Have previously used progesterone tablets which worked fairly well however I had a break and then my gp told me to use these instead. Horrid 3 days! I could deal with the nausea and low mood as I was prepared for it, but I lost my orgasm on just 25mg and 3 tablets. Not for me!"

1 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • krist...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 28, 2021

"I realized that my mood would plummet immediately after ovulation, and only get worse until the first day of my period. I started to worry when I started having suicidal thoughts. I started taking 50mg of sertraline and by the time my next cycle came around (only about 2 weeks after starting medication) it was a night and day difference. I used to look so forward to my period starting so my mood would lift, but my first period on sertraline actually came by surprise because I didn't even realize it was time. My husband said that he has noticed a huge difference in my mood leading up to my period. I was seriously losing half the month to pmdd despair and I feel like sertraline has given me that time back. The side effects starting out weren't too bad- loss of appetite for a few days, dry mouth, more frequent urination during the night (I take it right before bed). A month later those side effects are gone."

10 / 10
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  • Naaaa
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 27, 2022

"Was prescribed 25mg for PMDD. To say this is good is an understatement. It has been life changing. I was hoping this would take the edge off my rage but what it has done has completely improved so many facets of my life. It has enabled me to function extremely well. Pros: feelings of happiness, no longer disliking my own appearance, feeling productive, eager to socialise and exercise, anxiety is pretty much nonexistent, no longer melting down over sounds (mysphonia), sleeping soundly, things feel more comfortable and less sensory overload. Cons: nausea, sweating, brain fog (all gone within a week), ongoing jaw clenching and occasional gastrointestinal poop explosions. (Its not too bad honestly) In all, sertraline has been beyond what I had even hoped for and I’m really enjoying my life and my relationships with friends and family much more."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Coolcat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 18, 2021

"Finally after suffering from increasingly worsening PMDD symptoms over the past two years (I didn’t even know PMDD was a thing until the week before I got my medication) I researched and asked for Sertraline as a last resort as I was struggling to cope. The relief was almost immediate. Two days of headaches and a few days of nausea and a dry mouth were the only side effects I noticed. My mood lifted almost straight away and although I felt a little emotionless I also felt pretty normal again, something I had not felt in a long time. Coming up to my first period on the drug and I normally get symptoms up to ten days beforehand, I have zero symptoms...maybe a coincidence and not a bad month but only time will tell but so far very impressed and I would encourage people to give it a try and not suffer in silence x"

9 / 10
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  • teresa
  • September 29, 2019

"Have been on Sertraline for 4 months now for PMDD, I have been on many other SSRI's for it as well but Sertraline has been the most helpful to date. It has reduced panic and anxiety and has helped with the feeling of irrational rage and depression that comes with PMDD. Has not taken away all symptoms but is assisting me. I take 100mg every day and when in PMDD take 125mg."

6 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Margey
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 10, 2014

"I mostly used this medication for my anxiety disorder of obsessive compulsive disorder. I also used it for PMDD. It worked wonders for my anxiety. It also lessened my PMDD symptoms of strong irritability, sadness, and anger before my period. I loved it! The only downside was that it made me very tired, even on only 50mg. I didn't have much energy to workout. This made me gain 5 pounds and I eventually got off it because I love being an active person."

9 / 10
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  • treys...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 7, 2023

"I've suffered with severe PMDD for a couple of years. I tried all holistic methods to curb my symptoms, including yoga/meditation, healthy diet, good night's sleep, vitamins, rest... nothing worked. I felt (and acted) like a monster for the week leading up to my period. It made me feel embarrassed, alone, and out of control. My angry outbursts and crying were affecting my family AND my relationships at work. I started taking sertraline intermittently beginning at day 15 of my cycle, and it has been effective. Since beginning my meds, I have had no "freak outs" (screaming, crying, withdrawing). I have had some side effects especially since I start and stop the medication every two weeks. My side effects have included sleep disturbances, fogginess, moments of anxiety, and weird little whiteheads on my face. The side effects subside after a few days, so I typically begin the meds on a Friday so I have the weekend to settle in. Definitely worth trying for PMDD!!!"

8 / 10
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  • Samela
  • July 28, 2015

"After living with horrible PMS symptoms for over 2 years, a doctor diagnosed me with PMDD. I had 3 weeks of pure hell and 1 week (my period) of feeling semi-normal. The mood swings were so intense, I felt like it wasn't me. I could feel myself getting emotional but I could not stop it. It was like I was outside looking back at myself. Extreme highs and extreme lows. I was violent and unstable. After about a month of being on the meds (25mg) I felt more normal than I had in 2 years. They really saved me. 6 months in (1pill a day) I am back to being myself. Side effects I have had: decreased sexual desire, dry mouth, some bouts of mild depression, dry mouth, nausea. I'm very happy with the medication."

10 / 10
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  • 123meds
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 26, 2021

"I was taking the pill (lucette) to help manage my PMDD - it worked but also led to weight gain and after nearly 2 years I had enough. I started on 25mg of sertraline and the side effects passed after a few days. I had some nausea, headaches and was clenching my teeth while sleeping. Those were the only negative things - it has been great otherwise - I didn't need to increase my dose 25mg daily works fine for me. I feel mentally lighter and very stable. Hope it can help others too."

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  • guppi
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 18, 2022

"I was having a lot of the same experiences as the other people on this site crying, uncontrollable anger, depression and wanting to “blow up my life”. Even the occasional suicidal thought. I had generalized anxiety and some depressive symptoms during the rest of my cycle but it was really concentrated during the few days before my period. I started taking Sertraline at a 25mg dose and I feel like a completely new person. I’m in control of my reactions now and my pms is minimal. I may start taking a higher dose right before pms starts as the anxiety and sadness at that time is still pretty high but it’s night and day compared to where it was. No side effects since the first few weeks."

10 / 10
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  • Mummy...
  • October 21, 2012

"I was taking Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride) for 10yrs to treat PMDD, postpartum depression, OCD. since I stopped this and started sertraline I realized the Prozac was weak in helping me! Sertraline's amazing! It has helped settle my major symptoms of illnesses above, I now live a normal life and everything isn't such a big deal to me anymore. I'm more rational and certainly don't turn into a monster in menstrual cycle. I'm much more calm and collected! Side effects I suffered sleepiness and irritability and dry mouth in the 1st week, that stopped. I persisted was going to stop thankfully I didn't! I have noticed as I have been on them 3 months now I have a decreased appetite, indigestion, slower digestive system which I can tolerate! Sometimes hyperactivity."

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  • hey...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 4, 2021

Zoloft (sertraline) "Started off on 25mg. Noticed physical side effects but were easy to deal with. After a week I moved up to 50mg. Anxiety spiked after I took it but I have been/am in therapy so I knew how to handle it. Did make it worse than before to the point where one night I had to try and put off a panic attack for an hour. Next night after taking it I got so suicidal. That was the last day I took it but it was still in my system. For the next 2 days I still felt it + considered crashing my car. Part of the reason I was put on this was suicidal thoughts + Zoloft made it SO much worse. Will never touch again unless it's to burn it. Almost everyone I've talked to who's been on it said it was the worst experience of their life. Congrats if you're apart of the 1% this pill actually works for. CNP told me out of 500 patients she's prescribed it to (she was biased since it worked for her) only 2-3 ended up feeling suicidal. Well she can now make that lie 3-4"

1 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 24, 2021

"I’ve struggled with PMDD for years now and I have tried everything holistically such as, acupuncture, vitamins, yoga etc, however the irritability and anger outburst were taking over and the overwhelming feeling a few days before period. Due to studying Psychology I was aware about the reduction in ALLO-GABA that was causing PMDD, after researching the life out of this medication it seemed promising. I have been taking the medication for 1 week now and the anger and irritability has gone. The first day was awful I was wiped out (drowsy), felt sick and headache so I reduced my dose to 25mg, by day 3 the side effects had reduced immensely. I have up the dose now to 50mg. So far so good!!"

9 / 10
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  • Catsg...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 28, 2016

"I've been taking it for 3 days, and I will begin CBT next week (therapy). I take 50mg for 14 days then 14 days off. I already find myself more in control of my feelings. I feel I want to get cross/angry but I am able to stop this feeling. It's sooo weird!! If I think about things that I know will make me sad, my mind snaps me back to reality, the here and now. Side effects so far include a bit tired, a little nauseous, my feet are not as tickily!, and I didn't get as much pleasure out of Aquafit today as I normally do. I was really nervous when starting this drug, but so far it's good."

8 / 10
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  • Smith
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 22, 2022

"I have been suffering from severe mood changes for the last 4 years with panic attacks and anxiety on a daily basis. A month ago I was prescribed Sertraline 25mg for the first month then 50mg ongoing after being diagnosed with PMDD and I have to say I feel like a totally different person. The moods have gone and so have the anxiety/panic attacks, I haven't had one single episode. I was like many people who avoided medication due to the stigma but I am so glad now I gave it a go."

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  • Nina
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 20, 2021

Zoloft (sertraline) "I used it to treat PMDD and it made my symptoms worse. 10mg once a day. It was horrible. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. Not even my kids. Nothing to hold on too. It made me very suicidal. Stopped after two weeks after consulting my doctor."

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  • paypay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 9, 2014

"My doctor prescribed 100mg for me when my symptoms start getting really bad before my period. I have PMDD. It's a severe form of PMS. Then 50mg throughout the rest of the month for my mild depression. Yesterday was my first day taking it, and I immediately felt effects. I was calm, kinda zoned out, which is what I wanted since I'm always on edge. The symptoms from PMDD are hurting my family and I'm really hopeful that this medicine will work."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • October 2, 2009

"I started taking Zoloft and now use the generic sertraline, for two reasons, one was for depression with both of my parents being sick and having to move out of their home and into an assisted living and the second reason was for the "flu-like" symptoms and bad moods that I would have with my monthly period. I hardly know when I will be starting my period because I don't have the cramping and mood swings as I had."

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  • momof...
  • February 4, 2020

"After my 4th c-section I chose to have a tubal ligation. Immediately after I felt nervous, anxious and just not like myself. 6 months later I started having daily panic attacks, then multiple panic attacks per day leading to social anxiety and agoraphobia. I tried celexa and it made me so fatigued. I started therapy (cbt), regular exercise and dieting. While this helped a little, I still had panic attacks and anxiety two weeks out of the month starting after my ovulation. I went on for 6 years avoiding most public places and was a prisoner to my anxiety and panic disorder. I went to a female gyno and hormone specialist. She said that while the natural treatment and cbt was all helpful, that in her studies that Zoloft was by far the most affective. I started on 12.5 mg dose, moved to 25mg after 2 weeks and then 37.5mg. I now take 25 mg first 2 weeks of my cycle and 59 the second 2 weeks and my PMDD is gone! I really wish my first dr had put me on Zoloft."

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  • GEano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 28, 2021

"It took 3-4 months for it to mildly help with hormonal mood swings, but made me emotionally numb (similar to my experience on Prozac) which is always what I want to avoid with medication. I was told to take it in the mornings, but it made me sleepy and unable to focus on work. When I switched to taking it at night, falling asleep became near impossible. I had expectations that it would stabilize my mood swings (it did; by completely numbing them) but I was also hoping to have more motivation and energy to complete work from home, which was just not the case... I stopped taking it after getting the dose lowered to 50mg. Withdrawal symptoms came on day 5 and included brain zaps, lightheadedness, agitation and mood swings. Withdrawals only lasted for around a week after that, so not too bad."

4 / 10
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  • Poppit
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 15, 2023

"It has helped me so much with my emotions especially on/ before my periods. I would cry daily over little things, anxiety attacks most days and generally became more depressed until I was out on 25mg of sertraline but now I’m on 100mg after a year and it’s the best dosage for me"

10 / 10
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  • LSA
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 27, 2021

Zoloft (sertraline) "Okay but not great, still irritated in luteal phase, gained a lot of weight on this pill, pretty sure it played a part. The most difference I noticed with the drug was my focus improved very little in the lutheal phase but not so much it was worth to continue."

4 / 10
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  • Red
  • December 20, 2020

"For the last 5 years I have been losing massive hours of rest, I have been having irregular memories that I keep seeing in repeat in my mind, I wanted to see if it was safe to use to help with catching up on sleep"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

Learn more about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder