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Monistat for Vaginal Yeast Infection User Reviews (Page 3)

Monistat has an average rating of 2.4 out of 10 from a total of 436 reviews for the treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection. 8% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 78% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Monistat

  • Firea...
  • August 27, 2019

"Experiencing some itching and burning that got progressively worse so I go to the Dr and get a YI diagnosis and decide to use OTC Monistat 3. WORST DECISION EVER!!!! “Mild burning” equates to it would be more comfortable to take your whohaa on a magical journey to the sun, being carried by fire ants and bees, and then return to the fiery gates of Hell "

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  • Winni...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 19, 2021

"Oh my god it’s like hot fiber glass and fire ants scratching up my whoha. The doctor visit can’t come fast enough. I’m contemplating going to the ER. Is there anything that can be done to soothe this itchy prickly fire? Can practically see my delicate layers melting away. HELP!!! Seriously can we sue these people!"

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  • Littl...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 11, 2021

"I decided to go with the Monistat 1 because I didn’t want to do a 3 or 7 day treatment. It’s 8:13 am and I'm lying in bed crying in severe pain, itching like crazy and sleepy because my meds (unrelated to a YI) have been wanting to knock me out since hours ago. But I can’t sleep!! This is the worst vaginal pain I’ve had and I’ve birthed 3 children. I can stop squirming either, this is way worse than the freaking yeast infection. I’m going to have to get an ice pack to soothe my vagina, horrible treatment. I wish they offered a pill OTC that could cure a simple YI because this is ridiculous, pure torture is what it is.."

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Frequently asked questions

  • this...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 9, 2020

"I used monistat for the first time today and it was okay at first. Then when I went to sleep and woke up with the cream all over my pad and on the inside of my vagina lips. I was woken up by the burning of my vagina and ran to the bathroom to get it off and tried to get most of it out. This is very painful and I wouldn’t recommend buying this"

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  • Candy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 30, 2020

"OMG!!! So before I used this Monistat cream I inserted plain natural low fat yogurt into my vagina once a day, I didn’t like the mess it made and how often it would leak out of my vagina. I decided to purchase the Monistat cream this morning at around 9. I took a shower & then I inserted the Monistat cream, I’m thinking to myself “Ok maybe I won’t burn this time” literally 10 seconds later the most intense burning sensation eeevvverrrrrrr. The itching is so intense as well I tried to lay down to take a nap it’s just so uncomfortable I literally sit with my legs crossed "

3 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Lala
  • July 10, 2019

"Do not use this! I think they changed their formula this year or something. It felt like fire ants and gasoline and acid was thrown in my vagina. It’s raw and swollen and just awful. It’s hard enough dealing with a freaking yeast infection, then here comes this terrible medicine to make your life worse. Shame on you Monistat"

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  • Innessa
  • January 25, 2021

"First time with a YI. Decided to try and treat it quickly OTC instead of going to the doctor and paying more. Used the Monistat 1 combination pack with the Ovule and itch relief cream. Immediately after inserting it, and using the cream, I felt intense burning inside and outside of my vagina. I toughed it out for an hour before getting in the bath and trying to remove as much of the cream from inside as I could. Currently laying in my bed with an ice pack up agains my cooter to try and make the burning go away. Definitely do not recommend and not worth the money spent. Unfortunately if ur reading this it’s most likely too late and you’ve already bought and used this product, so good luck"

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More FAQ

  • I...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 27, 2017

"Basically, I can't decide whether I hate myself more for not reading these reviews before I inserted the devil's tears of laughter into the most sensitive part of my body... or because I am currently in a fetal position in tears and extremely nauseous because of the pain, and I haven't called 911 yet. I have a very high pain tolerance, and I have tattoos covering the most sensitive parts of my body, but nothing has ever felt like this. My stomach is convulsing, and I have to keep reminding myself to breathe. I would rather give birth to 34 children the size of small livestock. (IF this is even a possibility after this bloody thing kills everything living inside of me.) What's good, Monistat? Where you at?"

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  • Mmano
  • November 23, 2019

"I figured I’d try to self treat my YI to save some coin...but looking back I’d pay anything to never feel that burn again. I picked up the three day treatment. I put the cream up the ja ja and applied the external cream as directed. I felt instant relief. It was amazing, I was finally able to get a good night sleep...FALSE. I woke up at a lovely 3 o’clock am experiencing pure fire. I quietly walked to the bathroom. I tried to investigate what went horribly wrong. Redness. Swelling. Cream everywhere. The sensation can only be described as sitting on a cactus filled with battery acid. I panicked trying to get the cream out but it was too late. The damaged had been done. I took the rest of the day to recover figuring I’d purchase the 7 day treatment because of the lower dosage. That was my plan. I’m brilliant right? FALSE. As predicted, this was another horrible idea. The OBGYN was called."

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  • csxo
  • June 3, 2021

"DO NOT BUY!! It was my first time getting a YI, I went online to see if I could find a product that would help me & I decided to go with Monistat 3, BIG MISTAKE! Day 1 wasn’t so bad I had trouble sleeping, the burning & itching was mildly intense I took it like a champ. Now on day 2 I applied the product around 10:30pm, it’s now 1:30am & I can not sleep for anything My coochie meow meow is on fire it is burning and itching so intensely. I’m bouncing off the walls! My kitty is about to fall off me. It feels like I put 10 ghost peppers, 10 bottles of Tapatio and 300 jalapeños up there!! It is literally the opening of a volcano!!! I can not stand the pain I have work tomorrow and I'm honestly considering going to the urgent care! I wish I would have read these comments sooner, it would have saved me from this pain. I AM SUFFERING. THE WORST PAIN I'VE EVER BEEN IN!!"

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  • Krist...
  • March 8, 2017

"I bought the Monistat 7 since I am pregnant and my doctor recommended it for my yeast infection. I have the plastic applicators, and I took a bath and applied the cream inside with the applicator. I am currently squirming around as I'm writing this. I don't understand why it feels like this. I'm trying to stick it out in hopes that it is killing the infection, but I seriously want to scrape it all out. It is burning... not too painful, but enough to drive me INSANE. I mean, I cannot stay in one position for more than 10 seconds. It's like an itch that can't be scratched way up in there. It's literally torturing me. My advice is to try something else."

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  • Jmarie
  • December 22, 2020

"Lord help me! I had some itching down there for a couple days with irritation after being on antibiotics. Wish I took a probiotic with it. Took monistat 1 instead of the 3 day that I have tried before. It's now the next morning and I've been up all night! For a few hours after inserting it it swelled up and the burn was unbearable. It subsided slightly overnight but it's still so so bad- feels like lemon juice to an open wound down there all over! My poor pootang! I almost wanna go to the doctor I'm scared! I currently have a frozen burrito on it lol. Only little relief I got is with an ice pack."

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  • Anonymous
  • July 25, 2009

"This is my first time using Monistat 3, and it works GREAT and FAST. The first night I used it, I was experiencing itching and overall irritation, and the next morning I had very, very minor irritation and no itching, as if the infection cleared overnight. I would definitely use this again! It works wonders."

10 / 10
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  • Welllll
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 2, 2019

"So I’m so happy to hear I’m not the only one that had burning. This was the first time I used Monistat and holy moly. I told my fiancé I wanted my vagina OFF. It was the most pain I’ve ever had In that area (and I’m a mom). Definitely burned for a couple of hours butttt after that it felt so much better. I don’t think I’d ever buy this again because honestly, that burn is definitely not worth it."

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  • Shay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 28, 2019

"Same as most on here. 3am laying in bed reading reviews debating on whether or not I should go wash this medicine out. The burning and itching is so much worse than it was before I inserted cream. Day 1 of the 3 day process, don't think I'll be using anymore. Scared now after reading about chemical burns."

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  • Cstal
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 19, 2019

"The reaction to the Monistat was much, much, much, much, much worse than the yeast infection symptoms to the point I dreaded time to use the product each night. It’s like injecting liquid yeast infection into your vagina! The directions say to apply some onto the outside if you have itching but it seems like a cruel joke. It will only make it itch worse. So much regret. Itching, burning and stomach cramping. Lesson learned, I won’t make this mistake again."

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  • Yoyot...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 29, 2019

"Oh man. The monistat 7 is killer. Literally dying over here. My lady parts are screaming. Alicia Keyes wrote “this girl is on fire” about her vagina after using this cream. -1/10 Would not wish this on my worst enemy."

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  • Vic
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 14, 2019

"DO NOT BUY THIS. I last used monistat for a yeast infection a couple years ago with no issues. Used it last night and woke up this morning with itching and burning 100x worse than before I used it. Sat on an ice pack for an hour, now I'm in the bath trying to flush it out. I will never buy this product again. Will be calling my doctor's office tomorrow when they open to have someone look at my poor vagina to make sure it's not chemically burned."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 25, 2019

"I’ve had a yeast infection for about a month now, called my gyno, got prescription diflucan and thought all was right. I was wrong. After the itching and irritation came back, I decided for a one night treatment of Monistat suppository. When I woke up, let me tell you, I was in agony. My vagina has swelled to be about twice it’s normal size and now my further nether regions were on fire too. I called my doctor right away, she got me in on her lunch break and told me to never, ever use monistat because there is a chemical irritant in it, causing you to become more itchy and swollen. Not only did monistat make it worse, I now had chemical burns on my anus, butt crack, and butt cheeks (where the cream leaked to while sleeping). I will NEVER use this product ever again, and I advise anyone who thinks they have a yeast infection to NOT self diagnose and just call your doctor or go to an urgent care."

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  • Itsyo...
  • February 7, 2020

"I never experienced this before with monistat in the past but my special place is burning and itching so bad. I want to take a bristle brush and just scratch the skin off my my labias. It itches more than it burns "in my case," but I'm only a hour in writing this. Who is to say how it will feel in 3 hours or more. "

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  • Kelly
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 4, 2020

"I used monistat 1, 1 day treatment. Just from the reviews I was expecting an uneasy night. But to my surprise no burning as most people experienced. I put it in, put on a pad, and laid down. It’s the next morning and still no burning sensation."

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  • CarAc...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 21, 2019

"On Monday, I was hit by a car. I got a concussion. I didn't cry. On Wednesday, I got monistat to treat my yeast infection. The itching and burning was so incredibly intense, I panicked, cried, and rinsed as much of it out as I could. I would rather get hit by the car again than continue to use monistat. Please please PLEASE if you have any other options, DO NOT use monistat. Also, did you know you can get one (1) fluconazole pill for $4 and it will get rid of your yeast infection??? You have to get a prescription but if your insurance covers a hospital visit, it's so so so much better than anything monistat has to offer. Please don't use monistat if you can avoid it. Full disclosure, I have no idea whether or not monistat would have gotten rid of my yeast infection because I couldn't stand the pain long enough to find out!"

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  • Anonymous
  • February 18, 2020

"I wish I would have read these comments before trying monistat. I used the 3-day and I am extremely uncomfortable right now. Cookie is on fire. I should have just used the external cream until I could go to urgent care or my OBgyn. That internal cream is the awful; will never purchase again now that I know 1 pill would have had me cured."

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  • hmm
  • August 2, 2019

"This stuff BURNS like crazy. BUT it helps. My yeast infection was horrible, the itching was unbearable. I’ve used monistat before and the first time there was only mild burning and itching after inserting the cream. I think they must’ve changed the formula, because this time it was like being lit on fire. My entire vagina feels like it is engulfed in flames and I cannot control the spasms of my body as I claw the bed hoping for some relief. I’m on my third night of the 3-day monistat. The first time did not burn like this. Each day the burning intensity got worse after insertion, but I believe that it’s helping. The second day the symptoms of my yeast infection were way less noticeable and I’m hoping tomorrow it’ll feel even better. The pain lasted about 30 minutes. If you can tough it out, it can provide relief later on. Squeeze a pillow between your legs. Grind your hips if you need to, that’s what I’ve found helped a lot to manage the pain. Once it stops, you don’t even feel it."

6 / 10
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  • Yaya
  • January 6, 2021

"Holy Hoohah, my cooch is on fire! I applied it for the first time and it feels like someone put a carolina reaper on my poor coochie. I am not even thirty minutes in yet. I’ll update if it gets worse but - do not buy unless you can stand getting habaneros in your hoohah."

4 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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