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Remeron for Depression User Reviews (Page 5)

Remeron has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 160 reviews for the treatment of Depression. 59% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Remeron

  • Anonymous
  • June 17, 2010

"Remeron saved my life. I was unable to take SSRIs and SNRIs - they made me horribly nauseous. It was a year before my doctor prescribed Remeron. Thank God she did. After a solid year of almost total sleep deprivation, I could finally sleep beautifully. Keeps the depression and anxiety completely in check. I regained the weight I had lost (about 20 lbs) due to the depression but have not gone over my pre-depression weight of 150 lbs - 5'7", 50 years old."

10 / 10
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56 Report
  • Sando...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 7, 2018

"Remeron 15 mg worked so well for me! Stick with it - it takes a few weeks but it works. The only reason I can't give it a 10 is because I'm hungry all the time and have no libido. Thank you God for helping me get through this time and for this medication"

9 / 10
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30 Report
  • Andy
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 13, 2022

"Dangerous drug caused me spasms, heart racing,no sleep and it’s near impossible to come off. Severe anxiety, anger, shivers, suicidal thoughts. Stay clear it may work in the short term but long term dangerous should be illegal"

1 / 10
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15 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Jml
  • November 12, 2016

"I was prescribed this medication for insomnia and depression. It worked great for the insomnia the first six months but then it no longer worked. I'm too sensitive to ssris medication so I thought this would be a great match until it stopped working. Also makes you perpetually hungry and prone to gain weight"

5 / 10
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33 Report
  • Craig...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 14, 2017

"I've been on Effexor for several years and suffered severe sexual effects, so I went to the doc and he started me on Remeron. For the last three years, I've been training cardio 5-6 times a week, had lost 10 kg, and felt quite proud of my body. Now, at just over three months on Remeron, I started feeling my clothes getting tighter, am feeling fat, bloated, and lethargic. I can't train with the intensity I am used to and just want to go to bed earlier and earlier. I weighed myself the other day and, to my horror, found I'd put on 11 kg. I don't feel I've been eating much more than I used to. Of course, the realization that I've lost everything I've worked for in recent years has made me feel pretty bad, and I'm not sure I want to continue."

5 / 10
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30 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Broken
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 28, 2021

"Personality changes; anger, anger, anger. Destroyed relationship. Docs didn't care as long as physiological effects were OK. They don't care if you destroy your relationships due to the vicious psychological effects. If you love someone do not take this drug. You will become mean spirited and uncaring."

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 18, 2012

"I'm in the Marine Corps, and I've been on Remeron for a little over a month now for anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and I gained 15 lbs. I get about 8 hrs of sleep a night. But, if you have a job that requires you to be a certain weight, I would advise you to ask the doctor for something else. I quit taking it because of that and literally cannot sleep again because I have to 'weigh in' soon. Now I'm back to not sleeping, and I literally have not eaten for 3 days just so I can make the right weight. Wish me luck!"

10 / 10
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45 Report
  • JakeL...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 27, 2019

"Been using 15mg Remeron for several years now with required effect. Gained 8-10 kg first year but slowly getting rid of the weight now. Taking Remeron before bedtime and in the morning Atarax - this combo has really helped me!"

8 / 10
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22 Report
  • Missy
  • June 17, 2018

"I went from a size 4 to a size 10 in a matter of weeks. I couldn't wear my wedding rings or my clothes. It was totally water retention. One of my colleagues noticed how puffy I looked. So I confronted my doctor. "What is making me look l like a Macy's Thanksgiving parade balloon?" He looked sheepish and said, "That would be the Remeron." I demanded to be taken off the drug, and I could literally feel myself losing the water weight. Never again."

2 / 10
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26 Report
  • enayl...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 10, 2019

"Works wonders for my depression symptoms associated with Complex PTSD. Helps me sleep better. Haven't gained any weight. I did have to combine it with a different antidepressant to help my anxiety symptoms. The first week or so I was a bit groggy waking up, but that side effect passed. After a couple weeks at 15mg, my doc had me go up to 30mg a night for a little while and I got **bad** memory issues that resolved almost immediately after I was reduced back down to 15mg. So now no side effects. Just better mood and sleep. Would recommend."

9 / 10
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24 Report
  • bsansby
  • April 1, 2010

"Remeron at low doses worked beautifully for my insomnia. At high doses (I was on 90 mg at one point for depression), it was useless for me. As my doctor once put it, 'For depression, Remeron is not a heavy lifter.' But for insomnia, it was a Godsend. The only problem came when I tried to wean myself off of it. I had little trouble until I got down to a quarter pill (0.375 mg). I got terrible rebound insomnia and eventually had to go back on. It also made me gain 14 pounds."

2 / 10
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45 Report
  • Tenat...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 8, 2018

"I tried various antidepressants for years including therapy and Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). I also took clonazepan for anxiety. For about two years I was a mess, extremely tired, very anxious and miserable. Thoughts of suicide very frequent. My psychiatrist told me to get a second opinion. Very hard to do when you feel awful, but keep on trying hoping there will be a better cocktail around the corner. I now take zoloft 100 mg in the morning and remeron 30 mg before bed time (clonazepan very seldom) it makes me very tired and I feel strange although there were a few times that it really helped. Zoloft and remeron did it for me. I sleep great and feel much better. Keep alcohol at a minimum. Best of luck........"

8 / 10
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23 Report
  • ShanLM
  • April 28, 2009

"This medicine makes me sleep too much. It's great for insomnia, but I do not need ten hours of sleep a night. That just makes me more depressed. Then I have some body zaps, and I have another medical condition that it affects. I may stop taking it. I think it has increased my appetite just a bit. I ate five pieces of toast one night and four the next morning."

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46 Report
  • seren...
  • July 13, 2011

"I have been on every SSRI out there, and they do nothing for me. I was on Remeron about 5 years ago and noticed a significant lift in my depression and felt as I did before I suffered from depression. It also allowed me to get the sleep I struggle so hard to get every night. After a layoff with no insurance, I came off Remeron. I recently have suffered from major depressive disorder and was put on what was supposed to be the best of the best, Lexapro. After a year, I still saw no difference except for the lack of sex and asked my psychiatrist to switch me to Remeron. He was surprised but did so with no objection, and I'm currently tapering off the Lexapro, and only two weeks into it, I am beginning to feel much better already."

8 / 10
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39 Report
  • James
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 22, 2019

"Took 15mg at night with 100mg sertraline 2 years ago. Worked but I gained loads of weight and slept for hours. On Sertraline again now been on for 2 weeks. Not sure whether to try it again with the mirtazapine as I’m losing weight..."

4 / 10
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19 Report
  • beccabb
  • December 25, 2011

"I started this medicine 7 days ago. I have anxiety and depression. I taken Prozac for almost 11 years and I really couldn't tell any difference this past year. So now I'm trying different medicines that might help me. So I have tried Celexa, Effexor and now Remeron. The first day was okay I felt really relaxed and hungry. Then after the 2nd day I started feeling really weird like my heart is jumping in my body moves with it also my dreams are very weird they are about me dreaming. It really scared me, so I quit taking it. "

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37 Report
  • giais...
  • November 5, 2010

"I started to take Remeron 2 months ago. I've been taking Cymbalta for 3 years, and now with Remeron, I feel fantastic. I mean, I've gained weight... I used to be really thin, none of my clothes fit me now, but I guess to me it is a little price to pay for feeling like I do now (I've been dealing with severe depression for over 10 years). Cymbalta did good to me, and now that I'm taking both, I feel like I can take over the world."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 21, 2012

"My doctor had me try this after several other current anti-depressants failed. It gave me bad nightmares every night for the three weeks I tried it. The last night I took it, my dog (who sleeps with me) was frantically licking my face to wake me out of my nightmare. That was enough. I then went to an old medicine, imipramine, that has proved effective in controlling my depression and anxiety."

2 / 10
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35 Report
  • Igor
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 8, 2020

"I've been taking Remeron for a few months now, for moderate-to-severe anxiety and mild-to-moderate depression. The only side effect has been that I gained a lot of weight (about 8kg). It helped a little in the beginning, as I was taking 15mg/day. Made no more difference when I increased to 30mg, so I went back to 15mg recently and am planning to stop it (though my psychiatrist does not entirely agree). More recently I started taking Lyrica, which is helping a lot more."

4 / 10
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16 Report
  • Littl...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 5, 2021

"I suddenly lost a ton of weight and couldn’t eat. After testing it was found I had gastroparesis. I can eat almost like a normal person now, though I still have to be mindful of digestion rates. I don’t feel like I got hit by a truck when I wake up anymore. I started at 7.5, but taking 15mg for the past 6 months. I can over eat with it too, which can cause problems. It also helps me sleep. It has brought back a quality of life I didn’t think I’d have again. More people should know about remeron for Gp"

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 12, 2011

"Remeron was amazing for my depression. I felt amazing. I had so much energy, I was sleeping, I was happy, and I felt great. Until I noticed the weight gain. I gained 25 pounds in 4 months. I just couldn't control my eating. I am so upset that I had to stop taking it. I'm back to trying to find a medicine that will help me."

6 / 10
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34 Report
  • lisa
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 25, 2022

"Remeron helped me sleep right away and I took 15mg for 6 months. I decided to lower it to 7.5mg because I suspected it was causing high blood pressure. I put on 20 pounds while taking this medication, but I also take lithium and losartan and they can also cause weight gain. I was on 7.5mg for 4 months, and still slept well and had no major side effects. Then I noticed my sex drive was less and I could not reach orgasm. When I complained about that to my psychiatrist she offered a switch to trazadone. I decided not to switch, but rather to end my use on anti depressants. I feel the lithium I take is enough to keep me from being manic and losing sleep. I tapered to 3.75mg for 5 days and then quit. I felt tired and had a dull headache for that week. Then, 7 days after stopping all the Remeron, I had an awful night. I sweat, I was nauseas, and I felt unwell. The strangest symptom of withdrawal was/is the vibrating in my ear drums. It s already easing up after a couple days."

6 / 10
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9 Report
  • Getting...
  • April 21, 2011

"This medicine is helping me- I feel better in general. I have taken it for 2 weeks and gained 10 lbs. All I think about is my next meal and then snacks. It is crazy, I can't help but eat, eat, eat. I have called my doctor to see about switching me to something else. I can't continue gaining weight like this. I may have to find some diet pills to offset the cravings. If you are depressed and underweight, this is the pill for you."

8 / 10
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31 Report
  • cano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 18, 2018

"For the first week everything ran smoothly, I fell asleep within an hour of taking the medication and I had some vivid dreams (which I didn't mind, they were quite amusing). Then the second week came and I had suicidal thoughts, I stuck with it though because I though hey maybe it will get easier and I am notorious for not trying anti-depressants for long enough. After a while I noticed I was gaining weight, and after about 5kgs in a month I can't take it anymore. Weight was already an issue and I am restricting and bingeing constantly so I can never get a moment where I am not thinking about food. Overall taking this is doing nothing for me and I feel it is ok if you can deal with the weight issue."

3 / 10
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17 Report
  • JrZXC
  • December 2, 2018

"I have tried Remeron in the past (15 years ago). It was very effective for me especially for anxiety and sleep but not for depression. I was also misdiagnosed in the past. Today, I take other meds which control my mood disorder plus I have symptoms of adult ADD which makes it difficult for me to stay focused or organized. I've been trying to finish college for the last four years but always quit or skipped semesters due to lack of focus and organization. Next time I see my doctor I will ask for Remeron ,but I'm afraid of weight gain. I guess I'll have to switch to other mood stabilizing moods that are considered weight neutral. I hope it works out this time."

8 / 10
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16 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.