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Oxazepam User Reviews & Ratings

Oxazepam has an average rating of 8.1 out of 10 from a total of 85 reviews on 75% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Oxazepam

  • Eddie
  • March 15, 2019

For Anxiety "Oxazepam turned me back to myself, without feeling high. However, after 8 hours, I begin to torture myself by thinking negatively about the negative comments in here and I got so scared. My anxiety without this pill is almost constant. I struggle with the notion of being on a drug and feeling better but being addicted and needing more. I am 61 years old. The anxiety has turned me from a powerfully confident guy to the Cowardly Lion. My family sees the suffering and says: just take the pill. They respect my trying to be strong, but the anxiety really takes over. So, I will try to approach it positively. My doctor says: why would you want to get off it? Just stay on it forever because nothing else has worked and you are suffering miserably. I see her point. Why would any of us take this with a goal of stopping it? Just let it do its work. Be thankful. Enjoy the freedom from the anxiety. I am talking myself into this. Does anyone see what I mean?"

8 / 10
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215 Report
  • Edward...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 7, 2013

Serax (oxazepam) for Anxiety "I have been taking Serax (oxazepam) for 30 years for anxiety/panic attacks. It works great! I started out on 10mg, then after a few years, was switched to 15mg. The past year or so, I have been having trouble sleeping, so the doctor put me on 30mg to take only at night before bed, which I do, and it works great for sleep. So, I take the 15mg when I need them for anxiety and the 30mg only at night."

10 / 10
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191 Report
  • Nadrai
  • June 10, 2015

For Anxiety "I'm 23 years old. I've been on Oxazepam for about a year or so now. I honestly can't praise this medication higher. I suffer from agoraphobia and have been ever since I can remember. It was always dismissed as being shy, but in high school, it hit me hardest. First, mild anxiety, which grew over the years, but started getting regular panic attacks while outside. It hits hard in an instant the moment there are too many people near me. But since taking this drug about half an hour before I need to leave my house, I've noticed that my crippling fear fades away and leaves me feeling, well, not exactly happy, but content. Which is the closest I've been to normal, well, ever really. This has brought me security against my anxieties."

10 / 10
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160 Report
  • winte...
  • November 10, 2014

For Anxiety "I have taken Oxazepam 10 mg, since the early 90's for Anxiety. It allows me to live my life without any side effects, calms me down, keeps my throat muscles from tightening, when confronted with, or involved in situations where anxiety attacks would increase. It allows me to live my life, without any side effects, and without having to increase the dosages throughout the day. I have taken the same dosage for years, without having to increase the mg. I have also been able to decrease the amount needed during the day. All I can say is, Thank God for this medication. I have taken it to also help me sleep. I have worked and driven my car without any problems. I wish they would make 5 mg like they used to because at night, this is a plus."

10 / 10
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152 Report
  • Wolfw...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 4, 2017

For Anxiety "Male: 21 years old, been through all the medications revolving around anxiety-based anger and behavioral issues. I used to suffer brutal panic attacks, mood swings, and couldn't stop shaking all the time. Zero motivation and constant paranoid behavior. My Oxazepam experience: In combination with CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), I'm actually able to hold a job, go outside and talk to people, get tasks done without all of the withdrawal symptoms that I experienced with diazepam - no physical painful withdrawal symptoms when stopping, unlike other benzodiazepines. I use only when needed. 15mg on nights where I can't sleep or when naturally stressful situations arise, such as funerals or money struggles. Respect it, and it will respect you."

10 / 10
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113 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • riceb...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 1, 2014

For Insomnia "I find it hard to sleep all of the time. I'll fall asleep for 1 hr then I cannot get back to sleep. 1 tablet at night is a miracle as I can sleep again. This medication also helps to control my anxiety problems. I'm not a tablet taker, but I could not sleep, so I had to hold my head high and admit I needed help."

7 / 10
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114 Report
  • Solola
  • July 31, 2014

For Anxiety "I suffered for several years during menopause with severe night sweating and all day every day at work feeling like and looking like I was bursting into flames. No amount of hormone replacement medicines made a difference. Finally, I was prescribed this medication and my life was changed like a miracle as the first time I took it, I actually slept soundly through the night making my days so much better. Only 10 mg at bedtime works for me and I don't even have to take it every day. I have no side effects whatsoever and wake refreshed whenever I use it."

10 / 10
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105 Report
  • Danie...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 23, 2017

Serax (oxazepam) for Anxiety "After 43 years of anxiety/panic disorder, Serax has helped me have a life. Doctors tried many other treatments until I ended up in ICU with my heart enzymes elevated. Then 25 years ago, a doctor started me on Serax, which finally let me have a normal life."

10 / 10
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81 Report
  • Goldie...
  • March 2, 2015

For Anxiety "Following a massive heart attack in 2013, I was prescribed this med while in the hospital to relax and to help with my insomnia. They are fabulous. The only thing I have noticed shortly after using it is that my memory is not so sharp and I am constantly looking for words. Despite this, I plan on continuing to use it as this medicine helps me greatly in the quality of life. I suffered for 15 years of non-sleep, which highly contributed to my massive heart attack at a young age of 56 with no previous symptoms nor family background. The issue is my doctors do not want to prescribe this med, and this worries me a great deal. They are essential to me living a productive life!"

10 / 10
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98 Report
  • Grass...
  • June 16, 2019

For Anxiety "I was in several inpatient mental health wards over the past 8 years, both public and private. Initially, they diagnosed me with schizophrenia and depression (then later anxiety). I think there aren't many benzodiazepines I have not tried. During inpatient treatment, I was given high doses of Lorazepam, which was somewhat difficult to cease, Lorazepam more so than Xanax! Following this, I was prescribed Diazepam for years as an outpatient. I abused it, but with little consequence! I stopped taking it abruptly and had no withdrawals. Then my psychiatrist prescribed me Oxazepam, and well, it is difficult/pointless to abuse for me personally, but excellent for managing anxiety symptoms without much sedation or amnesia. I currently take 30 mg mane daily and rarely 15 mg extra nocte. This magic pill (Alepam/Serapax) has also reduced my desire for other drugs of abuse, both medical and illicit. Thank you, Lord, for oxazepam!"

9 / 10
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54 Report
  • liv
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 11, 2020

For Anxiety "I was given oxazepam to help with panic attacks. Before I started on this drug, I was having at least one panic attack every day, and I would get them every day before work. They also help with my racing thoughts too, which is incredible. This drug slows my thoughts down, which allows me to think clearer and more rationally. This drug works a little too well. No unwanted side effects as of yet."

10 / 10
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49 Report
  • mmusick
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 18, 2013

For Anxiety "I started taking oxazepam 15 mg at bedtime as needed for anxiety in December. It has really helped me, and I have not experienced any side effects at all. It calms you down, you're able to function daily, and also get a good night's sleep."

9 / 10
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90 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 13, 2012

For Insomnia "I was prescribed this medicine for sleep-maintenance insomnia. When I first started taking it, I found that 15 mg wasn't enough since I had bad anxiety related to the stress of not being able to sleep, and I still woke up for long periods. I took 30 mg, which was effective, but I felt dopey during the day and had a headache for a few hours when I woke up. After taking it for 2 weeks, I now can take 15 mg and get a pretty good sleep with no side effects."

9 / 10
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96 Report
  • Gypsey
  • November 25, 2015

For Anxiety "I have been on oxazepam for 15 years. I was diagnosed with anxiety and PTSD. In the beginning, it really worked well. Now that I am in my 60s, I want to come off of it. My quality of life is not the same. I take only 10 mg per day. I have tapered off to one a day. I have gained about 40 lbs. I was very productive and a responsible person at one time in my life, and that's when it helped. But now I am just lifeless. Taking this medication for long periods of time is not good. And to come off of it, well, let's just say it's almost impossible for me anyway. I would say talk to your doctor about another anti-anxiety medication that is not so addictive. It's horrible to be codependent on a drug of this nature."

8 / 10
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73 Report
  • Jacki...
  • January 13, 2018

For Anxiety "I've been on so many different medications, but nothing is more effective for my anxiety than this. I can go out and am slowly gaining my confidence back. Never give up hope, everyone reacts differently to different medications. Stay strong, everyone out there, you will find your way ❤️"

10 / 10
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59 Report
  • TXHerd
  • June 6, 2008

Serax (oxazepam) for Anxiety "I have to admit when I was first prescribed this medication, I was very hesitant to take it. Like with all medications, I didn't know how this would affect me. And asking doctors and nurses, I still wasn't sure. After the first time I took it, I felt better than I have had in a long time. I was calm and very relaxed. I had a small headache that felt like a mild hangover, but that was the only side effect I had. I highly recommend this medicine."

10 / 10
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108 Report
  • Sarah
  • August 31, 2019

For Anxiety "Due to suffering fairly crippling anxiety about 12 months ago, I was prescribed oxazepam by an excellent doctor, which has definitely assisted me in returning to normal life. Initially, the dosage of oxazepam was 30 mg to take as needed on the basis of not taking more than 3 times a week, then reduced to 15 mg, and now finally I can manage to have my anxiety dissipate on 1/4 tablet, i.e., 4 mg, and would only take 1-2 times a week. For me, it's been a lifesaver knowing that I can take this as needed to function when I am about to face a stressful situation. It also has been helpful to keep the medication within reach during the day and then see if I can manage without it to help manage the anxiety over the long term, as well as using other relaxation techniques as recommended by my psychologist. No side effects noticed, no drowsiness on the lower dosages, it actually gives me clarity of thought as I'm relaxed."

10 / 10
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45 Report
  • lost...
  • January 6, 2013

For Anxiety "Started having anxiety and depression symptoms years back after going to countless doctors and trying every pill there is. A psychiatrist put me on Oxazepam 10mg twice daily as needed. Hands down the best pill for me and my problem."

9 / 10
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83 Report
  • DaveA...
  • June 21, 2013

For Insomnia "I have Tourette syndrome and get insomnia because of it (constant thoughts etc). I used to take Temazepam for 10 years but it was no longer working. I have now been on Oxazepam for about 2 years and it's remarkable. It helps me sleep no matter what I have been doing. 10mg is plenty for me, and if I have been drinking coffee, I take 20mg, have a shower, then fall asleep within a minute of my head hitting the pillow. Super great for anxiety too."

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75 Report
  • Nickn...
  • February 6, 2017

For Anxiety "Excellent for use to help prevent anxiety attacks before they get way out of hand. Having been through a rehab system 10 years ago, I am EXTREMELY cautious about taking these. What's not clear is how quickly physical dependence forms and how brutally hard the detox can be. Along with alcohol, these or any other benzos are one of the only detoxes you can die from, and the detox is brutal for lack of a better word. Having said that, for irregular use, so long as control is present without denial, these work terrific to quell an anxiety attack that's building. Just please do not ignore the dangers of even daily use for a couple of weeks or you'll be sending yourself down a hole that will redefine what you knew about anxiety and feeling bad."

9 / 10
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56 Report
  • susie...
  • August 2, 2015

Serax (oxazepam) for Anxiety "I would not use this medicine for more than a year. While it was effective, the side effects began to be more problematic than the medication was worth. Wish I would have stopped it much sooner than I did, and one must wean off, not go off cold turkey. My doctor apparently did not know this."

5 / 10
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61 Report
  • Beetle
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 2, 2020

For Insomnia "I take oxazepam 30 mg at 10:00 PM and go to bed at 11:00. I immediately fall asleep and sleep perfectly till 7 AM. I do this every three days to avoid dependence. Unfortunately, the night after taking Serax I have great difficulty getting to sleep. One good sleep every three days is OK for me."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • Phatzip
  • May 14, 2016

For Insomnia "First time I had these last night, and wow, hard hitting. I was told to take 1-2 15 mg, so I took 2, and it knocked me for 6. Don't remember falling asleep, just the fantastic feeling of waking up after 10 hours. This is the first uninterrupted sleep in 20 years, so good so far. I'm also on Valium for anti-panic attacks and Dothep for depression, lithium for bipolar. Fingers crossed it keeps working like this!!!!"

7 / 10
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51 Report
  • Hiya
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 2, 2019

For Anxiety "Absolutely worse when you hit tolerance after 4 years! As with all benzos not worth it. I see all the good reviews and think I feel sorry for these people when they don't address the underlying issues and pop a pill that is ohhh so fantastic until one day bang! It just won't work. I was prescribed these and never abused them. At my worst I was taking a massive dose just for 4 hrs sleep. Please think twice or do research. Unfortunately not much comes up about oxazepam but the withdrawals are like any other benzo and hell."

1 / 10
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37 Report
  • kefeasy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 4, 2020

For Anxiety "Was prescribed Oxazepam for mild anxiety which became worse the more I took the drug, but I was totally unaware it was the drug actually making the problems worse, I have just started to try and slowly come off the drug after 6 months and the withdrawals are horrendous! Be so very carefully people. Much love"

2 / 10
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31 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.